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Handout on Autism

By: Marz
Legal Definition under IDEA: A developmental disability
significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication
and social interaction, generally evident before age three,
that adversely affects a
Common Characteristics:
Behaviors (Verbal
Social skills (Lack of eye
contact and personal
space, seems unable to
understand feelings)
Language Development
(Difficulty whispering,
speech is abnormally loud
or quiet)
Emotions (Difficulty with
loud or sudden sounds)
Body movements (Odd or
unnatural posture)

Learning Strategies:
Set a daily routine.
o Give warning of any changes to
the routine
Use task analysis- Very specific, tasks in
sequential order
Keep language simple and concrete
Repeat instructions and check
Use photos
Addressing individual students at all
Link learning to individuals interests.
Teach specific social rules/skills
Give fewer choices
Using sarcasm
Using idioms (i.e. "Put you thinking caps
Over stimulation
Open ended choices
Taking rude or aggressive behavior

child's educational performance.

Handout on Autism
By: Marz

Useful Resources
Autism Speaks: School Community Tool Kit
List of free printable resources to provide helpful information on students with autism.
Also gives tools and strategies to help all the individuals of the classroom community the
best learning experience as possible.
Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z
This is a book simply about the wide range of Autism. It is useful for educators to get a
better understanding of their students and how to effectively teach them.
Organization For Autism Research
We still don't know what causes autism but this website is a great place to go and learn
about new discoveries or to get involved in ways of supporting research which in turn is
supporting students who have autism.

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