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Chapter 14

A population of scarab beetles has an annual per capita birth rate of 0.8
and an annual per capita death rate of 0.5. Estimate the number of
individuals added to or lost from a population of 1000 individuals in one
year. 300 individuals added
A primary difference between the age pyramids of industrialized and
developing countries is that: in developing countries, much larger proportions of
the population are in the youngest age groups.
Dr. David Reznick has studied life history evolution in guppies that live in
streams in Trinidad. Guppies are found in two different types of habitat:
sites where predation is higher, and sites where predation is low. Which of
the following life history characteristics would you expect to evolve in a
guppy population living in a high-predation site? None of the above.
Ecology is best defined as the study of: the relationships between all living
organisms and their environments.
In a population exhibiting logistic growth, the rate of population growth is
greatest when N is: 0.5K.
In a population, as N approaches K, the logistic growth equation predicts
that: the growth rate will approach zero.
Life extension: has been achieved in the laboratory.
Lifespan extension has been scientifically achieved in ____ ____ in the
laboratory. Fruit flies
Natural selection: cannot weed out from a population any alleles that do not
reduce an individual's relative reproductive success, even if these alleles increase
an individual's risk of dying.
Organisms that live in high-risk worlds would tend to have: All of the above
The "demographic transition" seen in human populations ultimately
results in: low birth rates and low death rates.
The death rate of organisms in a population exhibiting a type III
survivorship curve is: lower after the organisms survive beyond the earliest age
The graph shows the population size at which a population can most
effectively be utilized for natural resources. Why does the light green line
on the graph become flat after initially increasing? As a population gets
closer to the carrying capacity of its environment, its growth slows and plateaus.
The per capita growth rate, r, of a population is a calculation of what two
factors? birth rate minus death rate
There are many causes of death due to aging in humans. This is because:
mutant alleles that cause adverse health effects later in life become more common
in a population.

Chapter 14
Which of the following characteristics is associated with a species whose
life history strategy has a greater longevity and survival rate? Their rate of
population growth is low.
Which of the following is a trade-off in life history strategies? All of the
Which of the following is NOT true about life history patterns in general?
The greater the investment in reproduction, the longer a species is likely to live.
Which of the following is NOT true about populations? Individuals within a
population undergo genetic change.
Which of the following levels is NOT studied by ecology?
Which of the following statements about maximum sustainable yield is
INCORRECT? The maximum sustainable yield for a population is a useful
management guideline for harvesting plant products such as timber, but it is not
helpful for managing animal populations.
Which of the following statements about the hazard factor of a population
is INCORRECT? It is higher for a population of porcupines than for a population of
guinea pigs.
Which of the following survivorship curve types is INCORRECTLY matched
to its description and/or characteristic organism? type I: tend to produce a
large amount of offspring with little investment: frogs
Which one of the following characteristics is TRUE about a type I species,
such as the giant tortoise? None of these is true of a type I species.
Which statement best describes expectations for the world's human
population by the year 2020? There will be slightly less than 8 billion people if
the current rate of growth continues.
Why is ecology studied at the population level or higher? Most ecological
processes cannot be observed or studied at the individual level.

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