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2 starSearch I NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM ALL PROVISIONS OF THE l CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PAYMENT AND ADJUDICATION ACT 2012 (“CIPAA”) PURSUANT TO SECTION 40 OF CIPAA ‘We hereby notiy that Ptroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronae”) have applied to the Director of the Kusla Lumpur Regional Cente for ‘Actitration (KLACA) or te exemption of downstream all and gas construction contacts rom all provisions of CIPAA. “The Exemption Application has been made by Petronas pursuant to Section 40 of CIPAA which allows the Minster of Works to, upon ‘considering the recommendation ofthe KLACA, grant exemptions to any person or cass af persons or any canract, mater or ansacion ‘or any cast thereat rom all or any provisions of CIPAA. The exemptions proposed under the Exemption Applicaton are as folows: “An oll and gas construction contract thats drecty or indirectly connected tothe activities comprising of (2) the exploration, exploitation, winning and obtaining of petroleum whether onshore or offshore: (©) the processing including the liquefaction, regasitication, blending, refining or manufacturing of petroleum or petrochemical produets or any other derivatives: and (@) the transmission, bottling and storage terminal of petroleum or petrochemicl products or any other derivatives. are exempted trom all provisions of the Act. For the purpose of this exemption, the expression “petroleum” means any mineral ol or relative hydrocarbon and natural gas ‘existing in its natural condition and casinghead petroleum spirit including bituminous shales and other stratitied deposits from ‘whieh oll can be extracted” Intorested parties andlor stakeholders are invited to provide writin comments on the proposed exemptions by the date st ou blow. |wrtten comments should be submited 1 the KLACA no later than 47 February 2016 at Director Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration Bangunan Sulaiman Jalan Sutan Hishamudn '50000 Kuala Lumpur L ‘Malaysia a | ap Tit Highcourts... Proclamations... General Notice... Tenders... For more details on legal ads, please call 03-7966 8388 StarJt 9S e arc r rch

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