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JFK Assassination Conspiracy

On November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX, one of the most horrifying acts of evil
was put on display for the entire world. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. He was shot
in the chest once before being shot in the head and killed instantly. JFK was the last president in
United States history to have been assassinated. The event was captured on film by hundreds of
people and has seared its ugly seal into American history. Many people believe JFKs death was
planned and executed by one lone man, Lee Harvey Oswald. However, due to the copious
amount of inconsistencies, many believe that the killing of JFK was a setup of some kind. These
individuals will cite an inconsistency and point to a possible explanation by accusing a particular
group. The most popular groups to be accused include; the CIA, the mafia, the Soviets, and the
My museum display is simple. It is a collection of rooms that each represent
one of the accused groups. Each room will show the groups reasons for the assassination, how
they would carry it out, and what curious circumstances surround the group and causes the great
suspicion. There are simply four rooms, each room has its own displays and artifacts, as well as,
its own photographs. The visitors should make their way into the display, stop and visit the front
desk display that has an overview of Kennedys life and presidency and then, walk in a circular
path around the display while stopping to visit each room before exiting. Along the way, each
person would get the full experience of the Kennedy assassination and why it is under such
daring scrutiny.

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