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HJE 100 Gabriel

GROUP PAPER 2: Group presentation on THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY)

Group paper deadline:

Presentation date:
This topic intends to show how societal factors affect the family and how family characteristics and
practices lead to social changes. It also gives the opportunity for students from different sub-disciplines to
showcase how they can address current issues on the Filipino family. Please refer to your syllabus for the
specific objectives.
1. a. Identify one critical issue (based on your Family Functions and Profile groupwork, particularly
the indicators) confronting the Filipino family.
b. Brainstorm on aspects of the societal system (ecological system) that impact the family system.
2. Discuss (bi-directional effect)
a. how this issue is influenced by the changes and developments in the societal system and
b. how patterns in family life (that brought about this issue) impact societal institutions and
3. Make propositions. Clarify and describe concepts/ideas and organize your concepts/ideas using a
concept map or diagram.
4. Validate (or otherwise) your propositions with evidence (from literature etc.)
5. Discuss how this issue can be addressed especially with the knowledge and skills provided by
your degree programs (sub-discipline).
6. Write your paper, submit draft and present.


Aspects of Family Life and Functions

Family structural characteristics
o Authority patterns
o Composition
o Relationship
o Residence
Family functioning
o F1: establishing bonds
o F2: adding, securing identity
o F3: providing basic care
o F4: socializing and educating
o F5: protecting, controlling
o F6: producing, consuming


Working children
-child labor
-children forced to work
-poor working conditions
-loss of childhood

Aspects of the Societal system (Ecological System)

Local factors: Community, Media, Law, Economy, Government institution,
System of Education, Technology
International factors:

3. Propositions:

Increasing incidence of child labor led to a law against child labor. But it is poorly implemented and the
families themselves are not supportive of its implementation so child labor proliferates.
Working children likely belongs to large families, with poorly educated parents and other family members.
The economy does not provide lots of job opportunities with sufficient level of income for these parents.

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