Marpa Information

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Marpa was born in Southern Tibet in the year 1021 AD.

At a very early age Marpa

embraced Buddhism and took the name Dharmamati. After having studied Sanskrit
with the Sakyapa Lama Drogmi, he exchanged all his possessions for gold and set
out for India. His journey to India took him first to Nepal where he met up with two
disiples of the great Indian teacher Naropa. Highly impressed by the religious
accomplishment of his new found friends, Marpa himself went to seek out Naropa.
Marpa stayed with Naropa for sixteen years, receiving teachings and initiations. He
also received teachings from Atisha, Kukkuripa and Jnanagarbha. He resumed to
Abet with numerous Buddhist texts. During his lifetime Marpa went back to India

twice again in search of precious Buddhist texts and teachings.

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