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Autobiography Essay
Jacob Rudolph
College of Southern Idaho
Professor Evin Fox
Foundations of Education 201 CO4A
Fall 2015



I was born November 21, 1996. In elementary school I attended Oakley Elementary.
While in elementary school I was one of the shiest kids around. I didnt make friends very
quickly. That was until I found the choir group. I found a peaceful environment where I could be
myself and open up. I was in the choir group for about a year until I realized I was not a very
good singer.
While in elementary I can remember one of my first best friends. His name was Quanna,
he was one of the coolest people I knew. Sadly he ended up moving the next year and I lost my
friend. To this day I have no idea where he ever moved to or what ever happened to him. A part
of me hopes that he became a successful man who is or will Make a difference
After about two years I moved to a small town called Rio Vista, where I attended the rest
of my elementary schooling. In Rio Vista I attended middle school and my freshman year of high
school. These where not the best years of my life due to a lot of bullying.
Shortly into my sophomore year I had gotten into a lot of fights due to bullying and had
the option of moving to a secondary school or being expelled. Since I knew I was supposed to be
moving to Idaho within a few months I obliged and attended the secondary school for a few short
weeks. As much respect as I have for secondary schools this school was very bad. The teacher
had a broken foot and the whole time I was there I felt more of an obedient task achiever than I
did a student. Dont get me wrong I have no problem with helping a teacher in need, but when it
is forced I am no fan.
From there I moved to Twin Falls, Idaho where I finished the last semester at Canyon
Ridge. During the summer of that year my family had the opportunity to buy our very first


house. We packed up yet again and moved to Buhl, a small town about fifteen miles down the
road. In Buhl I enrolled for my junior year. Toward the end of the year it had occurred to me that
I was deficient a large sum of credits. The principal had informed me that unless I wanted to
attend another year of high school plus summer school and online classes my best bet was to
dropout and attend the local colleges GED classes. At first I was not pleased, the day I came
home from school hearing that I was not going to graduate I was in tears. I had never been so
heartbroken in my life. So I took the opportunity to do a little research and found myself liking
the GED program more and more. I was lucky enough to be the first year that the program had
been amped up to a harder difficulty. This was good for me because I am not the biggest fan of
an easy challenge. So at eighteen I attended the classes and received my GED.
I am proudly able to say that I am a college student as the College of Southern Idaho
working to get my degree in education. My inspiration to become a teacher was solely received
by a man I have the upmost respect for. David Blasckewitts was my junior speech teacher who
through a year of drama and speech shone a ray of inspiration upon me. During class we would
engulf into deep and informational conversation that really brought light to a path I had not seen
before. That is how I got my inspiration to become a teacher, so I too can make a difference and
shine a light for kids who are muffled by the dark of unwanted obstacles such as family issues or
Work History
During my freshman year my father had hired me into his personal company in
construction. I remember a specific job where we were painting the outside of the local police
station as community service hours for local high school students needed the hours to graduate.
He gave me the specific job as Project Manager due to my reliability, skill, and knowledge of


this type of work. My job was to inspect the work of the other students and to help any who
needed assistance on the particular job they were assigned. With just this one job it has helped
me in my quest to become a professional teacher by showing me the responsibilities of watching
over people and showing them the knowledge that they do not yet obtain.
With my assistance they were able to learn something they might not have learned in
their life. It gave me the personal satisfaction of seeing the smiles on their face when they
achieved their goal and learned how to do the job proficiently. I think this will help me on my
path of education in many ways.
I believe that with this experience I will be able to lead a classroom in an orderly
manner. My ability to stay calm and work with other people who need the help will push me to
another level of teaching.
Extra-Curricular Activities
In high school I was introduced to the Video Club and the Drama club. I was accepted
into both clubs. While in the Video club, I surpast the expectations of my peers and earned the
title Chief Editor due to my outstanding talent of leading a group of recorder in a designated
task and then taking all these video to then generate a master piece.
While in the club I had the honor of making a few different major videos. My most
memorable was a commercial. The group was asked to make a new commercial for the local
Chevy dealership. We were lucky enough to get the new Corvette, so we can add it into the
commercial. This task taught me to be serious and to focus on the task at hand.
In the drama club I was shown techniques on how to work with other people and to be
myself eve if it felt weird or uncomfortable. I learned how to speak in front of large groups


without getting nervous or shutting down. This also taught me how to be a better teacher. I
learned that in order to get people to understand you, you might have to act a little goofy so it
relieves the tension. The biggest thing that I was taught in drama was my fear of audiences, I was
able to overcome this fear and have the ability to walk on a stage or to a big group of people and
have a conversation.
Education as a Career
I first got the inclination to be a teacher during highs school. I had friends who had
always complimented me on my ability to assist fellow students in the classroom with work. I
decided to become a teacher during my junior year while I was taking my speech class with Mr.
Blaskeweitts. Through the year I had the opportunity of watching the way he taught and how he
took each day as a new way to learn something. What fascinated me was that while still teaching
the curriculum, Mr. B was teaching us everyday life knowledge and more. He took each class as
an opportunity to make a difference. Each class of his classes started the same, with a joke or
funny story. He did this to get the class up and awake so they were ready to learn. This fascinated
me, seeing that by telling a simple joke he was able to awaken the minds of these students.
Watching him teach and interact with his students really inspired me to do the same. I
wanted to know the feeling of putting forward knowledge and wisdom that the younger
generation do not have. I told myself that teaching is my destiny. I wanted to be the man that my
students ten years down the road say thank you because I helped them achieve something in life.
Although teaching is my main choice in career I have had many other ideas, such as being a chef,
a police officer, and a writer. All these ideas I had the ability to pursue but in my heart I knew I
couldnt do it. I knew that I wanted to be a teacher and that I wanted to one day make a


difference. With the help of Mr. B I was able to see the clear decision I was going to make. I can
say that I am happy that I did.
As a teacher the rewards that I expect are simple. I expect to receive thanks from students
for helping them learn new things. The happiness and gratitude from my students is my main
goal I hope to be rewarded with. In my eyes that is what a teacher should look forward to when
they step into a classroom.
Professional Goals
A long term goal that I hope to achieve is the knowledge that I in some way affected my
students in life. I hope to look back one day and smile knowing that I was able to have a positive
effect on one of my students. I hope that I will be a teacher one day that a student thanks for
making a difference in their life. I attend to achieve this goal by pursuing through college and
continuing to hold my passion for this career. I hope to continue to receive the inspiration from
my professors and fellow students that will keep me on this path.
A short term goal I have would be to graduate CSI and get a full time job working at one
of the local high schools. I hope to have a good friendship amongst the other teachers and
students. I will be able to do this because of the gratitude and passion my fellow students have
for our choice of profession.
In conclusion hope to proceed through college to one day pursue a career in teaching. I
will continue going to school and exceeding the requirements it takes to become a teacher.
Although it may be hard at times, I will push through the dark so I may find the light at the end. I

will fulfill my duty as a student to achieve this goal and become the respected teacher I have
always hoped to be.

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