Arduino Uno Board

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Arduino is a popular open source single board microcontroller. It is

designed to make the process of using electronics in
multidisciplinary projects more accessible.
This idea began in Italy and its
initial purpose was to make
STUDENT design projects more
affordable than other
prototyping projects at the time.

Components of the Board

14 digital inputs and outputs

RESET Button: restores the last

uploaded program from memory

USB cable socket: Connects the Arduino to

the computer using the cable

LED 13

Trasmit/receive LEDs:
Glow when the Arduino board is being programmed

Power ON LED


6 analog outputs

6 analog inputs

The Breadborad
Horizontal lanes are linked together to form a single node
but not across the middle divider

Each vertical lane represents a

single node

Breadborad Connections

Will the LED glow ??

Will the LED glow ??

Push button

Will the LED glow ??

Digital pin 7

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