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Homework Policy, St Ciarns N.S.

St. Ciarns N.S. Castlejordan

Homework Policy
Introductory statement:
This policy was devised in consultation with the teaching staff, parents panel and the Board
of Management of St. Ciarns National School, Castlejordan.
The purpose of this policy is to clarify the place that homework holds in the education of our
children and to provide a framework of what homework should entail.
To define roles and responsibilities child/teacher/parent
To support children, parents and teachers
. For consistency and uniformity through the school
To fulfil legal requirements
As part of the School Plan
To assist in implementation of the revised curriculum

Relationship to the characteristic spirit of the school:

Shared understanding through collaboration with all parents reflects the ethos of St. Ciarns
and contributes to improved learning for all.

Aims of the policy:

To create and affirm an awareness of the value of homework amongst all the partners
To promote and support the link between home and school
To inform all partners of their roles/responsibilities
To set clear guidelines re: content, time
To provide for consistency/continuity
To provide avenues for these with a vested interest in the school to participate in
policy making
To develop good homework practices throughout the school

Homework Policy, St Ciarns N.S.

The Purpose of setting homework:

To reinforce learning
to involve parents
To foster independence and good work ethic in the children
To provide a means of communication between home and school which provides an
opportunity for each to support the other.

The Role/Responsibilities of the Teacher:

With regard to homework, teachers should:
o Be consistent in their approach to the amount of homework given, the time at which it
is given and the format taken;
o Set homework on Mondays to Thursdays only - project work may be done at the
o In as far as possible, correct homework on the day following its been done;
o Present homework clearly and make allowance for children with difficulty in taking
down the assignments;
o Inform parents of concerns as problems arise;
o Allow for differentiation when assigning homework;
o Ensure that homework is done at home and not in school;
o Utilise the exercise as an opportunity to develop good communication between home
and school.

The role of Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians:

To encourage children to be independent in completing homework assignments
In senior classes to time and sign off on homework nightly: this should be an honest
account of the time your child is on task: signing off should not happen until the homework is
inspected by parent/guardian
To organise a quiet place where homework can be done at the same time every day
To ensure that acceptable levels of presentation are maintained
To communicate with the class teacher:

When your child cannot do the homework for any reason

If homework is causing anxiety or concern for your child
If the time spent is regularly longer than the recommended time
Ask for tips/support to help their child get the most from their homework

Homework Policy, St Ciarns N.S.

In junior classes; to do the reading/words with the child. In middle/senior classes: to take
time to listen to reading/talk about what their child is reading
To ensure that parents understand the importance of completing all homework not just the
written work.

The Role of the Child:

In Junior Classes To bring home/back reading folder
To listen to story with parent
To read page/words given
To do their best
In Middle/Senior Classes

To ensure that journal is signed and that he/she has timed the work
To inform teacher/parent of difficulties
To have everything that is needed at home/school
To read daily
To practice tables daily to increase speed and accuracy
To do their best.

What constitutes homework?

Written work from any curricular area

Reading-text, library, newspaper

Learning off poetry
Drill on tables/grammar
Extra work, where work has been unsatisfactory/incomplete
Sourcing information Including use of ICT
Collecting pictures, photographs, newspaper cuttings
Project work

Homework Policy, St Ciarns N.S.

Listening to/watching t.v./radio programmes and reporting back

Discussing with parents/others

Listening to story read by parent/guardian
Following up work on word recognition/reading
Bringing in objects (e.g. for show and tell)
Practice relating to curriculum areas.

Time Guidelines:
Please note that every child is different. These are guidelines only:

Junior & Senior Infants: up to 10 minutes

1st and 2nd classes: up to 20 minutes
3rd and 4th classes: 30 - 45 minutes
5th and 6th classes: 45 1 hour

Absenteeism and Homework:

Homework is follow through on work done during the school day with the children who are
in school.
Suggest children read and are read to if absent from school.

Homework Club
St. Ciarns is involved in the School Completion Programme. In our school this
means we are able to offer a homework club Monday to Thursdays to children who
meet the

How will parents/guardian be informed of their roles/responsibilities:


Junior infants meeting

Homework journal
P/T meetings

Homework Policy, St Ciarns N.S.

o Homework policy

How will policy be assessed?

Feedback from parents/teachers/children
Discussion at staff meetings
Feedback through PTA.

Remember: If homework is a stressful experience between parent and child on a

regular basis please contact the class teacher.

This Homework policy was sanctioned at the Board of Management meeting



_________________________ Chairperson

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