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Its very difficult and time taking process to understand the flow of the code and to trace internal tables
and variables in Smartform. If you need to debug a smart form and you are not authorized to open
SMARTFORM in edit mode then you can refer Easy Step to Debug a SMARTFORM.
This document is helpful for the beginners in ABAP and trying to debug a Smartform. It also provides the
some relevant information which will help you during Smartform development.

Click on Test (F8)

Step2: After executing Smartform it would generate a function module. Click to display the function

Step3: Press source code tab of the function module. In the source code there is a perform

Step4: In this perform all the code of initialization and program lines is displayed as perform. All the
different program lines in the Smartform are available as Form Perform subroutines in the
PERFORM %GLOBAL_INIT. Here you can easily find your table and variable by find command and set
session break point on it.

Method 2 :
Tcode > smartforms > F8>
u will get a FM exp : /1BCDWB/SF00000264

Now go to SE38 and add 'L' before S and add 'F01' and the end.
Now it will become : /1BCDWB/LSF00000264F01

Click on Display > Here you can add debug points wherever you want to.

Imp Note: IF you are getting below error message

No framework program was found for include /1BCDWB/LSF00000264F01
Then go to SE37 > Enter smartform function module name > Utilities > Update Navigation Index
After that you can again navigate to SE38 and set breakpoint wherever required.

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