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In your statement, please explain the followings as specifically and concretely as possible:
(a) Describe your reasons for wanting to join the Kyoto University Amgen Scholars Program.
(b)Why you chose this particular laboratory and what you believe you will gain from it.
The statement should be typed double-spaced and be of approximately 800 words in length. Please
attach an additional page(s), if necessary.
My name is Novita Normasari, I am freelance teacher in a English course. The reason why I want
to be a teacher, because I like to teach and see my students understand to what I teach.
My mom once said that you work not only earn money for living a life, but also looking for the
value of life by teach the value itself
its mean knowledge. Is it amazing to share our knowledge. So people can use it in their daily life.
My activities is teaching street children and orphans. I want to help them reach education, and
hope one day they can use their knowledge.
I am sure join in the Kyoto University Amgen Scholars Program will give me more knowledge and
gain many new experiences that I hope it will be a story to motivate my students, especially street
children and orphans so they can study harder to prove that they can do it. So they realize they
have equal right with other children.
For me, the Kyoto University Amgen Scholars Program is a good opportunity to increase
knowledge about culture and education in another country that will be a story and motivation for
my students. Everyone can reach their dreams, nothing impossible if we want to try to reach our


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