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Every channel uses idents of some sort and the main purposes of creating idents

are to: show the channels identity (so what the atmosphere of this channel is like
i.e. happy, mysterious etc. An example f this is E4 whose channel identity is happy
and exciting) to its viewers and brand (so for the BBC, they use a circle which shows
that they are a company that are worldwide), to market the channel which means
that that they want to almost advertise the channel form the point of production to
consumption), to reach a specific target audience and appeal to them (E4 target a
younger audience because their idents are quite strange and represent teenage
things) and lastly to give an idea of the type of programming show on the channel
(for example the discovery channel have idents that relate to documentaries).

Channel Idents.
The football ident is very usual of the BBC 1 because this particular ident consists of
everything that is required when creating an ident. The BBC uses this specific ident
because they would want it to fit in with the narration at the top. At the beginning of
the ident we see a range of close ups of the footballers and then it switches to a
birds eye view of all the footballers kicking the footballs into the middle of the circle
at the exact same time as each other.
For the space and time, BBC have used it very well in my opinion because when the
players are put into the circle, the narration is perfectly in the middle of them. With
the timing, it is again done very well because of the football players all kicking the
balls in the middle of the circle simultaneously so that is a positive for this ident.
The point of them kicking it in the shape of a circle is so BBC 1 can show the
viewers that the channel is worldwide.
The ident does slightly interact with the audience because as the narrator is
speaking, they are interacting with the audience by telling them whats coming up
next and later on the channel. The narrator is speaking in a formal tone because it
can seem to the viewers that they are getting directly spoken to from the narrator.
This BBC 1 ident uses composition to communicate the channels identity. You can
tell this because of the scenery and environment behind and around the footballers,
they are playing on a pitch so this gives the audience a clear indication and
responds very well with the idents idea of content placement. Another good thing
about the content placement in this ident is that because you can tell it has a sporty
vibe to it, you can therefore tell what kind of programmes the BBC are airing next.
In the ident it has a high level of the density of detail. As an audience we can tell
this because of the sporty feeling to it, there will be a sport related programme up
next like Match of The Day or The Football League Show etc... This ident does not
carry much information because that is not the main purpose of it, its main purpose
is to indicate what kind of programme is coming up next.

The ident has a fast tempo to it throughout the entire duration of it. BBC does this
because it shows that there will not be much information on the screen but just
short simple statements explaining what show is up next. The main purpose of the
tempo being fast is because BBC wants the idents narration to be the main point of
view to the audience. The fast tempo reflects what the channel is like so because it
is quite fast in this ident it shows that they are a very informative channel and want
to get a lot of information across to its viewers.

Channel Idents
BBC 1 use many different idents, one of them is the helicopter ident. The idents
design has been used in a very individual way and by this the BBC can attract more
of the viewers attention to that particular ident. This idents time frame is long
enough to carry a lot of information across to the viewers.
The composition of the helicopter ident is just about balanced to me because as it
begins the helicopter is moving fast and in different directions so that to me means
that it seems rushed and has no balanced elements, but as the ident goes on
towards the end, we see the helicopter from above and it looks balanced with the
sea surrounding the heli-pad.
The space and time of the ident are done very well because as a viewer, you can
clearly tell where it is being set and tell that it has been set in the real world. It has
been set in the ocean and during the day. At the end when the helicopter has
landed the spacing has been done well with the narrative appearing in the middle of
the circle created around the copter. Again the BBC uses a circle in their ident to
show that theyre a worldwide channel.
The tempo of this ident is quite fast paced and BBC does this so that they can get a
lot of information across to the viewers and the short amount of time that they have
for that specific ident. This could convey a slightly intense mood to the ident with a
combination of the helicopter and the tempo also because of the fast editing; this
could show the intensive feeling towards the ident.
The idents interaction with the viewers is being communicated across in a formal
way because again of the intense feeling of the ident. This ident would probably be
trying to target an age range for all because it doesnt come across as something
that is childish or too old fashioned. Therefore the ident would be trying to portray a
moderate feeling to it.

This ident does show how information vs. entertainment can been done successfully
because it shows the helicopter being edited into a fast and interesting montage but
then settling down for the narration to come in and deliver the info to the audience.
This ident starts with a mid shot of the helicopter weaving around in the air and
then involves the montage editing to quickly cut cross between different shots of
the helicopter. As the ident ends we see the helicopter landing on a heli pad in the
middle of the ocean, BBC do this so they can fit in the narration over the top of the
ident and so the viewers can get the information of the next programme

Channel Ident.
BBC 1 use tempo at the beginning of the Dog Display Team ident because they
would want the narration of the ident to fit in at the top of the screen. At the
beginning of the ident we start with a close up of a dog barking at something, then
the shot switches to more dogs jumping through a flaming hoop. The ident comes to
a birds eye view of all the dogs running in and out of poles that are set up in the
shape of a circle. Once that is seen, the BBC then use the narration to tell the
viewers what is coming up next. This ident is the normal kind that we would expect
to see from the BBC. This is because it is very calm and is very smooth in the way it
is presented so there isnt any strange things happening on the screen like there
would be on say channel E4.
The Dog Display ident has got a fairly small density of detail to it. As a viewer I can
tell that a programme that involves competition to it like Master Chief or The Great
British Bake-off would be coming up next. I can tell this because from watching the
ident it seems as if the dogs are competing with each other in different activities
such jumping through a hoop and jumping over fences. I think the BBC have created
this ident in that specific way because it wasnt supposed to carry across a lot of
information, but simply to give us an idea of the upcoming programme.
In this ident the BBC have used composition in a very efficient way because as the
ident switches to the birds eye view of the dogs moving simultaneously in and
throughout the poles, the elements of the ident are balanced and are working
together very well. The BBC has used props in this ident and have used them in a
way in which you can see the narration following it.
This ident does interact with its viewers. You can tell this because the narration of
the ident is addressing the information to the viewers and explaining to them what
is coming up next and what to expect later on that channel. The idents narration is

formal because they are speaking to the viewers almost as if they are in the same
room as you are.
The Dog Display ident does show that it can use information vs. Entertainment
effectively because it uses both at the same time but without us focusing on one
particular aspect of it. The information part comes in with the narration when the
dogs are weaving in and out of the poles, it tells us what the viewers can expect to
see next. The entertainment section is when the dogs are jumping through the
hoops and the fences. People who like animals or who love dogs would like this.
In this ident, space and time have been used very well because they have
separated the dogs with enough space but still have enough room to put in the BBC
logo in the middle of the dogs. The timing of the ident is very good as well because
as the dogs are weaving through the poles the BBC logo is brought up and it is in
time with the movement of the dogs.

Channel Ident
BBC 1 use tempo at the beginning of the Bikes ident because they would have
wanted the ident to have fitted in with the narration that would be placed at the
top. At the very beginning of the ident we start with a close up shot of the wheel of
one of the bikes and as the ident goes on we see various shots of the bikes in
action. It ends with the three bikes going round a track simultaneously and then the
BBC logo forms in the centre of the track. Again this ident is typical of the BBC.
This ident showing the bikes racing around the track has got a high density of detail
to it. You can tell that through this the following and upcoming programme will have
something to do with racing for example, Formula 1. From watching this ident I can
tell that the BBC have not intended to carry a lot of information across because
there is an editing montage going on throughout the beginning of this ident.
This ident uses space and time very well because as the ident comes to its end, we
see the three people riding their bikes around the track and it is spaced very well
with the BBC logo coming into the middle. The timing of the ident is good as well
because the bikes are going around the track at the same time in the exact same
kind of formation throughout the time it takes for the information to be showed to
the viewers.
This BBC ident does use information vs entertainment in a way, which works
because for the entertainment side, it shows the editing montage of the bikes and
them, racing around the track in the centre of the screen. Whereas for the
information side of the ident, the info is carried across to the viewers is minimal
because of the amount of detail being put into the ident.

The ident does interact with its audience because, once the narrator is giving the
information about what is coming up now and later on the channel. The information
said by the narrator is being said in a formal tone and therefore feels like they are
speaking directly to you and make you feel like they are right next to you.
The composition of the ident is done effectively because, BBC have created this
ident in what seems to be a dome which fits in perfectly with the bikes racing round
the track. The elements look very balanced throughout the entire ident.

Channel Idents
The BBC 1 use tempo in the hippo Ident because the BBC want the ident to fill in
with the narration over the top. As the ident starts it shows us a close up shot of a
hippo that slowly descends into the water. We next see a shot from under the water
of all the hippos swimming around in a circle at the same time. As the hippos are
swimming a red circle appears in between them all and fits right in the middle of
them. Then after that the narration comes in and explains to the viewers what is
going to be coming up next on the channel.
This Ident has not got a very high density of detail to it. I can tell this because of the
way the ident is presented to the viewers. So I can tell that the following
programme that would be coming up would have something to do with the wildlife
so for example, David Attenborough. From watching this ident you can tell that it
was not created to carry a lot of information but mainly for the viewers enjoyment
and to give them an indication of what show will be coming up next.
The BBC use composition impressively in this ident. I can tell this because the BBC
has set this ident in a river in which they have created the hippos swimming around.
The BBC has not used any props or costumes in this ident but it is set in the real
This specific ident does actually interact with its viewers because they have used
the narrators voice to interact with the audience by telling them what is coming up
next and later on this channel. The BBC have used the narration in a formal way
because as they are speaking it can make the viewers feel as if that person is
directly next to them or in the same room.
The hippo ident does show Information v Entertainment. The information starts
when the narrator starts speaking, he is informing the viewers of what is coming up
next of the BBC channel. The entertainment side of this ident is when we see the
hippos swimming around in a circle simultaneously. People who would have interest
in animals would like this.
In the hippo ident the BBC have used space and time very well because when the
hippos are swimming they are perfectly spaced out apart from each other and are

swimming in the same motion. The timing of this ident is good as well because all
the hippos are swimming together at the exact same time and in sync and the
narration comes in time.
Channel Idents
ITV use tempo at the beginning of the Welder ident because they would want the
narration of the ident to fit in at the top of the screen. The ident is the same all
throughout the duration, at the beginning we start with a mid-shot of a man using
the welder on an object that results in a series of sparks being produced. ITV use
the narration during the whole ident to tell the viewers what is coming up next.
The Welder ident has got a small density of detail to it. As a viewer I cannot tell the
programme that will be coming up next unless the narration explains that because a
man using a welder does not give an indication of what could be coming up next on
the ITV channel. I think ITV have created this ident in that specific way because they
would have wanted the viewers to focus on the narration more than what is going
on in the background.
In this ident ITV have used composition. All through the ident it just has a single
mid-shot of a man using a welder and as the ident comes to a close the ITV slogan
appears in the bottom left corner of the screen. ITV have used props and costumes
in this ident.
This ident does interact with its viewers. You can tell this through the entire duration
of the ident because the narration is being addressed from the beginning to the end
by telling the viewers information and explaining to them what is coming up next
and what to expect later on that channel. The idents narration is formal because
they are speaking to the viewers almost as if they are in the same room as you are.
The Welder ident doesnt show information vs. Entertainment because it uses both
at the same time but you can clearly tell that the ITV mainly wanted the viewers to
focus on the information being carried across. You can also tell this because the
man using the welder is very plain, boring and is the same which will not interest
the audience and therefore keep them mainly focused on the narration from the
In this ident, space and time have not really been used very effectively because ITV
have almost clamped the man using the welder and the ITV slogan together in a
small section of the screen. The timing of the ident is not done well because the ITV
slogan is brought up for a split second and is hard to see.

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