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Camper Chronicle

February 5, 2016
Mrs. Brosman


This week we reviewed how to find perimeter and area of

squares and rectangles. Students learned how to find the area of
parallelograms (base x height) and the area of triangles (1/2 base
x height). We will finish up our unit at the beginning of next week
and take our test next Wednesday.

Reading Next week we will read The Gymnast which is about a

boy who so badly wants to be a gymnast. We will explore the question, Why do people try to change themselves? We will practice
the reading skill of drawing conclusions.

Language Next week we will continue working on dialogue


Writing This week we worked on finishing up our research so

that we might start putting our rough drafts together. We will

begin the typing phase next week. Students will be using Google
Docs to type their reports which will also allow them to work on it
from home as well.

Spelling- Next weeks words all have negative prefixes. PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!

Social Studies Students took their quiz over the Western

states and capitals on Monday. All that is left is to take the 50
states and capitals quiz on Monday! We spent the week beginning
chapter 8 which covers the beginning of the American Revolution.

Science This week we reviewed how organisms obtain food and

read about food chains and webs in ecosystems. Next week, students will be introduced to a mini science project involving researching an animal and making a Google Slides presentation
that includes the animals habitat, adaptations, food cycle it is
in, etc. It will be a culminating activity to wrap up our unit.
Phone: 342-2355

Unit 4.5 The Gymnast

Negative Prefixes
CCSS Language 2.e.

1. illegal
2. illogical
3. illiterate
4. inactive
5. invisible
6. informal
7. incorrect
8. indefinite
9. inexpensive
10. independent
11. inappropriate
12. irregular
13. irresistible
14. irresponsible
15. impolite
16. immobile
17. impatient
18. immature
19. imperfect
20. impossible
Challenge Words
21. intolerant
22. indisputable
23. irrelevant
24. irreparable
25. impersonal

Note From the Teacher:

Fifth grade is still selling carnations for Valentines Day. They can be purchased through next Friday. They are $1.50 a flower. Get your orders in before
the flowers are sold out.
Next Friday is our class Valentines party. Students can bring in their Valentines next week. A class list went home last week for students to fill out
their Valentines.
~Mrs. Brosman

Visit Our Class Website:

*teachers blog
*contact the teacher
*class schedule
*nightly homework
*upcoming events
*websites to visit
*class photos
Upcoming Dates:

Star Camper of the Week

February 8-12: ACUITY testing

February 12: Classroom Valentine's Party

February 15: Presidents Day (School is

in session for make up day)

February 17-19: Elementary Book Fair

This week we learned that Brandys favorite
subject is History. She loves to ride her bike
and plan parties. When she grows up she
wants to save the Corral Reef.

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