Nazi Germany Tas2

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NAZI GERMANY Task: Video Presentation

Archie McDougall

Use historical terms and concepts.

Presentation is engaging and

makes use of different forms of
media: images, video, narration,
information etc
Successfully communicate
knowledge and understanding of
overall unit.

Address the focus question/s

specifically and have a coherent
and clear response to it.

At least two primary and two
secondary sources:
1) Analyse the
relevance of these
sources by drawing
conclusions about
their usefulness.
2) Identify and
describe points of
view, attitudes and
values in the


An outstanding assessment!
I really enjoyed viewing your presentation Archie and most
importantly it clearly addressed the focus question well done!
Your use of primary and secondary quotes was evident the next
step now is to analyse the potential bias in the sources and how
this may influence their perspective.
The Did You Know? Was a fantastic addition.
You used expert opinion and the video that you showed was an
excellent choice which related directly to the topic.
Most impressively, you integrated the primary sources and
explained them really well throughout.
Great bibliography.
Fantastic effort!

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