February 06 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 06, 2016

What is the secret behind the glory of Puttaparthi? What is the Divine Yoga we
can learn from its success? Bhagawan exhorts us with a noble goal today.
While doing Kundalini Yoga, people practice breath
control. In the breathing exercises, inhalation is
described as Purakam, exhalation as Rechakam and
holding the breath as Kumbhakam. These alone do
not constitute the means to achieve yogic power. To
breathe in all that is good is Purakam. To give up all
that is bad is Rechakam. To retain in the heart what
is good is Kumbhakam. Every human being must
practice this divine type of yoga; in fact this must
become your primary goal. Puttaparthi is a small
hamlet. How has this village attained this eminent
state? You can find the answer for yourself. It was
not merely a great piece of good fortune or a lucky
accident. It is due to the power of thought. Every
sacred thought has the power to find fulfilment.
Hence scriptures declared: As you think, that you
become (Yad bhavam tad bhavati)". Develop good
thoughts and naturally you will be entitled to the right
of its fruits.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1990

Noble-minded actions, virtuous qualities and sacred thoughts are the basic foundations
of good character. Baba
06 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:pUtwprqI dI mhwnqw dy ip`Cy ikhVI gopnIXqw hY?ies dI sPlqw qoN AsIN ikhVw idvX Xogw is`K skdy
hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies dw au`qm l`kS smJwauNdy hn[
auq`r:kuMfilnI Xogw krn vyly,lok Awpxy swh au`qy kMtRol krdy hn[swh lYx dI ikirAw iv`c,AMdr nUM swh iK`cx
nUM,purwkm kihMdy hn; swh bwihr k`Fx nUM,rycwkm Aqy swh roky r`Kx nUM,kuMBwkm kihMdy hn[ieh iek`lw krn
nwl,Xogw SkqI nhIN pRwpq kIqI jw skdI[AMdr nUM swh iK`cxw,cMigAweI dw pRqIk hY Aqy ieh purwkm hY; jo
ku`J burw hY,aus nUM C`f dyxw,rycwkm kuhwauNdw hY [cMigAweI nUM ihrdy iv`c r`Ky rihx nUM,kuMBwkm kihMdy hn[hr ie`k
nUM ieh idvX Xogw krnw cwhIdw hY[Asl iv`c,ieh quhwfw mu`Flw lkS hoxw cwhIdw hY[pUtwprqI iek Cotw ijhw
ipMf hY[ies Coty ijhy ipMf ny ie`nI izAwdw mShUrI ikvyN pw leI?ies dw au`qr qusIN Kud l`Bo[ieh koeI iksI cMgI

iksmq dw v`fw ih`sw nhIN sI[ieh ,ivcwr SkqI dy kwrx hY[hr cMgy ivcwr dI AwpxI SkqI huMdI hY,ijhdI
pUrqI huMdI hY[ies leI gRMQW ny d`isAw hY ik ijs qrHW dw qusIN socdy ho,qusIN aus qrHw dy hI bx jWdy ho[Awpxy
AMdr cMgy ivcwr pYdw kro,iPr qusIN Awpxy-Awp,aus dy Pl dy h`kdwr bx jwau gy[[(23 nvMbr,1990 dy idvX
auq`m mn vwly krm,auq`m gux Aqy piv`qr ivcwr,iek cMgy cwl-clx dw nINh-p`Qr hn[(bwbw)[

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