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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 05, 2016

What should our focus be as we cultivate Divine Love? Bhagawan lovingly gives
us a clarion call today.

Develop the quality of love. Fill your entire life with love. This was
the prayer which the Gopikas addressed to Krishna. A life without
love is utterly barren. You are the embodiment of love. Love has to
be directed towards what is true. Such love must be your lifebreath. Embodiments of the Divine Atma! Esteeming love as the
essence of Divinity, you must engage yourselves in loving service
to society. Why is it that so many lakhs of people have gathered
here today? There must be some compelling reason for it. You
must be seeking something which you have not found in your
native place. Here there is Divine Love. What has drawn all people
here is the power of Divine Love - that is the bond uniting hearts. At
the root of all this is purity. Where there is purity, there love grows.
When purity and love come together, there is Ananda (bliss).
Whatever work we do, whatever sacrifices we perform, they are not
of much use in the absence of love.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1990

A good student is the best offering every good teacher must give to the nation. Baba
05 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:jd AsIN,idvX ipAwr krdy hW qW swnUM Awpxw iDAwn ,iks cIz qy kyNidRq krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: Awpxy iv`c,ipAwr dw gux pYdw kro[Awpxw swrw jIvn,ipAwr nwl Br lau[ieh auh pRwrQnw sI ijhVI
gopIAW ny ikRSn nUM kIqI sI[ibnW ipAwr dw jIvn,iek bMjr zmIn dI qrHW hY[qusIN,pRym srUp ho[Awpxw
ipAwr,scweI vl moVo[ies qrHW dw ipAwr,jIvn dy hr swh iv`c hoxw cwhIdw hY[Awqm srUpo! ipAwr,idvXqw
dw AimRq hY Aqy ies nUM smwj syvw iv`c lgwau[ieh kI kwrx hY ik ies jgHw qy l`KW lok bYTy hn?ies dw koeI
Tos kwrx hovy gw[quhwnUM,ie`QoN koeI cIz ies qrHW dI iml rhI hY ijhVI quhwnUM Awpxy Gr nhIN imldI[auh cIz
idvX ipAwr hY[ieh idvX ipAwr dI SkqI hY ijs ny quhwnUM,ies jgHw qy iK`c ky lY AwauNdw hY[ieh idlW nUM
imlwaux vwlw joV hY[ies dw AwDwr,pivqrqw hY[ij`Qy piv`qrqw hY auQy ipAwr v`Ddw hY[jd ipAwr Aqy
piv`qrqw iek`TIAW ho jWdIAW hn qW AwnMd imldw hY[ipAwr qoN ibnW,koeI vI kIqw kMm,koeI vI kIqw
iqAwg,PjUl hY[(23 nvMbr,1990 dy idvX pRvcn)[

iksy A`iDAwpk nUM,Awpxy dyS nUM iek honhwr ividAwrQI dyxw,iek bhuq v`fI pUjw hY[(bwbw)[

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