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Lakea Mack

English 1102

Social Justice
My own opinion of Social Justice I equality. Therefore meaning giving a fair
dispensation toward the society. Human rights and fairness. That why For my social justice issue
I decided to be the voice for all abused kids . Child abuse is a resblence of social Justic ,I feel
that kids are abused everyday all over the world, sexually and physically. And something needs
to change.
Therefore the song I choose for my social justice issue was "Never to late" by Three Days
Grace, I choose this song because I felt that the song went great with the topic. I feel that the
song bring out feeling . The song is saying that its never to late, no matter what your going
through, you cant give up. I feel that , giving up is sometimes the easiest thing to do when your
in a bad situation. Kids need the encouragement sometimes to not give up and to keep fighting .
This song relates to child abuse, it has a the tone and the right words.
Futhermore ,The author expresses the theme in many was. For example , The author says
In the songs "Even if I say It'll be alright, Still I hear you say, You want to end your life" . I feel
this relates to my social justice topic because it saying to me , Yeah It gets hard sometimes ,
Yeah you sometimes will feel unloved , or feel like you want to kill yourself. But you cant give
up and your not alone. Keep fighting ! Another example that I feel relates to my topic is that the
author also says "This world will never be What I expected". This to me feels like she saying,

This world is a messed up place, Throughout all the pain abused and sexual abused kids go threw
things that as a human , you should never go threw.
Social Justice to me means, Fairness. Child abuse to me is a very big social justic topic.
Statistic say one out of every three girls will be sexual abused by the age of 18. 1 out of 7
children are abused. The madness must stop, kids should never go through these things, Justice
needs to be served. Thats why I chose child abuse because these kids needs a voice.

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