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“vi em nrg sc aa ea ota a aus gen by te author fle ployed in Tring Dion a Sel lene tonne Berl Waathsop 67 SI, n We Hun, tet 1978 eo TF The aimay sm ofthe tok sopra the bs ys feo engig sina {he spa and mon sepomard of rabwenata thes It» on Woh nga como urdestning tte By that Te ee on Nope to ape xe 1 Hou save af a9 iodcON to sh eit and conan mst Pcie oe Salta ann course They sna erfore eo ert to yan Chapters 5 trun Bare more sein describing te theory an prac of wl tpecon of section 813 wpe 205, bette eran ona more tor ren ‘See Gupte Te author hove tat thal ae st wal woot tthe ‘ary publane ang, at nt, exoslant SPE tmoyah tassel Text ‘rays: by Rober vlauser Jl, mwten a know amumed much of ‘ovr the ject of nme, neamsreble diglcenart. The meagre 3 hat ‘hoe a on epucorrt toy tof cley and Cone Cryo ss "ete aden, to vsnunt for tw mane wh he Yad rao ‘tng the ps inp he grton overage ra alton perme {Side the andl te ee eer ‘he most note amssan, among the sets core. the ck of ny sr seuoion onthe complestiss ot hytocrbon phase banvou Tisha aaa bon aig tretrence8 bow #2 which 5 eqsetyetred to toughow th ert ‘howd te oneal scion has ben ms tat the naa shold ado te ‘Sra etn vn pea aye ec aig ane "at due dv Dy io, Ta acre an ‘utet frm nay oer st of uns Tse of Dayan ad gy on The shar wis to exes i thnks 10 SIF or so renly granting parison to ‘etn pin et god ton wih EE Karman Shr ei Jr rh US en on ‘the Hise. My tae ir tac! stones te so due tte oarnny mar a SEDC ieanmaje Sel Export an Prost Labaatoon| n Rieti Rol Soffer HL van Gomsear, J Dumor, an Lookren ana A Whee 10 SH, Cvsart (0. Oma or he dete ste fe cocing ee ‘ars para of seal mon dei tM Wiel Expo, Reece) ‘enh nd putry to Vera A Kuipers Seth for her anus hard wrk we 3. WATERIAL BALANCE APPLIED TO OIL RESERVOIRS “THE BASIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION FOR RADIAL Flowin's ponous meDIUM WELL INFLOW EQUATIONS FOR STABILIZED FLOW ‘THE CONSTANT TERMINAL RATE SOLUTION OF THE ‘How To OMLWELL TESTING REAL GAS FLOM: GAS WELL TESTING ‘SuBsECT INDEX exereases cary eave oe 2 atin tr tr tn Drm a SOME BASIC CONCEPTS I RESERVOIR ENGINEERING the rot Pinry recovery decrise ivgecal ca conn the 01 volt Sat leewot) hay st Sa = the somata ite onan expe a + ‘etre which con be ocupe by Huo Sia te pod VTS) texoraleo tur! pane wi anda ote Hw teh g oun hen caer = -a1or) na freourein he remy of the ress Ia partcy normal ene ae roe ty phen be ele | Py , 2 ow 0 In tien plo, ne water patie gant, depengent on he ceil ear Potion wy sn forge water har thats 535 pie breif the eae nse ther ha un phe aa ‘ht fe yarrbon bein sed (By aoemrre io ne teoertte cho: on ince in tenor of ane dope Fare cn tein ton ng forts apt of Oral Ae opp etc coe fs dom ‘ve solos! textbook of Chipman prondes» cmpreaive deerpton ot So te only hyioniae press hae tan coded Hydoetbon prem (2), = 04s oun (Bl, - oxen 2) - ooerun ‘formant to an tn sin 13g At he oiler contact. at 800 th per in i and ster ma Be ‘erm ing 18h rounds a tenet a | Pe = 0450415 Ign) on m_yp _a0 & le ssmas 3 noma arose posure rine. Therefor, sh late po + py = ABKSHO0 +15 = 2690 (pid sce py = 2480 pi ot D = SH00 fhe ortnt can be enue oe pe = 0260+ 555 iia ne [A the ual conat $200 the rue in oth Mas mut be nln can te cette, sun wa (18, tbe 2505 pol, The equ of tei resus ine 0080+ 1988 ees) oo 2's an belted 2369p. The rere neocon ‘hat tte Top of te nrctre te gun reste exces The ral yest Corer ection wal shown in fi 12 hich peta the ee a X20, ong rum wl Theo wa conn, nowa il DOE eh ‘itis dita” or ten formation ox" nach he reread tere Ssiant ter xan Chote 2 Together she pes rate nb dre gaet wenn initia ere ‘Sai gration O38 pi, whch oe sutcnt o secythealprarlie ror heron “i iret ey ae 3008 Sys mpettan of 1 or by soreing te equation of the aerated pa = 0450498 on) sling simultane with ea. 18 ore eonation at p= Py at Sm norma ieee tote cacti nace ees the al extent ‘ts nse Pyare rou ine eg (8), tobe sxuaely lined {te weinty of te hyactbon suman, lepers of whee he ese Sieh tt se opt i th et fw le le inane al rare unt the Frataesibre in olce wih in fn att nce a of STD am at rma Tht he rant th eso 08 pt From tam stan rn py = 000041969 oi) ost Alen ns te et pn wh a awn abd in i S180 "(GBT gw down 0), than ene phys aan why a elu oe py = 380+ 59 ton sing ti siultanauty with eau 17, or te candi tat 99 = Ba ‘et pret on ar cont IOPOWE! tnd ooreranas 1 te rs ‘en for 490 #10900C S80), otra, sume any aan betwen ‘felis Ale shownin iy ithe ata allem om F913. test tere siento clu, orm, down bich eas be eepes? then pling th ling of am exertion wl es attr, ot says ex Been ho i oo oe ct De wa ‘iw in ling ensocatan wy we on ach norman se he rncis and thar eonent posible [lonety slanimetaring te contr above te ONC ‘unto byt pasty aarbton ater hana emt slo Far ees St pransy daubton ot the STOP. The aoa ts mated tat Ste’ o STOP can ence am in ee "ng blo pacetng ol he he lL RECOVERY: RECOVERY FACTOR teat reoery singly by melvin by teecvery cor CRF wh timate covery UR = M4188 BF 20) arta sings ko ieee egies ‘Sy emonment ano select creat, wh th and ante cned ray teal aceey Tato spending onthe phys ote rv ld Sate”, te foe, tough posibly the wre Inetig, snot 8 lee In eantartsuplmentry recovery he oa by ange OF soplenentry recor wel be sarod ltr in Chopin 4, se 9a {haber 0 arte memento rary ery il conser _ an iniacnlyrapece te bast by condston ov tat the terol omoeea “ne negate sgn convention i eid in gu (1.11) ee ore ely ean lon 9 Garner en, nr se “te very be equstionunderving tot nay reco mach Tre lin ainaing ih prinary coer feo, bing he urs rie ‘st ee i eT yo ah ho cae ‘host be didi the i one the ea cnc wth neo on Soil ho pen sof awn pee Zo. a, ewe Agar = OlProgution = a, +8 #8, in nhl bln i expen hid volun a sro condor. Aplving (12 hamay be expres st A¥gor 7 SMABP add Vb ermpanen tsps of 200 psa. 2 18x 10" cae 210% 6, © $005 10" it een ta carton to rors by te ol and wate ‘eto ana, ea yh aera, vn ae “Tresor, file i obs tt ne woul not pode an aur, tater. et ‘he nn expand an plea the ato, tein en. thou aig renal vale, quay kept nthe rele os lowed to play very Stat corn iy amy he exon Te \VOLUMETRICGAS RESERVOIR ENGINEERING thee ate rate pity of eau urefore te eo Masate 1 ton fr he simply beaut ge ison of te ew banca hoe a, 12'stined by pesure, wolure a trprtue [PVT can be decrbed Dy & ‘ee ang an De thr ah snc as ‘oon apt 2 8 oct ton only Gad wich be _ scars aed Te vole op the molecules are bath nei 1 = ateolt congrats ~ dares Rankine C460) © Be mtr of hme ho ml a wes Th squat cee ote combi elas ot Baye, Oe, Agate and Shay Liss ano only aptesble a resus eae to stnospete, or ach Jr a etch nai 0 oa 2.14 de te eb ‘rd Benedict Webb Rubin equations, for instance eich have Deen anety atime in Chapter 3 of rtrarce a) but te enon mart in hich hui ae he a ated frag (19) an 2, when enti (je one ‘the Zao can be interpreta a arm by hic te peste must Be ota ‘evr erating surpees, he rain tres sine Seermination of 2 a3 (Grcton of pemuretcorent ture upraur,The” Zo) rastercia ‘ita hen sopoprit Yor thw @anpton of heal roi depletion 2 xin tion Aquat of moe of sae charge 02a contain. the alum of {isu cant and by te movemant 2 piso. The contin minted ot ‘Rear arte, Topo fn epi Ve ie gare By varying apd messing Vth other 2p) tunctin cn be rey 1) The 2c Sung on te ‘esaraton ie» oa fh campo he eo tte rabepotn see Cs Hel nn aintae tnan yates mou Inna predamirandy cans of the ger mari of he pasta Sis Pa = np 06 1% ese to surat te Sang Kate cain chet. Hi 1.8, which fer tne fo te cmon i ne ad 3 sof 200 3 ‘rom hie, ng 16 12 an bse 0885. 121-0 PM eye, ar on hy? Taw TBS ” 0.08128 0 230282), on conte + @x0+2000 a0 24220 eaaaryy 82429 say 2 ty, wigs (1.21) a (1.72), un eibetry conan oan (ert 5) aettuton of econ auc of y ine (1.20 il ave the 2 cto. (008, ore somes to be 2 typo enor inthe orn Hs Yaborou Sectvey, instead of HT-yl* and Hey a6 40 wns (121) gd (1.28) of is ‘Taxa na dtmted at me ara dterance btween the Sain Kate ‘wag stele difeanes 1B. Figure 8 shows an atheral ctor eras ae ann ota ung te a Yaar rete, oth Pa Ah presse ofthe eal a easton, (3), woul gute an ee ‘tamot 25h weneutua gr aur, ‘ehh oto th smo ea _— 20 sblving equ (1-15) st boty anda nee canis ths becomes es aa Som of 2187 a, Ty (AGOGO B20 and 2 Te 2 ene c= 3697 botnet 28) ‘sore of 2000 ad een tenpceueof 180 te gone com = VaNl-B0; nasi Sine the mat of mmole of 1m, where Mi tho oll wa ten «Zhan on wa He om 8 ar= “hase if he ge rity iknow, Mc be etd lg ny (1.28) ae Satta eg 1.21 to oe the ety 9 ay sure aa temperate we Sn 21 2 ain ied neu 1.271. Te lms of nil ‘SU Rnrd Condon whch set fun he rane ema. For the Gale = 9a7Ea ies ie = 007037, (cut nao) 1 19 plot of gt compen dain by eau (1.31) compared to er am tor 18 086 govt ns whee etnemal Za0 slat ini 1.8 ot 20°F a beset sexton, sau (122i an th rae pesue ‘arse eter 20002780 pn whe iy sal ba reap ot ey EXERCISE 1.1 GAS PRESSURE GRADIENT IN THE RESERVOIR EXERCISE 1 SOLUTION 1) Themlecuar wig of We ab cn eet st bs Sam, = 99 ‘ow cry sandr constionscan be ete using es. (1.2795. tog 19908187 oe 0528 micute erty wing e130 8 ve = leh ing eo (1.29), cab eat 200 re 00°F ar * “Ca rraneaaor * 8898 bent ~ eam Boone ats 117 GASMATERIAL BALANCE: RECOVERY FACTOR salute dseton or sme deletion, sid tothe performance 2 taunt mer an th ro He the ‘etry imple at he aur must be aa fata) Te slue oz by hyacrbonr (HPI wil at drat ding apton “npr forte hytocrban prevlume canbe aie rare 130 ae ‘dita, or» ven volume of pasion ‘s c= 8 ~ teme a so. ge van oly t Sit an a8) sts econ te snes epee yu (1-39 more heoug. IPE shiStnaion esa ha cana the ater nf ee ten aor nnoren ach sone tee at cine Fi Mas sins gan pena see maser thu ret of ener oc peril pk one tte od a ance) = —e%y +4, noe (njoqa (1m eo the wat nd pore compresses, wae tate on =e 1 pee ra te pe nid atone oni ome AHN = fa 1600 om rasa ‘oe ecto in hyracaton pore volume, equ 30, en be nla ine Seen fi 24 mod wtecl bles ting the tpl vero, = 81 10°" 2 Pte 0""ipe and Sq 02 mts emunton and conse «gy rote ‘root a= 1000s thm mcm bares Bo 10% x10 = 1-001 Tuts. he nisin of the tem seating fo the ation inte hydocon ‘ae wb lu ol erupt ae tess any eqn, note sole to nano asta nee Fou 1.10 son Non he ener) feo (a6 te deine by entrg fhe ovaoate thas of (pz). toweponding to te aardonmet see. Fue 1.4015) ao iat he impart enue in eso enieeing pee ae eearieenenee Proausion = Gu — rr 6 26 - (S-mje (140) Ina values Wm the nn ie the tt hand oof fsa, pee ti) “Sy nan Sebring (149 rome. 1421 gee (1 let te sath» sig ne, pronaes bw caectmey ms {tue ing) wl and evor beseech comes un aight Une = ‘ones ye end ph ee dp tea a fram ech por pace, To he war aan rough the eee # es (Ge tsraonHeaped aed the ant Ta gr ssurton, Sys er hi) Slog ofthe aoe f 380% of te gore slum’ and ray indent the ree shh thn ge raped Thi bang the ese thereon ee ‘stn of ate nu (138), t thee tapped perc of pe woe ang td, inpanet of premier the! poten ‘andanrent gee, For tw vl OF (9/2 sono Hehe aaer ‘ing the presure response cresoondng to ne Bs the ro aur. ile (ne of the mare sdhetrau mt of Hse nosing ia oi ee ‘csv the rt ate pli ire cay oe ou erst suds a uty contd hes ig Se se mee + ae point hat 0 ben due 2 far, sae eqs te dedopment of anf. sustions wn wil be een n Capt BT teu ah EXERCISE 12 GAS MATERIAL BALANCE owe = aro conoid pth = 9887 1 020 85 fd mat he temperate grant 6 1258°F/100 ft, wth ambient suace crows BD (Shares oon te tetra he GG ha aie rr Ths srs Egg = 2527 2 ~ SAAS 503 Br” Gano p = 4300 0.1175 19700-8597) ~ 4280 pa “asd pea and'T"G00'R anders hb [1 2") = con70% 10° (1 Guy = Gag #24365 = 50% 10 x 24E6 + 365 x10" af or abe10' wt a, = Ge, Boggy)” HBLOE + 6.0010" ttt tty = 241288 +805 = 228 yer HYDROCARBON PHASE BEHAVIOUR itl,’ voturer ae Seely mesure in tek tk vec: Bets etn te mun at pave lr ot hg arson {in 149t),tcn ring wath patina Sar 0 conan he Btesteoh nets inthe produc wl Atri he netion rn a8) “tne tan wt lor anh ge pe 2 Te hae tub, wt etter tan would be tar ta ae Foe 18) ston yk ph yan ls sy not, eit From bis point a ito pele ogres te esi ce or shoe) iy tuts son n Cag 3, opotnng mach 3 manner nant St oth td a ear REFERENCES estan Bi, Vol 88 No.6, me! 967073, 2) Chat, 8. amd Haoking RL. 19RD. Apo Patrol Resor Engin 9) isuom, 36. Mls, TO, and MeFaane, RC, 1967, Eating Uncen 121 ax Process Supls Auction, 1972 (Rvs 187) Erasing Oats Boo FSA Toes 182 13) ate LL, ata 1989, Handok of a 2 Ga Enero. Meru i, ‘a Gis Journal, Ose. 206: 64, " 15) Hat, KAR. and Yarorough, 1974, How to Soe Equation of St for Z 16) Brun 4, Fetter, and ekan, VC, 1965. The Ec of Yer toe 17 Aamo, S.A Hsing, A. and fame, HAL 1968. The portance of (inter nf in Gos Rem. Jet Tah Now, 1206 1882. Ten, AN 191 Mean, 0, TTB The rose of Pron Fuh Pen Pang 19) oan, GG. Kae, DLL, Ober, GB. a Aldo, RC, OME Natl Gating tod aati Hyroaone NEAA, Tub, cusereR 2 2 iwtRopucTION ‘Soma Fer otha festonsp could be bared erey by ater he sie reid to elite rice radios ours that ora ol rot This chor encanto dein the hee main prettier ‘eros on sump he erase Sein wa Ho ten te tc eon {rin fom ein aes ert he x fe, Bad SP id te om mag ne fat TofS ne pv = Zone a8 . canbe ued in rlatng meted a volumes 0 1.2511 a me tule pent Tus nialy 1.217 eae re of 08 lt Sclton ata ria soe realy Tom at 510 slit Under froin het ar leo By an he mah ar Fort 5 fata of Bayon and Kaye 0 pet low the bute point the stustion mor complet aston ni 23 Rr sanded enic at fo Sac he undenrte A deo ge taken dow to (ue where A eis) real the strane es a oF 8, sof ol pedo yt Fg rh ow 8, i cosa a he ‘estrvoir and i released during production through the sapartoy, while the re jose he empresa he vested a in Gt A can gest ex, the end sluton gm a rat, ae, 0s tat a high vlc ot 6 Tow in Eomoerbon tt ute nama o prea (Se rom a overt revoir td prodotti reltly alte “yc value of Band, shove the ble poi ate nee in Hi 25, take pins tbe we A type pot of Rae. une of eer pee F925 nen hy rewnoiewe, xs lay an 2 ply 11 What the corepondingunderround withdan ratein reseiibey 2 If the aera sere ret the tine the above mares re made 2205 a ite ey udegaund witha coreg 3) fe sty of ot and anatns 2.8 ead i ay Ie O67 r= 3 elt theo prone gcant nto ror 300 pa. 11T inantaoss a rang to ao R= yt. te te By tan he eat poured y= AJB, Tan e101 88) ay ew 1 aor pris of 2400 9, te PUT parameters obtined ron aie 2, = LIBP2 tb = 959s and , = 0012 ret 2300 (1822+ 1990 ~ 952.0012) = 4450 16 eo oi . Naot, oto pa, (2) nee ofr xeut = aye, )esors ‘Toei ety at ani onion ie be * 1X 00763 (eferen.11.30) ag ABI) RH eae _ 9285616) +822 00510 11822 5615 sn he wi oh pint i 477/144 ~ 0.29 pe, 23, COLLECTION OF FLUID SAMPLES. br by sirlce ecnbinatan of wo ard gs pes hve cng sh ‘elume ofthe bros fis nthe samping chao Thirty ‘Srp is calcd, is above to bubble posnt pressure. In is coe» singe shane io lr ne owing he wae ra ‘Soropotiontey hig te Sone pr in te wl a rea San oi hd pura and tery roca sme ata ofthe Wee gui nthe Inally at tule pane presur, er suspected of beng othe submis {2 nk nal Gounhol ming snd compas fer stron presi oon ‘iain aoe Sete he to sae od wl ie al ering pn MEASURED SHRINKAGE sclatal AS» sletal ‘Win contrast t the fla exparsion, after each stage of the differential iberston.the fe ae widey Wom cathe away get and at 200, The at ‘heros oun i inte 22 sat nas a ‘bubble point expresed at standard conditions in relative volumes and is denoted : 5 aE Bin i cn by oe nore Ti oes 2s) €88S583588 i lures rts 240 a wl eased foe BST rele lure ot ; : iets Fasita He 5 al a-b Bade aserg & a) 3 ar for the ot sample witha a 200 os | ¢ 200 . a} 5 2 a5a7% geet, - 0600 ae 3 a g:3 | cgggeggageag = Hs.| GELPESRES EGE | ot “ome incon ot 22 385 SAANGeesere 4) F ee ee en anes eters sneer Pee . 2 feta coring how the promt in le 22 we g283 § 3 ‘Sone ses it es nd tet eon : ot C ee ‘Te msn sions he ype of eprint. 2:90) fo: Tye aotin tn tn sgmcntegeesoone ee ed i ix el tate netage nh lr neater toute howe resin hyecrbonstncenngponesaly hr inthe eae component ede aye movcar ment seen, 14.720 iH tot experiments at arora otha, nts, th a od titer arouinent ae ctl the te, For Nghe why st conan teats he erosrton af the ntrmaite Hyracrbos Such bola ad ‘liad hy the fet tat inthe an expanson the intermediate Myron Tot gin eu wi ho aay tape de Oman gan {an teenage wl yd irre volumes and iteence fan sat deroton a re oral ala are eer tte ‘rg tet prod afer the dbl pot hen ced ante ore fy untormiy dated tron the arama ene ‘ranstral Rash sxprion One mac ntti rng ads = 'Scammeniy wed he els bec ateay mentor rent eatin {red ns he lk a ern ab et on vei ty 28, ana to eon eerste and bbe ol pra Sree ear ent oc ia onto a te el les tale 22 tr testo ot dred pronnny bien 23 wd 22 Soon Sack Tak Syinaw GoM Pet pT taroe” oni CP) toad CFL tg) etn mw 47 6 ma ee Wo 8 tar go oun 0 80a? da ok ak rie ou vl oi at he ae in th ah) In fat, Fhe cums ge et when ml soolsch 2 be ay serine eb bined ety em Fel ele “tim es or 28 ein hel] an vv Cone t sortry tani tion dat prema aie 22 tothe or presen able 23 6150 sa ice His gs thelr kag tor ey 0.7903 rls ora, te orto A, of S10 th Un tet two (2st 12n, a taon. Pree re, SF ee (oesl ce et eit coo) —4281718,) 57018) 300 13400 50 588010,) 12511 1, so omer ‘a0 160 Es fot8t 0 ting ie ‘0249 The dati table 24 alot is. 258 —(e rns sn hana iin ath {0 ack ua eonatone ong chen ator cosnton The oo ok ALTERNATIVE MANNER OF EXPRESSING PVT LABORATORY ANALYSIS Iteron cxprment by fhing the vole of al mused x soHghee presure aed verona terre, to atmos press and 60 Te a tpt som ble 9 i uch 08296 mse volumes at 187 pea nt it an far fru le of ie pmo ating Ser ‘rere betion to hs tle of en, wnch nama reared 0 tthe {do not arovide on sbsolute set of deta such a that obtained by elatng al volumes rihesousot 4, an F int 22 0 vloe 8, (rostornaus | Alena by eaplicng 5, in eave (2) and (26 By oy Mae pet venom - hore A, enti seed grit sil are! a TF, (asian a 6) Fae se or the iri ts rset tae 22 20a ‘how nie 25 00 1308 50 00 1260 8,1 BOR, a0 13594 ” oo ‘esa 2 Pines) 10000 ° “ppd Ry emanate ott eres oohom cule, slits fre of end Fn ble 22, ung eu, [28 an 2) a three sing ea (25 and 128) lan forte sre spare Ths Es -" t+ theres ol value at tad i ae 25 sb resi se, = Mig, i the ol armation volume factor of he tube pin a 8 determina by Hae the el tra the apron surice Stouts and ms rut ote sock tno cue er tle 23 ana 20a ‘Sante 0 theresa oelume eter able 23) bea. sna unde Hild opr condars which sige (29,6 We exaesed es Theo veut OF and 147 pi ter tes 2.3 a2) fl), Fug * slution gu ol rato ofthe tube pit il determin ding the SOF ond 147 eter ale? and ou 120 tr). ‘tet tn, pc i le 25, cn be de com 8,4. 7 121259 oral of esl ot 60°F and 14,7 A, 38 te -"- 1 Byey 7 1260040/ aa , Pug 7 0 tet! ate , tile am tw spartor ahs ble22), fr the optimum sear cor ‘son 15090 an BaF © (ley) = 1.2611 = 510 et) su. (21, + 510 (10370 1288 ‘Thecompete PVT ors foo, pronda by most orton, vy cons of 1 Campostinal ants of he spat ia a, fossa the ‘ue, tguer tn anys recombination wer te. of Somos" sane. The heptane and hase components we lobed foe ge orgemleusr wean est telat Jerod Fuh expansion, a6 debe in se. 24 able 2:1, contd at reso = toa vot 4 of te lan gat Heh tap depletion £2 Fano a tin abe 221 Fad meme tie bg Ort) Bg, a ie in bl wth 6) taronan of he ol voy at reve teers nr ing ‘ong Wal eam! over tn entre ange 9 posure epsom sxe ear fegeatn, Hon Kon oe a, oy sede ©) Senator tf trie the sinks, c,, and solution gi to Ry Stpastoreointone ar tale 23), tea oat performang te inmny cst tts cand ug We Be ibm ce 1) Comocaton sa ty a psa sain te ove pare Fr Fae” Oat pbteaton of te Amarean Pelco ata, ara TAP nto, idl deer EM 53 Aon of aoa VT Gar, ML, Keb Rand Barons, DB, 15K, Vcosty ol Hyecatbon Gees Pes an IME 204° 268 272 cuaerena MATERIAL BALANCE APPLIED TO OIL RESERVOIRS 131 inrroouerion tn thie capte, te eo arin material bance i deve and sueeuenty sates wing many she nero tctrigue of Haem a Og, fo Ato he mil oil nee eg es mp ee om ry ‘ultishamamie meter anceps, hese soroach wel wae 22. GENERAL FORM OF THE MATERIAL BALANCE EQUATION FOR A HYDRO- ExRbON RESERVOIR ‘Tega fom oft mati nance putin was ie area by Seth Sure production, treed wo undeyaurdwitarans tote exurin t Inaeceoir which ara inte gata. The oa hid vou nts ag ydactbon soe vlume of te rosa (HEV). F241) suite at Sf reding te pres by an mau nding he ug vues 0 Da, 12 te sae Tne Value Ava fe conte ant the eae of et ‘lume aaron dace in Cg hae naeround witha slate te lower rere. atch means, | —_ Unarroun Unarune | = Expain f+ rg dated a) ean he pre oto SVoUesa1/8 a nn nyronton lume of ap "itis hyactbon oir of fo tw ou Mteraton of sion 9 Troe, hes wlume liberate duns the prema rp 3 expen in NR, = R08, 1 2) rv, 22a Bo even (B 1) am INOPYI = — lege Fel 80 a9 whore Vy ste tot poe olune= HOPS sed Vy 4 coma wat lume = Sc = FHOPYIS 1-8) ime, 1 ae she hw HCP rducon cn pratt wie ona, (85*= 0 28 “hit eton athe volume when can be aespiad by he year st he ‘tad tom te eran ence sou be aden othe id eet 2) Calero i, that i known about the total ge production tata he lower pres, Ny ‘to sd ie sol Teenage ii'ct ttt, hell amin of toed ted pep ps Aho te sotre ton Ap il sspy nce ‘sectors. Tete ndagpound whol a tte (evs 13,132), 33) a (3), as aol expen othe r + tm (Se) Sg) oo]- mania, 0g the et wate inf into the ese eit hos of te ones See SY fedin roars 2 and ~ Inst snd aon Chapter 9, ha war ara pants sttcigh the pear onlysepeas exp inthe water an poe com ‘imu te satan soos «He intranet Fat gh i shod be ‘hough of neon mae at Soptatcted vein of the compres ue eon rc uo hasbeen Te 0 ‘hte on mn hea hare mrs een 135) vchapa eaul be ied wth reannalecurney athe cars| omit rs eu a rast ee se ne ech ttn fe a a eae (Silene om te aly of rere aren was wil be ete in Chater 122. THEMATERIAL BALANCE EXPRESSED ASA LINEAR EQUATION Src the advent of shite marl tenor smultin tie, te See ai se stn ann py may cars ‘nso Hanon an Oso presets to of tne st inersing pes we pb idm th as fen te rai bes ur on een Te mp a. (371 ia the way preset by Haden and Ofer the Fm HR, -RB) MB, OD oa B= 84 © Ra RB, tos) 9) = a( -1) toa) ex) a= ie) oy eam ax aera and Og hav san ttn many ee 2.12} ean be ieee 8 a we ane aon, aa ww ud ian hood ir rere. Ti iret cman elm tat 3 ep ina ting to martin he par. nen nu 21 cn sil exes int bene a ‘7m pram commonly ar ot tory Tat One th ha beet Sison ens stn sa eae yw ate eh [RESERVOIR ORIVE MECHANISMS 1 pra hts in he mr ln ein ci Be nc the the srg mn nny a ono ea {eoniqe of Hine ard Oden are 0 quay ese prorat: menting We pone of nrg te inary recovery ‘solution ou ve ser nin when the pial die mechani hs \ieatarad aa 2) on te ese ae low the buep r 8 ‘toed dsb in Gupte 8) ‘Sica there ra ely to Si nthe ree a one ter a ee tthe ud anturatone man be 10%e fe pre ora nd using theater neq. 18) gies he eee orm of materiales ma fisSat%) ay awn NB, = Hos o° aw os bates ral a Itebr Se exprsun hea aston of temp aero or some. “has he comorenility din in eq. 19) rt be sn connction it {prcrenpre a, Eqn 18 Hate No he maa ner Fra ih 8, eee osicon upd at aaron [EXERCISE 2. SOLUTION GAS ORIVE; UNDEASATURATED OIL RESERVOIR Determine the factina oil covery, dng dpi dwn to bubble gant Presto he seer hans PUY parame ied ale 2 an Tor be 80410" Fe Se ce 86x10 Ft exXERCISE 1 SOLUTION ee ier 60-2230) = tax 0"e8 “Thericovery a bebe pa pris can be calned sng a (3:18 a6 In = Liniaeoe +2102 +6110" a sql = meno 1a L287 ao 10 x 4000-3320) rent * 728 or 152% of on om ae, Cosring at he 70 em see tgs team noe ascent grant uae ae eee Secession nem ce re outta a es each ee [EXERCISE 32 SOLUTION GAS DRIVE: BELOW BUBBLE POINT PRESSURE “Te ei sien nec 2.1 wl protic down toa absndorment 2) er an oxen forthe ee uration thera a abnonment ‘EXERCISE 32 SOLUTION ~ ete water it Su. = tet 8, 1 1 rage once a sanzant o stt silos +m -R0) = 1 (0-849 (RAB) 20 ndepound expansion ofthe ot pe a we recor tr dann ree of 900 is 2 8 0 ete tthe abandon _ (uom0 1.2417 + 10 120).00300, "GOO + = 127 00098 Mo. Rly, cowry i tecmniege atte ky whom "Be econ oe ta aun ig in ‘spo shuld be kept nthe ter wach radeon wit bea fr enorme deo, 2) The fa astro inthe rst my be ces in to wa, he most owtadon We) = (NAL=NRy—IN-NIR)B, 52 PERRIN, IR -RIT BOSH N8 en hte HBTS * HPVIT-By.) = Ha gore solane ‘The oy i wich his euitin cn be we pec onthe kno cubtis. For agueap rrr wer cara para 28) ay aN Pt ‘ato of tinal hyoaroon or lume othe sept at of ho an ‘st may to inert eq. (9.20) lot Fars ratan of IE, Mey) for ‘Soret fmt the corect vos ht ten shot the eyo ‘Kawa be» sti ne psing outh teen th lone Nakao ni re ato ths re ners Ni endcumaltie il ro yr ine ole a8 rons of he ape tt ye prsacton alot eee rl trom tle 2, andr tw amp et for sare 390 pl. Pome 3600 fa) vs 610 cone? io Sem toso tame aoe 250 Bee ite aaa aot po iso tas 1002) “anna io asta Tate aon EXERCISE 24 soLUTION Fos Mie +mf,h a2 sire Fs Ey ad Ey ae tind in (18 — 10) The vt of see pte aie retake ma sia geo 17302 ovens Zora stave Ter? fo one ora aevet laze 21s ata bo rage ‘toms Sram ea? aun tao nico 4190 “taro “tras 3105 3s “aot shih oases troup the ogi and hs a tope 15% TO tg 37 1). hen "er eae fra of =O aad O8 ad acan onsen 27 oe plot for_m = 0.8 canedr wth the rice sagt ln Aopleaion oth tetas rae erty upon ef ht Nt known thar a tae lot tng’? Peon sera a, abou the for rn nd do ave sp uouard and donner roan. Tarte, ‘herein crear in thevalue ot Ny the spot cud be nerd m0 N= 11610" a BN 10 pare ancecany io ot the lun of Nand mth Hace and Os sgn to (3.2) sau enor at 4 pot of F/E, va Ey shoud ten einer wth inept W hen EE, = ‘and apa itu cnt ie nater31aod 92 2D) Ear e empresa by he eatin (AAA A #1 : im cy £ ERE t 1 Co 2» protatyconetyutin shout 6nd te pees sae wbtnen m= 05 and 05 Saye gern sin att aly ne “hema made afte the rofton of 727 ion ofl 9 8% cau of te gnc expan te pre ele is sete ha or eset ‘ingeo25 "35's aeeraeton these ole ue. Th pols ne owing ‘ei ac tn cr nn ai a a ope pa NATURAL WATER ORIVE “he sare prince sp ihn reusing ye water infu ih the re! NY W628i, 09 o2=) errand eis uly wry smal ay 1p, treo nee wv Inte 2 ive mechanism il be nein H he aur op, Raw, ‘tu. 6.2) wil be mason to decib he water nie Th eee te {rer boda. isontaenisy Wanstes rauht te se. TS ‘Serta gute oh, ood ree te eso eer tant nl be ye il aeor te dtr nl Chater 9, n whl deseo ‘thw phenomenon tprosde, For he naar sro ston 2.25) be ang te eaige of Haan ni Oda asing tt By = Fem Gene, +6.) +m am in wi he tr Ea 4 can Hagen be neat ho deg ith ton (fer ners 9.2) 1, aon he ect hh i han Frinton suppor he inks cold be Sorbie ee aa ee areas (225) Then, ft ager shape tal, Ce vate ian coe Wi, = ey tend mode am fevirel ech awh a FED ase 2 term nau. (227) whch shown wi any aero ety! The ens ‘haere he rst appropri ay of spying eas. (9 28) by epson am tc lting Fi, corso to He obtared practo, vr WE Siem Wy), "0, ar mown 38 trod se freeing i exter forte dees ‘mos! an hasty be ae in pode sno prtmar for any sched ibe een hata gna hen gu (3.121 ae he fom F = NE, ome), mame ete naw avon (229) sonst tow the ttwique of Helens and Osh can be ‘ipanion othe ater water a ram the presen eo a ‘pono bened sang water ch ean ni be recone by sorta 2 Imo senna avery methadone Caper 129 COMPACTION ORIVE AND RELATED PORE COMPRESSIBILITY PHENOM: rut) an thro compaction san conser metres nthe rsary ‘by Teun"! which is shown in fig. 3.11 (a). " Moxie evn can bo cess mdspendendy 0 att natin he conan ot en wa ramadan an wearin a nan e tay pln a eee) sere. (039) ‘toes At low gain press the comers of te wnompcted anole Sut arate rb ede oneety see ate [XSturnormaty te buradsttlow ep, learn crreaniy pint Slee aretha "ove Tis oy ress beter TOR)” 4900 hat asl com Penn neo 10 10" 1 pe meas of a cmonon mate a sig ei tt rr sie cr ny tear ayes conga Yee fon reais top. whch Ge mete or rms expected Gy ‘he init asi the reser The nature ofthe problem can be appre by ‘cern nape sath he yan fh prs morality se ste Yo dtmian and ual segue ctimaton by back a) egy ME wee gem) WET a0" pac Tor wee “Tn th ait feet hau bee cn nc i Fem I ot hte uns te moral la oth nyo eo ok. il ‘horned in exerci ard taro to unin each Dury ute ter tabe 41 nash te tf armabiy te Oaey. Te lotr war indo te tatemont of Owen for riz, nea flow oF ke fn at = T OMY WnAD = emi: 4 = 10 and lal = FMD. Inmpeton of tie 1 rset the nis ae i yt bd on he ak nts The ony ilreee beng tht pra ir exreandin ames vey imp leaipasel ana corequenc, he pemesaiey in Ore Ir tr hw fenonable pamela but ao, equton eres inthe ns woul Suna consns ile in theeqstins thar ton multe ohh eet ties becuse Be Owes tine tra the te of equ 8.1) sed Pate ca au 6) apa oon neoprene ta @ conta), ae Tipe 3 = | oi sense i 2G rama #) ven Seu Te coin 121941" he ant tn in Savon tare and yt aed tr thn prease ea13 ‘met are he sone unt ef nae a Sec of te we ion nt ete ele by nd ‘tants, Tare syste aoroath in making seh cress hii ‘isi aati, wl ecude te poy of ere Carey, an esa, te neni of au 121 rm Day aunt Sn = vlenc Alem!) ‘ne euaton canbe xo in meat fn Dare uit mea a sles = Prsmem aw ant) = eerste) SEDATE Bing as {an be anne simpy by veering hat squint mee SokPos Seca een ce ate [ERB = este ru “yess : oping tt ete reughut, en a — sansa #4 ovat aan os EXERCISE 41 UNITS CONVERSION 1) hot the comerian fcr beeen, ened in Dace in er ad Gor) v-Pee an Ui ae goey corse have campresibiiy but thes aot Se a hte one oan an The dni of eal aca be xpd fn abot i) om om ‘sd orutng isin es. 4.8) get el ue sons 3 TZ orate Poe 620) ee fe ay ©. DATUM PRESSURES Y= pte ps og am eee ane ‘Suppoc prec ar mesure in two wll, A and 8, nares which an yin Sr co v= ma a “ea = latte rere, + ty eat tio oan he tino arom oh a RADIAL STEADY STATE FLOW; WELL STIMULATION fal he sed sate conan Ths nies tf 9 wl prodeg 33 eo Strate galt, reall pans watt ae Ts outer bound i yan Tuto ee 28) cs rae, Sona ni 4.2. Thiamin sein production followed ase 5.47 Oipatationen maton ct Senge osrtesn Outer 9, sand Chapt topes ey Sve 4) mtn rman meer) stent dsb in Chop 2,4; 8, so) canbe minimis by choosing Sic sa gett te rs on te FES tua coco 9 ear of wi ration ewe seu in dining eg (291 atthe wl wae carpeted eo he ot ‘he ool remus dew, Terao fr by ‘Sid toupee ane 9. increming Bell portation este i ‘Shia incre th Ib io any ena wl earthy computed cv 2 (ced porto the nen fo tod exces gn or weer production fom Thee we excaton. For nes, i!» well as sono odin, an am {WO PHASE FLOM: EFFECTIVE AND RELATIVE PERMEABILITIES ce te nm bea ‘Short es). erg ¢ ene on id oh 1 ware te two ih, ian wa Hing stacy, uh 2 see sain tne aor i ated fo be ferme by the moe ‘ontie 5-1 Sy ‘Sow Sy" hocnt ect ate, a re ts alt permet, Simi fete owen 8 15, = ae hae iia fr Doh 133i, The an ton elec pero The ett parmebity pot canbe normal by dldng the sees by the eB) | halal kalSat RIGS” ERR) Ral) ni 43 a hp of cfr te sre ow oor 21 SS enn aes nebo a ee oy eave pret snd Sti Kyo het 2S. ca aan Kae hee RS = 1-8 a) by eval of ke Foe Sey SL, anim stctve pores Sounintg 38 Kaisa) = tel ves fd Kae) © HEED ET ‘toy a eo yh eer i.) net Kall = Hhaeb FAIS) = Ay Sell) RetBe) Files ew emeaeaneas sero thm ony teu he sro att ches pang wl wh ne Se nr rs ns anal he ey {Eros WOW fe at iu oe MOV ol este sea wot ane sca st ‘riser asin has by ado a aed wes at han {1m ns iy tor a ing ot ttn can “nner omer ear pean ose fe deed ad “ae “0 mbit cont ta memory wich W ea eveduadars ou moby cnt the iy in pin han Iron ert i aed wth tua temo a fram aay mahal goin of von, te metas conmanty enone in ‘iit eran gh i eee Tormey carve shou bv the ded ni ca, wen the diac iowsy t sand met stirs the move tural sce i creates the ‘Theol is dpe by one of the LAG (Lig Pte Gal prac tan, hose tenis mae sath tw and totaly a heres abe inthe era hy ble a do wai Spee een ny. gy ces td Iya rine an ow, by xg ai TE'ne nope For anecdote th ede are {tnt tp bye orem ating hi or testing te tay part enone a 2 ec ion wt te coms su en be led PY ey paw, arctan of which 8 poly eae REFERENCES 1) King Hort, 196, Dy am ad Fl Eqn of he Fw of 2) ore, M1, 1856 Ls Fontes Pabgus oa Vile de Dijon, iter Delran "AP Oni one. ro 200. You 190 9 eure 1974 Estimating te Catt of Ie ‘Tech ove oa Soc Pate, Ostobe 485 camp JM, 178, pon on Tent SPE Meuicton Sur oer ord ‘to the Stat Annual Fail Conference of the AIME, New Orleans, October. ‘hve Evrdingtn, A 1982 The Skin Etec as impediment Fluid Flow no itor rane, 196 171-17, ‘cig, FF, st, 1971 Te Reece Enivarng Ape of Waterloo, SPE to) Mereck, EF, Hine, RC. ane Hsing A, 1976, Fundamental of Tatar ‘THE @xSIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION FOR RADIAL FLOW IN A POROUS MEDIUM ‘tow i peante the endo tw hae In win wg. (54) foe the ‘So forte ow a se eet in dt apes and 7 Far fw ot ‘eoured wth il pan sary in Cer 8 raut ofa welt conrad by equation expres irate sch Shoe fre nent or ont ell gery oan ny Bh 2) The msec carsiuedhomageneous inl ec properties ons OD ‘tm th cate of theta elt men spying he ance of ae oe lnm ele = aus 2 (et « Meare see ae) » amet 621 By plying Ore’ Low for rail, bozo! Hom toe oebee for aan oa “The time derivative ofthe deity appearing on the right hand side of rau. (3) an oa riers 2a) oe . & 155) eH es rcibd in Chote 7rd pct Oa ena be w Tos contn cpa ts wih bro tea ‘al fom model te stun ted in fig 8. hia conse tht ewe ‘Satroimse at tantrum, by vi“ mal eh prea fo « 2-2 oa “ht is. candtan when wl be api in Chapter, fro fw and in Crater, ‘evr nen tate conn, eae wa wl ran om wn ton mo ow oun rraute drgndnoty of ester wl Forth condion lat must be soproxinateycastnttuout te entre austin be oo a om ~ fe prem i ria an her, fb a te rats so ein hot hand se fe Biz. wee H)-ee oo aking ne fl asunpion. a the compre is cost, es tht te coatientaych = to cotta ttre the bave ston a brn trey spi in he pst Brosh and Quon how at show et is {robes when he presac mercenary nly weet 20 Tosco rte ery oy hf uration 0 Wa te cow {Devigineu (520 feel or orton woe compre he 768 teu #8 om then, neq, (522} matte wl 14.10" and th poet expres by 0. (6.21 hos we slue OOM, whieh sta the emery conan Tore have ihr tt eonorenblty wi be neem tonite eu ng sar lm nage roman dd ty Dc non iho (hap 8 528 Smet Ss 856 wz since te eri binge. (1 hatte porous mer ws competely ‘str tn aig roping ee oe ble pry. tr 68. teaSac 6 ltBuch x SSE 20 123) be Bue of te yal nate tt 20 hea turer ht any seo ttews, C8, trong Fs and Hasevot,P, 1954, &Mtnod or Ortemintion of ‘aap Praave ina ound Resco ra ADEE. 20118218) Drachuh, PA, and Quan, 0, 1987. Ara oft Oey Contiuty Eau Pracws) Monty, tbe 3928, Carton, HS. and deer, 1958. Cancion of Heat n Sade. Ostoré at te (Senden Pe On eon. ‘ust unr salon ow condone Thess hove aay bean tind Ine frou shat om sen) satan aay ste fore he ine dee ‘ey ate Now tou nse tls the method pert gee ‘dtapa fort tome of romero he dae mene ont of 62 Sell STEADY STATE SOLUTION ‘he ral init equation, (520), wil ested under Se sey state ow fenton fr the romety an ras prt drution owt i 8 [the tine when the stoning tush he volun ava prmure witin Vip, at to 9) ror eu 6 whieh ew TERY STATE __SENISTEADY STATE a gee Inte ino he wal an, soon reper. hw el wl radu at ea Intin the tonpuature atibutan ca be Sd by 8 terowatre Hp feton! ap hat for ter tye the tempurtre y uno di ‘st the conderaing tern tegerture athe sidice uring produ Nal dane de to feat oats conscton andcanatiion Far fo Shih rosction ye shown in 2. to = Bn oo mtn Beit em 7 Bit C Since ere is entity of erie at =f, he 4a (36) ad 97 nh Pea Pw ot MR ye BH fe = 2st Nee enae = age “84 haber 6 9 63 we taint eat shape Of he dang olor Buta rearonable nates sly Erste FERENCES. 21Cht 8. and Hawkins, J, 1959. Api Ptcaum Ree Engneing Prentce Hal ne, Engen ite, Raw ey 3) blew, OA, 1985. Determination of Artag Rescir Prete fram Build Up Sieve Foto Augen 95568, ‘THE CONSTANT TERMINAL RATE SOLUTION OF THE RADIAL DIFFUSH TOUATION AND ITS APPLICATION TO OILWELL TESTING 7.4 wnTRODUCTION The constant trina lution, whieh drives the press dap in he wl Sour rom ring the ret wanton tom era, te esol ce te Scene are cantons rege tare, owe ‘Sroeratrte oi In Gnatr 8 the same techs oe appiog towel et 112. THE CONSTANT TERMINAL RATE SOLUTION Vining resus bearer sta tuneton of mene imposing ot chang ro man | ov ‘p 7M,can nama bu dain trn tons Sapna thao ob bette wal tebe srt aft by he danogetouncry of te we a ee ee ‘ow bts, he seo poet beintinein extent The ant sha s olowes by the seats ate ant prod ating whieh ‘he ivan ofthe saa Doday eis fo be at Fr 8 wel poduenatron ‘thin » now boundary bon th shape of te ses end and postion a he ‘ob raput to tw bean ae af mor import n dtrmining he Sporoprate te want canta erin telson renal sia low condor wi prs wich mane tit or he noo Sant Ths corerponds tothe sem stay sat sonditon dere in Cap 8, trun toh indy by Ht and an Everdgen Ain th ase Paper on {fe ject she autor soled thers iouuny euton ving Laplct ‘trom fr bat econ toma rp a one ternal eee ‘heater, whch vent tater nf ealaton lb desta Cn Ine teen pod nes lor wasnt and su ery ste Now elt sie te roi iasty aia cn be eye the a eavaton were {1 the pear respne st he lor can toatl rondo ‘uance of erent ram ating for Steet periods of time, 2M Me ona meto eployed in soa any tom of 9 a al {THE CONSTANT TERMINAL RATE SOLUTION FOR TRANSIENT AND SEMI STEADY STATE FLOW CONDITIONS ‘usng the iil ansin ow prot ha tan found at he can min! fae ston ofthe cal itty tution, dren wa tw Lapis ans ‘erm, ante spronmatea bythe tal ng sores lon whch Sse at In ogorion to the soph nfinte vote ware ads Pose eh prs a tO forall r oy ns A tonto constion f) &mtely te inal conan Hut tre producing, te peer Condon 2) ene the conan of tannery that pes tthe ner infte bonny ttle bythe rene asrbanceewaloe Condo othe tine soe ina boundary conto. ral ysgol a hesine mi, reo” oe sopae To the flow of undead ot Ha ne econ al be enart ysonedering, for stance etl porta Seon few of py conor fat Te meats © 13 te 2 vez babe ‘en be tly making ue of Batam’ uanstomaton * abies” RE aa wet as ce sing ue (2.2 a (7.1, tbc 7 ae er a) fa2(2)-42 "Wiss an onnayiferntia equation which ane sly ein oo to va Irwin eas (4 ee ps ley aaa “ah ye, aan ere tent 210 Gam austin (7.8 can row bitrate th it =O and the cre for a [Pe os union (761i he line sure slustion ofthe fest equation sing te tm. (al stn 05772 va : exponent of hich i dena ye ems aaa ve. (7.8 cant xg ih) == int) torn <001 as ow of ie) and Intra in Fig 73, emanate te rg ot Vals ot sq. (791 The igucanca oth approxi i tat eee ‘reer sal ound ta or sear nae sO wan foro weet Ean pwrrbten te Op hth, bw tn gin AM 425) 30) Sata) teehee ne reuno pert tote twine wn face val (PHA (iy pe ‘to ne i ve ing na a re a Flagrant te of og) og Eastin) a oe oan - Zeal ‘hich hela of he xgaratal ital can tod Ho 73. 2 EXERCISE 7.1 6FUNCTION : LOGARITHMIC APPROXIMATION ‘tr wat aloft toning tin it re sea rate 00 k = 00s B > Sotwap4e = o1¢4en 7 Odum? O36 oar ont = 2823 ont © = s0xt0-fot = fox 10° 1470 2 ehatoren = Aaoaeid= 40001 254 Be ect = 920 ec “The rosin ciel =~ Ins api fox < 001 vo Met oon pp Sade Mire too wz29 Ot opr proximation fore) = S09, 0267 pa Andie, —B) = at a om +s) aay E,"hite Be ne ata otc nC ee tae fy (G22) te sans inact, Mis sometiner fet oman he production tou 1823) me itr ay mgt ith iy wed rer fw seat yet bon dso sun (30) aa 7 19, we oe cparae {evr ad stay ts Flown way erodes = rae prure hin the dxnage oun 15) = derma kr a preity 1) Tres rane (| Ditshane tr ote ein mag of me denon a sate ‘unetion of te onrg tre «Equation (710) wed to determi kana Sie ttt) nt oa ts ng nd Terps ‘esto cru ap nos ped Eb EXERCISE 72 PRESSURE ORAWDONN TESTING ‘Ami i eb sig cont of 120084 rad of 00 {lated reer ech wich ha approximately 231 rete get shape andthe eons onto tt ide fo contin ths Te fr y= aot = 1510" ips ° 300 9) 7» 782 i in ° ets 5 no By 2008 %s fase ® Bd 0 0 = er 6 Fron 100 ia exencise 72 soLuTion 11 Tsay a in arn in by he ae aan azivasrs) Than forte nel pod ahen taint flow onder prv sot of bap 151 ( 1B (conan wn ory To Cr T 22291500012 ste Ao gag gy < oe * ce it ORSON be pe cr Gy = 538d coming 174 DIMENSIONLESS VARIABLES fe 2-2 el Polltal = Potte) = a — pad nay, long rte pene o mechani skin cosh ining arson forpyltghay te weno Pail = Bota #8 9) ‘neti. As eu. (7-19) shows te corect tem should be aiersioniss pressure [EXERCISE 73 DIMENSIONLESS VARIABLES 2) ore tial ui ih the el i nha an as ree [EXERCISE 72 SOLUTION hand gt) fy) = mri = mee tal saver Te) = Ua are eee) Po ey Pol = OUT | tg00%a600) ia ty = oommas ZH tahoe 10201 ty = onnne| todo aa ° one 2 PemANAMAIET Hg ty rome? 2 nh om) ‘hopter equ (18) org tunton tn Chapter 8: Nowe wl te es Tel tpl futon wrk pecs esr, Never Sli of su. (18) xo ary ttc il he p+ 2500p seta) 8, = 12 vin FS somo (1801 ars b> powleobeem = deta tao rece, eo (7.2 ld unis an be use to trig a 36 a oeaxt2 (005813800 py! © 3872 ong te sane ate of te) = 38.7 nconrtin wire 7.9) rey "ienioped wna dmenenln pres turers omarion ean Term tute hoped ta by tang ad sig dren so yt be = = Gln 2s) 120) fe p23) otto = sn SP solte)* n'y +0808) a2 Monty sae coon e713] can be evgrse 6 . sheer. spying a 7.19) Faria» maid vein emai ie toa tte Be gt 228) Sorin te chaser fe oe run (7.25 a 1727) to determine te approximate ins a che Cone tro waren som sey sate condone i ea vein 82 = tin A 2m, traration me which i Gependert both one rato /A and C,. Solving eas ‘sependent on the shape fctor. The solution of equ (7-29, forG, = 31, 6 0 30) [EXERCISE 7A TRANSITION FROM TRANSIENT TO SEMISTEADY STATE a) = 1008 I the ete erred ind, hen cn deem _ aan = Fp" le" 3) union (7.421 sentry important ie iret the cnsan terminal Gives tvs eo, sh xe one hc we eae aw tho of aap Frtermare ah (7-2) 6 no Far ary aust t8 Honing tine then wane codons prea the et and se feu, 17.2 ean be ented sing eg. (7.23) ah he fra an be omen Sou) SEM Ipt ~B= Cyt"E “InGaton! te apd bounded aan, te sconce of ag 73 ad (7 8) For sat vl fie anes owing tet ts 10 180! Pome, ‘Mes and varus ego of wal seymnetry sete the remain Cas ones, ts Haunty » ome ego cana ring ote repens both he pure tans flom pio au 7-5 an the te ance Ecunton (744 is intrting sine it reveals how the Dit shape ates wae oar aor tha oF MBH, sated the aon exp man 74 To Aeros ot gg = Toth gt hart fre saat plot Caresponding to Pe vale endian il prev st, 1 Teg 753) ann hse oe te a os “Te importance of qu (742) for grerting dimension presi frctionsfor 2 Variety of boundary coaitons and fr any wae of te Homing tie sannot De ning aly uneldit ppeos in dap orn many ape and een ne Elase tstbwws, sel, SPE manana Iau 1018, 1S, et war nok ‘rer ne opie rm fo (2) of son a itm Mahe mt [net AP. Fox atl 1972 by Co ad Dowd" The tea hy toa arm oft eustan in wth taht hand os fe (740) gre allan) = 28g, #5 gg + In Pagal 8) {wanaynd ue lowing grea euros BEM 6 ou.) = £09, Pally, to, ,) 755 wan In heh otto, ~ toy) Bolt) ean Be eased sing athe agu (7421 oF and a1 will be shown in Chapter 8, with slight modification, the same combination re ay (9.9) voces to anu (23) md (727) rseeywheh an be ented ying the argent sad tod gu (7491 ad (784) nee Le EXERCISE 75 GENERATION OF DIMENSIONLESS PRESSURE FUNCTIONS ‘eas of hinge te aon a mr 72 mae ate et 2: ont he onl ‘We dats and rts of exerci 72 a. k= 240-mD,A= 36 aes, = 45). 201861800- py) = 2 You +l tag * 8622 — Ye Pptan) 48 gg = 0002644 00768 2402 td Gn FB 1B 10 8 For carves e746) cn ed to 01893800 94) % Pym oa) oan 49 Beg en tgg #18192 ST Gn re a yg a of pn a oe gto TTI T aa [TT LI of Le | L I a | jj ft oo To facia te easton of dimensions sresure functions, a itt in racae 78, te MBH Gerace 10 of Douay stu ne ci boxed ‘lien fr and wads ta tans mice Soyo ean be funeson ty appying equ (7.40) ch an sina Yecn tote far ot ft 271) Yat So» pray aud be tn for he ang of Sal dae alates wich have suit memory store copay Digitand AM fantom: ad nny Eh ta fra sani poate eee g oowet ooo ge 3 ee see sue we we errr Egan ge28RE ashe EgEG wt see ue ome vey S660 ast we se ee To we te combination of e573] se 742 to deeb any for ofa the spoon noaues carta tele Prune tet iu anger ert Nw sanarint tan the Dy function, nqu 1721 ean be dard by he Paltgl = ine in23) ou ats i rete ofthe tet wi ey itd aver of the perma Ith sient aefintin of) a ‘acer 8 eo ‘Sau, (7.42), must be uted in the Test analyse. In ths case the interpretation can Soe it ea or coin a ais any ee aed rowee Eee 5 untsed now a snl rte oon et an beac 17.42), ths gaming ational information fram the est Laraty doe tothe fet at tat aye Beare mare comple eh et eres th raat anal tcigues. Th mathe singin oe iis of mutta fow ings lb Hoaraedin ae Barony ‘The ceminng score oft eotr ences onthe act! apeaton of (he theory sloped sto tual wel ters ecard wore ‘oe stg to change fom Omcy to ted nts une n waste, ‘arabiy anaad ung that ad the mojrity af the tert he bet Stigmata stein ree char er ae exercae 73 sd is maces to reserve his exoresion se dimenionles, n eld Sse Toy no he ih hn har! ore Palo = 24a, + Hin 2 — Hoag an i i totaly aint tod) in eating this eoeion It must be re = wonnzes (hou om cones (Ho) a0) i oak am 1% Pyaey n e ajorty of cass, st 8 numba ra am the ME har Wtgerdog to tne east Inf nite Ony we ae Sneat som #008 ‘The Homer plot fra typical Buildup is shawn a ig. 7.18 by iesing he siope festa ne mango age ae) eden a = 1028 22% pope om [750 an be ae anplcty York Phe sin tar ca rane te Armenian nh ai trina eu 48, ae 1000? Mm) = ell +8 on rose Persia nu (03) tobtan meaning ete tin inte there tea eee by he eee Rowe tine tons Sopa wl he bien srossng with 2 varie rate itory pint clair 206«10-» plot 35) neh is empl» dct spleaton ofa: (7-1 fe the anlar tory, Vung te Busp.snseaou to the thn! Buln ewan 3 Toro rmpesing the spe taken im the eraaton of gu 7.3 fram ot 1752 aqu (58) ca Beene Tow ped (=) >> athe att ter the ego ae cosa fo eau? 13610 669) gy Ie snould be nota tat he trance beta pls Aa 8 note ae ‘renee between te tulauge nam in i719. Te saya fe Stour st feta ay at 2 farcin of. obtains nthe arnt uo ‘Tor euner ae pics Sonrmar a3 unc ol he Nomina time a ‘he Honing tne Boh the inet, extmpoined slau sq (758) na 2, have te sae spe m hich tated byte fn ow rate qT een Seinen then i va of Po lt As laced ately by an amount i, mown in p70, tee vere afrree my between he Fiony long stat ow i ude ser say tate candy, he he ‘un, 174), tom wc Ban be caused ont iu)“ 00110 2 fpr 5]=200N ep etna 58 = 1026 PP toe lacy tou) os + m losin) a0, Subvocting e750) (7.60) gee 3-9-6, as ih, wen comoate with eu (7.57), owe tat = Fad ert eo termination ofthe anrage res sing Ye MBH method te same thre ere ere Sy tection o be ett te oe ‘thr steer los Cn. 7.90 hae bn dat fr te tng tl ot In tha oe lt Cir tray dpa wth pet opr fr te ete fa gms ot fn equolent aunt toe (7.7 nd 17.84 8 a 3'n theiteratore by Peso ang Kaze ‘eauirad Yor te edoulaon of , (eas. (72), oes not expend on te Homing ‘irene he some frit, Ban i ig. 1.20. ‘tat san te gyn ss htt a Now od sul set Son ts tiny to oan tye la an Sep lg stag eh ed np Hing pated the ead puree acasing tothe inten method of “hrtsionmip eben shown n Chapt’ 083, tbe va orl sng ‘andere Ate resin bythe we can estate by ming ate sing valu fk and A abana rom sup 1) and 2 tty For i ow ‘ee prduct salond constant ut for two phe ar an forse phe ‘nto rb in Caper 4 Enter the smpreprite MBM chat, 7.11-154nd, for carve comeparins Pounu gn for cause ne ote arcsec! owing ne in 2, sine 0° hs ben eeteine asp 11, than canbe ay ett ‘os equivalent mato of deta Bi at preentndy Diee n wich he 1 te 95 funean i iequston i xerain in gn form ng au 7.42), 2300 103" i presuee wth ara ad os pours etd by meri 1228 neal mi da pe iy fin 722, the ena of enh Se step etna sige per ne ‘ya Weck seaulte nd pred out. Taso ntpaaton ne ates ot. Tho ar then two ways of eomparing the cbmved wl peute meh the ‘olune merged premre ver ll he docks and part lke win the att fon bound. Ts rar fous ow A spl,Sopoe tm tt non yan Fn’ me tars by {phn fn t be ol te ovr enue Ls aru = By, AaB (a canbe spied tr in hie og tt bel ig the Bid Dok faa ant of thn low ory ad Cy ao te fa a set podiing trom he te of el ereh ye 18, fine Ta on 181 oa wey andre rom he oar balun a show ini 7.21. se of a 88 of sey. Noval inte ta an Pon, ung he sam ‘shen Bean" Bo Thin ean ready be obtained rom equ (7.6, 5 ay = ora AE EXERCISE 26 HORNER PRESSURE BUILOUP ANALYSIS, INFINITE Res sory ol a «i of spony 100 as a 0 ass e+ 02 soso tlle i Soot Sr eshte Sr) a 4508 (al + Ds ton 763 ant | I 3 i b-| i a ea | a YAH TS: - | | foal =" 9 eo 45062) in Py line andthe extrapolation of thi ard tothe we "hod pan ing vay 0 a0) or a8 21 The ope of elastin ofthe bp ots m= 285 gon cyl. Ther xcr200101.22 = 126018, 3 The skin factor ean beaut ting ou, 752 in wich te ypomatil ve = yp (Pats Pigg 8 e2z0) om -60 a 4508 (al + Ds ton 763 ant | I 3 i b-| i a ea | a YAH TS: - | | foal =" 9 eo 45062) in Py line andthe extrapolation of thi ard tothe we "hod pan ing vay 0 a0) or a8 21 The ope of elastin ofthe bp ots m= 285 gon cyl. Ther xcr200101.22 = 126018, 3 The skin factor ean beaut ting ou, 752 in wich te ypomatil ve = yp (Pats Pigg 8 e2z0) om -60 seta (225i oy Song tm) - 64 “ne eat pre with acy ah ti tae = 6 ooonm6s 80 4464 tm Goch © Tet 20110" x BD 5 Pony 4201 = 01416 A al + 223 ie orang x 228 ie = ta pr 5) ~ 228 “re MBH a 7.12 I sows ht fron = 420 nyse on = ton Cy toab sy) = toy 074.201 = 0942 tog 181 «18921 = 251 rane 2 thera © utteattteayeg) ni Poa! = L881 09 8» ping) ~ 8862 Thing mer point on he staging gan be eau Po to) * 3849, M8 ase p08) ferry tent haut be posible to maton egy. (88) by erty eat otto! = Hin 28s + 2etay nan) 114 800s) = 198100 Ee Dee ~ ital ees 6B inte 420) Se Bay Bator a co 201 750 > @ % 2 ‘Seve intrpetatn The new lt of sq. (8 fore ee ca ated Potty tag) =n 28, + 25 hon * oa? Solty! = 24 agg + 38 22 — 5g oul Suatiting he etn ine (7.67) get 001440, py! = 2 ha ~ 8 (Cy ga! * % Per tan ss arcing eq (78, he agus ofthe ina be, am ts eqn in ich 2 * Pan ~ Ba he Bere devon low the nw lp three eee ined mfg. 260 set te itor, blow te Tea Ey QO = 5 0m O22 mat w bo om toe 38a Gea 2 (Oe me Oa a 5 wy one G7 Sorat ath wo tz i393 ima east 20 a7 oe) Gan aaa an) 4 Soo “oa tee AN aye tg em an ooo Sir 3027 no Gata tas mn aaa woo 2307 tes rota 89m) tan? aa aes S000 4735 7st 2500 tks ose Mag ton ald ‘erie presets og ant dwt a eta ft 9 ‘Sam ane nt card ata on ae dn pa ‘env the ernie an be euyrstiin bulings mse! ofthe carne ape IMULTLRATE ORAMOOWN TESTING Cain in swe for # press bllup uy ifn neareniansies ities ley bee rsertdin ne og) In lana tacomes Corr the ays mutrat teat shown ni. 7.27 fr fou sequential How ‘Conroy inthe aay of uch a et he prestressed trom te peur chat te end of seh spurte How pi and ato te ‘haat! equation (760) Frintare, te clson of yy, 3 Be neo he ‘he conte way 0 analyse sha sa any dsb in 75 it plo vous £9 pgty, - cht dt in at ne wih dope m= 14298, dino Siren noida othe oa nen hg od ee ofl mney 1s ord apron it wa ena by sth Jones in thi be (SW 70) were seu for trent fat nt MME Pe enone in Tien he st any outon th ¢ nha roeero- Pau) M8 Beta sa 3 ig 1+ ga 92.0075) aguas lun ard inecart miloghoyer) 28-8), rom wn oa 1 tae wanton 8 epured throu te whole pd The es fo ‘anthracene ‘ute pon uma n tg 727 To), wtch again demonstrates e bse {oloingexanse wil sate he mata ef the er ta an bee [EXERCISE 78 MULTLRATE FLOW TEST ANALYSIS ‘ier ona ped ot 12 dtd in able 0 Foran Dime oa, ‘hon ‘ea ora) ° ° 00,1 3 00 me 3 1000 me 4 100 200 2 200 ae Casey Ee ae vom 1 eae ttt ts tine kang au 1.68) wth ey ne ‘onsets nga 1821 0a 21 Repeat the anys evlusting th py fartion for teint How condons ah EXERCISE 78 soLUTION 1) Tegel mica et ants equation, (7.9 canbe exeeed at oll = «bomen? om) sous one so01 ining ened” ZExteOP © 825105 on ed fou tg XHR/A = 01 oust ‘The pp fonction, eu, (7.73), resulted in tte 7.11 fra al oft ine SIE tan rare cfu cntracn oe & © ce a (2017.73) Poni Ps Mos Po "Pome Po 3 074m 008 7382 169 701 058 70 & ‘sors too Fat aan pass mist ga 9m sacra 3m “bao rast —teD 6500 11287 bss bee Ge aoe i? B18 bode & SY Ey Oc Gumery Sp gH FE 1 ome ora se » Ce 6s os se-ts a gan he ei of eer 7.8 set fice ead perme shat fe Sanaa we S271 sal witout & Koni of sear of the ha ero parameters ot : a a Toh tq 0015. Silay for Ye 1 geome contr ccd the the denature fom transient tow for this geometry aecurs fr tp, = 01, The above {ruta on gu el pean inh vga Oh Jone ppt” fr potion ath cove of» crepe reso od S000 (m= 6 {ooh ere 18.20 Ine ai ig 222010" a ‘tot in rer to ely te erect teri, un te rer feetion, sa "Ris onmnaniy tea ta late Nw tetany be rye if ts Teen wash his tend tot he pesto of sweet Salis wth oly a nonlogs ote bottom oe pest ard ue prodton Suppor tat 3 wl ih th rl ate Mary sown a i. 7:29 0b see honing at ares of stern rate ‘ow pevod before the multrate text commences at time ty. The or any value of 728 ae ea a al aa reset oyna) +E tale, Be, 18 + Son, poly, My) 1a, — a8 Unt h tconennen conser ter na tl drat te et mo.) = #45 90og a7 Eoin, fa war Py he Homing pres recedes ercly bore Ye multe st auntion (7.8) an therfore smi os = Big, 114, 418 10600"? Boy, Po.) +5, 080 8 lean, ~ Pa) 3, = ‘oud again be ines with slope m = 14.248, a te inergpt on oe orsnae| ‘rue nal force tloin ae apptee mo om 2 = Sbopse § 2 a0 1209 % fou Skt 10°" «thous and thelr fer he tote pd 19 Haws 125 Laas 10-+, Themen that anes ara pied tte een rn ) ae 503 ae o oot 8 ey ‘Tha conrespontiag pot of mp0, ve vant ope esate 10, hown 6 89. Tei 8 = 5262. pt cites ces F = 087 piensa ‘to ito nis 83 an pleted I a, 89 ar vans of Gm, at» ‘ltction ot arti rsa ering by Ota the waned var le P= AB60pHe: mip) = 108498810" putey sed = 800 pu: mip) = 107175410 san ‘Thee it ene ute» pronounend depen of cust, rn fr the relive 3} The inflow ton, ug the alto Band Farming in th tet arto 1B) ~ mle = 32020 + 087 1B) ~ minal = 3178-0 + 080 0F aml = 860 + 007 0! iB) * 605% 10 ain tnd tng the tain ale 8.140 3 = 12008 = MN 602 60510" _ “8 sx 32 “Tus the ute of the fom coefficients B and F determined using he ini "Sere septate oproxnstion horace welsonh oe ane For he asses ave of F = O47 pie wien was deters nae tar ofthis exec, the ta frp tom lt ea ‘ale 84, snd the lee baw i B90 9.810 avy trig ty i cnn o Tam, ana=rat a EBay EE ranm Ce no 2 SS ew eee wee ak 8 ES eee Se oe oem en ee ee ‘Thos pin ts ms oreo sag ine wih noi ane tree 2 unde he snumpton tat ewes mene vase eae fons talon rr bala sag in bts ra lt hasbeen reo {ales of Fo O00, BG and 0.00, ret tale Ba and 9.610. For Ica two slate f 3 gh eng of upward ean here fer he lve FF ook aeons mr wth slope 122 penis teh mpi aa eto 7 pecans in yh at nt a ay fe pe {hemor of 60 arr tor f= Olson #9 aerator ='090. tna gr many eee SR Spe af nytt Feu ny rela te pea 1028) {oly and smal rape rent tht eerste sat cntin il eth Trrtore, ng ea, (86) andthe data proves in ace 8.1, te re ime elo the sem! say se conan race Agee, 14.2016 10" «100% 49560 tilent to parte ttt be arayaed sig mr sey soe estos. Sup fin 11a) irae ee gm ble thet egy at eonson ‘ech tO and eonmgury, fete ame see properties ac Hom ad be sb 60 heroes ny tata au acy ‘unetions should be evausted using equ. (840 rather than equ. (8.33). Foe hak ower of the ieee mavens could padice» mae seo ee ‘ere 81 thee aueshappen o bw = 10D m0, A= OD ae y= 309 ‘on eu nt owatonna loge ‘tthe ow content 8 woul be tmasad Hom 3176 t0 1768 9" cil the wie of A and Cy atsh se snl nth aur of @ dren ot the ete Bin making ong rm pestneo w sbasliy can bone isting, woul be pefebieanme arty ciqe cold besnpoye hich Ceuldepicydeemine kana a0 that ecole Bcousom cust rom inte fo deine the Bana F feta n he nln yoution fea Te thease the peed is small hen te fowing te eae ch ‘yt ins, hh Srna ce the Iteatre fr aniyng tna car the szmotan that the wlbre Presse Odahhns test equation wat Modified by the use of el ats eudo eesure to Give 9) ~ P11 £80, mHto, Fo.) * 88> IGS can none arenes ° motto) = in Ae 19.32) rate shan ng te gee expen, [4D lc mesa ould of {te dnatodsape IstarThe aa a0 ety aire for 0), the “oe sateen mid in Chae 7, 8 8 abou he posit of rere ine ring uaa eh aking on so ren orci ‘Mermuinan io ote my tren ne (B33) whch molto gg! = mo (tl dimension eg tn EXERCISE 32 MULTIRATE GAS WELL TEST ANALYSED ASSUMING UnSTABiti2eD FLOW cONDITIONS ‘Song the ow tent are ines tbe BS aa) Gum Flowing Tine Kh py ma tis i in pt 8 = amo 0m a, = 36410" el at for MD ie " to ae come ESES1 5 Ge ae 7195. For ton Osu of ype tt 1 no ‘sete rom ig 84, whe ar ue ran one abated ue st Saunt reseed by Eaougher® IN Thar moans to be Woo ee sed EES] ne 2.208, ot ite ‘Te rer bul titanate frm aie it daring ta he pre Bly 50'mO. IT eeique willbe uly anrted nse 811 ana tte Imex 1) mean or want condita, eu [8.321 2) iy volts ing te gre expreion (80) ‘ExERCISES2 SOLUTION 1) The Es Toms cabiratan of eqitions (8.9 a (8-2) can boxed iN | | 20, sor cq -32+075)| torte + mls sph ~328".878) ‘as0) ‘retold, FORVO, enn £91, - 1) sl ne wih ope m= 1697 Th andinwespt =m oy oA = 28 + ‘rom whi sus of kan $a be eel nahi pe sal th wae of Than nes ty lance asap ine teed Me ana ‘oun nae Bd te plots 812 A ee Ce) eta on pin F=0 jones 041601023359" aeoe aOBE s0OK eo zor" 2 505 3097 ‘96700 S068 268 sane dene i} at om tase an ataa ies as T Inti, he pot mae gnrng he tft of ron Darcy How ( =O nd oh See in hv ae he ge foe wo ve fu (8.49] nt ented able 86 fo iret suet in ante Sinan te ot ae fom a Bean omen a oat E> 8 e077 | 37080 ah” apiaag "> ce 8 = 1391 ( SEE toy woo °° Eaton afm. i 3) wl om be compare th the are perl a ‘Shor, ete ting mu f40 Yor he 4 tetanus arom. The rel est sation (8. an be eran at want * 20, 3 Ap Ea, molto) = in 82 + Intg hn vex har or kana pec lowoeet = 1822 TSKh, which wl vd Bn ora vlc of te sinenone ine scumen fo, ty are te) fon eH BST one 1 usa —am ase son 2 es Fonts tags D014? Ft 3 oes 7.2617 ano 2am 7.2000 tne dem bat tanta hasan (G0) can bereusted orden Krcteneseeedinaeeo hey slg Tw value of and aleltd frm thet poe epee bees 1a 90 5H) my fu 1832)1 5 thvinweupute22 33 20 {n't caret anys bore mun moe pronoun. Fp 83 (enw he shi mp eluted unig en BS hee dare nee are othe ste 7 = we Dabs tron ani ate open 10 sere mimeo One My me tae oe "isan them ster by nereing te an ary fom anata toush Confer vale of = 03 har boon eae inthe lao pose fe 89 8 [olor byenary enone moxrese Bt ‘ecniger a modesty sh pares rs andere, he bieming the ta he perrmsity i unenown is aor sry we owner for atboug te vse 9” ky obtaud home baa oe ‘be accompanied by two sparte flow seri, one tefore and one afer bul, onan of tet ear Sand BO Tl eat dante 6 toa 391 tr moran SESS atten ei fr be mines oe Sere sa ip by aon {ua canbe expres sna laos between by) a ot (cSt The amuton ot hs att tne fob sau te 1 oh mega! be hyoteel pido praure ante expt ne Sondrard moh) an dig bch ae both elute fore tenon tam eave Honing tine etre the basa ae soar. Frag ler the ral pms route mie, wil dente om mB ma) 9dr mg) vers log forte acct oe dt il lata or eal an te enraged et ‘ch thorny be mated Oy aq. St) The stact fore oh Hara Udupi tat the sna to deemine x and doe not imate the xe fraluton atm pt vo 85) out maray requestor au wert rte. Theslege of sine 1370, 0 a) “om th a cin be ete, nd hol is, odin (leas #840, 1151 ass Sn hich mea el i he at perro he extrapolated h Tint t= ur The weatan of gu (88) follow the sane aout ai {ea (752) ana ear the catalase ofS independent of elo mot) ‘Te early, ase prereregrae of bom How pods can beans 1 etemine wane oF £5) atd SS + DO). Foe etn Sexy the roves mi) mlap =n Bs WO ogsoog pty 422008) (88 cord 4) — ng) = Thur alot of mip et wil ena ring tern Now rid wih fs eu = 8 +00, = 1151 (2 $+ 00, ( 7 Foere, +23} esr 0, te Ht, + Blogs, *151~ Me Ltogg, +f {ing ee t,t orl ow pai Teretr, a (238) mpi tat dle atmip, sou al be hese for wanton ih ope Irs 18881 At tmin) mio) > A ro) mia * Qs mg) #0585 ‘as aldo bee contre for ta Sige Th va of fey ttre ‘ree ae incre, Eqution (8.5) a tan be ved to ge So eM ae 5 -5+00, +1151 sono 133) in which both ml) at pg ae wana fr = 1 Rou. The ate cn te uted by exaplaon of ht bu to for ane Por ae al Tp rose However, thi earection i sldom applied an way iy ‘stequa tomios) lane or th a eames [EXERCISE 3 PRESSURE BUILDUP ANALYSIS Mba) Bap riba) 78 3a Goa” gore eaRa I 100 koe ese” oes ean te 15 Son ase" ams oaae 1 her 827" 3amk toe 18 me a0" ean 200 mie 285" our 233 Sarr a Seo a 2a as 2" eGR 300 3570 a1039 "uaa Gaza Gandini py mika) Gemini pm ma) 5 4100 mem a8 7? TOO 35 asd tomas we tame ones 38 fart toot 8b tame tonsa 4 vt in of noe at rc oe ret 2 SS meng as ~~] 1) ate tomato” 30, ne te my tose "Bo doe tas Fe vo) 36) sas) i lll: um ts! i en gon +00, = 1.15 EXERCISE 83 PRESSURE BUILOUP ANALYSIS Instat of spying multe How tt trie rid in sete 82 ‘ete by pang fr 3 hour ot rat f 40 acti slang infra 8 a ‘una hialyby gracnyfr a erty 3houren tf 0 ata Poe ta pct os ipa) Pat dg) 3a. 500 amo Gear Cohn Ue a) CaMEIN ME ema ‘Sth pepe ‘Stina pep Sai wooing 38 ara ioRaOMIO roe tsa 30 Mam toeae 1S ae toe $0 fare tsaas 20° 367 oso 69377 sae 25269 oen02 59 fare tone 30 aan ioe 8D avo nas Since the id propetis we he at eto pres exercise. 848) fPuenahin execs Bean be sein cae eer. top EEE mint at ton Pal 3 eS aoeeg as a0 oaa ora be a tom = 205 Ho 22 Sn toe = O38 toa Ihe careponding tulip pot own is 816, om win the pea mp) = 10662430" pep a ep an terete ag age 8) ures oun rig ite the fs Par oe ry Tow unger sm sy state onan, Thi renders wasnt aay of he et ow gett rate Gy, mponisle bt sls ofthe buildup wil itd van 8 Flowing ths kana, an be deermind trom he ree srl asco. or Dit eer Chapter? t twit eo dem sk 115, me pede (ac euted tthe Intl culm gree cold tnd Slaton of musing tev steady tae equation (63) with he aoa aan [sould be elute ant anc th comet wie of B Te aad wpe ‘or wa proving ude a lead sat condone ae tine fe tue. h ‘he ena shown in Chapt sn, tw wl ofthe Hong tne wd et the bin fest proving at ¢ > tag he na eg fo sm a) ‘fae conltons tobe rho! forte partoube goon! congraton of sn andthe BH method sot for a arin Hong tr tee en he ‘oust tg, sing eI, roger «known Fag, the merge Premate i tne gy pitt the blip and the sauna the ne prosctshe presi oie trative heme fr lel gay araheen Bi fee, ‘auraton, lg 64 Both tpg ggg and mlb") ~ mil remain constant Prowghout ‘ohn rete ue of yg rom wena tial wie of tae erie Sap u(863) Tow Hort Suisup plod uxing is le ot ue tend of tevin owing ene MBI or Die method the use oe In au fe voor premure tthe ie tery le ht 7, e. “hovze posit = veces wf hd tose feta, Faris eon, fveapepremure tae nous betore the wll lsu, iba JG," Or teg fr the ‘uate for We ate termined we of py and icons ut meee ‘Sus af ths prere do ote by more than some tlarce ale (2 TOL etna of ne oa new Bul tan She rnp") — mi i [Scant s now sae fs btaned on teh aon. In worked eramole t= SeoP ca [ATRAPOLATE TOMO" MBH + mips — mG = coat * m9 (Goa ss) mah 3 hae ~ mn toe = Wee hes pore ares 1192 PRESSURE SUILOUP ANALYSIS IN SOLUTION GAS DRIVE RESERVOIRS To ane premue bullup tee ncn han ckcunstaoe, Rasher hae Manotel he ite tarwtormstan sof Sa im by rit Te Kl ol arp [sion btwn prnur na station rau to alate 1862, Fan (ees) ‘encore of prture, S183) pity dere te pec ars 1 ing wl of a the ie of he uy, etme he lion ky 2 uneton fhe peur sage (6), one of Sp te 48) he alan beta han gitare Slo be 3) Ling We eeprom evaluate mp a3 frctan of pes, ae Using the ma eae prenre, the conan tina te saltion af he ada 708x10* *hmip) —atoge) 1 = maltol * Maan) ves Regraon os shown, ung arrest simon, tat th Mig! arcs ot wy i hpi) hen rhe Ho bu ae 1 GS. 4 Sa, 16 2 in which, fr sping saturation the at wo ems can Udy be ele cave of aaalones of fom of amy factions, a (8.4), wth he ‘Chou 7, 6 7,4 al, and se 11 of ti chapter, fr gat. A Homer plot of gg, vor og 25 6 made andthe ely liner tend enrapaied 10 terra mp". Theleoe oftheir section _ 1260 1 sin taco can be eels ing 2g. (782, with parade prec re ‘ain the actual rece he equstin”Aguin he MG mod can bed {strminn gh on Recs te aerape posure Furtverore i tein ie 1.15 SUMMARY OF PRESSURE ANALYSIS TECHWIQUES ‘trthaniepreartng et summary oft cmt man elt fo sng To wit lean ola mt ananatn te th ‘ial, second order, partial itferenil equation forthe Bow of» single has ‘iain Ory anton rtaton er tan of ws, ing fat lO =O: ana nd Part inaction ng he ita! eantoiton mio) = 2 J 22 en iE sy seahing a Oey nis the care fom of hi won = fh Ansan of any of he sow tho bt he rermultion af eg 15. Btu forundenatrstedoil 8+ 9 fora gt B= mb) td or ai (wo prae) 8 = mph Although the tr lnrznton hasbeen api ta he cern of a 153129 uo), shuld be renebeed ft neinon omy saa for ee Pige How lunar or mnen te eoticent kip» comoe Fer both real and to pose (eu) aya the He Yost pes (88) el on nae (886), whch prt te prasad promis raponse oe wel ‘rice Expeing ee 8.65) n rennin fre (0 2) - Be mn Be) Fe itece fg = tg and fo > Maer (= 0.00264 tlguc in fil itn Nur Se oe onset! te elton, or y= canbe are (Gye = borane oom In ts ection the varius compnent pas ae a sed in Ue 814 tn ls til sem punt on he ar oh Hd. Stountptac toe ope beet Tels net Samy te ee sto, = Eat, to.) 498 aon Uedensree Rest Too a Timms omnes ‘ oy mbna) mip-na sat) pote) mole mat : : $100 ‘ Jalan, alleen Stl) ster tog * DONEZEAA gue (ld unt 30d Boyton) he oan ‘te Maso, compan tothe ue pq and de slowsnce forte fatto Bot) in em ‘toepoton of he ttl stn, eu (870), serve cnet for any vai xaoles in i and te prov ater (eect 7.8 nd 8.2), haveshown ht ‘he sah suman of trasent fam ean be ark npr the te ‘Sing eco By fnetion, ea (70) espero tt ns ecunon (Ged, me retl in exer 7. Mirae tre shui only be ld wh ‘he an te cnt ent ae ty rhe oon ‘sen, ete peur ld, Oein oer nd for anal slr ‘ln nie on ere i oto ad ha rags Sermon ‘tit be wit ht fw fe (270 ited fe, 18:71), bac wml ean, (89), ony sere tcoraite el et oni wre. ‘sng tw soc auton ane epi recomyg the bse fat tat eae ‘sro inthe vrou neces tot iu wate eu. 1270) fr Joonaete detonc dex custo eoaton mh rai ha ‘epa ‘Sy facade ued show 18 7RELIMINARY oe] roa T (BeaER, ITERATION L aN CHARTS Ti coms the bis eit srt, ind ah bse of to ord welbte resus a freon of sed in ire a ei {org walt bore pra stron of me aig the Hawi ued bora ater he bul (nercen 83), Fora lp ina undematuate oso 8 only eer sect the Lipo, Fe new ee st ey ‘he computer peri th tk Heng dened the pons on te ier tend he erputer ean detarme th rain tw ng ne seh test athe the 2d mrery sora eto sr he Sih ‘ft aig the Bowing patos eins earmnation ot be pera fee ate dependent sin nrc 83) Foro inal etn ither a ol ru rs neces 76 a 83 repeals) ht tof i ih maining of ly of roan. A tank vue of the constant terminal rate touon Jp "equ (B70), can Be ‘rare! for any Md type, prometry oF the ingests and dee fl This par of he proram should by gute Heil wt se ma ine bing 0 rewire the meray rere within th ingytauidny tte ne of Strat lne for varie sued nea ze and shape. Alternates, an sem cull be made to mach the ere Budi by essing Bo! fait” tah od toring stata eon ated ne 841. The ar cna erenences » 2» ® 0) 6 AL Husiny,R Ramer rand Cawtord P,868 hw Flow of Rea Gate “org Por Moa iP ac, May 64 36, Tre AME fo Wal Ting and Delverity Forecasting, Pe Tach Noy. 63752. Trane Sumage an Wao Soap, eT, ogi 677887 Trane AME, Aa, Mate, Ko, $n Bar. 1976, Use af rere, Pere Sates ‘rd rue a he Analy of Trance Premure Drown Data mn Cat nan ot Ton, pune 5865 ‘Trough Porous ed Soe ot Ep, Crater: 48450. “ Wong, Si, 1970. ete of Liquid Saturn on Tulane Fat for Gat qu Sjtone Can Pet Ten, Oster ‘et So Pena February” 6662, Tae AE, Tl AppizatonoProducsonPaceee Managh 7, USB. ira, AD, tiles, 8.6. and Rey, HG, 1963. Detention of Subines ‘Ge Wal Patomance om Sort How Test Pet Tachy hw: 651658. rare (se, AS. snd Jones, 6, 1985, Prsure Drown Ans, Vara Rate i, AE nd Thoms, Gi, 1971, The Us of Open Flow Pott Test Ott in Dawning Fomatn apeiy snd Skin Factor Pet Tech ay: S79607 ran aie Exrouher, RC, Ramey, Hse Miler, F.6 na Mule, TE, 188. Pesare usa, 1976. Wal Tex Anlae:Wale Prodigy Saluin Gat Drv Sceberogd August 96308. (Chapter ine? ard Chote , snc 7) ung the smal ire naependent EM B-o caren senor ree, we inh hate wl aay essa fot oq tothe pre st te rig argu war ana ‘aguied whch ne tie dagen, t ene forthe st at tke ite Ireloed Inthe materia burcsequaon (ve sora fred tHe fing) then once trary mos ax Don bse ung fo pret eae pertmane of reson sy, ore gan ake py {THE UNSTEADY STATE WATER INFLUX THEORY OF HURST ANO VAN ‘rent Int for im, whan ar welt opened ud on Pructon st ¢ onan te tw prs repana ttn walle ca tet of be died rae raraet fom candtine blr the Yesenr boundary wets a ey ‘lone pasty by = paris ofa trarient Hom ad aly by aN, tm taney nat low emer te or canditen the pearl sus ce Poll + Aig # in pope oa aa rota) = 22 oat hie. That termine the prenure op at r= ry) cue taa ate crane ro ‘1010 gpl thelr bean at ine #0. In he ction of wate nx rman au itor set oundry of teste: in th rene Ht nan Erg sed tee) ‘isty suman fore sutervsewon sam by spl the Lape are Tormation ove eqn, expres terms sensors vara 0 25, (0B) a 48 18.1. 2) reer to age abe an eso roe, hl rtd of sting constant ei ae esti af au (1), Hust ad vn Eee 2 100) * Fp ath enrol = 1 nde 8 Fiinwangaan. Shoat ramet tote Fatty [8° [90005 Wi, = Preheat} oa nen, ce Day nis = emule ater nt feat) aur toa peeve dap 29 atm) mond ary at =O nd Mo to!* dimerinie, cmuitie wats infix felon ging the ‘menses nn peut rare Oop npn the ese ilerbounday a 0 uation (0.4) requanty expres 2 Wy = Ube Moto) es = arene eo = Wrtohment a ‘The irons water nx: Wot) aque pean in abu orm punted slo ofa (18) by hunt and an Ese Ech ‘he ey untae if init aglter ena fr tino oouring ce wich me menor time at war caren se ulted eandet on he omy, Ths armen n 8 and 92. ‘econtant ~ 00024 eno ese fay > 2300" tryna) = Belper elem) Us L119 1s eoueed 1881 toe ih tem eer) cermin sone ao 8.7 = wth ten) =a wand oes) 10) f Woltg) venue Ye depend upon Fads! Wolmat) > iro? 1) om Une Wo mak = 1 jon Note htt Wg nau (2.11 uo. fr flea agit = Wy = any O90 ‘an be obtained wing wai (9.12) for linear geometry. Therefore, once the plateau EXERCISE 81. SOLUTION 1) Since ema in yee, hen 200% 20060 ‘e * qae Zixteocto™ 5000" “Tre esroznent ange 0", thralore t= 00760" = 0222 ans y= UMTBY9RE 0M to) *6000)2100 Wa to) Wi, = 6986855) 8 tees eg) 25 3a tsa 40 dhaare For darn tines gaa ha 918, Mg) = 39 ean contre ‘os peer ron 778500 2h 5618 ob = 9410-%.222115000 ~ S000 26410015615 1, = 278600 ats 93 APPLICATION OF THE HURST, VAN EVERDINGEN WATER INFLUX THEORY IN HISTORY. MATHING go cota pane wan ry, or 0 Ssopom tat he benedeni 1 the tires Oty tv, Tae he overage pri ee vie ie inte tons y= ody «BERD = 4B Boat ow Slaton of type ea. (85% 8 " WIT) =U gt Ta!400,WolTo to) 403 Mo Mo ooo tTete Ppa lTotoy I where 9,16 te peste op at tine Sen Bye. (218), 3 Wy Foo sini Want =U $540 MocTo-to) om Ee oy FX wn = aw /E [EXERCISE 92 AOUIFER FITTING USING THE UNSTEADY STATE THEORY ‘OF HURST AND VAN EVERDINGEN Amin os rer id fig fy tog ho = t008 = ar2at08 any Set inase 231 PRESSE, Mate Bon Tie Gye) oressune Sve ® PRessune (oxi) nd ExeReISE 92 SOLUTION ws ine sr Sethe Sane Sa fr sar ne ‘ost os nen a ade : zo = 8 oR (=BENRA AI ‘ ee We 'g WpSyette) (30844) a Fp soa aie ete tle 9, Bn 3095) The “and of 9 ye wee" of Ny, eum oroBuetan. Ry Ane Eenennnic ome multi GOR ana PT oroeriseresonaing Yo the pes pit rm . slum 3 fled 2a ated nae 93 Tm oO & 8B vest (MMi) etm) Usa) tmnt 23) ath ot snag or Fg * 10, say thea af Hs arate ua ° S201R,) 14041) 651R,) Oana) ™ 1 zea Fea yn Sa Boone 11 eatatone Hy frp = 10 2142 otter 3 mts S20 tae Say ants? Since sal ve spe have ben sete, the Gero ne antici 3 eo Ss tae my ootae snmmon connor be eoresed, wh nye snd ther prt in Son toas ae an ‘dua 6 5642 106 tae ka “optso $6539 toes 2ey aan 2208 & 778 1120 tama Geka eo ae Set 15 tame art ote 783th eet 220020 o anea Fate 8 wre t= 10/980" = 030 te Unb Hebe 26«1001710"%412001° frase eh tan 10) 7 77 ‘ sor 228 agp a 2 wae nana i mo 7m 1090830 a ii Bae 4 sao Nat 0 S270 im 1h FN 608, = RO) 5 7 8,8) +1R = PIB) yeas) (seed DD pM IOY ag 7 —jaue—anee 4594 tz 1000 2 Maye) es GOS 2a 2 ee eed Gan? 2 fame an Stee a2 Daas Swiss a a Stas 2st @ tao je) eek 0a > eros dame Stagg? ona & imino Gant eas as wo Does aap ean 208 “he pt of FE, wis W/E, i 8.15, bows atthe wend deviates tow the trees dene afte fit This ots nat to eo 7 ae Vals fr 5 te in bl 97. These hve been aos 1 eee zo) 380 a a ni MatT =f ™ 2 Sénattane 12+ 22595 ie oo ‘ Moot nee 3 Gktecaostoad«zamae + 63495) ao te 4 Gktgcaoetas0 + 2261090 Tobxe 2+ 17O<495) Stns 1 eexaaoee) ane 55 G4tgraoetean + 2061930 + TBostoga + 17O82 £2207 2 Geteta0e7 48 + 7250408) 288 esanat 1 43) Geteliova 10 2250740 194 88) pt 8 titania 10+ 22541890 19641280 + 17011090 7628 4 Gutelizorioga 225910" aoxra6 + 70.688) 38175 sonata 120098), 3 Batelnzrios 2251009 Towa IVO7 a $7208 17 suse 2or20 2022611810 19643890 17011250 96005 aoa S14oc10@0 « tana 12 + 10be8. a) feeble? + 2251089 141000 + 1709.10 9805 4 bciannz220 2512020 TobcT@ 10 17011690 16284 6 eer + 1nt 146x190 + 2341090 + fom. 12 Bis 95) 1 ubrianci1 82 22640127 + 10541089 + 1OCI00 67.778 8 eiia0n28 0 + 2512220 * 19612020 r 7018.10 198601 eiaoea 10 Tae? a6 bed 2) S14 90 + 2301350 1051090 = Bend 12 1 waseiabet1 69 «22001 se odes 27 «17003083 76259 once) yaeci089 «1200 10 Yom ao 94 98 40 ousyi20:28 70+ 2212800 19642220 + 17012020 154401 © exsetaoetta + zamcin8a TobetTs2 + 17ot127 92998 141810 2341690 + 10601950 Best B0. tener cana wr ydoe toma © 12901009 052010 #86 1 eta) ta sasqigort? 59+ 22549181 = s96411.09+ 17001152 89.205 aoe" 2? © t2oc1083 + 1501008 +2010 Leia naa hen aan 9 94 THE APPROXIMATE WATER INFLUX THEORY OF FETKOVITON FOR > omle-aat 2 and saatitiog 18:21) ito ng, (2.18) end spaig the vals he {sequin wl ow Oe nd ore a condton tat °0 1, = 8 tlh on cutting inten agin (2.1) gee ray, nag 19.231 for o-phit-e-F00) ve20) fe = aK ino) (oe op hasten rented thoughout the que ‘si stand, oa. (9.24) not pericytes i wa cre or 8 ca etl | 1925) (ret) om zm, - al om ee) a2 = Bante er Fethoviteh has damon tat wig equ. (9281 an (220), in se sei’ so vty sa supers tor S801, we wet in con Stennis ns ae ‘Sie rom on ern strc so tan ates wate iy s0 ht Be res ir Gy oF Ihrem wth th rowan reared oo, Reteing tea. 128), ees Md ea ie aponntgation, gta cumulative water ina se > 4) emote ox aus (32) and 18.31, whic a a pci case of Ftkonts tery were frend in 196 by Stu and ed sey ste fon eos Enuston (23) can be reused in spite fan heh value ote ‘ater boundary preceding he tipi, se leeds 2.5) ‘herder should at be aware ta the Pl expesions pete in tate 98 ware Ihe? naib may nt sways be sopieale nd the caret PI exes ‘ould rent abtzoad by son thera ioe equto, sng sy {ave sap shown in ate & et, oou asing wth tome, Cond Freemed n ig 8 na aeons Caper e719 mol hese sao [EXERCISE 93 WATER INFLUX CALCULATIONS USING THE METHOD OF {eager dts preset ner 93, ut sping te mata ot Feo EXERCISE 82 SOLUTION Hate) 1-0 (oe 923 ioe Fy 9H (8:28) and or, Tne conan tai ut. (9.28 ad (2.29) cn eta in eld i, or Thecowest mtr ais rp 8, ar flo sto" eh ‘ooo = 1081020200000 446 ps ‘Sree ht eq, 1.281 dete oe sp fae oe toe PAI 5 jag DSOBIO™DHS - g.2220 gu 1928 can hrtora era 22 5) 08220 (yeaa tpun) "ipa" ant 0 aiAoiar 5 hee taro aetna i et nan Gram) a 5 je ds Haro agen 6 Moe tose Gogo as 5 ies aa ‘378 Soe tear te ae aim jase tro 10, nach eon ye hy ee an ho non ‘Seb ioreved by ping te Hart on on Evringe method fee it et * en enters “ 3° a0 0 1 a0 asm 2 ies 1300 Zea 30 he wa oie Dam 00 3 ies 1a69—seaor 2557 8 imo ooo ease 2500 3 Heats aes ass 280 & tes tots ntego 2a Sian jaye lasts Ie Us this arin manos [Fekowieh mdi) ica be sen ‘rougaut aenown nt 12 PREDICTING THE AMOUNT OF WATER INFLUX Sictons 92 shrough 94 considered the was in hich 2 mathemati! aquter "yen sot nag ore oboe ‘i sara eh, tna fn ‘Rounin ante Ieee. tan bo speed or . 6m Wo (Tota! on 0, ing 19.181 Toto, oon 0s(i—e enMe ) of aps tind 1g, 9:20. An arte 101 96 APPLICATION OF INFLUX CALCULATION TECHNIOUES TO STEAM’ Soaxing “oe cto of prong aque purtrmane, wing te unease ey ot Fost and san Evrdingen peeied inthe previous evo, ot mesa seam soa eae Th et war Gc Capra nooicn sh [ited byte experimental nang of Niko 3 Tons wn nate hat he ‘dma astor nt prascon eye wr amount est nad ino he om tract ws tty arcton ec onto coeron Suge pete Asn eis ere Bree neu (9.38) he wera pre during te te 9 ty te iat y et of doce peste sess enh cre he. 8) B+ lost) om a A Bainr +P 940) Intich Noay ithe known nf a then of eln-tee se. Ung New 7 Naor $0, joan 3 aeenoe Enrdgsn, x 9.251. Ute ater conta itd in ou 8, ng ge (816) a Me 2 U Boon wottone) © Sereda Equnons (941) sd (9431 can now be eats and saved exe for he pet hg [au Ete Wotteto) M1 wal?! 3 $8.24 Bas Pate ol om {ode apse, fen veyhing onthe rahe hand ie of au 46) ‘heemines, thr pe an be eoute! wn sulequenty By ng 9.9 i th ts coc hat i ray avait he ger Syne Petes Daly BN8828 se ences tine 2 Evian, mama, Han ihn 1,183 Ape of om rit ater mee Rear. Wan 4, nO AS; 1. ri ur an un of Su 5) Horna, 0. and Osh, AS. 1968. The aes! lo an Easton of «Sash Une Part Fit Cae Pet Tet July B18692, Tre AME Seis F196, Act Oa Reaoi Ena. Tans. IKE, 18:37. St ho, Hind To, PAPA. 19% spre einaion ofS ‘Thar Simao Wil J Pet Tash Das 16191629. 10) Betty, .G. ad Danan, 0.47, 1969. A Dynamic Pojanming Modelo he ‘hc Seam incon Mocs at Th, Gece 182 800, “ht hater deste Howto cule cre eating rm tact Selanne fansite ch aly ake be mt Ar Sieg ara mens nt od econ ‘rd a cn ony {Pew en tu const aoe. tt 8 © 90" ts vat seer igen hen 880 ont hwy eo {te ci ane a sy tna gas sy ae ak Sho Sy 8. cle te capiay nation sone an denoted Hy Pincerent of By aster fr en tw Imbsitoneaply prema Faocant IF, =O at Sy "1S, Conse te sate san uring se ‘own nt 305, ich =D hae pt raced so iat tn so ne iad of sara he foment ft stato eon rt esi ton Incmal'e te fom dren) can bees PIS.) = np —ny = beaveow Equton 104) i fara, inet {olin thar! grant he gee ein cone, ile nthe Feld it einen table 43, which ae erployed in he exces FlSa) = 04535 aryee# ia) 08 Aoiog 8 Sy = 1-55 plane 10 rie nce f fn 105 wile i ‘one we arevon etn nt apa cin at pn Plncerant read aur of atl poste of th, = Y-Sy len so Mood move tran the senor, sh penton aig fa now wt ston “istration setae by te eopilry premature estore. ous has euitately explain the conapt of verte! equa by ew Ine funciona capil presie ad err, eg, usa) = Seats 08) ttrarcosytediibued a nated by sau (108) The ane Oat “Tcanion overt equim wl be promated by hci tree lrgcprytanaton zone een te ha uid 1) Ie splng anon te ear wanton zane ge nd ao wen es neg ‘olvingsinle,anlties teria to rib the space roses ah Signa tc al Cot ‘ho torte, the ptton vate Meh hate water a wo thoptr For snaeteen athe eniew must reset to ture Seon {tees (tr T0401 1 hot bee sed tat he vera autor ca ‘oetay sated trousnou te remade of te cpr poy whe han 1 Tap add te anata a 07 sire te rach trv hy ung late pon 8 tbl eer Crater 3, see. S- case of th sep he mths die tip 108i. Som temecton and praauchan wa cord 0 pts Taken ofthe tortion af the near fw semi inate fa pot urna th te kat oe Be so introns nthe sport ration yet) sted mane tag mpi ard hve lwgly oon sugced by nares! smltion wens inet, one gf tw man purpour i ng must osm the se debutian ofa and water or lcing Fn arr renting ar 3H “histo rabies he engiet to lc injection an reduction wlth Space a viewe troughs tnmr com econ a he arene wh hater deta ne fest lee, pce ins hmogesoy in stn ‘ter 103°, tnd stnoquanty stort toe snd Tote ph { aspscment im inhooganeous ayer eer {erp rls pemesbti, lntthece nest he sev he reso det treo persist ny post rong! He ike Te ite How condom can bm encountered unc to a By! eon ‘anendaplcenant oct a very ih injection tts 20 tht a eres ‘vere euro contin oot 100 Sina, Henan il apr that th vat stron 10 Be ‘ccerng splat unos fun Yow carctan tat rox rate pre Corsi teri perenne Hock shown ini 6 ana ~ Formac eal ro m8 erin Sn in ten ee etn m Soe 104 BUCKLEV.LEVERETT ONE DIMENSIONAL DISPLACEMENT ‘raf water Hong twaupr volume sent gh I0 mabe oee ween Me hes 009 sand (Onl + Riesete) = ante Bons ian om doe ave 2nd forthe ssrpion of name Spscernt og coat Fl 018) a+ Bla ‘Straton, hatin Se "0 hen plane of constant water ES ry =) vin stating i. 10.15) a (10.17) (10.8) a 08) 030) a ‘Thin equation of Belay Leet en ne ta, or a catant atot triton fy a)» te wel 3 plane of conan wate sation {tot muaton the aio arene grant sem eget ns. C08) Sort ieton ger a bao IW conan te pstan of steen eat tun plane ont ted ‘hing eau (1020), mere by deteminng he slope of he acon flow cue fo Tar is #matheratal tity snc in aplying hatin win cn esprit by coreg the typi Fst lo eune how 9 103 1 convncton win sau (1020. Se tae requnty» pot of fear ‘exam pin, oon nf ON wees sng ou 10201 t plo the surat dtbuton st prelate wl hte tore rei nh satire stom n 10.4310, Ts tale ratonprofie ‘Sony inpoatle sine tints at mule water ssurton eco ‘tthe aerator, stich shown nf 1. have he aka oy, 2) w Inca apron of Suki Levret wich ase tat, connous od Bu <8, < 1-5, re Sa he sock kon strtion, eu (1018) an (1020) can be pied Scorn te cry pee ae uy mi, ten he Ge to (020 ‘oun 1. 1a auch nt the aed ase A a Be eal The ed Ae en tbo ol eheig nt elt ws ees Hele (hetron Seer ononn nt 1012 esto pd ia in, lie tah be ro ‘etm ton ie who 108 1) aa tine ato tnt sturton Sy lostad 8 poston x, mere Hom yo ae, 0020) slums of inte wate an lt S, 2 Sup tena. 1023) canbe 10028) Sts = = fds 00281 S.Finiyseeting 1021 ed 1025) ves n026) soine 8. =, ite Se We nod of os mines Sup fal and 3. aqui tat the facto! ow curv be plate, sing ther qu. (10.12) oF eu. (1021, for he entire water Be <8. < 18, ollny recive niet aPone Tha pede, Newer ely se Ba C8 S15 105 O1L RECOVERY CALCULATIONS etore water rk tn the rig wale (1120 canbe ating 10 tine the poston of pune! of artant water surat fe Sy Se Tse os the tod moves thou teres nd ene he wate turin broth tine of break ond sbsequany Bis eustin Vein ‘iterent anna 0 udy tw sc of nereing wat strana Bo ant nde 030 can be oxen no) pal te In whieh Sup cuanto of the war ction ne prod wl fig 1014, S88 Wy the dmemonien mnt ot pm volume Of ate te tne Léa resi dapiacren te ol recor i egy st hvu Of war throug the loed rt spurstan, Sor" Sy,,sfecherthe rosin onde frequent corened ithe fll and one hie carts eines of 2 tock Fron ts time qu (1022) can be terre in treo eu (10271 0 He i020) In porta he dimers nection te Le (Pune me heh Itt castor the te a hh eathcu acu se 1020) Atte brsanau, a1. (1027) ond Sat ta the oad nes Bros wei, 3 shown a i104. During i hae te Siaeitaete S630 eta ma el se ung 1027 be Ba ee tae hy wo Fry, aeag Sa. Hom bath sr of eq. (TOSHLaes the recover Nae = Be Sec = Sa) +t VT 030) The ana in wie a. (1028) an (10.2) cn bee in ected 2) Ora te fatonl How ive, ah 1012) o 1021, alaning fr gy fh na ton pt a anny ae Srnes Sy = sl of te eon station bein he trea treakrusn 8, = 8, nus (1028) nd (10.29) ca he be opis tcl el eer dine at which eke aco } Oootng Syed allow it vals ners in in rome of", 9 abe tr ssuaton a beatau Ech penton Ihe tacos! fda cu or Se > Say yhasenoraaer Sy "Satan fs an, spying ou (1020), 9. 1S cemonste thatthe tangent {Saloni ow sare treet te ne f= 1 tone teen ust ‘sage aster stun nthe ex lek 8, or eh new valu f Si thecrrepaning il of, teria gn ta = 8-8 a ‘Te seco of he op of he action ow cue farsa of Su at Uy ihe amber of pre vlumes of water ite, 11027), Ts Sows + Su. Ths ar mehodis Muted mene (102) mth Nyy sna Ware The alge ttniue for cling ll coy, a fein of wae nin bean dela unc the aumgton of tae flow ach npr 3 one man ‘heen’ in ied recnvote Neate Oy aura the ata, 3nd Satraton pendent rate permssblites Inte recon normal tone tam {rctanl flow cir canbe dun sy the avg lie perme sve ina of he Yack cre, the Bohl Levert Woe the apd [EXERCISE 101 FRACTIONAL FLOW rr eT 3 on Bis TaD 120 a om 4m 80 tse 3% om 3 sD OD io tm ae xe On resurgent val or wich 2, 13¢hith nd 8, = 10 mule at covery st eeaktroug orth fallowing fans combintors aoa ” EXEREISE 103 SOLUTION 11 Forkarional low he action win theres sho he es road nh Conbrir te oe eutarsi FrectenaFow a1 Syke he altos OF talign Oulbar 25 20 = o. ° a ‘35 saz ‘S10 205000 20 tu fon 3 ae “a0 “taa%0 sr ‘3 me 35 tz 390 tas00 at 81 ‘a oss 2a ‘aoe et sa ue 85 ts 20 fake oa 0 is so ts “te 2479 oo 21 8 = “too “1201200 8 3 20 so isn “won bte ‘ae oe oe 6 70 soe cor on 570 7 208 aro soo sar 35 ts 251 ot ba 00 ooo 8 So oO soo a0 1.000 slinines by sopyng Wages apnea! whee a sku ar ied in coe Sn toe to (rset) _ autos 2 8 % % BS ee fait moc tas Chane fn, roms lula ntl (whey frat er sure, Se Meat hae sown’ sing 9 theoreti! eter Sched by expereent that Bucky Lv apace canbe ere sae ‘eur een ear hn paced vr he Wen tia. of Mand, {ore tes cnt dtd oxo 101 we awa nae 103s) Ung ce Gane ge Su Raa Ral A 7 1028 oo em 40 70 Toner lnis toe ttle até mah ware foowatle ty oF agacrent (i, 1 Ths oe wl be nnd eter ta in extee 102 in heh {heal covery after breatvouri determine ava tanevon ot Going Sentai Aue ctr nee an pecs eee [EXERCISE 102 OIL RECOVERY PREDICTION FOR A WATERFLOOD The rie parma: fr oi and water ae orteted in bl 10.1 and te Dome = eerie eknes =O Ditince between inaction wale = 6251 Dies batten inet und rotons = 20004 2) deren ne ‘a alae arabian vctitin ofthe i and tar ar ental wit ‘how of "Caen oxre 1. Thaaarie factor Nom are eae ‘Sunin fe 10.18, own tw beta otc wen Say 7 045, 1) Cason stm poke ne ‘tein he eer exresson, 1 = Mla fon pore vlan) feat yw B8T5 3S Tete : 1625540200018 (yer) t= 439 Wy ye) 110351 “Thereore restau il crafter se 2) mbt etary nh, exresiedin pore voles can bet ls = Bop Bul + tad Ma (0032) Alowion Se «We wae strana he predicing eno hoc, tt in incomes of Sx or Sua Sy, te cresponding uae OF ye ‘alate in ble 104 ing he dt ite in tte 102 or Ca 2 See ee le 150 699 soa a CT) 5 am st) % 8 am ats m0 97 com Sst ni bv of 4/955 en euler than determined on th ro nes bra ‘acuta using eqs (10.271 The ol recovery a2 function of both Wy ad Tirwcn nom be etwmined ang an. 1032, alate tle 108 So SUB to RE WQIPV NlPV) tne ra ae gs ACN ta fs fm wo ong s os 3s ms ore 1s fms 92s tr fms se iets (Ga 1 tor 0 corsooning value re To reconey in een born volumes plted se tncion of Wy nd ta ti 1047 The fromm porbie coery fe ove move of vole Le ISS = HB, 5,0 STOnPOm Spe m2 8, Bsc te rm ‘owning 108 sittin mei A ew edt ae ‘hare it diet interac th no spiny waron Zone: Sete oa Th, Stan st tat 9 plant goer by vere! quam, ak dieu in ‘102 ins cms retro clr wanton sone, ity oes se Se han ee in ees aan ae nea {nn diion of how mould rman soratanttroout the dale ‘ip 10a ren at np cnwat| veo face woud vet A hh ton ae vc oc, ig {Fg ahh on lps oe corn fe ary fee Cra at td pre ware paren nso Pe pevanaaieg heb 8 oman 6 en tnelamac or dupocenent nike = ection * Fonsaxot Tose nee Futebol + AMO ovina We capa pemureequtn, 105), 2 = dip, py) = BREE hie eher tite nea 10.38) ee 00" (cor + sno} sin ald ui can dens rom a (10101106 c= datos Min STING 003) Bap =( ES In this equation MH iacontan and wen spacing by water t fina ato “he lining cates wren yd = 0 4, atzA nf, 103910, Be ner ich, sing wa 1028, ca Be ved Yo determine te sates for f= pace, ND ‘nosy an = {M0 tH, Aarne vw hose = pet “his the most conan phys! endo. The space state | G> MT rinwcewe $89 118d, and umabe <= the watt by ato ter Chapt ne 9) For =| the depaerent ‘eUtconasonay sate, Fartermore, = ana te neta es aera ‘nl in ad ay angi peer cant Surtees beaut ute gre and an be ope vata theo acon i sale or nat. Carer ten hegre Sep dco n= {ia homogeneous ax ar shown 1020, 1020 Seronescaean toy wt ‘moet maf 029 yy ee» wo dines rmaniny ong tig on pen tre ‘Ac any pint in he or dplaent path, let be he acon! ike tte water, 1020, har b= yh The thn raped rans 5) # Nb vs Ante coe Se td, sne Sy a Soe conn eu (1043 neste hat i aac Seat i emt The kes pte ene Fa tBeh = Dials 81+ OAR hy Sy Sued Si) 0 80 gy scan bereaieet ‘rant us te tks vere ete permease Eel © Bg (y= 1-5) #1181 be By “Sy Eel = BAS sre Kye teen poi pean 0 Subtituing orb in teens ings, 104), see Non,ar shown by eso ine ig 102) HS ine) Se noe ‘Azo sow in 1021, dha is ete fe ie pees cures, oi raat pumas ne ere A menioned sre hey tony oi trougout te tsk In hs uric pa rc emai {eoctotln cl tendimensra moped Now sings cimerored ection anor scorned ung the na eee pean ears ith Seco i erp nine eit lina or era on, fer etl dlocemant but Yor use dpacenent tones 9rd eso Dredg covers Sn irate in eee 1s lexan # AT arse xpress {Fi ee 103) Te wet sun esa Ne nach A ith ero son da oad water hae (Patent reg one Oteemton and suri ofthe stove cg oe os, tes fede ofan ot teste, dys sl and there the gaan ot he ph peur iferonoscan bs nocd In th ea ara eas TOMB) rd —_ 1104), and ftioning the aguante in 103, 9 devng Hw fn ti covery iso nun tothe curate water npted. Ate rsh eogh, te = ros) Ree, -Aeslvngeq 11027 a eprodsng ra he ack a ving (1049 or the tke erage ater saturation Sy a es fhe 8S 1 in teh Wy ete eurlave water njtion expe in owl ol vue 1 MOV = PVIT-5ye-5.) Ditnensting say 1048) witha by gee rw ah (ven) roa sedsusutang or 8, neu (1048) es oo) Theo recrry eution, (1032), canbe expres in MOV 6 Bae = SeZBE + Cte Nao = BC Na Mn (rc stninig in wgtion for ya fing eg 1048 and (1050, BV We Wo frost ‘oetor oa ow (> At the tne of wate Beaktough Ng" Wy Ad sing aq. (DH or hi oe 08) (eure for ahieh N= 1 Simly, when he tat moun fo his beer re over, Nyy” 1 MOV) , an uttiing thie endton i en. 1DSN) pet Mona, 7M 0s) unions 1052 ana (1053) clay onan the sifizance ofthe moby Sheree farms me nc if 6 =0 thoriznt rset eet the foo of 0. Equation THO ca acy be sled forthe eaktrugycenaion Rg = Wt he Moy” ne ross) Wont gs 1088) mo she ine pees on onto Camp eth ae eae 2 ne ae reso had 3 pal of 25, at woud be he cre a for ‘steal ifomiton k= 20 dxey 1) Using oe rte pray vltons van nex 10.3, ble 1. 90 fort." Sep, ne 205 op Ku? of arta Hs, heen pln mabey we 2/4 - sm “Thee nna 1052) ad (10591, brenavoug acu whan 267 ov swore) shee VOY = PUE-S,-B0) pvt-02-02) = O6PY: and He Wo = Ml 3251OW = 225101 Wo ean beet ung eu OBIT, a Way a heinaerden vrs Wo Mo MeN ee a30 Wy wow! wove ev) teu. 11035) ae) 27 so t80 702 a0 om 790 ‘a0 4 ma 000 er bm eae 1500 fo Swot 200 sor 1200 bt S200 jam is 1300 son ne aio voc 250 oo a8 Soran owe a tush tea aio mh ei ‘romp of wate, a 7 water SSS tine ty) A010" ta, Aarne Be OT 9022) og = $2 22005 3.82540. 08 08191925 5075-0) = 520 roam Cnprinon ot as (1030) an (10.2) nae tat feu Al = 6 and ett, taint tot == 1080 is 20 > BB ars - 1480 Suteiusing ti lus of G andthe value of A= 3.25 in aa (1088, or tha unatale esncerent (6-8 he ter hi oe Myo = 9876y/Wal! ~O5R0Wl FO595 W084 1057 ‘ct te of water beekaough Ngo” Wo ad nu 1.5) ca be apis et Gee 7 GEL 7 Ma HOW) = 028900V1 ‘rmvb ol volume eden ings TOSI ML as aio a oma 1.943 HOV) = 0996 Pv) ‘Beran bakugan total racowey au (1057) can be eo alt wow mov trv) V) to. 1038) So aor aoe 80 sor ote 00 S07 ae So8 1350 00 ao S10 ren compare ot wate pares tin tea 1000 at Ins horzont! rar ale 10S}, en be tn a, tetova th Bice nse nat cw gy fora ino oa mh 9 2 tacwey bing abtuned ines than hatte tne gue ih 8 MOF For sable dpicament, a 90% of the ets! rate BB a, th gy 6 Sxmeens bears = 2058 Te ange otictntion oft i wsterinterte to he nctin of Now can be eine ing ca. 001s Be aang = MAS ayy «221-2056 9 4s5 - cote? a Tos and rte 6 = 2675". The stuaon ater skh hen te tr he fans noght vat the el of he resuig wl sNoun ni 10.2, A 1 te with, ticket a ng of th eer te decd by and teoetvly, hen te tol move volume of wh 1-8, Sel Pr te Sioaon deed ine. 1025, bevlume ot uncoated by te wet | S22 wott-ss.) wt ind cose few podcig mt The volume af water by cing th ml ew 2 ime 9 0-5y-Sy) theo te number of MOV's owned "atin pee eg ir ‘gece 0801 . ae = a78e mov = s72Pv row fore (10381) O00. ¢a9W, = 83604 Iya os «8a le ves) ‘rte kero ous aftr 9:38 x 472 = 4. yas. Threat te 508" thee have teen sted sing sau DES) and (1059) fo meena Be Wo Ny Wy COB wow) wove) yore omy 700-706 472 ama? Ser hor oe gee Game et ee Crea 68 al equa naturopath the beh tire oy ‘ty SOD%) a he tot reanry tne fy iat 7). The an sone WSN se 1244 (MOV. thew re grti cancernng sr he say ot ition water of ago of protusd water nay be cose expat ‘te ud deston nd ns te gr a he eo vel) wil on ee “tate eile orm Since i yal angare 1 4 he moby aa for isoaeonn im ot the erent fr uncorivana sabsiy =) ner ste Sly ten cman on ne mgmt of G and ane on the ae am Daten ant wan Dome wha comers weaned comer ysl metho or reiting carey reuting om ogress em in mind tthe derpton af onyested flow none marion ones: $5'ge cine rapes te reat on vance eee 107 ALLOWANCE FOR THE EFFECT OF A FINITE CAPILLARY TRANSITION ZONE IN DISPLACEMENT CALCULATIONS Forte dacement of ol by weer, exces 102 and 103 ety denentte Flan eat du oa arma. From So woman grown nt to ‘covet at pombe fr hegre ol whch, ar, of he somes ‘Sturaton duibutore«appepeate to deeb the Gasset: One et pes ‘fethctnenst heey emir rong” net conn nearei regia cere compare fo the reser ten fil spear ht fw ‘mri theta (=) Cone, frit, th capa Per Sune ‘how nig 1027) im eh capa pre tren sro th on 2) ew ® kee Se the caplony preter copilry ox equation (108), pind in he are ah, = Arab (104— ands = O18 1082) Trt ar oh -30 aa nna cpr aon ane ech Dorn the Gplaent pth, futon thre Foe iia ae ‘orien water sturaton Sy> 1-Sy f= Os same tobe tw bate Srmionsstiay rae tuneton 1027s. Sen the moevorshamemres te blckno beg water surnion canbe eaprened materiel is.inex &- cos ‘nab te strani tnt ha TDBO) aed ing Wb the Tournaigig m= fe Fortin station tration Sy "057 Tne rock rete maar prated in ale 101, wih Raw ean ied (mr exreae 102 and 103, a pote se ig 102M0) Ae senay montane, Stns sturaign bution inthe roe, T020a, tare must Be Yate Thee dinstonr san be diene by slecing arate ane omvoir and renin the water saturation at hat po ar fg 10-28 Forte Thee rete perme Gatton Tae nae TO sd pet rama, he ik urge lie presi ae Sel Se tee Eei8) > 068) elSqten FG) = nos) zi = he be fe fa 102810) ts 078) fg 102801 °° m0 0 ° oto 0 ‘98 bx 0 30 » Ds 5 0 = ms oe 0 Xo ° ‘00 2 xe 0 ‘00 ‘robe tse wae can determin by mesring the ares thet a 0 art in 10281) os ding wy te tol thckres. For snl ON dertion, Eye] "0087 a ft) 48h work tat hs ean cbse sae ale ofthe thick vp Stton"8,"and the cesmpondng lv of thet serge ter an tei rcs Ey) an Eg Te vm ‘eat ta ong sp! ee prey ces lo he ‘arin 10208) stow the Meh of 0 ft th apy gress cue azine veusce toe ve parrot vot atuaven ute For oh het of se satutstin, S15, tive gemesity dstt ‘ors he tee ted ing. 1029 and inch ee sas 9F Sy Foe 270 Fave bn clted by phil nein, denied rv. There snes we lated be 190 an ped oi 1-909 wees a sre soe 130 2m 18 286 200 2s 1 ‘00 00 o 20 They tBa) ana Fal.) lamin ar he heknes snags yt gm ‘ih xpd arg et fer ie ae erie UWE Una etd crn tet ee denn ot edie ‘Fre curcan teas ted in enjnetin wth tone inenonl Boh eet teary by ening th coremonding actin Now cows oping toe ratte ogni cig of Wel derines ne TOS an stot ‘heres 102, to determine ol eovery a fae feu at nected (Wi lien 8 ep, en ep), ate shou nip 1032 and ap reine Penns tote bid amin be tue Hew conson ae 1D. 10.17) nds wisi 1 1024 Toe guile or erin mre i stig ret ‘huined by muencaly wasting th neg ques HOSES) for arnt Nvatone ot he maxmure surat Sy =" 3y shh ae a nie rst oh wt 4.1031 Coan somes and kos avrg ater saturation, iy 1021 eld te mo ei eo feet pelttin (as) anh oo cass (Pave) ‘1066 ont. Tn te rear bing cunt cb y= 0.290: = 40 4) ron 0060) becones Po = 0100-1 4,) 07) From eu; (1070) cane sen that te saucy pee wl ay Ten 20 98 an! “2.0 si ae 2 he postion ee souraton S15) ‘erbutwuee 0 ard Ae shown nf 1932. ‘alos of 2 oe toon of Sa it in table 1010, ag he reatontie EES conn utr oon ener rn sm seinen ot rd at preter a pd cing ‘slong the centre line of the reseroi, can be developed which & analogous to oa. ioe by nd pees and th airy pres rac tm = by ‘And, at eh cnr rare tent was nage theo recovery re repleced tought expresion of he er 108 DISPLACEMENT IN STRATIFIED RESERVOIRS afr, silzemert hs oly teen cones in homogenate. ithe recastn: namniy. to gate knw sarap rete pores ‘es rer of he manana mtr aon Tl mn ee 2 pres emmanein btn hey ‘Seu tnnen veh hoe hon roar layer 3 ky = 200m0, 20; hy = 10 | tha airy prereset eapry re ye auton 016 lox wv08) Slay he pro eapry pre again fo cling the phase pene resent emote convenient to ute he an ply premise aaa nee ‘Sirvorthckens whresnontonene sr Theron Raley Seach en Sou wnwn yon, #260, 996 2p aan tg. = AON, the later coe Iaieaiatson (oetien sees cee eee ‘ponding to cong Hoaout ole sani tne sit af ebaerton. ese Shoei Stn ase ery satis a Sates oun @ wen 2 © tem feeaee Ober 0542 90 — wy a * att A { aL . vm [ge te Gi Tn a ae TNS Nose : y 2 ot | 8 one . %o eR +o Owes ee ee eae TT { ener museon we eve pretty ints such Reve bee Stn 7 oma oiea a le eel gemecoenet amen mg ites seen os LEX iver) Posh Sw % ere ppeten © res hur 388 3 7 7 L 3 2 Fore muration ton dpa i, 1038 he erage ta etrtion = [rossi / % Nba, thiSa, toad om wey pi = [sso /-m : TTT ve non mtn, £4, a, ante tn tr ey a aweps- Stay, Ry can Bees 1 tet eae nt) = Tastee nih) * P eatSateee Reta) = simi for FB Vat of £2 Sy Fg Se sd Ry ati intale 10.12 napoted ‘ie 1029) dn 10a. Th an tie ne been stand by te aap! Intagation af he dstrntion row nf, TOS6L} anon a, 10.7 =e) oat 2000 In pia, whan §, = 02, the coat water strain, han sing te eapiary ‘rmre ere Yor yt 1,108, the ps presure st he ef the ee ‘otras beatae peanahenee 8° 7p then te end pont stots io ry am aero ne. These use or ‘he acs of parse om nigh fo ram te top fo the oto of the IRrvve the eae shan fp. 103 nae ier rept he bows Ntstenra 1030 (so enya xr auld he wre lite porosity and eed cary rere rte toon in fgg 10380) and 10391) aed sane). The corpora ton fol fr he ener on 10200) reg at ‘rth mere fvorbiedocnent ceo hen the high fermi oer poets the ee, tn is oe teste! water wt pretaniy Ce ‘rough top iyo andi gs ib pul downward, du to he any Ti ome te high pemesy lye te beat terete ‘ove i tnd tsk upto water i ot eects merengue A sl sige oe of he mtd of eri pan in he en ss nds rote’ eonlion st Serer nn. 108, Sippona hare ae ot ‘ah top of tw ayer he ks rand water stron 990) ‘nog 0731 ‘n0721 tn0291 tor wae and Senet, Frrarmars, Sree, ot bn, coated wg sou. (10721) ae cone t the ales, "and not by sai tines. 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