Rls - Adsis N D Review

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Jacqueline Brown

ADSIS Behavior Intervention Specialist

Stevenson Elementary

Student N.D.:

ADSIS Parent

Start Date

Push-In 1.5 hrs
x5 days wkly
Afternoon: 45
minutes x5
wkly (total of
2.25 hrs daily)

Pull-Out, CICO

Group Social
Skills Building

ADSIS Progress
Review Date

Morning: 5
Afternoon: 5

1x wkly 30
Started on

Mom pulled
from ADSIS on
Did not make
review date

ADSIS Parent Permission Date: Date parent signed permission slip to be in ADSIS program.
ADSIS Intervention Start Date: Date School Interventions started. 2 interventions (CICO, PushIn Support).
Push-In Classroom Intervention: Deonta Peppers, Paraprofessional push-in support for
behavioral needs (Goals: 1. Starting work right away 2. Staying on task 3. Showing respect to
friends/classmates). Push-In Morning: Math, Writing, Spelling. Push-in Afternoon Daily 5,
Reading. 2.25 hours daily.
Pull-out for Check-in, Check-out (CICO) Intervention: Morning, N.D. would get his folder with
his goals. Goals: 1. Starting work right away 2. Staying on task 3. Showing respect to
friends/classmates. ADSIS would review goals with N.D. and give encouragement for the day.
In the afternoon ADSIS would count points given from the day and give reward or if did not
meet goal would talk to N.D. regarding ways to make tomorrow a better day. CICO is a positive
reward system giving the student goals to focus on and look forward to.
Group Social Skills Building: A group of students was selected to be in a social skills group for
an ADSIS intervention. The group met once a week to help support positive communication and
interaction with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and
our personal appearance. Practicing better ways to communicate our messages, thoughts and
feelings with others.
ADSIS Progress Review Date: Interventions should be in place for 4-6 weeks before
reevaluation. Nathanial was pulled from program prior to this date.

Key Findings
CICO: CICO was effective in the beginning. It appeared CICO became less effective due to
changes made to the intervention (i.e. parent request to write comments when student did not
meet goals throughout the day). This may have accounted for the decline in points as seem on
the data summery during the 3rd week. CICO is a positive reward system and designed to
encourage positive behavior. ADSIS would recommend interventions be in place with
maximum consistency to determine if interventions are effective.
Push-in: 2.25 daily to help support redirections in the classroom in hopes of keeping N.D. in the
classroom. We believe this was starting to help keep N.D. in the classroom as seen by the
following Stop & Think Referral data.

Beginning of Year to 11/3: 14 Stop & Think Referrals

11/3 11/28: 5 Stop & Think Referrals

Group Social Skills Building: N.D. only met once before he was pulled from ADSIS. Not
enough time to determine effectiveness.

I recommend N.D. continue interventions with no changes during the first 4 weeks to assess
intervention fidelity.

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