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ANENTERTAINING, FRUIT COLLECTING, FUN FANILY CARD GAME CONTENTS: DJUMI 120 cards (20 of each: A TRICKY LITTLE CARD GAME strawberry, apple, peach, plum, pear and grapes), All cards are num- ered from 1 to 5, and there are 4 identical copies of each card in the deck. Lrule booklet FRUITY is an amazingly simple, entertaining game full of fruits for the whole family. Players have to use their skills to collect as many points as possible by compiling fruit sequences. The only thing you need is perceptual and reliable memory, since you can always see only the topmost cards of your sets. The game provides different experience depending on the num- ber of players: With 2 players it is a brain burner and you can count on some tense competition, with 3-4-5 players the game provides much more tactical possibilities and players need to pay more attention to the gameplay - only of course, if they want to win -, while with 6-7-8 players it turns into a fun party game. THE AIM OF THE GAME Players will collect sequences of the different fruits. Players can start any number of fruit sequences, but they can only have one sequence of each kind of fruit (e.g. they cannot have two plum sequences on their own playing area), so they can compile 6 different sequences at most. Your aim is to get all 5 of the collected fruits with different numbers (from 1 to 5). If somebody collected a sequence which does not meet these demands, they will get less points or none (for further details see the SCORING section). The player who collects the highest number of points using their excellent memory skills will be the winner! ‘The number of cards used depends on the number of players in each game, Prepare the deck according to the following table: 2 players 30 cards 3 players 20 cards 4 players 10 cards {| 5-6-7-8 players 0 cards, since all cards remain in play Put the removed cards back in the box, then shuffle the remaining cards and place them face down in a single deck. This will be your draw deck which should be placed in the middle of the table where everyone can reach it. To create the discard piles, reveal cards equal to the number of players and place them face up next to the drawing deck in a single line. The player who ate fruits the most recently will be the starting player. Let the game begin! GAMEPL: From the starting player and proceeding clockwise every fruit collector must perform exactly one of the following actions: of draws a card from the draw deck, or G araws a card from one of the discard piles. Note: Whether you draw a card from the draw deck or the discard pile, you can always draw only the topmost card of the chosen deck. In case one of the discard piles run empty thanks to this draw action, since sometimes they only consist of one card, it must be immediately top up with one card from the draw deck. You can do one of the following actions with the card you just drew: & you can play it in front of you, starting or continuing one of your own sequences, or you can place the card on one of the diseard piles. @ Playing a card in front of you: If you decide to play the card from your hand, it must be placed on the table in front of you. Ifyou do not have such fruit yet, you can start a new sequence. If you have one or more fruits of that kind, you have to place the card on top of the same kind of your fruit eards, according to the illustration below. You always have to keep your cards a little bit shifted on each other, showing only the number of the topmost card. You are not allowed to take a look at the cards underneath until the very end of the game. a ee 3 In this way everybody can see the amount of fruits a certain player has. A fruit sequence can consist of 5 cards at most, so you cannot play more than 5 cards of each fruit type. Your goal is to have exactly one card of each number in each sequence (so you have to collect one card of number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of each fruit). You do not have to collect the cards in numerical order, so for example, you can start a sequence even with number 3 or you can close it with number 1, Of course, you can also collect them in numerical order, but then it would be much more difficult to collect the maximum amount of points. Note: You have to keep all the cards that are in play in front of you on the table in a vertical direction. You cannot use unique signs to memorize your cards, for example, you cannot turn the topmost card 45 degrees to remember lacking a certain card. You ean only rely on your own memory skills, instincts and sometimes on your luck during the whole game. § Putting a card on a discard pile: | The amount of discard piles is always equal to the number of players. However, these discard piles do not belong to any of the individual players, so for tactical reasons every player can choose which discard pile he is placing his card onto. Counter to the cards played in front of you on the table (which should be kept shifted on each other), you have to form each discard pile so thatthe topmost card completely covers the cards underneath. | END OF THE GAME ‘The game ends when the draw deck gets exhausted. The active player can still place his card in front of himself or put it on a discard pile, and after that everybody should proceed to the final seoring. SCORING At the end of the game you have to spread the cards of your sequences, organize them according to their numbers so that everybody can see all of them, and after that you have to check how many fruits each player collected and if any of the numbers are missing from their sequences. Each of the sequences is scored according to the following table: Eee IB2e364e5 11 points 1828384 8 points 1 283 5 points ig2 3 points 1 1 point If number 1 is missing from a sequence 0 point If a number occurs more than once inasequence _0 point Please note that if any of the cards are missing from a sequence, the score is calculated up until the missing card. For example if a sequence consist of number 1, 2, 4 and 5, you only score number 1 and 2, which means it worth 3 points only. Example: Ann collected plums, apples, peaches and pears during the course of the game: Her sequences are shown on the following illustration, after she spread and organized her cards: Ze Ann gets 11 points for her plum sequence, since she could collect all 5 plum cards. However, she does noi get any points for her apple sequence, since number 1 is missing from that one! According to the scoring table she gets 5 points for her peach sequence, while she does not get any points for her pear sequence, since one of the numbers occur twice that one has two copies of the same card. Ann collected 16 points overall. Peter collected pears, strawberries, apples and grapes during the course of the game. His sequences are shown on the following illustration, after he also spread and organized his cards: a Wei Peter only gets 1 point for his pear sequence, since number 2 is missing from his sequence, and in this ease you can only score the sequence until the first pear card, you cannot score the number 3, 4'and 5 cards. He does not get any points for his strawberry sequence, even though he collected the numbers from 2 to 5, since number 1 is missing. According to the scoring table he gets 8 points for his apple sequence, while he does not get any for his grape sequence, since he has two copies of the same card. By the end of the game Peter has 9 points. Lotii collected only apples and plums during the whole game. Her sequences look like this: da353 Lotti gets 11 points for her apple sequence, since she could collect all} apple cards. According to the scoring table she gets 11 points for her plum sequence, since she could also complete that one without any flaws. Although Lotti only collected two kinds of fruits, by the end of the game she has 22 points, so she wins the game. Note: You can collect 66 points in the game at most, which is not easy to reach. After the last card was drawn from the draw deck, all players summarize their points for each of their sequences. The player, who collected the most points, wins the game! The most important is always keeping the number 1 fruits, except of course, if they are already in your possession. If you are missing number 1 from a sequence, you'll get 0 points for that one, even if you could collect the rest of the cards. Besides keeping your own cards in mind, try to observe the cards of your opponents. Sometimes you can prevent your opponent from acquiring points: for example, when you have to choose a diseard pile to put your card onto, choose the pile which has a card on top that would bring points for your opponent. There are 4 identical copies of each card in the game by default. If you see the third card on the table of a certain card (taking into account all those on top of the discard piles and in front of your opponents), it’s worth taking and keeping that one, especially if its number is 1, 2 or 3. The more players play the smaller is the chance for collecting all five cards of all six kinds of fruits, so in these situations go for those fruits which are collected by the fewest number of players. It can be useful to collect no more fruits than you can keep in mind. The more you divide your attention the smaller chance you have to reach the high score for each of your sequences. Try to come up with a system for collecting your sequences, since if you only collect them randomly, it will not be easy to keep in mind what you already played in front of Dyas | Author: Péter Szdllési + Graphic design: Akos Feyér Game rules: Krisztina Csil6s (X-ta), Gébor Ivinyosi-Szabé, Péter Széllési WWW.VAGABUNDKIADO.HU - ©2014 Vagabund Kiadé E.C, — All rights reserved!

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