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Please inform the Usher if you wish the Rabbi to read a name
27 SHEVAT 5776 FEBRUARY 6, 2016
Bertha Block
Sara Covensky
Rodney Faudem
Frieda Knoll

Harry Pearlman
Luis Shienbaum
Jerome Leon Stein

28 SHEVAT 5776 FEBRUARY 7, 2016

Miriam Bobroff
Albert Herbert Dworkin
Morris Kersch
Robert Linial

Anna Zemmol

29 SHEVAT 5776 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

Wendy Dwoskin
Roslyn Goldfarb
Solomon Jonas
Sarah Kerwin

James Kramer
Sonia Kudewitz
Irving Lang
Charles Meyers

Robert S. Shulman
Benjamin Weider
Alan Zalla

30 SHEVAT 5776 FEBRUARY 9, 2016

Harold Adler
Ann Cohen
Olga Fried
George Margulis

Marilyn Rollinger
Raisa Segal
Arlene Shapiro
Rebecca Stulberg

Harriett Weintraub

1 ADAR I 5776 FEBRUARY 10, 2016

Diana Blumstein
Joseph Dobrojevich
Hyman Grossman
Arthur Hare

Saul Kopman
Harry Margolin
Bernard Morof
Dorothy S. Rosenthal

Bernard Weisberg

2 ADAR I 5776 FEBRUARY 11, 2016

Selma Feinberg
Irving S. Giles
Harry Jack Housman
Marianne Reinstein

Morris Rothenberg
Faye Ruskin
Sadie Sklar
Adele Ruth Sonenklar

3 ADAR I 5776 FEBRUARY 12, 2016

Lily Ruth Belinsky
Morris Fixler
Betty Hearst
Shirley Purther

Arthur Sills
Gussie Wedgle

Anna E. Spielberg
Gloria Spinner
Eliahou Zwi Weiss

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