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Procedure for the Analysis of the Amplifier with Voltage Series Feedback 1) Draw the equivalent mid frequency small signal model of the given voltage amplifier without feedback 2) Determine the voltage gain Ay, Zp and Z, with the Ry = 0 and R, ==> without feedback. Here we should note that if Vj= Vo i feedback is taken ditectly from resistance across which V js taken then, take Vg across resistance and take V;=0 when Viq and Z; is calculated while considering, without feedback. Remember that as itis voltage series feedback Vy is part of V, Thus determine A,, Z; and Zo without feedback and ‘then using direct equations determine Ayr, Z.rand Z.g. Ifthe circuit is single stage amplifier then it must be emitter or source follower. In such case we can determine Aye Zorand Zi by ditect circuit analysis as itis by treating it emitter or source follower. In case of other type circuits i.e, two stage, three stage amplifier we requize voltage divider network to take feedback of Vo Refer Fig. 3.3(b), for the part of wo stage amplifier shown, itis difficult to determine Avg, Zip and Zye by direct analysis of the equivalent circuit so to determine A,, Z; and Zo without feedback, ie. V;=0, assume Ry = 0 or Re ‘grounded as shown in the Fig. 3.3(b). Now we can scc that Re=06rV)=0 for Vj and Z;and Vo =-Ip [Rel (RelRe)] Where R¢ is of last stage and (Ry + R,) will be parallel to Re. This is termed as showing loading effect of feedback network on output side. Ror Ne—> From output node Re aclast stage Hig. 5.8) Equivalent Circuit without Feedback 3) Determine the voltage gain with the input voltage source resistance Re ifany at R, =e from (eq 3.5) AVZ, as (OE Ret, 4) Determine the voltage gain with input voltage source resistance Ry=OandR, from (eq"3.6) ARE Ay = ( _— Zot Ry 5) Determine the feedback factor ‘B’ from the circuit of the amplifier given, 6) Determine the voltage gain with the feedback using the equation (eq” 3.11) Avs - = from- (eq? 3.11 Ae TBA fom-(egh 11) 7) Determine the output impedance with the feedback using the (eq 3.12) - 2. 70 (1+BAys) 8) Determine the input impedance with the feedback from the (eq"3.16). Zp =Z\(1+BAy) from - (eq" 3.16) We should remember that for single stage or cascaded amplifier we can determine Avy, Zis and Zyrand for that we require Ay no load gain, Avs gain with Rs, Ay; gain with R, of the equivalent amplifier circuit without feedback (V;=0). from-(eq" 3.12) Procedure for the Analysis of the Current Series Feedback Amplificr Single Stage Amplifier The analysis we have shown is for single stage amplifier. Remember that current series feedhack exists in cave of CE/CS amplifier with RE or RS not by passed. In such case wecan determine Ay Zy; and Zoeditectly using following equations. Remember that similar equations are already derived in this section with block diagram representation, CE Amplifier CS Amplifier Ag From (eq" 3.33) A ButR = Ry Ae —_— Re By conventional analysis of Ry not by passed circuit with r, (r, model) Br Re RO Br + (1+ BYR) - BrR (7, +R) Bir, +R) — eRe GA ROG4 RY —*e LotR) + Ry) TS eT Re Ay = Re (#RD Where 1, << Ry and replace Re = (RMR, 1h) if R, and (1/h,.) are given. Zi From(eq" 3.35) Ar (+B) = B LA w= Zi = ZAR(1 the) Where Z,= Input impedence without feedback ic R= 0 Ag Refer equivalentcircuit shown in this table Fig. 3.5(b) for CS amplifier with Rg not by passed with ry Ay = 78mRoty (Rp + hy + Ry +8, 1gR) Taking (rd) common nA =8n Rp a Go Frm Assuming td very large ~8m Ry (@,,Rs +1) Assuming g,, Rg >> I w Ay = AS Compare above equatioin with the (eq 3.33), they ate identical IF R, is given, A, = oll R) Rs Ly From (eq" 3.35) 2y = Z+R( +b) For CSJEET amplifier current gain does not existrather itis infinity as [,=0 Zig = 2; +(0)Q Zy = 22 CE Amplifier CS Amplifier 2, = (Br,)orh, and R= Log From (eq"3.27) Zy-Z,4R(-A) Where Z, is output impedance seen from amplifier output terminals without R, and Rand without feedback andA — (A, Z,+R) (Rs+Zj+R) Where A, ~ open circuit gain without R, and R = Ry The above considerations will be more clear by referring Fig 3.5(a) (! Ryd *he + a) Z-\-—— Remember that for considering amplifier without feedback we have V,=0 ie. R, Nowif(Ih,,.)or r, =e given If we see from Rg then From (eq*3.27) 2-2, tR(L-A) Incase of JEET CS amplifier input side is isolated from output as input junction is reverse biased. This is the reason JBET is voltage controlled device Zug ty +Rg (1-A) where A . (A,Z,+Rs) ®t Z rR) Remember that source resistance Ry’ has minimum effecton gain in case of CS amplifier. A= Ay (AsZ, > Ry) = - ga (tyll Rp) ‘Where A, is open circuit gain Dye = TERS IL-8, (rglI Ry) then Z, = Z,, = If we see from Rp or assuming r, large or 60 then and Z,.'=Z,,'=(RellR,), 2) Zoc'=(Ry Ry). —T—0G Rs! Ro 20 Fig. 3.5(a) Fig. 3.5(b) Two Stage Amplifier ‘The equations we have derived are not valid forthe two stage amplifier as Vis not due to drop of output current Io times the feedback resistance but due to part of ly diverted through the current divider network. In auch case we should use different approach i, use irans-conductance ratio g, ~~ (i) Determine Land V, with V;=0 Determine Z, with V,=0 and Zp by taking the loading effect of current dividing network on the ‘output side. Determine Z,,using, Zp=Z,(1 + AB) Where B= Feedback factor decided by current divider resistive network and A= Trans-conductance without feedback Remember the gain A isthe open circuit gain ie outpatis open eircuited without feedback. So V, will not contain V,and while determining Vo, take into consideration the loading effect of current divider network. Determine 2,-= 2g (1 4 AB) Determine gar (with feedback) 8m (i+ &,B) Now Ng = Yo = Mo Zep Vi ~ Grr Zo) Where Za = (Ry IRQ) Procedure for the Analysis of Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier y 1) Determine the trans-resistance A = (4) by analysing the equivalent circuit of the amplifier y without feedback ie. 1,=0. Ifwe consider equivalent circuit with feedback and we have R, is shown on the input side then we get Ay directly 4 2) Determine the feedback factor B (+) 3) Determine Z,,Z',Z, and Z,' from the equivelent circuit, with Ir=0 4) Determine Z,from - (1+AB) IfZ; considered un 2 oe "+AB) 5) Determine Z,-from z - Zo fe SAB IfZp considered, then Zo) 4s (1+AB) A A Oo Ae Where Ay =. Zi (1+AB) Here we recall collector feedback CE amplifier -which has voltage shunt feedback. If the amplifier is single stage ithas tobe BIT amplifier as discussed earlier and we can recall the voltage gain, Zand Z equations for he piven model, The result which we get using direct equations should match toy Z,cand 2, given in the present snaysis. Refer Fig 3.7(c) equivalent circuit using r, model (with resistance lage 1c infinity) is shown for he amplifier circuit shown in Fig 3.6. + 86 Re ~ Voltage gain, Z,and Z, are given by, Fig, 37 (c) re Model of Collector Feedback Bias (Assuming Ry very large) A= Ae 7, ~ bth “RHR TBE) Zy = Zop= Rp) (with Rs=0) = [RglizQIRpURe (with Rs finite) For two stage amplifier with feedback determine trans-resistance without and with feedback and B the feedback factor and use direct equations to determine Ayy Zand Zap Procedure for the Analysis of Current Shunt Feedback Amplifier 1) Determine the current gain (A) by the analysis of the equivalent circuit without feedback ive. for l,=0 R (RD Where, Ry = Feedback resistance R= Resistance in the ouput circuit 3) Determine Z;, Z/, Zo and Z,' from the equivalent circuit without feedback. 4) Determine Z-from 2) Determine the feedback factor B= Z, (48) 1f2Z; considered, then : a 4 a) 5) Determine Z,-ftom ’ Zy Zo(1+AB) IfZ,' considered then Z,; =Z,' (1+ AB) A 6 Determine current gain with feedback Ay (1+ AB) Now A; = with feedback Vo Now volagegsinA,y =" with feedback rote LZ = ay ae 4s (At) Ze Voltage gain with feedback using above remember both Z, and Z,,s, after considering loading of Ry both on input and output side Let us discuss two stage amplifier circuit with current shunt feedback Ret m Fig, 3.8(b) Current Shunt Feedback Refer Fig 3.8(b), In order to draw equivalent circuit without feedback, we must have I,=0. In order to have I,=0, itshould be by passed under a. condition. Under dc. condition R; provides biasing. So, for equivalent circuit without feedback show Ry feedback resistance parallel to Rg, shown by dotted line in Fig 3.8(b). This is termed as taking effect of loading of R,- under a.c without feedback. 3.6 €FFECTS OF THE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE AMPLIFIER ‘We have seen in the case of BIT, emitter resistance Ry, provides negative feedback in order to keep the operating point stable. Inthe case of a.c. due to the negative feedback the voltage gain is reduced, but it results in increase in the bandwidth and decrease in the distortion. Negative feedback increases the input impedance and decréases the output impedance. The emitter follower i. common collector amplifier has hundred percent negative feedback. The following are the effects of the negative feedback. a) Increased Stability Gain with the feedback is given by , A ny A> oe -(eq?3.47) Where, A = Gain without the feedback B= Feedback factor ASAB>> I, we get 1 A Thus, from the (eq"3.48), the gain of the amplifier will be dependent on the gain of the feedback path. As the feedback network is the passive network, B is stable and so overall gain (A,) with the feedback is stable. b) Increased Bandwidth Due to the negative feedback, gain is reduced and the lower cut-off frequency decreases (1 + AB) times and the upper cut-off frequency inercases (1 + AB) times. So the bandwidth with the feedback is given by BW, = BW(1+AB) ~(eq? 3.49) = (eq? 3.48) From the (eq” 3.49), we can see that the bandwidth with the negative feedback increases. hf Fig 3.9 Frequency Response of the Amplifier (Hz) The Fig. 3.9 shows the frequency res sponse of the amplifier. The curve I shows the frequency r witht te feedback. The curve II shows the frequency response with the negative feedback Ae the gain tuced due to the negative feedback, we can increase the output by increasing the input voltage, Curve III shows the frequency response with the negative feedback and with the increased input signal “ ¢) Reduction in the Frequency Distortion From the (cq 3.48), gain withthe feedback depends on only feedback factor. Ifthe feedback network is Purely resistive, gain with te fedback snot dependent on the frequency, but the gain ofthe amplifiers frequency dependent. Thus, effect of the frequency distortion is reduced with the negative feedback. D OY - - (eq? 3.50) Where, D, = Distortion with the feedback D_ = Distortion without the feedback , d) Reduction in the Noise The noise N reduces by a facior 1/1 + AB due to the negative feedback. The negative feedback tends to reduce the amount of noise signal and the non linear distortion. The noise level is reduced at the cost of the reduced overall gain N N= oe ~(eq*3.51) Where, N, = Noise level with the feedback. N_ = Noise level without the feedback ©) Input Impedance . Input impedance with the voltage series and the current series the feedback is given by 2p = Z;(1+AB) -(eq" 3.52) Where, Z; = input impedance withthe feedback. Z, = input impedance without the feedback Thus, from the (eq" 3.52), the input impedance increases with the negative feedback. This reduces the Joading of the previous stage and increses the open circuit voltage gain of the amplifier. For the voltage shunt and current shunt feedback the input impedance decreases by factor 1/1 + AB with the feedback. Output Impedance ‘The output impedance with the current shunt and the current series feedback increases with the feedback. For the voltage shunt and series feedback, the output impedance reduces with the feedback. How to Understand Which Type of the Feedback is Present in the Given Amplifier Circuit. ve Feedback _ | ‘Shunt ‘The feedback voltage due or shunt current feedback is to the input to the shunt voltage not a part of the KVL loop. Series ‘The feedback voltage due to the series voltage current feedback is a part of the KVL, to the input loop. [7 Voltage Shunt Current Shunt Voltage Series Current Series The feedback The feedback The feedback The feedback resistance resistance voltage Vsis achieved | | voltage Vris achieved is connected to the is not connected to ty the voltage divider | | by passing directly output node. the output node. network stom the output current lo output node. through the feedback _ | tesistance, 1 I I Forward path gain A Forward path gain A Forward path gain A | | ecrward path gain A isthe transresistance is the current pain isthe voltage gain) |i the transcondutance Re -(¥2) -(2) () &-(!2) i Li ' ml; Feedback factor Feedback factor Feedback fetor Feedback factor 1 LR Be B=(R) Be (ae BMRA (R+ Re) Where, Ris the esis- Where, R is the resis- tance across which feedback is taken. Where, R is one of, the resistance of the voltage dividing network. tance through which lo flows and voltage drop Vris created.

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