Biology Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

A goose sees an egg outside of its nest. Which of the following potential
responses by the goose is a fixed action pattern? The goose uses a side-toside motion to bring the egg back, and even if the egg is taken away during the
process, continues using that motion back to the nest.
A young child seems to acquire language skills almost overnight. Children
do not talk until they are a year old, but by the age of three, they
understand most rules of sentence construction, etc. What behavioral
concept best describes this? prepared learning
All of the following are necessary conditions for reciprocal altruism to
evolve in a species EXCEPT: at least one of the sexes must not disperse, so that
some individuals live near their kin.
Although beneficial, group living also has many costs. Which of the follow
is NOT a cost to an individual of living in a group? increased risk of predation
Animal taste preferences and feeding behaviors: All of the above.
Behavior that involves giving up something of relatively low value in
exchange for getting something of great value in the future is best
described as: reciprocal altruism.
Evolution would tend to favor: greater clarity and unambiguous communication.
In mammals, as well as many other species, males generally compete for
females, whereas females mate with only one or a few males. The best
explanation for this phenomenon is: females have higher parental investment.
In reciprocal altruism, individuals generally give up something of
_____________________ in exchange for something of _____________________.
relatively low value; great value at a later time
Mate guarding: applies to situations in which males provide parental care.
Relative to birds, more mammalian species are: Both the second and fourth
choices are correct.
Total reproductive output: increases for males as the number of females he is
able to fertilize increases.
Under what conditions would an allele increase in a population? if the allele
leads to deceptive behavior that increases individual fitness
What is the key difference between kin selection and group selection?
Relatedness. Kin selection is altruism that helps to increase a relative's fitness and
consequently the individual's own fitness. Group selection is a process where an
individual's detrimental behavior is beneficial to the population.
When evolution leads to behaviors that are good for a species or
population but detrimental to the individual exhibiting the behavior, this
process is called: group selection.

Chapter 9
Which of the following best explains the age-old idea that a male should
court and/or compete for a female? For males to be most successful, in terms of
reproduction, they need to find and gain access to mating opportunities with
additional females.
Which of the following best supports the following statement: "Many
behaviors in the animal kingdom that appear truly altruistic (unselfish
behavior with absolutely no benefit) are really not so"? All of the above.
Which of the following explanations BEST supports the following
statement: "Humans and other animals don't consciously try to maximize
their reproductive success, but their behaviors would suggest otherwise."
An animal that experiences pleasure when it has sex has the incentive to seek out
additional opportunities to experience that pleasure, without seeking a reproductive
Which of the following explanations best supports the idea that males are
more sexually willing than females? Males are only more sexually willing than
females in situations where the female has greater energetic investment in
reproduction; however, there are many situations where the female is more sexually
willing and even courts the male due to his greater investment in reproduction.
Which of the following is an example of feeding behavior that has a high
energy intake-to-effort ratio? crabs eating mussels that are intermediate in size
Which of the following is an example of kin selection? In the Australian social
spider, shortly after giving birth to about fifty spiderlings, the mother's body slowly
liquefies into a nutritious fluid that the newborns consume
Which of the following is NOT a common tactic practiced by most animal
females? offering males a nuptial gift
Which of the following is NOT considered a maladaptive behavior? All of the
Which of the following is not considered to be an animal behavior?
Which of the following is NOT likely to be an innate behavior? birds avoid
eating distinctively-colored monarch butterflies because they taste bad
Which of the following is NOT typically a form of animal communication?
increased heart rate and metabolic rate
Which of the following is TRUE about group selection? It leads to unselfish
individual behavior that benefits the population or species.
Which of the following modes of communication are seen among animals?
All of the above.
Which of the following would NOT reduce parental uncertainty? males
challenging each other to duels

Chapter 9
Why is it so much easier for an infant to learn a complex language than for
a college student to learn biology? Both the second and third choices are true.
You discover a new species of bird in which the females have bright,
extravagant plumage whereas the males are very small and drab. What
predictions CAN'T you make about this new species? The males must be
providing the larger gamete.

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