University of Arkansas Wishbone Offense

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Arkansas Wishbone | pone 1) If there is a defender over the center and/or a middle safety the defense is probably balanced. ve mist force the defense to play balanced (53 on each side of the bali). Counting rules for the run: 2) Count perimeter defenders 1-4 from outside-in. 3) In reading a stack the man closest to the LOS is the higher number (HANDOFF KEY). 4) In the perimeter the man with responsibility for the closest area to LOS is the higher number. Basically, defenses can be put in three general categories for our purposes. 1) Sevencman front a. 7 force, 4 deep b, 3 defenders outside tackle area c. #3 aligned in 3 zone 2) Eight-man front: a. 8 force, 3 deep b. 2 defenders outside tackle area c. four defenders inside tackles 6. #2 aligned in 3 zone 3) Qvershi fted: 2, can be frontal or secondary overshifts be one side becomes unbalanced (6-nan side, 5-man side). On option Plays when an overshift occurs we would prefer to run away 0, READING" OTHER DEFENSES READING” OTHER DEFENSES _ ie mit} now examine some of the mind/eye/muscle coordination concepts in dealing with various defenses to be faced. 1) College 4-3 vo < a, By count we would read #4 or the OLB, It is not practical to read the LB since the QB could see the sane picture every time and not be able to make an intelligent decision, Me refer to this as a "soft" read, b, Also, the DE is the man who can effect the play by stunting to the inside to take the FB. c. Therefore, it is best to block #4 and "read" the 3 zone defender (COL) as the Handoff Key. The On Back will be on a seal” course, and should the "read" dictate the disconnect, we now employ outside veer mechanics and option the 2 zone defender, = QB thought process should be: ~ Read the 3 zone (EOL) as Handoff Key = Cam the PSG handle his. block (alignment) - If the block of the PSG looks good, I'1! decide to give but watch #3 in case he comes hard for the fullback (disconnect) 4 ~ If the disconnect looks better because of the alignment on the PSG, I'l} decide before the snap, but give if #3 doesn't tackle the” fullback. This "read" process covers al] looks where #4 is a L8 (reduced defense), except those where two defenders are an the LOS outside of the linebacker and threatening to penetrate. x + ’ fi 8 @ poe Ber ee & 6 Le 900000 ° fe) oO Oo oO 2) This, of course, would include a wide-tackle six type of defense. 1 = The defense calls for a similar thought process ad discussed. (ability to predict guard and tackle blocks by alignment) 2 ~ Read the 3 zone defender as the Handoff Key. 3 Difference in this and reduced look is threat of both #2 and #3 coming hard upfield, When this happens, the ball w 4 Zl Oo Oo O° eon should be handed off. 4. ~ The thought process of the AB “s the same as 4-3 except that after he makes his prediction on the guird's and tackle’s blocks he says "I will give if the tackle and enc come across.” To the tight-end a 4-3 Split, and Wide-Tackle can present the same picture ¥ and the above thought process houlc be employed, i ad ws! ‘SPLIT ; 3 3" 6 Sie . é dreeadd ae ae beceaeLieeaa Res ee ooogqo0;o00n000 0 ° ° O° ° Oo o/0 9 3) Cross Charge over the Tackle If the defender who must be elininated by the “read” and the one who will take the quarterback are crossing (3-4 Cross Charge) one af the most difficult vision problems is presented, . sy GD (ee i fit 4 on oO’ 8 oS a ae of the defenders aust, tate She-TUITDIEL If the defense s to be sound. aes ot eteaet seg Ss aneach ahi: 1g. ty assume that one of the tee gill voce The sanltece ced ioecastshaine abe Suecemece., Howerers Seenfseicated defenisve play can confuse this issue. As we progress we will learn through SiSaning fo feed the’ stock, fi soe tad BE 5 1 - Give to the fullback untess one of the two makes -a clear move to the inside. 2 - If there is movement to the inside, and I disconnect, 1 must be ready for the type of player taking me (lineman or linebacker). The Vineman can hit me quicker than the 18. Be ready to pitch 2 quickly! From this alignment the 08 can get the difficult picture of a LB stepping up from the depth and reading the give or disconnect. In this case there 1s nothing upon which to base a decision. We would resort to base blocking end read 44, (After pre-determining give or disconnect in your mind). | es ie a at 5s” 1 L /fev on SON 4) Split. defense Cc £ i ge © a) The thought process: $ 1 - As I count, I see that the fullback responsibility must come from x the inside-out by the structure of the defense (3-man front). 2 - Based on how I feel the PSG and PST can seal off the inside two defenders I will decide before the snap whether to give or disconnect. If I predecide to give, there is nothing to "read." 7 3- If I decide to disconnect, 1 must watch for both men coming hard across Z the LOS, denying the outside play. This reaction forces me to give. pe 4+ If they (E & 6) cross-charge (2-3), be ready for a quick pitch. i ) ¥ 5) The Hard End ws 1 ~ In the triple option it is sometimes difficult to vead a Handoff Key (#4) and Pitch Off A Hard #3 (Pitch Key). It is in the visioning Process that the QB must become adept at handling a hard end. hen mastered, this is the easiest pitch key read to handle since he eliminated himself, 2 - In the read progression, you must "see* the handoff key and “feel" the pitch key. Are there any pre-snap clues for hardend? 3- As a general rule, a hard 4 zone defender is usually followed by a hard 3 zone defender, Think PITCH! 4 - The double and loaded options are also used to combat this defensive technique. 6) Eliminating the Sixth Man 3° él gsc pet ve @ oo0ae0e0 Oo °o fe) ° oO FRONTAL OVERSHIFT SECONDARY OVERSHIFT There are different ways of getting the extra man to the perimeter. On alignment, the defense can either be in a frontal or secondary overshift. Another way is to stunt to ft after the ball is snapped. In both instances the burden is on the quarterback. a) When the defense aligns in an overshift the QB will always have the opportunity to direct the play away from the Geman side, b) If the defense is overshifted and the 4 zone defender is "readable" the play stil] has chance, but we are better off going the other way. ¢) Versus the stunts and cross-charges, the burden is on the QB to read properly to keep the extra man from the perineter. 4) The QB must “read” efficiently 904 of the tine for the triple option to be totally effective. 7) The most difficult "read": «) Occurs when Handoff Key is on a Mesh Charge. This is when the Handof# Key attempts to play both the TuTPBack and quarterback. 1 = QB will ride longer until "read" becomes clear b) Thought process: 1 = Iwill give the ball, but I witl ride carefully and wait for the Handoff Key to move sharply to the inside. If I see it, disconnect, 2 ~ Widen the split of the PST to make the Handoff Key show the “read” sooner. 8) The easiest “read” 2) Occurs when Handoff Key is aligned in a 4-"I* alignnent on PST. b) I will predetermine to disconnect, but react to Handoff Key's quick move upfield, Versus this reaction I would then give to the fullback. E. QUARTERBACK RECOGNITIONS IN PRACTICING THE TRIPLE OPTION 1) 4 Zone Has 6 Recognitions: a) Down the Line ~ Handoff Key squeezes to crease. (Disconnect) b) Contact - Handoff Key responsible to keep PST off LB - shoulder under tackle (Give or disconnect depending on schene) % 2) ¢) Upfield - Penetration (Give) d) Mesh Charge = Penetration to Mesh - Arm tackT® €) Squat - Reading mesh ($ FB and QB) Note: When fn doubt, give to fullback. f) Bluff - Handoff Key bluff charges for FB, but takes QB, 3 one Has S Recognitions: a) Hard - Quick move by 3 Zone defender into Tackle Box. b) Static - QB responsibility squats in 3 Zone. ¢) String - 3 Zone defender with } responsibility for both 08 and Pitch-Attempts to cause QB hesitation, d) Easy = 3 Zone defender working to pitch - cross charge (2-3) or pursuit on QB responsibility. e e) Bluff - 3 Zone defender bluff charges for QB, but takes the pitch, we se fae mo 4B ¢ Bot SS Met TE; 0 0CV800 Oo * 6 Man oO 5 Man Oo Oo Oo Frontal Ovrsht ws? we Ss ee a7 —ET vn TW €, CCOeB”O00 Oo O 5 Man @) 6 Man OOS a a ie scf Ra E 5. Be 2 Nes ch Oo CO8B00 Oo Oo oO Rover both sides oO] © COVERAGE OPTION RESPONSIBILITIES Gover 2 Cover 3 caren Abc. oe a .e Cover 5 Combo page aks sie ey {20 o0o00 bo roe O° a ws s — € III ly Cover 7 Bae eee © W200 0 nko: 7 Rover ws ss Ws 2 Splits Bod Man Coverage Reet aN = e/ O Weg *bO a% moe) a ie ° ae 3 Ons i. ar w Sr cereniee len mien.© 2000 GERI. Se Ort OL et 3m 40 iO byw a Ely "o 3- Bef ako N Fd Ee mo le \ Sho eve O. aa 4-0 BLOCKING ZONE DEFINITION [Tackle's Zone Zone Backside Guard's, 0 ‘On Zone Guard's Zone Play Direction Tackle's Zone Te Zane DEFENSIVE TECHNIQUES In order for us to be able to communicate effectively and be successful offensively, it is important that you know each defensive technique, its alignment and the responsibility it carries, (Even numbers gre head on - Odd numbers are shaded) gee coat (0 Gat OOC’ or ‘draw double team, SRR "0" Technique ~ Line up head on‘center; never let the center block you, you are responsible ‘for area on each side of center on pursuit on wide plays. "1" Technique - Line up On’shoulder on center, responsibility - keep splits cut down, deep guard and center off linebacker. ze Line up inside shoulder/splitting stance of offensive guard. Technique - Responsible for inside GAP and keeping guard off linebacker. "2" Technique - Line up head on to inside eye of guard, responsible 50% outside, 50% inside NEVER be beaten inside. "3" Technique - Line up splitting outside foot of offensive guard or slightly wider, can read or penetrate, responsibility - never be cutoff by guard. Keep’ guard off THrebscker, on Line up inside eye of offensive tackle. Responsible for inside GAP, Technique - but will step at 45° angle to offensive tackle reading guords block? ay "4" Technique - Line up head on offensive tackle about 1-1} feet off the 1.0.5. - can read but will slant 80% of time from 4 technique, "5" Technique - Line up on the L.0.5. Cannot: be blocked i off-tackle hole, on the outside’ eye of the offensive tackle. Keep tackle off linebacker, responsible for Technique ~ Line up head on offensive end; deliver blow on end - keep end off Linebacker and keep end from going out on pass routes - responsible for off-tackle hole; has quarterback option. "7" Technique - Line up on inside eye of offensive end - can be one yard off L.0.5., step into end delivering blow inside out on end = have sane responsibility as a #6 technique. Also is end in C gap to split end. "8" Technique - Line up 13 yards outside normal offensive end, responsible for containing wide plays - have pitch man on option play, hard outside rush on drop back pass or may drop off in coverage. Technique - Line up 18 inches off the 1.0.5. on outside eye of offensive end. Whip End? Close off tackle hole, contain sprint, outside rash on drop back - quarterback or pitch on option, OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY ZONE BLOCK - Block any defender in your zone. BASE BLOCK - Block defensive lineman with hat down the middie, inside number, or outside number. 7 LNM_IN ZONE - Base block only a lineman in your zone. ZONE LEAD - Tight shoulder (Lead) block any defender in your zone. ZONE CUT - Cutoff any'defender “in your zone. ~ CLINB BLOCK - Same as BASE ‘except usually performed by an offensive lineman feaeeaaaane onial Rae THRU_OR AROUND - Block used by tackle on 28/29 and 38/39 play. Release inside ~~ OF _g0ardiind E.0,L; to, Block LB, depending on technique of E.0.L. AROUND OR THRU Favor ovine around rather than thru for LB. eae ape SMASH - Block inside halfiof lineman in your zone and come off to block Ist LB to backside, ~ DRIVE - Base block 1st 1inenan’ inside unless he is past the offensive lineman then climb block“Ist LB inside. 4 STACK - inside release and block the defender responsible for the B gap. UTSIDE - Block Ist threat, to’ your outside REACH - (Overblock) Reach Block Ist lineman to playside. SEAL LB YOUR SIDE - If you are to playside, block Ist LB from center's ferthest shoulder to your side.’ If you are away from play block Ist LB_from center's nearest shoulder to your side. LB_YOUR SIDE - If you are to ‘playside, block Ist LB from your zone to inside. FIRE - Defenders on L.0.S. covering tackle and TE and one on the line outside "of TE, Also -a defender ina 7 technique and man outside the TE on E.0.L. TRAP ~ Pull technique used to block a defensive lineman whom we are allowing to charge across th 3 Se i ie 28 COMBO - Term used when shouldering through a down Tineman to block a LB. Or blocking through the hip of a down Tineman going to L8. SLICE - Term meaning to block inside gap on pass protection, TURNGACK ~ (center's rule) ~ Drive block Ist lineman to the backside. "= Cali made by TE anytime he has a7 technique on him to alert other lineman of a7 technique player. I" - Call made by OT to alert TE that DT is in a 4 eye technique. BLOCKING SCHEMES CHUCK" y 8 ae oo L Viv & ol 6 soo "UNDER" Call by Center or huddle call when he needs help blocking shaded noseman €-GeDouble Team Terelease inside for LB Call vs. Gap defenses. ANT block zones. Basic 26 and 27 blocking C-BSG=Pick 06-45 degree lead step on LB op for LB - safety Pure zone blocking assignments Call made by OT on double option to tell 0G to block down lineman. Usually used vs 41 technique player - OT plays through down Tinenan to LB, "Chuck" scheme to the TE side telling the TE to block GAP, LB'er to FS/ Base scheme used for 16: 117 play TE - drive block OT - drive block 0G = pull for FSLB © + zone pick "STEP-IT" TAG" “FIR $s Ox itu 500 WEDGE et i "HINGE" "FAN" “OX 0 ‘Scheme used by center & backside guard € - shoulder block thru noseman to OSLE 8G ~ lateral step and read nose - block him if he slants toward you - flatten for 18 if he doesn't, Blocking scheme change up used to block 3 technique or B gapped defender. OT = drive block 06 - pull for LB Call by guard to double team A 3 technique player 0G = Base block OT ~ Drive block Call by TE vs. a fire look. TE blocks zone. Scheme used on 10/11 play. Vs nose defenses - wedge nose. Vs even defenses wedge LNM over Rt. guard. Technique used by backside LNM to control backside pursuit. (Good vs knife stunt) Scheme used to block big people on big people. Guard has #1 down lineman and tackle has? 2 down lineman. Call by Center vs 2-1 look when he can reach Ist down LNM playside. Guard shoulders thru (combo's) playside hip oF LNM to LB ~ playside ssTRETCH* Call by Tackle vs goalline defenses. Backside tackle - drive - thru LNM to EACH Cal1 by guard vs guard stacks. Backside ~ 6 guard ~ drive thru LNM to LB fe Backside Tackle - Reach Ist down LNM 5 LB. Backside TE - Reach Ist LUM playsige, t i ‘ : Ca1) by tackle to contro} a veer tackle. Guard ~ Block out on D.1. Tackle - Pull around for LB. i soca Backside cat elting T to block out and h 4 TE to fold under for LB'er. ° Ht r dao i mn sour" Backside call used to handle 7-technique. BST ~ Block Out TE ~ Block out ‘oS Sao "CRIMSON" Call by BST to handle three backside crreereenaed @ rushers. PLAY NUNBER: = __26/27__ ws se - ¢ 3s we BB ss ey e 7s LS fe) POSITION: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUES: ce ‘Auto seat to sideline Blue-Bero® in middle of field LEAD BACK: Arc course parallel to LOS taking up slack on pitch support as you gain leverage Vs. "Odd"/*Pro-40": Arc black 2 zone defender. Vs. "Even" = seal (B/FS PITCH BACK: Pitch course, maintaining relationship with QB. Anticipate quicl pitch + must recognize hard end. Relax inside shoulder. FB: Take 6" lead step through outside hip of PSG. Stay on track and run crease. Use high soft fold technique. Run outside block of VS. "Event cun off block of, PSG. Block 8: FOOTWORK: 5/7 o'clock open step. Reach ball deep for FB. Adjustment Open toe step on ride/decide. to FB. ASSIGNMENT: Read Ist LOS defender from inside shoulder of PST (4 zone) to £0L (3 zone). Eliminate handoff key on ride/decide. On disconnect take proper option angle, eliminating #3 (pitch key) THINK: T. Give 21 Pitch 3) Keep FAKE: Accelerate off ride/decide and challenge perimeter. VARIATIONS : econ eco ols cohce clo ooLee ° ° ° ° ° 006 -— PLAY: 26/27 OFFENSIVE LINE RULES ws e € 6 x 4 Ss eo my w * i i POSITIONS: BLOCKING RULES: ADJUSTMENTS : PST: LB your side "George" vs Gap 8 PSG: Zone Zone, 2-2 FS/BS LB Pick vs 50, Possible "slip" vs 2-15 "Chuck" vs 6-2 ast: Zone, cut, release "Reach" vs Eagie e@ TE: Playside: Stalk 1 zone defender. : Backside: Cut off 1 zone defender . SE: Playside: Stack 1 zone defender. Backside: Cut off 1 zone defender. wo BLOCKING \ ARIATIONS THOS = z THER 2 os 5 REACH . ( ] E ons clo v2 tee nae 2 ° pst PSG: LINEMAN TECHNIQUES Vs Odd: Loop Technique Try to avoid collisioning the lineman, Take a 30 degree lead step dipping your inside shoulder.’ The second step is straight upfield looking for the LB. If the guard is locked on the LB - go to the next level (F.S.) ‘When escaping the lineman and defensive man fights outside. jeveragé'~ stay on hin, Vs ven Look ge sehdek c@n1 = Use an inside :release. + His technique will be described as in-up- and out. The Ast step will be a lateral step inside stepping as far as possible. Make certain to dip the outside shoulder (for quicker escape’ and also to rip up through defender on fi11 stunts). The Second Step is straight upfield with force. The third step is back to the outside eyeballing LB using @ climb block. Vs Pro. 40: Step 45 degree lead step inside aiming thru the hip of the defensive tackle for the LB. Vs Odd Defensi Take a 45-degree lead step bringing the hips. Stay low anticipating a rip tackle. If tackle rips, collision him to protect the (8/F8 mesh, but. do not block him, If no rip by D-T., push off the lead foot “and climb block the LB, Aim Pt. is the playside #. If you can't get to the playside #, go to free safety. Vs Even Defease and Pro 40: Lon 1 block aiming for the playside # of defender, Sell out and stay low. Vs odd Defense: Fire out low aiming just past the defenders playside thigh, If the roseman plays a (1) read technique, (2) a hard charge straight ahead or a (3) slant move playside; stay with him. If the nose angles away from the plays let guard block him and chop the 8.5. LB. BSG: Ba 8st: Vs Even and Pro 40: Step 45 degree lead step playside protecting the A gap for the ‘onside guard and block corresponding LB. Chop block. Possible "slip" call vs pro 40 tight. Center overblock playside ‘guard, Vs Eagle: No pick when you and 856 are both covered unless pick/reach called. Depends on a noseman's alignment. Vs Odd: Stay low stepping laterally toward the center aiming your head for the far hip of the noseman, As you step, read the nosenan's reaction to the center, If the noseman angles to you, slip head past the hip and scramble him, If the nose slants away, push off inside foot and chop the LB. (If the center can handle noseman - we have the possibility to use base blocking.) Also if the nose grabs the center. We also could have the ability to bring the BSG around the center for LB. Vs Eve Block inside #. Zone Cut, Release: Shoot-out low from your stance, stepping with the playside foot. Vs a4 technique, 4 eye, or gapped defender in zone use a cut block and scramble him.’ Vs aS technique, if on inside release and D.T. closes down - block him, While on release and no pressure from D.T., release for F.S, CROSS TECHNIQUE Used only vs 50 front, 0.7, uses in-up out technique, 0.6. uses step-it technique for 1B. If D.T. runs into face - block him. If not, come around D.T. for. L.B. 4 Eagle © wige ws > 8 ef 7 $ T 0 oH a oA “Blue ce Aohiciene i we so JA ss ce at D 2 ot D George D3 D——9 ws Eagles ws Stack Se] we 4, As 5 sN\ss otre” Cs e "Blue" 4-Stack wes Feale Gap es | i 6 Else | ed | E TE Ee % _(§ g *Blue" ws sa eet i oe az Ls fe i PLAY NUMBER: 6/7 POSITION: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUES: cP LEAD BACK: Arc course parallel to LOS.taking up slack on pitch support as | Auto.seal you gain leverage sideline Vs. “"Odd"/*Pro=40": Are’ block 2 zone defender. “Blue-Zero* Vs. "Even" ~ sea UB/FS) 07 in middie of field PITCH BACK: Pitch course maintaining relationship with QB. Anticipate Relax insice quick pitch ~ must recognize hard end. shoulder FB: Take 6° lead step through outside hip of PSG. Stay on track and Vs "Even" vun crease. Use high soft fold technique. Run outside block of run off Pst. : block of FOOTWORK: 5/7 o'clock open step. “Reach ball deep for FB. Adjustment step on ride/decide. ASSIGNMENT: Read Ist LOS defender from inside shoulder of PST (4 zone) to EOL (3 zone). Eliminate handoff key on rid disconnect take proper option angle, eltat key). FAKE: Accelerate off ride/decide and challenge perimeter, PSG. Block. Open toe to FB. THINK: T. Give 1 Pitch 3, Keep VARIATIONS : POSITIONS: 6/7 BLOCKING RULES: PST: Block 18 your side - PSG: LNM in zones, drive : Tone, 2-2 FS/BS LB 856: Zone BST: Zone cut; release TE: Zone cut SE: Playside: Backside: WO: Playside: Backside: release stalk #1 zone defender cutoff? & zone defender stalk #1 zone defender cutoff #1 zone defender BLOCKING VARIATIONS OFFENSIVE LINE RULES ‘ADJUSTMENTS "George" vs Gap & "slip" vs Pro 40 tight "Pick® vs Voad chicken “Reach* vs Eagle 8. *REACH™ Ht. - 1 per : & ' r POSITIONS: TECHNIQUE: g PST: Vs Odd: i Use an inside release. His technique will be described as fn-up-and out. The £ Ist step will be a lateral step inside stepping as far as possible. Make certain : to dip the outside shoulder, The second step is straight upfield with force. Fs The third step is back to the outside, eyeballing LB using a climb block. j 10 oT, ated fn 8 AT» Block nin ating for ar. Vs Pro 40: @ Step 45 degree lead step inside aiming thru the hip of the 0.7. for the MLB. 1 Climb block LB in zone aiming for playside #. ¥ PSG: Vs Odd: Drive Block : Take 2 45 degree lead step through the hip of the nose. If the hip plays toward ‘ you or goes straight ahead - double team with the center. If the hip slants 3 away - combo to the BS LB (climb block). Vs Even: j Kir for playside 4, : G Aimpoint playside #. £ 2 asc: vs Odd: 45 degree lead step through the hip of the noseman to the BS LB. Vs Even: | Aim point inside # : gst: Zone cut, release Same as technique 26/27, Puar eit Eagte Easte Gum) o” igh “Reach” ws Pro 40 Tight ot wake “I ws Wide-6 se ss G, T)E o PLAY 6/7 Fagle & aes Pontght Dts | a XS at res ae “Blue” POSITIONS: PST: psc: TECHNIQUE: Ws 04 Use an inside release. His technique will be described as in-up-and out, The Ist step will be a lateral step inside stepping as far as possible. Hake certain to dip the outside shoulder, The second step is straight upfield with force. The third step is back to the outside eyeballing LB using a climb block. Tf 0.1, aligned in a 41 = Block him aiming for near #, Vs:Pro 40 and 4-3: Step 45 degree lead step inside aiming thru the hip of the defensive tackle for the MLB. Vs Odd: Drive Block Take a 45 degree lead step through the hip of the nose. If the hip plays toward you or goes Straight ahead - Dbl, team with the center, If the hip slants away.- combo to the BSLB (climb block). Vs Even: Air for playside #. Aimpoint playside 4 Vs Odd: 45 degree lead step through the hip of the noseman to the BSL. Ys Even: Aimpoint inside #, Zone cut, release Same technique as 26/27. Playside: Seal LB to FS. Technique is described as in-up-and out. First step is a lateral step as far as possible to the inside, Make certain to dip the outside shoulder for quicker escape. and also to Fip.up thru-defender on fill stunts. .The second step is straight upfield with force, The third step is back to the outside eyeballing L8, If LB is blocked or has disappeared contin.e upfield and work for outside number leverage on FS. Use an open field, stalk technique. If LB is unblocked use a climb block technique on him aiming for playside 4. “Outside release vs 7 technique - make a "7" call to alert offensive tackle. Mew WaT aay = Pees han cay Tite ' PLAY, 106/107 OEFENSIVE FRONTS © eS a “Ese Ss 3s we 5° cats: : Eagle oy Pro 40 Tight Double Eagles ws Chicken PLAY 106/107 DEFENSIVE FRONTS ws &2 ws Eagle G wide 8 8 we ss KS Nr Ae oa Chicken 6 4S sci —a PLAY NUMBER: etree ; Gabor: Agate 4 POSITION: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUES: cP LEAD BACK: Release on Parallel Arc Course Executing Are Block on 2 Zone Defender, PITCH BACK: Same as 26/27 fB: Footwork same as 26/27, Since this is a Double Option, concentrate|Great fake is as a blocker and seal off the Inside: 4 Zone, LB, FS imperative. Don't cut inside on 3 tech defender. FOOTWORK: *Same as 26/27. It is not necessary to ride quite as far since » there is no handoff key read, Accelerate off nesh.and iminate 3 Zone Defender. Concentrate on #3. Hard Bluff, ASSIGHMENT: Reach bal] back as in 26/27, Focus in on the 3 Zone Defender since he is the only key on this play. Ois- connect ball from FB, accelerate off mesh and eliminate 3 Zone defender, Directional keys same as 26/27. FAKE: NONE VARIATIONS : o©oon000gdo 00000 ° lee ote obs ote ae 28/29 OFFENSIVE LINE RULES ek ata NOG "ADJUSTMENTS o—* BLOCKING RULES: POSITIONS: "Under" vs 4= tye Tech "George" vs Gap - 8 *Step-It vs Eagle Te: Zone SE: Zone, Around or thru for LB if covered by EOL Psc: Zone C: Zone, 2-2 FS/BS LB Zone "Reach" vs Eagle Zone cut, release “Stretch” D TE: Playside: Outside release for 1 Zone Defender vs 62 Backside: Cutoff 1 Zone Defender Possible support adjustment SE: Playside: Stalk 1 Zone Defender Backside: Cutoff 1 Zone Defender Same as SE BLOCKING VARIATIONS. puny; ——?/2g OFFENSIVE LINE TECHNIQUES s © 3 ws wo a : ss &S Au ; feseauie ee ee eee POSITIONS: TECHNIQUE : PST: Vs Odd: SE.and TE Side Blow off the ball aiming for the outside # of defender keeping the shoulders square and driving the defender upfield. If the defender slants underneath, let him go and go to LB. If OT is playing a 4 eye technique or ripping from a 4, use the “under call. On under, go through the outside shoulder of the defender to chop block the \B. Use hands to shove defender into the quard. Vs Reduced Defenses to SE Side: When covered by the EOL, use around or thru for the LB. If Cobra look or 50 hip look. Use zone rule. Vs Even and 2-1 Look = Aim Pt. Playside #. PSG: Vs Odd: asc: ST: Take a 45 lead step at the hip of the defensive tackle. If the tackle is ripping, block him, If not, continue on path to intercept LB. Cut him if possible, If "under" called; aim for the DI's outside knee, Staying Tow and work head and shoulders upfield. On “under* call, you will definitely stay with down lineman regardless of what he does, Vs Even: Aim Pt, outside # Vs Odd; Pick Vs Offset Noseman: two Chuck call - reach the noseman. Vs Even: Step for Playside LB. Ys Odd: Pick Vs Even: Playside # Zone cut; release Shoot out low from your stance, stepping with the playside foot. us a4 technique, 4 eye, or caoped defender in zone use a cut block and scramble. Vs a5 technique, if on inside release and OT closes down = block him, While on release and no pressure from OT, release for FS. Playside: Outside release for #1 zone defender. First step is a lateral step Fith the outside foot gaining width to clear DE. Dip the inside shoulder anc rip upfield past DE. Once you clear the DE work upfield gaining outside number leverage on the #1 zone defender, Once outside number leverage is attained attack the defender using an open field stalk block, always maintaining outside:number leverage. Backside: Zone cut, release Shoot out low from your stance, Step with playside foot. If man aligned inside in your zone block him, preferably with scramble block. If defensive man is playing you tight and trying to close down stay on him. [f on your Ist step you feel no pressure - release for FS. PLay 28/29 to TE DEFENSIVE FRONTS 9 {Rob/Lou) oy apy) on Cx pee Us figs) be agteS ae 7 ws c Ma oe Xe = we oO oO "Blue 5-3 ws Eee c c $a 8 [7 byy ° 36 ° vais PLAY NUMBER: __128/129 TED POSITION: ASSIGRMENT & TECHNIQUES: LEAD BACK: Load block 3 zone defender. On *Fire* call seal LB/FS. shard” end PITCH BACK: Same as 6-7, Pitch will occur off 2 zone defender, “Cobra F3: Same as 28/29 GE FOOTWORK: Same as 28/29 footwork, Run around lead block on 3 zone Vs String- defemder. (Hump) end cut ‘inside e ASSIGNMENT: Same as 116/117 except there is no handoff key to be read, The on back will always load the 3 zone unless there is a fire call. FAKE: None VARIATIONS : Ws. FIRE Vs. FILL oBeee- - ee CBoo ptay; ——228/120 Trp OFFENSIVE LINE RULES POSITIONS: BLOCKING RULES: Lam in. zone, Seal LB PSG: Zone C: Zones 2-2 FS/BS LB BSG: Zone ST: Zone cut; release @ Tes oaps U8 #5 SE: Cutoff #1 zone defender wo. BLOCKING VARTATIONS GEORGE” NPE” og 7 "REACH" 6 “REACH See vic? & POSITIONS: L ‘TECHNIQUE: PST: e Ps: BSG: BsT: Vs Odd: Block man in zone. Blow off the ball aiming for the outside # of defender keeping the shoulders square driving the defender upfield. If the defender stants underneath, let him go and block LB. If playing against a 41 technique, use an “under” call, Qn the under call, go through the outside shoulder of the defender to chop block the LB. Vs. No Lam in Zone (4-3) Seal Ist (8 from inside-out. Use a 45° lead step, aiming through the hip of the inside down defender for a climb block on the MLB. Ws. Od Take a 45° lead step at the hip of the defensive tackle, If the tackle 1s ripping, block him, If not, continue on path to intercept L8. Cut him if possible. If *under™ called; aim for D.T.'s outside knee, staying low and work head and shoulders upfield. On "under" call, you wiil definitely stay with down’ lineman regardless of what he dows. vs. Even: Aim Pt, outside # vs. Od Pick Vs. Offset Roseman: No Chuck call ~ reach the noseman vs. Even: Step for playside LB Vs. Odd: Pick Vs, Even: Aim for playside # Zone cut, release Shoot out low from your stance, stepping with the playside foot. Vs a4 technique, 4 eye, or gapped defender in zone use a cut block and scramble. Vs a 5 technique, if on inside release and OT closes down - block him, while on release and no pressure from OT, release for F.S, Playside: Gap, LB, FS If there is a defender on your inside gap the first step should be a short. explosion step aiming for the near # of the defender. Be sure to get head across to prevent penetration ard attack near shoulder driving defender down to the inside, If there is no defender on your inside gap use in-up-and out ‘technique. First'step is a lateral step as far as possible to the inside, Make certain to dip the outside shoulder for quicker escape and also to rip up through the defender on fi11 stunts, The s: cond step {5 straight upfield with force. The third step is back to the 0: tside eyeballing LB. If LB is blocked or has disappeared continue upfield an work for outside # leverage on F.S. Use an open field stalk technique. If LB is unblocked, use a clind block aiming for the playside #. PLAY 128/129 TED DEFENSIVE FRONTS fare 6 WS 6 oO Re ¥ YN 50 Fire c Oo ess Pro 40 Tight eee DEFENSIVE FRONTS 128/129 TED — PLAY: PSG: Bsc BST: Te: SE: 328/129 OFFENSIVE LINE RULES. BLOCKING RULES: Zone Zone Zone; 2 - 2 FS/BS LB Zone Zone Cut; release Playside: inside release for 41 zone defender Backside: zone cut, release Cutoff #1 zone defender ss c ‘ADJUSTMENTS frunder" vs 4 "George" vs Gap 8 ["Pick* vs 50 Reach" vs Eagle sFire* vs man in zone and EOL a O70 gs > BLOCKING VARIATIONS UNDE "REACH" he So lo @ See "GEORGE" TLE 8 a spe pay, log) oeeewsive vine recumtaues. (4 a ss POSITIONS: TECHNIQUE : Ps) Block man in zone, Blow off the bat) aiming for the outside # of defender keeping the shoulders square driving the defender upfield, If the defender slants underneath, Yet him go and block LB. If playing against a al technique, Use an “under™ cail. On the under call, go through the outside shoulder of the defender to chop block the LB. PSG: Vs Odd: Take a 45° lead step at the hip of the defensive tackle. If the tackle is ripping, block hin. If aot, continue on path to intercept UB. Cut hin if possible, If "under" called, aim for 0.T.'s outside knee, staying low and » work head and shoulders upfield. On “under” call, you will definitely stay with down lineman regardless of what he dows. Ws Even: Aim Pt, outside # Vs Odds Pick Vs Offset Nosenan: No Chuck call ~ reach the noseman Vs Even: Step for playside LB BSG: vs Odd: Pick Vs Even: Aim for playside # BST: Zone cut, release Shoot out tow from your stance, stepping with the playside foot. Vs a 4 technique, 4 eye, or gapped defender in zone use a cut block and scramble. Vs aS technique, if on inside release and 0,T. closes down ~ block him. While on release and no pressure from D.T., release for F.S. Te: Playside: Inside release for #1 zone defender. Fifst step is a lateral step for width to the inside. Dip the outside shoulder and on the second step rip straight upfield with force to clear Def. End's pressure. Once you have cleared LOS flatten out at an angle that will allow you to gain outside # leverage on the #1 zone defender. Once outside # leverage has been attained attack defender using an open field stalk technique. If 0.€. crosses your face on inside release, lock on and cave him down inside. Vs 7 technique - outside release Backside: zone cut, release Shoot out low from your stance. Step with playside foot. If man aligned inside in your zone block him, preferably with scramble block. If defensive man is playing you tight and trying to close down stay on him, If on your Ist step you feel no pressure - release for F.S. a ee os ae aK REAR ET Bie pay wnacn: _128 REVERSE @ 9/129 R @ 8 POSITION: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUE: LEAD BACK: Load block 3 zone defender. PITCH BACK: Fake pitch course, losing one yard of depth. Only time in our offense where you belly the pitch course. FB. Same as 28/29 QB FOOTWORK: Same as 128/129 ASSIGIMENT: Make a short, soft pitch to SE on his reverse course. You must keep the ball should #2 or #3 cross your face; e run 128/123, FAKE: After pitch continue on 128/129 speed fake. VARIATIONS: POSITIONS: PSG: BSG: ast: TE: SE: BLOCKING RULES: ADJUSTMENTS Tone Lone; 2-2 FS/BS, LB. release and lead play upfield. Tone; release and kick-out force. "0" Block Inside release; seal L8 to FS Run reverse course BLOCKING VARIATIONS cunper @ co o® ° 128 REVERSE @ 9/129 REVERSE 8 TECHNIQUE: Pst: PSG: 8sG: ast: Tes Block man in zone, Aim point is the playside number. Block man in zone, Aim point is the playside number. Block man fn zone. Aim point is the playside numt 1002 then release downfield as lead blocker. Clit defender. = Block for 1001, Block any downfield Ys Odd: Step at nose and make contact as to pick block release after 1001, 1002, ¥s Eve Block fmside # of defender for 1001, 1002 then release. Release flat down the LOS and block the widest force defender. If no defender there, turn upfield and become a lead blocker. Release inside of zone defender and execute an 0 block. Curl back quickly and think first of blocking back to help the SE get around the corner. Don't clip. If SE doesn't need you, turn and lead the play outside. Inside release for LB to free safety. Stalk block. Outside release vs 7 technique. PLAY 128 REVERSE @ 9/129 REVERSE @ 8 50 Eagle(Hawe) — ss | SiS-REVERSE-O-9/TZOREVERSE-@- 62 < DEFENSIVE FRONTS Chicken ¢ ss Stack Puay wumper: 24/25 EL POSITION: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUES: LEAD BACK: Run Arc course through 2 zone defender. PITCH BACK: Run pitch course maintaining pitch relationship with 08, Force L8 to Sell the option. Fa: Inside veer footwork. Execute high, soft fold and run for grease. Think four yards. Key block on first defensive lineman playside. Think cutback versus even * jtun under scrape LB 3" technique. {evoB. 8 FOOTWORK: Same as 26/27 ASSIGNMENT: Ride as in 28/29. pre-determined give to FB. Give FB versus even e clearance to make cut. Took cut may be behind PSG. FAKE: Option speed fake. VARIATIONS : PLAY: 242s OFFENSIVE LINE RULES POSITIONS: Bsc: ast: Tes SE: ws BLOCKING RULES: Tone Tone Jone, 2-2 FS/BSLB Tone Tone cut; release Playside: Zone, outside Backside: Zone cut, release Backside: Cutoff 1 zone defender Playside: Cut 1 zone defender Backside: Cutoff 1 zone defender BLOCKING VARIATIONS =STEP=1T" € 8, ‘ADJUSTHENTS George” vs Gap-8 step-1t= vs even ick" vs 50, i ENSUE POSITIONS: ws ss ae TECHNIQUE: PST: PSG: Bsc: 8st: Te: Vs Odd: Aimpoint playside #. If defender rips stay with him and we will double tea with guard. Double tean a 4 eye tecinique tackle, Vs Even & 4 Aimpoint playside #. Stay on rip T. Vs Odd: 45 degree lead step at hip of D.T.; if D.T. rips, block him. If he plays a read technique - flatten and clinb block the LB aiming for the middle of 4, Vs Even: Explode off the ball aiming for the playside #. Try to drive a #3 technique past the hole. Pick Even: Protect front side A gap and climb block appropriate LB. 04d: Pick Even: Playside #. Jone cut, release Onside: Zone, aim point is playside #, If "100" called: inside release for #1 zore defender. Backside Zone cut, release puay 24/25 DEFENSIVE FRONTS cue ¢ a : . ws s 6 6 J e & + iy bE \ 66 8 i = 8 o xe Eagle (Hawk) Pro $0 Tight c c a is ‘ : Mw 2 fll . a ay 6S 54 sie ws a th, @ id Gio & POSITION: LEAD BACK: 98 FOOTWORK: [ASSIGNMENT : FAKE: PLAY NUMBER : 20 » ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUES: Load technique on 3 zone defender. Load technique offside 3 zone defender. Lead step to right check of center ‘of center, Think four yards. BY 6 ofclock step opening to right. clearance. Pre-determined give to FB - mst cut. Option speed fake. VARIATIONS: sr. Option run off block 08. Balance step to give FB give him clearance to Morth-South POSITIONS: BLOCKING RULES: ADJUSTHENTS PST: Zone Zone c: Tone, 2-2 BSLB wt: tae BST: Tone TE: Playside: Zone AEFride: Tana Cubs eetnren SE: Block 1 zone defender Cutoff 1 zone defender wo: Cutoff 1 zone defender. GEORGE™ puay; ——20 (FULLBACK BUCK) j OFFENSIVE LINE TECHNIQUES. w WW SS Positions: TECHNIQUE: PST: Vs Odd: Lunge Cutoff Vs Even: Block inside #, PSG: Vs Odd: Block inside #. Vs Even: Base block Lrm. Aiming point is over playside #. Vs Odd: Base block nose. Atming pofat is down is a Six inch control step. Vs Even: Climb block appropriate LB. 8SG: Same as PSS. : BST: Same as PST. Playside: ~ Zone, outside. If 10 one Backside: Zone cut, release. Block man in your zone. ‘in your zone, release for FS the middle. First step Aiming point is inside #, and climb block hin, PLAY NUMBER: 2 POSITION: LEAD BACK: PITCH BACK: QB FOOTWORK: ASSIGNMENT: FAKE: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUE: Load block 3 zone defender. Load block 3 zone defender. Run wesh course to the left. Make a great fake to draw the attention aay from the Q8. Jake a short drop step playside. Drop your shoulder and run at the appex (First down defensive Tineman from nose of center to right guard). VARIATIONS: POSITIONS: Pst: psc: Te: SE: BSG: BST: BLOCKING RULES: ‘ADJUSTHERTS, Wedge Wedge Wedge wedge Wedge Wedge Cut #1 zone defender BLOCKING VARIATIONS PLAY MUMEER: __22/23 Counter. POSITION: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUES: OFF BACK: Same as pitch back on 2€ 27. BALLCARRIER: Take a short (6*) jab st:p away from playside. Pivot and receive the ball fron tt QB on an outside handoff. Your aimpoint should take yor through the playside “B" gap. Option run off the first down lineman playside. Fe: Same as 28/29 QB FOOTWORK: Open slightly past 5/7 ¢ clock, Proximity fake with FB. Do not put the ball ia, ASSIGNMENT: Balance up with back foc and make exchange with e ballcarrier. FAKE: After exchange, attacé ¢ rner on naked fake. VARIA :OKS: I at ceva wounter LINE RULES ws POSITIONS: BLOCKING RULES: ‘ADJUSTHENTS | PST: Ys Odd and Pro 40: zone cut Vs Even: LB your side PSG: Zone Tone; 2-2 FS/8S LB 8SG: Zone BST: " Zone Te: Jone; outside “Beat-1t" or Out* vs 7 technique "Kick-it" vs Stack Zone cut SE: Cutoff #1 zone defender Playside: Cut #1 zone defender BLOCKING VARIATIONS 6 s ‘BEAT-IT* co@ceo ° e sour 4, leowoe 22/23 Counter POSITIONS TECHNIQUE PST: Aimpoint middle of #. PSG: Vs Odd: Lead with 45 degree step and clinb block the L8 aiming for the playside #. Vs Even: Aim for middie of # using a 6 inch control step. Vs Od Aim for middie of # using a 6 {ach control step. D Ws even: Lead with 45 degree step protecting A gap and climb block appropriate LB. BSG: Vs Od Take a lateral step toward the center showing the LB a pick movenent. Then push off and climb block the LB, driving him past the hole. Vs Even: Middle of # gst: Lem. in Zone: Aim for the inside #, 1B tn Zone Drive the past the hole, go directly at him. ‘Aim point inside #, 22/23 Counter DEFENSIVE FRONTS Ws 50 Fire Pro 40 Tight e "Beat-It" "Beat-It" “Beat-1t" Chicken ss PLAY 22/23 Counter DEFENSIVE FRONTS Eagle G Wide "Beat-It* Chicken 6 ss é Beat-1t* PLAY NUMBER: oops c s g $ ae a 5 é POSITION: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUES: a LEAD BACK: Short step with inside foot slightly up and in; square up |Get north - and aim for inside leg of PSG. Option run off block on fsouth. Think first defensive lineman from nose of center to PSG. four yds. Bv08 PITCH BACK: — Run Arc course - accelerate and draw pursuit. 32/33 fake = sprint for pitch position as in 38/39. : Fe: Run inside veer track opposite playside. Make a great Bea fake. 32/33 fake - same as 38/39, blocker. QB FOOTWORK: Four step reverse pivot. (Counter footwork). On snap Shoulders take short 3/9 o'clock step away from playsides balance | aust de step, pivo Fourth step is an adjustnent | perpendicula and Short to LOS on ® asstoment: FAKE: 3rd step. Adjustment and short rule, Execute footwork and get ball deep to back, Give back clearance to make cut. Mesh point is in “A* gap. Option speed fake. VARIATIONS: ae 32/33, OFFENSIVE LINE RULES ws POSITIONS: BLOCKING RULES: "ADJUSTMENTS PST: Tone kicks It" vs 41 PSG: Zone cr Zone; 2-2 FSLB ; 856: Zone 8ST: Odd or Pro 40: Zone Even: Lb yourside TE: Playside: Zone, outside Backside: Zone SE: Backside: Cutoff #1 zone defender Playside: Cut #1 zone defender BLOCKING VARIATIONS POSITIONS: Pst: Psce 856: BST: ‘TECHNIQUE: Block man i Vs Odd: Explode off ball. Vs Even: Base block niddle. vs 0d Base block the aiddte. Vs Even: 2-2 FSLB. Vs Odd: in your zone, man over you. ‘Aiming pofnt is down the middle. Climb block LB over you. Aiming point is down the middle. Explode off the ball, Aiming point is down the nose. First step is a six inch control step. Aiming point is down Go directly to FSLB and climb block. Fire straight off the ball and climb block LB. Aiming point is down the middle. Vs Even: Base block man in your zone. First step is a six inch contro} step, Aiming point fs inside #, Block man i Playside: jn your zone. Zone outside. Aiming point is inside #. Lunge cut scramble. DEFENSIVE FRONTS ws 50 Fire ac PLAL 32/33 DEFENSIVE FRONTS wy c Eagle 6 wide © oe” ws Chicken G 34/35 PLAY NUMBER: POSITION: ASSIGNMENT & TECHNIQUES: LEAD BACK: Same footwork as 32/33. Versus Odd: Secure *A* gap area. Versus Even: Run off block of PSG to block FSLB, Versus four man side you must block FSLB. PITCH BACK: Same as 22/23 C, Run Inside veer course opposite the play called. 8 FooTwoRI ‘Same as 28/29 ASSIGHMENT: Make abbreviated mesh with FB on short adjustment step. Balance up and reach ball back to HB on outside handoff, Pressure corner on naked fake, VARIATIONS: ae 34/35 OFFENSIVE LINE RULES ws POSITIONS: BLOCKING RULES: ADJUSTMENTS Pst: out" vs 7 technique PSG: Zone C: Zones 2-2 BSLB B56: Zone BST: Vs Odd & Pro 40: Zone *George™ vs Gap 8 Vs Even: LB yourside. Te: Playside: Zones outside e tuetstde: tones et SE: Backside: Cut off #1 zone defender Playside: Cut #1 zone defender BLOCKING VARIATIONS 1 TECHNIQUE: Bsc: ast: Te: POSITIONS: Pst: sez | | | Aim Pt: inside #. Aim Pt: middle of #. Vs Odd: Aim middle of #. Use a 6 inch Ist step under control. Vs 2-2 Look: Go directly to BSLa climb block, Aim Pt: middle of #. Aim Pt: Inside #, cut. Aim Pt: inside #. DEFENS IVE FRONTS as $0 Fire errr e gee ws Pro 40 Tight e SS \ Chicken ca SS i PLAY, Double Eagle — e ss ie PLAY: POSITIONS: PST: Ps: BSG: ast: e Te: 36/37 OFFENSIVE LINE RULES BLOCKING RULES: ‘ADJUSTHENTS: Lam. in zone; drive Tag" or "Combo" vs reduced T "Doug" vs Pro 40 & 50 zone; drive Turnback Pull flat down LOS and block defensive end., "Ranger* call f doubte Eagle, Pull flat down LOS and block FSLB Drive, seal, If 0,1. reduced, outside release and block #2 "Fire™ call zone defender, vs Fire looks. Cutoff #1 zone defender. BLOCKING VARIATIONS i € ° OFFENSIVE LINE TECHNIQUES: ‘TECHNIQUE PSG When covered: (Doug) Block Lam, in zone. Use a 6" controlled step with the playside foot. Aim down the middle of defender. You are the post blocker for T.£.'s double team. Stay Jow and drive the defender. 0 not fall on the ground. Work hips toward the drive blocker. When uncovered: (Tag) Orive block. Fire out low stepping at the defender with the near foot. Keep your head up and aim for the hip of the defender as you get into man, use driving steps and work to create great movenent, Sustain block. Same techniques as PST. If the noseman is playing a head-up position, on the snap the center wil? pivot on the foot oppasite the play direction while stepping forward with the Other foot. Make contact with the shoulder and forearn. When you feel the guard's drive block, continue to pivot and look back to the next backside lineman. Block him if he is pursuing down the line. Vs a reduced front: blockback immediately. Step with the backside foot and attack the playside shoulder of the defender. Be sure to aie and place headgear on the front playside #. Out of stance, lead with the playside foot. Take an inside-out course toward the defender, Stay low and be ready for an early explosive hit. On contact explode through the defender with your shoulder, keeping your head “in-the-hole™ (Between the defender and LOS make certain to pop the hips and drive the legs. Do not clog up the hole. Pull in tandem with the guard assuming a position on the hip of the guard. The pull technique fs exactly like the guard's. The tackle should key the guard's block and turn up inside of it, and as tight as possible to the drive block of the T.E. If the 0.£, fills, the guard pay have to go around the block. If this happens, the tackle should also go around and continue for the FSLB to F.S. Te: Drive bloc! Technique the same as PST's on drive. If fill stunt - stay on O.E. Seal: Technique 1s described as in-up-and out. First step fs a lateral step as far as possible to the inside, Make certain to dip the outside Shoulder for quicker escape and also to rip up through defender on fi11 stunts. The second step is stratght upfield with force, The third Step is back to the outside eyeballing LB. If LB is blocked or has disappeared continue upfield and work for outside number leverage on FS. Use an open field stalk technique. If L8 is unblocked use a climb block technique on him aiming for playside #, If D.T. reduced: outside release and stalk block #1 zone defender. Pua 36/37 DEFENSIVE FRONTS ws Pro 40 Tight ge ss ff 5 } ws table Eagie ws cexen a Gg ss ¥ \ ao % PLAY 36/37 DEFENSIVE FRONTS Lagle 6 Wie Eagle cap ss PLAY. DEFENSIVE FRONTS Eagle G Wide Ws c | G 36/37 PLAY NUMBER: POSITION: ASSIGHMENT & TECHNIQUES: LEAD BACK: Same footwork as 22/23 counter.. Accept the ball from the QB and work for al x 1 relationship with the pulling tackle. Read the block on EOL. PITCH BACK: Same as 22/23 Counter, Fe: Same as 22/23 Counter. Chop block the defender aligned over our pulling tackle, QB FOOTWORK: Same as 22/23 Counter, ASSIGNMENT: | e FAKE: Make naked fake, VARIATIONS:

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