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FOURTH DRAFT Gy) The firet 1s freedom of speech and expression everywhere in the world, The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way everywhere in the world, The third ie freedom from went -- which translated into international terms means economic understandings which will secure to every nation everywhere a healthy peace time life for ite inhabitants. The fourth ie freedom from fear =~ which translated Anto international terms means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation anywhere will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor. Thar Botg a arth ae ee po — enh Rar by “blank vipa oeart nb iv = The first is freedom of spoech and expression everynhare in the world, The second 19 freedon of every person to worship God in hie om way everyehere in the world, ‘The third de freedom from want — which translated into ton Gl ‘Meee toms means econanic understandings whieh will secure to every nation ewaxyahepe healthy peace tine life for its a inhabitants my Peery uthe ue me wr bel ‘Me fourth is freedom fron fear — which translated into Air 4 va jotarmtiotal toms nesns a worldside reduction of amunants to such point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation aayhewe will be in a position to comilt an act of plysieal aggression against any nefighbor ame Ary where Be The beer bt. Qe! Thr om Peatrrapastadn ane amauta user esuaa WT TES ined "new order" which the dictators seek to create ab-the-potnb-ofaangun beneen hs europe ant intake, ~- ‘To that "new order" we oppose the greater Sore Dian. the oral oriar, good society 18 sie to face echenés of world dostne- ‘tion and foreign revolutions alike without fear, It has no need either for the one or for the other.

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