Bottle Messenger

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February 4, 2016

Dear Other Side,

This bottle has traveled from the Boston Harbor just to get to you.
It fought against the tide and the mans trash to get to you. It
crossed through the predators and prey of the sea, playing their
daily game, just to get to you. It has seen the abyss of the ocean
and the shallow wonders of islands. It has seen cargo ships above
the ocean and the navy bases below it. It has heard the
communication of sea animals and the secret communication of
the navy bases countries. Photographed by satellites and
sometimes just floating around, just to make it to you. It has seen
the sunrise and set, the moon and his stars with all the
constellations. It has gone through the hell of the ocean when his
wife was mad, and the heaven of the ocean when his wife was
happy. It has passed the people swimming in the ocean without a
care, and the people who drowned with their cares. It has seen
more history than I havewith the lost ships and treasures of the
ocean. I am sure it has discovered undiscovered parts of the
ocean, as well.
In other words, this bottle has gone through battle to get to you.
You must be special for the bottle to have found you. Realize what
the bottle already knowsthere is greatness inside of you. Do not
take your worth for granted.
Bottle Messenger

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