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Chapter 8

Among the following group of organisms, which of the following would be

considered the "fittest" organism? a small black spider that hatches 100
Estimates of evolutionary relatedness based on a "molecular clock" are
supported by: The first two choices support the molecular clock estimates of
evolutionary relatedness.
If evolution has occurred: the allele frequencies in a population have changed.
In a large population of randomly breeding foxes, a dominant allele results
in a soft, brown pelt, while a recessive allele results in a rough, grey pelt.
The dominant allele is found in 80% of the population while the recessive
allele is found in 20%. There is no migration, drift, or selection in the
population. When human beings enter this habitat, they selectively hunt
foxes with brown pelts. After many generations of this activity, how will
this population change? The frequency of the recessive allele will rise above
20%, while the dominant allele will decrease below 80%.
In the 1790s, Georges Cuvier found the fossil remains of mastodons. This
conflicted with the prevailing worldview in Europe because: it meant that
extinction must occur, since nothing resembling mastodons existed on earth at that
In the early 1800s when Darwin was growing up, it would have been
difficult to develop a theory about how populations change over time
because: almost everyone believed that humans and all other species, once
created, could not change.
Maze-running behavior in mice: is a heritable trait.
Most mutations: are random, meaning they are unrelated to how useful or
harmful they might be to the organism in which they occur.
The average time to death from starvation in a fruit fly is about 20 hours.
Selecting for increased starvation resistance in fruit flies: can produce
populations in which the average time to death from starvation is 160 hours.
The chief concern among conservation biologists trying to protect small
populations is: to preserve genetic diversity.
The Pennsylvania Dutch Amish have historically been a small, isolated
population in the United States. Within this population, there is a different
frequency of alleles than there is throughout the population of southern
Germany and Switzerland from which they came. Given this information,
how is it possible that polydactyly, or the condition where people have
extra fingers and toes, is more common within this group? The founder
effect, a special case of genetic drift, resulted in the fact that the trait caused by the
allele for polydactyly occurs more frequently in the Amish.

Chapter 8
When a group of individuals colonizes a new habitat, this is likely to be an
evolutionary event because: small founding populations are rarely genetically
representative of the initial population.
Which agent of evolution increases genetic variation in a population?
Which of the following best describes worldwide views before and after
Darwin? BEFORE: A creator put all organisms on earth at the same time. AFTER:
Over time, species evolved, but it all started with one organism.
Which of the following best explains the difference between homologous
and analogous structures and traits? Examples of homologous structures would
be a human arm and a bat wing, whereas examples of analogous structures would
be a flying mammal and a flying insect.
Which of the following best supports the idea that the frequency of
recessive alleles does not decrease over time? Using Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium, it can be demonstrated that X allele frequencies will always produce
the same genotype frequencies, retaining the allele frequencies.
Which of the following does NOT cause mutation? Social influences
Which of the following is a primary line of evidence demonstrating the
occurrence of evolution? All of the above
Which of the following is considered a result of natural selection?
Which of the following is NOT an important reason that natural selection
does not lead to perfect organisms? All of the above are important reasons that
natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms.
Which of the following proposed methods is most likely to give rise to a
large population of smaller-than-average dogs after 20 generations? 1)
Start with a large population of dogs of varying sizes. 2) When selecting the dogs to
breed in order to generate a new generation, choose dogs in the lowest 20%, with
respect to body size. 3) Repeat this for multiple generations.
Which of the following statements about mutations is most accurate?
Whether or not a mutation occurs is not related to how useful or harmful the
mutation may be.
Which of the following statements about the relationship between humans
and evolution is FALSE? Because evolutionary processes are operating today just
as they have been since life first appeared on earth, humans have not influenced
evolutionary processes
Which of the following types of selection is INCORRECTLY matched with its
example? Stabilizing selection: Turkeys have been selected based on increased size
of their breast muscles.

Chapter 8
Which scientist is incorrectly matched to his scientific/evolutionary
contribution? Georges Cuvier showed through genetic experiments that extinction
had occurred.
While on the voyage of the HMS Beagle, Darwin: nurtured his love of studying
nature, exploring plant and animal diversity, and collecting fossils.

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