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Miss Coy’s Grade 8 Class
What is poverty?
It can be described as a person’s inability

to access the basic needs for survival

 Food & Water
 Shelter
 Education
 Adequate medical care
Statistically speaking. . .
4.4 billion people live in developing countries
Of these:

 Three-fifths lack basic sanitation

 Almost one third have no access to clean

 One in four don’t have access to adequate


Rich get richer while. . .
 In 1997, the richest
fifth of the world’s
population had 74
times the income of
the poorest fifth.

 The top three
billionaires have
assets greater than
those of the least
developed countries
combined (600
million people).
“What can I say?” 
. . . the poor get poorer
The time is now

For the

first time
in history,
we've got
what it
takes to
issues of
poverty and
health. It
youth to
take action
in their own
Are we doing enough as a
nation? How close to the 0.7%
Aid as % of income
Norway 0.95 goal
Already reached goal
Sweden 0.93 Already reached goal
Denmark 0.81 Already reached goal
Netherlands 0.81 Already reached goal
Ireland 0.54 Scheduled for 2012
Austria 0.49 Scheduled for 2015
Belgium 0.43 Scheduled for 2010
Spain 0.41 Scheduled for 2012
Finland 0.40 Scheduled for 2010
France 0.39 Scheduled for 2012
Canada 0.28 No schedule yet
United States 0.16 No schedule yet
Letter to the Prime Minister
 At 2002 Monterrey Conference Agreement & 2002
Johannesburg Summit
 22 Nations promised to contribute at least 0.7% of their
national income to poor countries (in form of aid)
 This would result in $195 billion to be put towards
ending hunger
 Many countries have already set a time-table for when
they will reach target
 We must urge Stephen Harper to honor this agreement
 Write a letter convincing the Prime Minister to help stop
the thousands of preventable deaths that occur
every day from hunger and poverty-related diseases
 In your letter include information about the agreement
we (Canada) signed
 Also explain why it is important that we become more

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