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Sia Organised By: RSS i) ETE SS Cota April 13 ~ 14, 2015 Opportunities and Growth Venue: Grand Ballroom, The Magellan Sutera Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu Vv JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration (Deepwater Sabah) Ltd Incorporated In Japan Our actions will respect the EARTH Ethics Advanced ideas Relationship with society a Wlsaiielaiaerectocmcniecs Harmony Pan aR Clann IX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corporation Oe a pacer Nippon is developing its activities to countries pee ea eat Ce eee ee Poe eee ee eo 0) JX Group will contribute to the development of a sustainable economy and society through innovation in the areas of energy, resources and on AC me Ce ne eee cy Cee ee mind energy businesses Read eet ar CONTENTS 04 05 06 07 10 19 20 Message By YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman, Right Honourable Chief Minister Of Sabah Message By YB Datuk Raymond Tan Minister of Industrial Development, Sabah Message By Datuk Adeline Leong and Dolly Jimayol, Organising Chairpersons Programme List Speakers Profile Index of Exhibitors Exhibition Floor Plan MESSAGE Right Honourable Chief Minister Of Sabah would like to congratulate IEC Midas for organising this Sabah Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition (SOGCE) which Is now in its fourth edition. As oll and gas isa sunrise industry in Sabah, ! am glad that the theme for the 4th SOGCE remains as “Opportunities and Growth’ Even with the low oll prices, our oil and gas industry continues to grow especially through the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT). Additional power supply from the Kimanis Power Plant now means there are less power outages in Sabah’s west coast anergy Berhad owned by the Sabah State Government just launched its Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel in October last year. The new vessel, Ratu Nusantara is anchored at the Bukit Tua oll and gas field in Indonesia and is operated by PETRONAS. ‘Through MBnergy Berhad, the Sabah State Government is venturing Into full scale oil and gas exploration and production given that the sector is a major contributor to Sabah's socio-economic development. MBnergy Bhd is setting Its sights on oilfields in Vietnam, Indonesia and the Gulf of Mexico as part of its expansion plans. "es are ahead of us in view of the drop in oil prices. However, this being a resilient industry, oil and gas companies will be able to weather the storm and come out. stronger. Through Confetences like this one, industry players can gather on one platform assess the situation and come out with new solutions. | understand that there will bea panel discussion on the way forward for the Sabah’s Oil and Gas Industry with representatives from PETRONAS, Shell, Talisman and Petra Energy. |lunderstand there will be a post conference tour to the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal sponsored by PETRONAS for the conference delegates. This is a good initiative as delegates will be able to see for themselves this facility in full operation. | wish the Organisers, Speakers and Delegates and Exhibitors every success in the SOGCE, and | hope it serves you with effective networking and enhancement of knowledge in the oll and gas industry. YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman MESSAGE Minister of Industrial Development Sabah My warmest greetings to the Conference Delegates and Exhibitors of ‘the 4th SOGCE Sabah Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, It is heartening to note that this annual event is able to proceed despite the drastic drop in the oll prices, All the more so that we have this pontaranca seh taten taco etrimeret hella ost isi discuss the challenges faced at this moment in time and ways to overcome such challenges to bring both the upstream and downstream activities forward. ‘Where the State Government is concerned, through Sipitang Oil and Gas Corporation (SOGDC), is currently conducting a review and update of the master plan for the Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP) recently. This exercise is to study how to accommodate the industrial players who have expressed strong interest to invest in SOGIP in the development of agro based petrochemical hub. Emphasis in given for the speedy construction of infrastructure including a container port and provision of utilities. ‘The State Government, through the Sipitang Oil and Gas Development Corporation (SOGDC), had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with a subsidiary of Grupa Azoly S.A. Pulawy, a leader in the fertilizer and chemicals industry in Poland, in September 2014 together with Petronas Chemical Group to undertake a feasibility study for the development of petrochemical products to meet the demand of the agriculture industry in the Asian region. My very best wishes for the success of this 4th SOGCE. As Sabah gets deeper into the oll and gas industry, we can safely say that it is the industry which will propel Sabah into a high income status in the years tocome YB Datyk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah 3AH OIL & GAS E & EXHIBITION MESSAGE Organising Chairpersons Welcome to the Sabah Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition. As oll and gas is a sunrise industry in Sabah, our theme remains as “Opportunities and Growth’. This year's conference is divided into 3 parts; plenary session, parallel workshop and panel discussion. This ‘year is our 4th year organizing this SOGCE and we are glad to see increasing interest in this industry especialy in the downstream activities albeit the challenging environment. How to survive in these challenging times due to the drastic drop in oil prices is the key question from most oil and gas companies, hence this leads us to the very interesting Panel Discussion on “Oil and Gas Prospects in Sabah ~ Successfully overcoming current industry challenges where industry players get together to assess this challenging situation and come out with new solution, as this industry isa resilient industry and oil and gas companies will be able to weather the storm and come out stronger. Human resource development sa huge component for any successful industry; hence a workshop on *Career Development’, is designed ‘especially for graduating students and we believe that they will benefit from this presentation. To add value to the conference, a tour to the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal, Kimanis is arranged and hosted by PETRONAS for the conference delegates, with a purpose to explore SOGT. This will take place on the 15th April 2015. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, Sabah Chief Minister, and the Ministry of Industrial Development for your full support towards SOGCEOur appreciation goes to PETRONAS, SHELL, Murphy Oil, JX Nippon, Talisman, Aker Solutions, SOGIP and all other exhibitors and delegates ‘who come from near and far, all ofyou are our valued customers. Thank ‘you for your support and confidence that you have placed in us and our Interaction with you will always be fair and balanced as our belief is ‘embedded through our mission statement since the inauguration in 2012 which is to create a business opportunities by delivering market leading exhibitions and conferences, The foundation of our business is built on quality service, respect and integrity in the pursuit of mutually profitable outcomes. eee, Te Datuk Adeline Leong Dolly Jimayol Managing Partner Managing Partner eter XHIBITIO! Day 1 (13th April 2015 - Monday) PROGRAMME Ballroom 1, Magellan Sutera 9.30am “Investment Potentials in SOGIP” By Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Haji Abdullah @ OKK Haji Damsal, General Manager, SOGDC, Sipitang Oil & Gas Development Corporation Sdn Bhd 10.00am, Paper I: “Sustaining the Growth of Oil & Gas Industryin Sabab” By En. Mohamed Firouz Asnan, Chaitman of PETRONAS Sabah & Labuan/Head of Sabah Operations 10.30am, Kinabalu Field: NAFAS BARU- A Journey: From No Potential to Rejuvenation” By Mr Alan Britton, Kinabalu Subsurface Manager, Talisman Malaysia Limited 11.00am > —_TEABREAK 1130am + Paper IV: "Malaysia: Oil & Gas Competency Hub for Asia Pacific & How can Sabah Participate” By En Mohammad Azme! Bin Harun Rasheed, Vice President, MPRC, Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation 12.00pm Paper V: "Effective Partnerships with Facility Maintenance Service Providers: ‘A Malaysia PSC Operator's Perspective” By Mr, Mark Mick, General Manager, Sabah Assets Murphy Sabah Oil Co, Ltd 1230pm > LUNCH / NETWORK OPENING CEREMONY 3.00pm —_> Arrival of Delegates, Invited Guests, Speakers and Keynote Speakers 3.25pm —_> Arrival of Guest of Honour, Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, Chief Minister of Sabah 3.30pm > Welcome Address by Yang Berbahagia, Datuk Adeline Leong, ‘Managing Partner, IEC Midas 3.40pm > Opening Address by Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, Chief Minister of Sabah 4.00pm > First Keynote Address “State of Oil and Gas Industry- Present & Future” By En Johari Dasri, Vice President, Production Malaysia, PETRONAS 4.20pm > Second Keynote Address. +“ Deepwater Developments In Sabah” By Mrlain Lo, Chairman of Shell Malaysia 4.40pm >» Presentation of mementoes 5.00pm > Exhibition Tour 5.45pm > TEA BREAK / END OF DAY 1 SESSION 2015 SABAH OIL & GAS INFERENCE & EXHIBITION Day 2 (14th April 2015 - Tuesday) P. ROG RAM M E 4 Ballroom 1, Magellan site 2.00am 1 Oand Gas Engineering: Key toa Sunrise Industry in Sabah, peace paces pears By Professor Dr Ravindra Pope, Director ERU, and Director of il and Gas, UMS, University Malaysia Sabah 9.30am “Assessing Possible Interim Solutions for the Future Gas Pipeline to East Sabah” By Nor Aslam Khan, Director, newGasPte. Lid 10.00am + Paper Ill: “Sabah Oil and Gas; A Sustainable Future for Sabah SME's” By Dato’ Paduka Udani Bin Dato’ Seri Mohamed Daud, Group Executive Chairman, MaxEnergy Group 1030am > —TEABREAK 11.00am _+ Paper IV: “Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Review for Oil & Gas (Welding) in Malaysia” By Sherlyn Von Chel Ling, Technical Service Engineer in Occupational Health and Environment Safety, 3M Malaysia Sdn Bhd 11.30am + Paper V: “Assessment Requirements; IECEx Scheme for Certification of Personnel Competence (CoPC) for Explosive Atmospheres” By Ir. Syed Fadzil Bin Syed Mohamed, Consultant at Product Certification and Inspection Department, SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd 12.00pm > —_LUNCH/ NETWORK Panel Discussion 2.30pm +“Oil and Gas Prospects in Sabah - Successfully overcoming Current Industry challenges” Session Chairman ‘Datuk Dr Patawarl Bin Patawe, SOGSC, Sabah Oil & Gas Services Council Deputy President Panelists ‘En, Mohamed Firouz Asnan, Chairman of PETRONAS Sabah & Labuan/ Head of Sabah Operations ‘Puan Siti Hurrairah Sulaiman, General Manager, Sabah, Shell Malaysia “Mr Duncan Smart, Sabah Asset Manager, Talisman Malaysia Limited + Dato’ Udani Bin Dato’Seri Mohamed Daud, Group Executive Chairman, MaxEnergy Group 230pm > Parallel Workshop Session Workshop on “Career Development” (MR3) By MrHaria Djuli, Recruitment Manager, Shell Malaysia, Indonesia & Shell Business Operations Kuala Lumpur 430pm > TEABREAK/END OF DAY 2 SESSION —— —————— PROGRAMME Day 3 (15th April 2015 - Wednesday) POST CONFERENCE PROGRAMME- FIELD TRIP TO SOGT, Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal Magellan Hotel Sutera Harbour (KK) - SOGT (Kimanis) - Magellan Hotel Sutera Harbour(KK) 9.30am Depart from Magellan 10.45am Arrive at SOGT 11.00am Safety Briefing 11.05am SOGT Plant Presentation 11.30am SOGT Plant Tour 12.00pm Lunch 1.30pm Depart from SOGT 2.30pm ‘Arrive at Magellan Hosted By 2015 SABAH OIL & GAS CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT! KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Mohamad Johari Bin Dasti Vice President, Production Malaysia Upstream Malaysia Upstream Business, PETRONAS lain Lo Chairman of Shell Malaysia, Managing Director of Sarawak Shell Berhad/Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited Mohamad Johari Bin Dasri_ was bor on 2nd October 1957 in Taiping, Perak, Malaysia. He graduated with Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from University of Wyoming, USA. He Joined PETRONAS on 1st October 1980 and held various positions including international posting in the Upstream Business, After 28 years, he was given the opportunity to gain experience in the Petrochemical Business. Since August 2010, he was brought back to the Upstream Business to helm Malaysia operations, lain Lo was appointed to the post of Chairman of Shell Malaysia and Managing Director of Sarawak Shell Berhad / Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited effective 1st July 2012. A proven leader who has worked in Shell’ exploration and production, gas and downstream businesses, lain’s extensive experience over the past twenty years has seen him hold a broad range of roles in both Malaysia and abroad. Iain joined Sarawak Shell Berhad asa Field Engineer in 1990 before moving on to undertake various engineering, economics and corporate roles based in Malaysia, The Hague and Singapore. His areas of responsibility have included LNG joint ventures in Malaysia and the commercial governance of Shell's Sakhalin Joint Venture in Russia. Prior to becoming Chairman of Shell Malaysia, he was the Global Vice President for New Business Development and Ventures for Shell Chemicalsin Singapore. A Malaysian from Sarawak, lain was appointed aboard member to the Singapore Economic Development Board in 2009, He chairs the Asian Talent Council for Royal Dutch Shell Plc which focuses on the development of staff from the region. He holds a MS in Civil Engineering. cg SPEAKERS - Day 1 Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Haji Abdullah @ OKK Haji Damsal General Manager Sipitang Oil & Gas Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Mohamed Firouz Asnan Chairman of PETRONAS Sabah & Labuan / Head of Sabah Operations Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Haji Abdullah @okk Haji Damsal was born on 20 April 1959 in Sandakan, Sabah. Married with three (3) children, He went for his secondary education in Maktab RendahSains MARA (MRSM) and hhis’A’ Level in Oxford College of Education in Oxford, England. He later pursued his Barrister of Law Degree (LLB) in the University of London, England and his Barrister at Law Degree (BL) at the King's Inn, Dublin, Ireland. ‘Additionally, Haji Abdul Kadir also holds an MBA from the National University of Singapore. At the age of 34, Haji Alsdul Kadir was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Innoprise Corporation SdnBhd an investment arm of Yayasan Sabah for five years. He later became the Regional General Manager, BERNAS, Sabah and Labuan. In 2011, he was appointed as General Manager of Sipitang Oil & Gas Development Corporation SdnBhd, the Chief Minister Incorporated Company. The Chairman is YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, the Chief Minister of Sabah. Sipitang Oil and Gas Development Corporation SdnBhd (SOGDC) is the owner and developer of Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP. Mohamed Firouz Asnan is currently the Chairman of PETRONAS Sabah and Labuan, He is also the Head of Sabah Operations. Prior to this, he was the Country Chairman of PETRONAS Vietnam and General Manager of Business Development, Corporate Planning & Development Divi Started his career in PETRONAS in 1988 as an intern with Production Department, E&P Division which is now known as Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM). After spending 7 years in ERP, including a stint with BARDEGG fabrication, he made a career shift in 1996 to join Corporate Planning, ‘which according to him, is one of his defining moments in his career. Heis trained as a Civil Engineer from University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1987 and then attained an MBA, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology as @ Sloan Fellow in 2001. Firouz isa registered professional engineer and a member ofthe Institution of Engineers, Malaysia. 5 SABAH OIL & E & EXHIBI GAS TION SPEAKERS 13 rn Alan Britton Kinabalu Subsurface Manager, Talisman Malaysia Limited Mohammad Azmel Bin Harun Rasheed Vice President, MPRC, Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation Alan Britton has 30+ year of working experience in oil business in a wide range of positions covering both consultancy and E&P companies. A reservoir engineer by training but now has a broad experience across many subsurface aspects of field development and operation. He had worked in UK, Norway, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and now Malaysia, Alan has been with Talisman Malaysia in KL, for the last 6 years, and has been part of the Kinabalu team since 2011 when Talisman made the initial bid for the Kinabalu block, through transition and now field operations and redevelopment. He earned his MSC Petroleum Engineering from the Imperial College London. ‘Azmel is currently working with Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation (MPRC) an agency under the Minister's Department, The entity is mandated to help grow the Oil & Gas Services and Manufacturing sector and position Malaysia as a hub for the Asia Pacific Region. His key role is to develop local talents and technology to support the mandate. His past experiences have predominantly been in helping business executives formulate strategies to improve operating performance. His industry exposure includes Oil & Gas, Tyre Manufacturing, Car Assembly and Metal Stamping. He has worked in several countries suchas the US, South Africa, Oman, China, India, Japan, Indonesia and. Thailand, His skills and expertise are on Performance Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Change Management, Problem Solving, Presentation Skills Coaching, Kaizen Facilitation, Large Group Facilitation and Training & Development. He received many awards, and he eared a Bachelor Degree, Industrial Engineering, from the University of Toledo and a Bachelor of Applied Science (B.ASC), Industrial Engineering, from the Royal Military College. His interests are Triathlon, Tennis and Performing in a live band. x SPEAKERS Mark Mick is the General Manager, Sabah for Murphy Oil Malaysia. In his role, he is responsible for all aspects of the Murphy-operated assets in Sabah, Malaysia including safe and teliable production operations with a strict focus on ‘operating and capital expense efficiency to maximize the profitability of the assets. Mr. Mick has a diverse and comprehensive background working in both deep and shallow water fields offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, West Africa, and Southeast Asia, as well as leading onshore operations in North ‘America, He earned a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Geology from Boston College, a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Dayton, and an MBA from the University of Houston. Mark Mick General Manager, Sabah Assests Murphy Sabah Oil Co,Ltd SPEAKERS - Day 2 Professor Dr. Ravindra Pogaku has diverse and intense, yet rewarding ‘experiences in teaching, research, industry, executive and administrative fields spanning over 32 years. ‘Over the course of his 32+ years, he has published more than 200 articles in Journals and proceedings. ProfRavindra is bestowed with the national and international prestigious awards. He has received gold and silver medals for his research contributions in the Oil and Bioprocessing fields. He was also UNESCO consultant on Sustainable energy projects. Prof Ravindra serves as the editor-in-chief, editorial board member, guest editor and reviewer for multiple referred journals. His focus is on the issues of Green energy ‘engineering and technology for sustainable development of the society. Professor Dr Ravindra can be reached at University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), . Kota Kinabalu, 88400, Sabah, Malaysia. Voice: +6-088-320533, Fax: Professor Dr Ravindra Pogaku, ..089-329539, Cell: +6-013-8766634 Email:; Technical Director of Oiland Gas dr_ravindra@hotmailicom Engineering: Director of Energy Research Unit Faculty of Engineering, University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) 2015 SABAH OIL & GAS CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT! SPEAKERS newGASPte. Ltd. is an established privately owned Maritime LNG Consultancy and Solutions Development Company established in Singapore. Since 2008, newGAS has provided business and project development consultancy for shipping and offshore LNG projects in South East Asia. Nor Aslam has been involved in the LNG Industry since 2001 having worked on various Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU), LNG Shipping and upstream Floating LNG Projects globally. Nor Aslam has worked in the Shell Group (upstream Production Operations) and MISC Berhad (General Manager LNG Business Development). Nor Aslam Khan, Director newGAsPte.Ltd Dato’ Paduka Udani Bin Dato’ Seri Mohamed Daud has been in the Cil & Gas industry for over 30 years since he started as a Junior Field Engineer for Schlumberger Wireline & Testing in 1984. His frst 15 years in the industry was with Schlumberger, assigned mainly in Asia, Middle East and the North Sea holding various field, operations, sales and management positions. From 1999 to 2004 he headed and developed the OPI Group, a Malaysian NOT specialist provider to the Oil & Gas industry. Since 2005 he has been developing and managing his own business interests. He is curtently the Group Executive Chairman and primary shareholder of the MaxEnergy Group, which provides various products and services focus on Improving Oil & Gas production and to extend the life of production facilities. Dabs patie UUERIEE He concurrently sits on the board of several companies providing drilling related ices in Mal eRe MERR assets and services in Malaysia, Daud Dato’ Udani obtained his honors degree in Engineering Science from Leicester Group Executive Chairman, University, England and did his Advanced Management Program (AMP) at Kings MaxEnergy Group College in Aberdeen, Scotland. SPEAKERS rg Sherlyn Voon Chel Ling Technical Service Engineer in Occupational Health and Environment Safety, 3M MALAYSIA SDN BHD. fh Ir, Syed Fadzil Bin Syed Mohamed, Consultant at Product Certification and Inspection ee SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd Sherlyn Von is Senior Technical Service Engineer for 3M Personal Safety Division (PSD) in Malaysia. She received her Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Applied Chemistry and Master Degree (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from University ‘of Malaya. Since joining 3M Malaysia in year 2010, Sherlyn serves asa Technical Service Engineer providing technical advice and guidance for Respiratory, Hearing, and Head, Eye and Face protection, Body protection, used of chemical sorbent and relevant regulations on ESHSherlyn’s role includes providing "walk-through" survey in helping the client (industry) to identify occupational hazard at the work place; advising clients on the “Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedure” for chemical spillage; and provides theory and practical training related to Hazardous Spill Clean-Up Response. She actively engages ‘customers from various industries related to the effective used of Personal Protective Equipment. She is frequent speaker for various seminars on respiratory protection, hearing protection, head, eye and face protection, and welding safety. She is also the trainer for 3M Malaysias PSD, and is responsible to certify 3M Authorized Distributors to become 3M Certified Trainer via Train-the-Trainer (TTT) Program. Ir, Syed Fadzil Bin Syed Mohamed is a registered Professional Engineer (PEng) with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). Graduated with 8.Eng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from University of Paisley, Scotland, United Kingdom. He has more than 20 years working experience in SIRIM in the field of Materials Research, Engineering Failure Investigation and Conformity Assessment. Currently, he is a Consultant at Product Certification and Inspection Department, SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd, 2015 SABAH OIL & CONFERENCE & EXHIBI GAS TION PANEL SESSION CHAIRMAN Datuk Dr Patawari Bin Patawe Council Deputy President SOGSC, Sabah Oil and Gas Services 57 years old Datuk Dr Patawari Bin Patawe is a Consultant ENT Surgeon who is. also a Deputy President of Sabah Oil And Gas Services Council and a Director of TAS Institute of Oil and Gas, Sipanggar, KKIP, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, He is also a rector of Kota Kinabalu Specialist Hospital Sdn Bhd a subsidiary of Kumpulan Perubatan Johor. PANEL SPEAKERS Mohamed Firouz Asnan Chairman of PETRONAS Sabah & Labuan / Head of Sabah Operations ‘Mohamed Firouz Asnan is currently the Chairman of PETRONAS Sabah and Labuan. He is also the Head of Sabah Operations. Prior to this, he was the Country Chairman of PETRONAS Vietnam and General Manager of Business Development, Corporate Planning & Development Division, Started his career in PETRONAS in 1988 san inter with Production Department, E&P Division which is now known as Malaysia Petroleum ‘Management (MPM). After spending 7 years in E8P, including a stint with BARDEGG fabrication, he made a career shift in 1996 to join Corporate Planning, which according to him, is one of his defining moments in his career. He is trained as a Civil Engineer from University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1987 and then attained an MB.A. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a Sloan Fellow in 2001. Firouz is registered professional engineer and a member of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia. OCTET NY Came) PANEL SPEAKERS Siti Hurrairah Sulaiman General Manager, Sabah Shell Petroleum Company (SSPC) Duncan Smart Sabah Asset Manager, Talisman Malaysia Limited iti Hurrairah Sulaiman is currently the General Manager of Sabah Shell Petroleum Company (SSPC), a role she assumed in 2011. She leads the overall operations and maintenance of SSPC’s upstream assets, Ths includes serving as the primary interface with customers, joint-venture partners, as well as other key stakeholders. Siti is no stranger to the energy sector. She joined Shell in 1994 and has steadily progressed in her career, developing deep experience in a variety of areas. This includes engineering, HR, planning, economics and commercial work in both Malaysia as well as in the UK. Siti graduated with 1st Class Honours in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College, London, Duncan works for Talisman Malaysia and is the Kinabalu Asset Manager, based in KL. He has been in this role for one year and previously worked for Talisman in Australia/PNG. Duncan is from Bristol in the UK and graduated in chemical engineering. He commenced his oll and gas career working with bp and fulfilled a variety of roles in the UK, Azerbaijan and Russia from 1981 to 2007. The roles included reservoir engineering, operations, field development and commercial. Duncan then moved to BGas the Asset Manager in their Trinidad business. Away from work Duncan is a keen sportsman - tennis, uash and badminton, 2015 SABAH OIL & GAS CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION PANEL SPEAKER Dato’ Udani Dato’ Seri Mohamed Daud has been in the Oil & Gas industry for over 30 years since he started as a Junior Field Engineer for Schlumberger Wireline & Testing in 1984. His first 15 years in the industry was with Schlumberger, assigned mainly in Asia, Middle East and the North Sea holding various field, operations, sales and management positions. From 1999 to 2004 he headed and developed the OPI Group, a Malaysian NDT specialist provider to the Oil & Gas industry. Since 2005 he has been developing and managing his own business interests. He is currently the Group Executive Chairman and primary shareholder of the MaxEnergy Group, which provides various products and services focus on improving Oil & Gas production and to extend the life of production facilities, Dato Bacula Ucar] Brat casi rtnt gr Sister eevee onenwe psBog Hing aed Dato’ Seri Mohamed oe Daud . - Dato’ Udani obtained his honors degree in Engineering Science from Leicester Group Executive Chairman, University, England and did his Advanced Management Program (AMP) at Kings MaxEnergy Group College in Aberdeen, Scotland. PARALLEL WORKSHOP - SPEAKER Haria Djull is the Recruitment Manager for Shell Malaysia and Indonesia. Haria has almost 20 years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry and in his current role, he manages the recruitment activities for Graduates and Experienced Professionals for both countries, and the Shell Business Operations in Kuala Lumpur. He gained his recruitment experience as a Technical Recruiter for Shell Netherlands and subsequently as the Recruitment Manager for Shell Middle East. Haria returned to Malaysia in January 2013 to lead the recruitment team here. Prior to joining Shell, he worked with Petronas Carigali (Sarawak Operations) where he joined as a fresh graduate in 1995. He has a BSc in Petroleum Engineering from Colorado School of Mines. Hatia is married to a fellow Shell colleague and they have 4 children, In his spare time, Haria enjoys reading and spending quality time with his family. Haria Djuli Recruitment Manager, Shell Malaysia, Indonesia & Shell Business Operations Kuala Lumpur INDEX OF EXHIBITORS Exhibition Hall, Sutera Habour ‘Applied Corrosion Engineering Services Sdn Bhd Address: A8-1, Block A Megan Avenue 1, No 189, Jalan ‘un Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Contact Person: Andy Sieve Neng foros netono Faxc03.217) 1632 Email: ittauPawnacessbcommy Website enauviesoncessd com my Business. Activin Applied Corosion_ Engineering Service Sdn Bhd (ACE) so Molysan.Buripurs registered company manufacturing a range of specialist Industral Coping othe protection and rebtation of giarg fsa aterlnctng Sel conc Booth No: AD © 3M Malaysia san Bhat Address evel 6 Block F, Oasis Square, No2, Jalan PU TWI7A, Ara Damansara. 47201 Petaling Jaye, Selangor, Malaya Contact Persone ian Wong /Emiy Phua Tet (603) 2888 Fax (603) 73842902 Email: brian hwongamnmcom Websiteritips/wit Sitcom my Business Acti 3M fs fundamentally alsence based Ecmpany We produce thousands ofimaginstve procucts Sd wee a leader in scores of markets fom hath care Sd highway safety to ofc products and abrasives and sdhestres- Our sucess begs ith our abil to ape eur feennologies-often in comoinaton to an enless sry of realori customer needs OF couse, al ofthis s made possible by the people of 3M and thelr singular Eomniinert to mote Ife easier snd betier for people Sound the word (Advantech Alliance Sdn Bhd Address. Nova fan sArgkasavan Ul/ 39) Glermnarie Indust ar, 40150 Shah Aly, Selangor Contact Person: Wr Royce Wong ferosssorort Fx. 03 5307 0355 Emad adventech my Website warwadvantech my Business ‘Activity: Aavantéch Allace Sdo Bhd wae established in S007 and we are te offical dit butr for GE Inspection Technologies (GEIT) in Malaysia. We supply Serf" HoT” cgupmen consumable ahd Isoecton management software Booth No:Al6 @ Altec industrial & Engineering Supply Sdn Bhd ‘Address: 10 & 11, Block 8, Lot 736, Prrne Subang Light Ind Park, Jalan Subang 3, 47601, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Contact Person: Kevin Ool ‘Tel: +603 5634 9239 Fax: +603 5634 7313 Email: infocaltec-ndtcom Website: wivoaltec nd com Business Activity: Your total solution for Non Destructive Testing Booth No: AS @ Barskah offshore Raldresst No28, Jin PU. 5/9, Ostaran_ Sunway, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Nalnysa Contact Person: Sit Zuraini Md Yuso Tekrs603 61419820 Fax 260301218857 Emails zurinicbarakah ny /shizurein?7@gmall com my Website: tpn onrahpetoievm com Business. Activity: Sarakch ‘Oshore Petroleum Berhod (Garakahy is an investment holding company for PBIV Group Sdn Bhc(PEIV). PBIV is poised as a'one-stop centre” as an integrated pipeline service provider and a key player in the oil and gas industry. It started business in year 2000 and is involved in offshore pipeline services, offshore transportation and instalation works, hook-up and commissioning, onshore construction, underwater services, chartering of marine vessels & equipment and automation & Control solutions. PBIV owns 137 meter length pipe-lay Secomodation barge " KOTA LAKSAMANA 101" that is able to ‘accommodate up to 300 men, Booth No: M7 @ Biatcaisit san oha fares: Now Jaan Puncak Setisnangsa 4, Taman Setaange, 94200 uals Lumpur Genteet Person itMuhame Kid Abdul Ghai Fereos 2500049 Fanseos 2266111 Email WWabeteste ane aroupcom Business Activity” We aie wholly owned Bumiputa Company egstered and licensed Petones and various Government egencies Focsing” i SupoNing eur SShitons to “the. O86.“ pevtachemical”tndusteg Specilzing in zone-ated sk mounted packages with more than 10. years experience. Adsocsted with Intemational parties, we see to supply kermatioel renowned nares such ag Ave Howden et We aso have Givershed "our sentces to include. vessel-charerng services and EPC of downstream piping ftasructute Bee string sds Wi our vast expeonce, extensive Siginceing sndeniarcees. tetniel barwicsoe and Support back up we are able to meet cent Geman for 3 fattand efile sence Booth Nor As 19 EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN MAGELLAN BALLROOM O O i O 3 O O O |A: " A2}A1 ee” =| =a 22 INDEX OF EXHIBITORS Exhibition Hall, Sutera Habour @ ca Gaipertl Mansfactoring males @ Caidmark Sn Bhd Address: Noss, Jaan S52/568, Daansoe Utama 4740, Petaling ay Slang Ma. Gontact Person ul Mai ssn Sin Abd i Sevoro sce Tacha i calcmakcom ny Vabeke raltecatnatcot ny Business Act Cato Sn cas set wn Apel 19850 oer EngneringSenices nd contig sf fr tngiering Se Stientfe Appleton Th focus milton. more, Govererent Reseuch Agencies and Higher Eduction Seco Gana cuentas gad the recognition to fe spelt Eegineeing ond IT Series among ethers such 9 Condon Saeed Martone. vation Asse outa Management, Ship. Dein, Ling and. Hysrodmoric Anal Corson Anti andikaragermentot6 procs ie Catarks own Engi ‘Condition based” Wantenanc(Ol, Notional Instuments Projects Moxa Mose (Bentey Stns Eojcound Ace Sak Monge Boothe ks 6 cordstraptalaysa) Sdn Bhat ‘Address:,No.28, Jalan Kasvaina 12, Bandar Ambang Botanic, 41200 Klang, Selangor. ‘Contact Person: Ms Pang Ai Kiew / Mr Stefan Becker els603 3325 1615 Email: aikiew@cordstrapnet Website: ww cordstrapnet Business Activity: Cordstrap Js the world’s leading manufacturer of one-way polyester cargo securing Systems. Its global organization with over 400 people ‘working in 27 sales offices and factories in 21 countries ‘around the world Since 1965, it has been innovation high ‘quality products for cargo securing, This is backed up by its renowed levels of service, expert advise and the best application training available in the market. Booth No: At fess: No 2, Jalan Laman Setia 7/4, Taman Laman Setia, 81520 her aha, hot Maly, Contact Person: Mi.Gianluca Bonoilo TTels607 5099865 Fax: 607 5099980 Email: Website: wwrw Business Activity: GMM ia flange manufacturer. The fist Norsok approved forging plant in South East Asia, Booth No: A2 © xNippon 0118 Gas (Deepwater Sabah) Limited ‘egress Level 5, Menara s Petronas Persnran KLCC, Kale Lumpur Ciyy Centre, S086 Kuala Limpur Mays Contact Person Mur izah Mohammed ibaulsh fers s603 2168 3838 Fax 16032168 3808 Email:izshoncexcommy Website wiv pegroupcofipvengisty Business Activity © 1X Nippon Ol & Gas Exploration Corpotaton (hapten an upsteath wing oF Group Nippon is seveloping its actties iy countries such Nala, Vietnam Gatar UAE USA Uk anothers and ae ‘iming %0 Inerease 8s production © 300, 000 BOED by 3000. 1X Group wil contabute to the development of a Sustainable economy and socetythvough innovstion in thearea of energy esourcesand matera, Weare taking stepe te burst eccttes epetetora tite weve bobineses ane seeking 10 esfanish prfabiy in new energy businesses, Booth No: Aiba A19 @ Labuan Corporation ‘Address: Jabatan Pelaburan & Sosio Ekonomi, Tingkat 2, Blok B, Wisma Perbadanan Labuan, P/S 81245, 87000 WPLabuan. Contact Person: Rosehaslindawatia Haslinds Bint Ismail Tels087 408758 / 408 624 187 417 851 ‘ww. Business Activity: Local Government Booth No: 36 @ mane sy ‘Address: 25th Floor, Wisma UOA 11, 21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. Contact Person: zreen Bt Ibrahim Tel: 03 2030 0800 3 20300906 Website: Business Activity: “An emerging Exploration and Production (E&P) company with proven capability for Innovative floating solutions (FPSO, FSO, FPSU).Today we ‘own and operate high value FPSO/FSO assets in South East Asia and hold 100% interest in a PSC block offshore West Java, Indonesia. With over 30 years of experience, we are able to offer clients a deep pool of knowledge and ‘expertise in marginal field development, Booth No: Aa6 INDEX OF EXHIBITORS Exhibition Hall, Sutera Habour @ Maps 8 Globe specialist Address: 17-6 ‘olan Perdana 6/8A, Pandan Perdona 58500 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Contact Persone Warshitah Sulaiman Tel +603 92825677 Fax: +603 9783 6677 Email: Website: warwmonsgiobecom Business Activity: Maps & ‘Globe Specialist, is the toprnotch mapping solutions to the energy, oll & 42s, morkime ond educational Indust since its founding 20, years ago. Ne provide a platform for advertising on our rap to boost your business and reach decision-makersin the various ndstres wordwnde, We distribute our map through maga Wade shows around the world and’ out bortoio of products and mapping services are wel versed. We pride ourselves in our ably to meet your requirements. 69. customized mapping ‘and embrace Ourselves to the high standard of professtonasm oth in ur product and serves. Booth No: 26 marsha Cavendish (Sn Bhd Adaress' Songuncn ‘es Publishing Lot 46 Subang fied Industal Pak Batu Tiga 46000" Shah Alans Selangor Darl hea, Malays Contant Person esiea Seow Tel sao3 sen caes Fax: 56369688 Ema jerscaemymarshalleavendish com Website wwmorshalesendighcorn Business Activity As 2 Ieacng,publsher of niche Industy. dectoves, Marshall “Chendish Business Infomation (a meriberof Times Publshing. Group) pulbtehes”more"than 40" age rectoes annua Ecverng a wide spectrom of Key infuses indi sgrfoot: aufelght banking an fnance, bored SZencen’ chemeals “constuction "convention and fxhbtony education, lecrenky enonmental hotel and catering; industrial machinery; logistics; maritime; printing: shipbuilding and repairing: and sports. These directories are published in print, CD-ROM and online editions Booth fio: A21 ‘Address: RM. 1299A, Kawasan Perindustrian Rembia, Rembia, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia, Contact Person: Tel 053161111 (231), Fax: 06 316 2888 Email: Website: www Business Activity: Master Tec Wire & Cable is a premier manufacturer in’ supplying Low Voltage Power Cabe, Control cable, instrumentation cable and fire resistance ‘able for commercial and industrial buildings. We carry on extensive line of cables and customize made wire and ‘ables for various applications. Booth No: A20 Mecharmatic Solutions (5) Sdn Bhd Address Lot 32, st loo Bloc, Linas aya Township. Sin ina Jaya Kepayan, Kota Kinabalu, Sobah, Maly Contact Person BemardYeong SNF Tels #088 739599, Fax 1088 739699 Email: necharmtisesbagrn com Websites nuwarenaticcom my Business Retvity: Mecharmatic Solution (Sabah) Sdn Bhd 'wos incorporated in” SABAN, with the. inital concentration of specialist DISTRIBUTOR & DEALER of Iechoreal Equipment such 9 Efceney CostSaving Al Types of WEDLING Machines / Mechanving Equipment Machineries / All Types of Honeywell Gas Detection device incisive of performing Consumables anc safety operating Tools, complete of Maintenance Repair & Services, Produce of Welding WPS/Desgn solution, a East Halos, Sabah State with vast market netork of Oi & Gas / Marine Fabrication Yard Refineries & Power Plant and Projects, Construction in private and. government Sctors, and manufacturing indsties, The core objective tras tobe able to contbute othe economic growth ofthe Country trough the vast experience and specast, expertise ofthe Distributing Mechanical Equipment and Iechaizing Automation System with Quay, Ecieney, and Cost Saving (QECS) posuct, he the awareness of rvironmental preservation inreases and production progressvely we aim to. provide saluton, OCS Equipment products with engineering/design solution, fe wel 95 tothe entire business sector With the Erich poolof experienced ancqualited personnel resources we Bimn fo achieve utmost diet satfaction based on Our thisson statement and commitment Booth No: At @ MercuSutera Sdn Bh Address: No'4, and Foo, Kolam Centre, Luyang, 88300 ota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia, Contact Person: MrYap Por Chik elveoes 252018 088 259628 yapporchkegmalicom Website :tvwumercusiteracomay Business activity: Solid Boful Felts from empty fru Erinches 8) Bomars rom Olam Waste Booth No: 7 24 INDEX OF EXHIBITORS Exhibition Hall, Sutera Habour © Mudrock Medi San Bhd Ravers: Level 23, The Integra Tow, The Intermark, 348 Jalan Tun zak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur Malaya Contact Person: Kong Witt Yee Tel 160327759019 Fax: 603 21829797 Email kittarnudrockmediacom Websites ran mucrockmediacom Business Activity! Over 10 Years GIS. experience Cartographic solutions and Thematic Mapping Publications ‘Mudra Meda diversfed ton innovative media house 10 Support worldwide trade shows ith our map. Out map publications supports to oll gas, enery, education, Sssociated marie logistic industries. Out Cartographic team could create 9 sophisticated Thematic Map to meet induidual to corporate preference and global business requirements Loaking trea a very persona ft mop for Your projects? Logon to wavwzmuurocemeca com Booth No: Az8 & murphy Sarawak oi{co, tt. Address: Leve 8, Tower 2 Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala {ump cry Centre 50088 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Contact Person: Mazida Kamaruddin Tel: 4603 7490 7400 Fax +603 7490 7500 Email: Mazi, Website: vnmurphyoicarp com Business Activity: Murphy Oi Corporation isa worldwide diland ges exploration ond peduction company with core production operations inthe US, Canada and Malaysia and 4 global exploration program focused in. Sariname, Cameroon, Equatorial Gines, Australi, Indonesia, rune! ancVietnar. Harpy began operations in Malaysian 1999 Sncisinvolved nthe exploration and production of ol and 2soffshore Sabah and Sarawak Booth No: A228 A23 NoTinstruments Sdn Bhd Adress 32 Jn filam 1/1, Subsng HiTech Indust Park, 449000 Shan Alm, Selangor Maya Contac Person: MrZifahmy Avoldin /MsFreds Iyary ers03 5631 2702 Fan 035637 2592 Email: ulfohmyendtnstrunentscom / fredagndt instruments com Websites wwrnstdvantrumentscom Business Activity: NOT, Non- Destructive Testing isthe examination ofan objector material n'a manner which does not affect ts fotre usefulness. NOT Instruments fa German subsidiary establshedin 1995 with he mission to identiy, source and supply quality products and aftersales maintenance, pai and calibration services to Oui customers inthe field oF NDT and QA/GC. Ever since we started operations 20 years ago, our ultimate goal i not ony to satsly but exceed our customers expectation. Equipped with technical knowledge and vast commercal bxperence we are dedicated to Be a reliable partner to our customers Booth No: Ae Address: Kemson Communications Sdn Bd, B34, Megan ‘Avenue 1, 189, alan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur Contact Person: St Nr Oana et03 2161 2040 1855 Activity: provide Full-Service online staffing of expert worker and HR. Management services to business focused on helping our clients to look forthe best professionals and Our Guru to build 2 successful Booth No: 412 Nuova ASP (nh Sdn Bhe ‘adress: Wo.38A Jalon 1/2, Rawang Integrated Park, 48000 Rawang, Selangor aay. Contact Person: Mohd fzan Abd Rahman Ter:011 1723 0005/64 infoanvovaasp.netmy wwnnuovaasp net my Business Activity: Nuova is specialised in manufacturing explosion proof, marine end heavy-duty, watertight clectrical equipement forthe ol & gas plants, petrochemical ‘and phermaceutica industries, offshore platforms. Booth No: Al @ Orange Medio Group Pte Ltd aides: 22 Jalan fang, Singapore 358991, Contact Persons els65 64050110 fa Email: infoeorangemesiaasa, ‘ ‘ Business Activity: The year of 2015 marking the great Thirteen years of Orange Media’ Group in providing industrial information across the South East ha region! Ever since the very fst regional circulation the tile has row ito anther ix more publications that coves and Speakthe local languages nthe region. Industal Guide Asa Is the core and only Indust mea that spesrhead inthe region with bath local and overseas operation team to offer personalize. assistance and conslttion, For more Information log onto wen and perc news Booth No: X32 25 INDEX OF EXHIBITORS Exhibition Hall, Sutera Habour @ Oxford Business Group Aatdress: 8h Reong Salon Singapore 089116 Contact Person: wee Theng Yer65 6222 1977 fo Ema ssioesfordbusinessoroup com Websites war axfordbusinessoroup.conh Business Activity, Orford Business Group (O86) is a slobal publishing, research and consultancy fem hich publishes economic intligence on te matkat Of Asia, fhe Midele Est Aca Latin America an the Carbbesn (086 oer: comprehensive analy of macroeconomic and sectoral developments including banking, coital matkets, energy, inastactre Industry and insurance. (O8G' acclaimed economie and business reports are the leading source of local and regional inteligence while (086s online economic. briefings, provide upto date in-depth analysis. O8GS consultancy atm ofes tailormade market inteligence and advice to fms ‘operating in these markets and those looking to enter them. Booth No: A29 Panpages Online Sdn Bhd Aaldvest: 1, Jn BJS 11/8, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Contact Person: Delphine chong Tel: 016 2796518 / 03 5636 9999 (Ext: 1175) Fax: 035636 7326 Email: delphine chongepanpages com Website: about panpagescm Business Activity: PanPoges Berhad 3 lted company specializing In the areas of Search and Advertsing, We emmpise online local busines platforms print dvctovies Sand content licensing. From the strengths of ts technology platforms end large database scoss South East sla, we provide B28 multi-platform media search solutions Customers can chooee fo advertise onine of Aiferen patiorms such 35 Google AdWords, Facebook, Youtube, PanPages and even reach out to word traders through Alibaba com, Malays Booth No: A30, ( Paci Sanctunry Holdings Sdn Bhd Adaress: nono: Soan ota Fray Soe, Malays Contact Person ew Tel-010 93) 1600/88 237555 Fax: 80282157 Email: jeftluapecieity commy Website: wre Business Aetivity: Pacey beings to RK a frst class Gually- cf life where all Sensations can en. the Convenience of an intergrated development. At Paty You can Live, Werk, Lear, Ply, Shop & Dine in one top Gass co-located n the eat of Kota Kinsbal. Booth NosAd® @ SeriWitayah Engineering Sdn Bhd ‘Address: Lot 13, st Floor Likas Plaza, POBox 502, 88856 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaya, Contact Person: Norahmad Yusuf Tel: 088 386 515/019585 8181 Fax: 088 387515, Email: swelbussegmailcom Website: snesblouastreamyxcom Business Activity: Pipeline Pre-Comissioning, Design and Fabrication or power packin zone & 2in accordance with DNV certification and Calibration Testing. Booth No: A34 @ Setegap Ventures Petroleum Sdn Bhd Adres: 501, Level 5, Bangunan KWSP Changtat Roja 50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Contact Person: Afigah Tels 03 2026 2728 Fax: 03 2026 2326 Email afigah@svcorporationnet Website: www Business Activity: Setegap Ventures Petroleum Sdn. Bhd prides itself on its excellent customer service with several Fecognition on safety and performance record. Our culture Of listening is caried through the organisation, from the firstpoint of contact down tothe lst lnk of command. We are stiongly aligned with vendors and peers to ensure Solid technical support equipment and consumables. SVP is ‘the providers of well intervention, preduction enhancement, desander system and colledtubing Uunitrelated services to the upstream oil and gas sector The ‘Onestop. solution for" well intervention from designing, execution and evaluate full wel simulation, 26 INDEX OF EXHIBITORS Exhibition Hall, Sutera Habour @ Sipitang o18Gas Development Corporation Sdn ha Aaatress «Siang Ol §. Gas Development Corporation Sdn'bhd (S0De1 Level? Wise Innoprse lon Sulamnon, 8017 Ret inal, saa Contact Person a) Modul KairBin aj Abdul fetsseose 21577213 Fox 088215 71 Email: infoesogip.commy Website wwsogincom ny Business Activity * Development & Management of Siptang Of & as idstil Park Booth Noratog ais @ sinim ans international Sdn Bhd Iddress Bulding 4, SIR Complex, 1, Persian Dato! Mentes Bon 7035, 40700 Shah Alar, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Contact Person: Mohd Helmi Sin Mohammad Meswan Tels=603 35445662 Fax:=603 59446787 Email: mohahelmiesiim my Website: wns Business Activity SIM OAS Intemational SA, Bek is Malaysirs leading ‘certification, inspection and’ testing body. SIM OAS lerational was established as. @ stholy-onned subsidiary ofthe SIM Berhad Today focal 5nd ternational customers from a wide cross-section of the economy have made us the preferred choice fr their etfeation, inspection. and testing needs SIM OAS International is an accreted under numerous bodies including. the. National Accectation cy, the Department of | standards halaysa _ (STANOARDS MALAYSIA am the United Kingdom Accreditation Sence (UKAS),IECEx. and others These ~ achievements demonstrate our high degree of competency impartialy tnd cecibiity in the are of conformity assessment. Booth No: Ard 6 sk Cryogenics Sdn Bh Address: Lot A-G-6, Lorong Pusat Komersil 88/2, 88 Warke lac, aan Pinay 88900 Kota Knaoau Sabah Contact Person: eey Kong! lesa Loe Geral Jenose 217575 Faw-088 218575 Ennaljetreyeskaryogencscom/ Jesscncsharyogencetom Website winskeryogenicscom/ vvnuestwavecon. ny Business "Activity: We are the Sauer authorised Gistibutor sence centte for all high pressure Compressors We are also the authorised. deer for SCUBAPRO Dive Gers and rypergen Dry Sag Booth No: 25 Sabah stills @ Technology Centre Address: Ned, Jon le %AP Selatan, industiot Zone TZN KIP 88460 Koto Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia. Contact Person: MaDewne Koh / Ms Shariah / Nevenrifer Micnoel Tel 085 496613 4 Fan: 88499615 Emall: deymeesstcorgmy / shanftahasstcorgmy / Jennferessteocomy Websites hp wirrsse oro. my Business Activity The Sabah Skis & Technology Centre (STC) is Sabahs very oun sls development eave and the result of close cooperation between the. Sabah Government andthe indy Registered on 27 September 2000, i Setup as a fomproft society in whi the government State and Federal - provides the funding and inrstructue whereas the industry provides the support and leadership STC dims to provide raring and educational programs to rhancethe sls level of States workforce And the sesso traning se “echnical ils icrstls Management Manufacturing Safety Health Mission To empower the people with creativity, innovativeness, integrity, competitiveness. productiveness for the Inlustry & Nation, Vision Leader in Holistic Human Capital Development Booth No: Az4 INDEX OF EXHIBITORS Exhibition Hall, Sutera Habour Terra Energy Sen Bhd Aaldressr Suite 3.04 Level 2 Wisma Central KLCC, Joon Arvpang, 50450 Kula Lumpur Malai. Contact Person: Sopfianisha Flee Tels603 7163 3366 Fan: 609 2162 3366 Email: ‘slesotertaenesgy-com my Website: my Business Activity Teva energy Sdn hd (29547540) s 9 10% Malaysian Bumiputra racng and services company ‘eostered m Kuala Lumpur Incorported in Malaysian 2010 wit the aspiration to be the back bone for the oi and as eneray marine and healthcare sectors inivalaysa Generali In 2010 Tena started soley inthe ofshore Sector sppying mcranical spares or theo ajo, FPSO ‘nd FSO operator maintenance contractor, marin vessel cperator and naval sectors Accompanied by ber aftersales spares Tera embarked on services of rotating tcuipment to complement the nature of her business Presently, Tera has er own service centre witha fly equip. faites and competent technical personnel iceated in Shah Alam. Tera moved fast to bring in feputable international principal and partner with it technology to Malaysian waters with the intention to bridge and captivate the marketUnder her bet Tera has strong allance with her principal from various continent in mukiple specialty. Antiipting the cient needs In 2012 Tera has embark to ventureinto Safety & Healticare equipment supply. In 2013, Tera expanded her business by. providing Training program. complementing. the esting industry wih niche towards is approach Tera wall continue to say hungry with aur enact, endurance, resourceful respect and agityin the indus Booth No: A19, 4 Total Schmidt Sdn Bhat Address: ot 2, Jalan Zuhal US/178,Seksyen US, 40150 Shah Alam Selangor Darul san Malaya Contact Person Aaron Willams sao03 70599028 Fa 603 7859 9027 Email eronatotlchmidcom Website iwi Business Activity: Total Schmidt flrline manufacturer & Gigributor of Indust basting equipment and abrasives, offering ales service and eral customers inthe flac region We are commited to sere excelence Inall tat wedo or our customers nthe oreson conta and surface preparation indus. Booth Noss @ Ta Repaic And Maintenance Sdn Bhd (TNB REMACO) Address: Level 234, PICGIM Shah Tower, No.16A, Persiaren Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Contact Person: Mis Kain Kayaee Krairudin Tel: 603 7964 2600 Fax: 603 7964 2698 Email: ny Website: rw tnbremacacomny Business Activity: TNS REMACO offers services in the fepoir& maintenance (EM) and operations. & maintenance (O&M) of energy-elated industry. TN8 FEMACO now boasts a wide range of cents inthe local Scene including all the TNS-owned power stations and local independent Power Produces Ps) n Malaysia also provides its expertise to the Oil and Gas industry to Petronas CUF, Petronas MLNG and GDC KLIA Sepang Wile its ‘roots are firmly consolidated on accomplishments within Malaysia, TNB REMACO has also Gained foothold in overseas markets including Saudi ‘Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan and Kuwar. Booth No: A23 @ Vista Valley se Bh ‘Address: -7-7, BLKK, Jalan Solaris, Solaris Mont Kiara, '50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Contact Person: rene Yap Tel: 603 6203 6762 / 6763 Fax: 603 62040717 Emails Website: wwrw vistavalley.commy Business Activity: Vista Valley Sdn Bhd. specialised in manufacturing of high quality Ultra Deep Drilling tools to the international Oil & Gas exploration industry. Our OCTG productsare certified with API SCT, API}, ISO 90012000. ‘Our RED division is supporting us with ultra-modem technology for better product Design and development, ‘Our premium connection for casing and tubing is renowned in our domestic market. Suchas UT-A, UT-Band UFC. Our product has succeeded in winning customer satisfaction actoss the world ‘OCTE Product range: casing pipe tubing pipe, dil pipe, Line pipe, premium connections, pipe accessories, sucker rod, coiled tubing. Services-Threading service. Booth No: A7 7

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