The Gift of Acabar2

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Org Mandino

Biography of the author

Og Mandino is the most widely read inspirational and self-help

author in the world today.
Og Mandino was a U. S. pilot during World War II, and after the
war he worked as a magazine editor. In 1968 he published The Greatest
Salesman in the World, a parable with common sense advice on how to
succeed in life. The book was a success and Mandino became one of the
most popular motivational speakers in the U. S. He went on to write
other self-help books, including The Greatest Secret in the World and A
Better Way to Live. All told, Mandino has sold more than 30 million

In 1976, at the age of fifty-two, he shocked the publishing industry

by resigning his presidency of Success Unlimited magazine to devote all
his time to writing and lecturing. Thousands of people from all walks of
life have openly credited Og Mandino with turning their lives around and
for the miracle they have found in his words.
His sixteen books of inspiration, love, and wisdom have sold more
than 36 million copies worldwide in eighteen different languages, second

only to the Bible. He was the first recipient of the Napoleon Hill Gold
Medal for literary achievement and has been called "The Greatest Writer
in the World." At the time of his death in 1996, he was one of the most
sought-after speakers in the country.

All Tulo had wanted was some light and warmth to sustain him
and his tiny sister through the terrible storm. But the star which he
caught in the folds of his red kite promised far from more than that. Here
is the shining, joyful message meant not only for the boy but for all those
who dream of changing their lives for the better.
Tulo Mattis overcomes. He is crippled in a fluke reindeer accident,
which kills his father. His mother dies suddenly months later. He is left
to provide for himself and his sister. Star Acabar teaches Tulo to quit
feeling sorry for himself. Tulo saves his village from devastation in the
worst snow storm in history through unselfish giving.
The Gift of Acabar Og Mandino and Buddy Kaye Reaching for the
Skies In a world where only money matters, Og Mandino and Buddy
Kayes "The Gift Acabar" presents a wealthy insight on what kind of stuff
life should be made. In a simple story of a boys struggle to keep his
dreams from being destroyed by lifes adversity, the authors provide the
"Credenda" that sums up lifes significance.
The use of supernatural element, in the form of a miracle, brought
a change in the characters personality. It somehow provides a deeper
meaning of the events that took place in his life. In such a young age, the

Lapp boy Tulo is faced with great responsibilities. He already lost his
parents, who were very close to him. The situation became more
challenging when a terrible storm came and he was the one providing a
living for his younger sister, Joana. Moreover, the sun leaving Kalvala for
over two months ever year makes daily economic living difficult.
So goes Tulos struggle with life. With the star of right beside him to
give him hope and guidance, he was able to face the obstacles in his life
and touch the lives of the people in their small village. The setting
contributes to the purpose of the story - to provide a challenge which
would improve a mans character and make him a stronger individual.
Tulo underwent the process, got hurt, felt bad, and eventually recovered.
The harsh environment also makes an atmosphere where one
could feel the misery and unhappiness that affects the story. The coming
of the Star Acabar and Star of Lirra literally and symbolically gave light
to the people. As an inspirational work, "The Gift of Acabar" teaches the
readers that to struggle is the only certain way for anyone to achieve his
full potential and that adversity is not a curse, it is a blessing.
It s a good book that will tell the readers that theres always light in
darkness. But it would have been better if the writers thought of another

way in fixing the conflict. Miracles as performed in the Bible serve to

make the people believe in God, not to solve lifes difficulties. Inspirational

There just isn't enough praise or admiration I could bestow on my
beloved Og Mandino. I can't believe there isn't thousands of glowing
reviews here. This trilogy is AWESOME - everything Og writes is
INCREDIBLE. These books alone are all a quick and easy read but there
is much more to them that can take you years to process. I read them for
the first time in 1986 and was reborn after reading "The Greatest
Miracle" - it affected me to the root of my soul as it has many others
whom I have bought the book for. Please, please, please buy this book do the world a favour because you will be a much greater human being
after experiencing it.
"A great story has again come from the genius of Og Mandino"--Dr.
Norman Vincent Peale.All Tulo had wanted was some light and warmth to
sustain him and his tiny sister through the terrible storm. But the star
which he caught in the folds of his red kite promised far from more than
that. Here is the shining, joyful message meant not only for the boy but
for all those who dream of changing their lives for the better
This is a beautiful story for those needing to discover their true
"purpose" in life; Do you feel that the world is a large merry-go-round
and you want to "jump off"? Read this story - It really helps you

understand about giving before receiving. After reading 'The Gift of

Acabar' you'll want to get all of Og Mandino's books. They are so
inspirational, witty and nice. This is definitely one of those books you
should read at least once a year - just to keep yourself "humble".
Why is one man sad and another happy ? Why is one man joyous
and prosperous and another poor and miserable ? Why is one man
fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence ? Why does
one man have a beautiful luxurious home while another lives out a
meagre existence in a slum ? Why is one man a success and another an
abject failure ? Why does one man convince himself that he is only
entitled to achieve mediocrity while another knows that luxury and
success are his for the taking ?
The seeds of success are in us all if only we will recognize them
and feed them.
This amazing trio of books are a superb example of motivational
material at its best. Ogs style is superb. Easy reading, with loads of
common sense (that we could all do with at times !)and some brilliantly
simple exercises that will help you get exactly what you want from life, be
it wealth, contentment, spiritual & family happiness. Whatever you want
from life, the words of Og Mandino will help you.

As a successful businessman who was once on the brink of

financial and emotional ruin, I cannot endorse the experiences and
works of Mr Mandino enough.
Books that make your neck hairs tingle are rare. This one does just
that and leaves you wanting more !
Talking of which, having read this book I was compelled to read
"The Greatest salesman Part II", "A better way to live" and "The Choice".
Absolutely brilliant.
Essential reading for those people who really want to take control
of their lives and claim the success WE ALL DESERVE.......

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