Sample Co-Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction)

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Sample Co-Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction)

Teachers: Ms. Ramos, Ms. Sousa

Subject: Social Studies

Common Core State Standards:

SS04-S4C1-S3: Construct maps using symbols to represent human and physical features.

4. RI.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a
grade 4 topic or subject area.

ETSA04-S3C2-S2: Select and use primary and/or secondary sources.

StageIII-R-1: HI-3: evaluating the usefulness of various print sources based on the organizational features for a given
Objective (Explicit):

SWBAT to create a map that demonstrate where they live using symbols
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
Assign value to each portion of the response
SWBAT to create a map and correctly label all parts of the map (TOADS)
- T- title
- O- orientation
- A- author
- D- date
- S- symbols
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?
SWBAT recall what a map looks like
SWBAT describe where parts of a map are located (TOADS)
SWBAT discuss the use for each part of a map
SWBAT apply the knowledge of TOADS to create a map of their own
SWBAT be assessed on their ability to draw and label a map correctly using the TOADS.
Key vocabulary:
California map on PPT
Printed maps of North Dakota, Oklahoma and California
Blank AZ map template
Differentiation map
Colored pencils/crayons
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life) (5 minutes)
How will you activate student interest?
How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?
Class, do you agree or disagree, have you hoped in the car with your mom or dad and went driving somewhere, did
you notice them looking at the map on their phone to help them get there?
SW show with hand signals if they agree or disagree.
Well, agree or disagree, did you know that before there were cell phones to help you travel people actually used
large paper maps to help their way on the road?
SW show with hand signals if they agree or disagree.
Class, today we are going to build our own maps, but before we do we must learn a little bit more about them.

Instructional Input

Teacher Will: (5 minutes)

How will you model/explain/demonstrate all
knowledge/skills required of the objective?
What types of visuals will you use?
How will you address misunderstandings or
common student errors?
How will you check for understanding?
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could teach it?
TW ask S to grab their computers & ask them to
go onto the following link:

Student Will: (5 minutes)

What will students be doing to actively capture and
process the new material?
How will students be engaged?

SW notice the following:

SW mirror T and practice the following terms by reciting
the word & creating a sign for it:
Title- making a line with one finger from one side to
Orientation- making a large plus sign with both
Author- pointing to themselves with one thumb & to
someone else with a pointer finger
Date- pointing to the class calendar
Symbols- make a circle, square and peace sign
using both hands

TW ask S to notice the following:

TW ask S to mirror T and practice the following
terms with S by reciting the word & creating a
sign for it:
Title- making a line with one finger from
one side to another
Orientation- making a large plus sign with
both arms
Author- pointing to themselves with one
thumb & to someone else with a pointer
Date- pointing to the class calendar
Symbols- make a circle, square and peace
sign using both hands

SW grab their computers & go onto the following link:

SW ask T to clarify any confusions they have.

TW answer any questions S may have.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Mentor teacher will sit with a small group with 5 students that need that extra step by step help.

Guided Practice

Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
Mentor teacher will more closely assist students that are in the small group.
Teacher Will: (10-5 minutes)
How will you ensure that all students have
multiple opportunities to practice new content
and skills?
What types of questions can you ask
students as you are observing them
How/when will you check for understanding?
How will you provide guidance to all students
as they practice?
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that

Student Will: (10-5 minutes)

How will students practice all knowledge/skills
required of the objective, with your support, such that
they continue to internalize the sub-objectives?
How will students be engaged?
How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
How are students practicing in ways that align to
independent practice?

another person could facilitate this practice?

TW pass out maps to each partnership to locate

the following:

SW use the maps given by T to find the following in


TW instruct S to circle these parts of the map

with red colored pencils as a PB & J partnership.
TW instruct S to work as a PB & J team to locate
these parts of the map.
TW give S 5 minutes to find all parts & put their
hands on their heads when done.
TW explain to S that the voice level expected is
partner voice level and not any higher.

SW circle these parts of the map with red colored pencils

as a PB & J partnership.
SW work as a PB & J team to locate these parts of the
SW have 5 minutes to find all parts & put their hands on
their heads when done.
SW use partner voice level and nothing louder.

Independent Practice

After 5 minutes TW ask S to do a show down as T

walks around the class to see if they have found
all 7 parts & check those off that did.

SW wait for T to do a show down as T checks off those

that found all 7 parts of the map.
SW high five & praise their partner.

TW ask S to high five & praise their partner.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Mentor teacher will sit with a small group with 5 students that need that extra step by step help.
PB & J partners are grouped based on academic skill level. PBs are typically higher than Js in order to
support each other and grow academically.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
How can you utilize grouping strategies?
Mentor teacher will more closely assist students that are in the small group.
Teacher Will: (20-5 minutes)
Student Will: (20-5 minutes)
How will you plan to coach and correct during
How will students independently practice the knowledge
this practice?
and skills required by the objective?
How will you provide opportunities for
How will students be engaged?
remediation and extension?
How are students are practicing in ways that align to
How will you clearly state and model academic
and behavioral expectations?
How are students using self-assessment to guide their
Did you provide enough detail so that another
own learning?
person could facilitate the practice?

TW pass out blank map templates and rulers to

each S to draw & label where they live on a map.
TW leave model on smart board for S to
TW ask S to take out their laptops & go to & type in their addresses.
TW hand each S a slip of paper containing their
own address.
TW model how to type their address in
TW instruct S to use the map found in

How are you supporting students giving feedback to one

SW use blank map templates and rulers to draw & label
where they live on the map.
SW reference both the smart board map as a reference.
SW take out their laptops & go to &
type in their addresses.
SW use the slip of paper containing their own address to
type it into
SW follow along as S models how to type their address in
SW use the map found in as an aid to
help them with the streets needed for their own maps. as an aid to help them with the

streets needed for their own maps.
TW demonstrate that S can zoom in & zoom out
of to get a wider & narrow
TW write terms on the board of what she needs
them to label:
TW instruct S to use their colored
pencils/crayons to create a colorful map.
TW instruct S to work independently on their own
TW inform S that voice level is independent work
and nothing more.
TW give S 15-20 minutes to work on their maps.
TW monitor & walk around the classroom to help
S with any questions they may have.

SW follow along when T demonstrates that S can zoom in

& zoom out of to get a wider & narrow
SW use terms located on the board as part of their map:
SW use their colored pencils/crayons to create a colorful
SW work independently on their own map.
SW use independent work voice level and nothing higher.
SW have 15-20 minutes to work on their maps.
SW ask T to clarify any confusions they may have.
SW practice their fluency skills by reading a book if they
are done early.

TW inform S that if they finish early they are to

practice their fluency skills by reading a book.
Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Mentor teacher will sit with a small group with 5 students that need that extra step by step help.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
Mentor teacher will more closely assist students that are in the small group.
IF S are unsure of what the state of AZ looks like T will provide an simple Arizona map example up on the
smart board for S to reference.
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: (5 minutes)
How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
Why will students be engaged?
IF time allows TW draw number sticks & have S place his/her map under the doc cam for class to see.
TW ask S from the audience to come up to the board (TW pull numbered sticks for this) & point to one of the TOADS
parts of the S map. TW call another 4 S to locate the rest of the TOADS parts on S map.
TW do this one more time.
TW ask S to agree or disagree, now that you know what each part of a map is, do you think you can read any map I
give you?
TW tell S, I challenge you to give your parents directions the next time they need help traveling.

Teacher map used during Instructional Input:

Blank map template used for Independent Practice:

Maps used during Guided Instruction:

Map used for differentiation:

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