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Competency 2

Shanice Pringle
Professor J. Thomas
January 29th, 2016

Competency 2
Engage Diversity and Difference in
Practice Behaviors.

Competency 2.1
Applying and communicate
understanding of the importance of
diversity and difference in shaping
life experiences in practice at the
micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
Apply the knowledge that was
presented with diverse and different
changes in life at various levels.

Competency 2.2
Present themselves as learners and
engage clients and constituencies as
experts of their own experiences.
Since I am not from the Pembroke
area, I had to research and engage in
activities that I am unfamiliar with to
be able to relate more with the
students to explore varying

Competency 2.3
Apply self-awareness and self-regulation to
manage the influence of personal biases and
values in working with diverse clients and
Majority of Pembroke Middle School are
Lumbee and there has been racial issues to
come across since Whites and African
Americans are minorities. In some of these
cases, the child has let personal biases
influence who they should and should not be

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