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Sample Co-Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction)

Blanca Zamora & Martha Pickett
1.NBT.B.2 Understand that the two digits of a twodigit number represent amounts of tens and ones.
1.NBT.B.3. Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the
results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.
Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT compare two digit numbers between 1-100, that have different digits in the ones place as
being grater than, less than or equal to.
Friendly objective:
IWBAT compare two digit numbers between 1-100 using greater than, less than, or equal to.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
80% of the students will achieve 80% mastery on comparing two digit numbers between 1-100, using
the terms <,=, and >.
F: Little or none of the answers are answered correctly. This would be about 1-2 of the questions.
A: Some of the answers are answered correctly. This would be about 2-3 of the questions.
M: Most of the questions are answered correctly. This would be about 4 of the questions.
E: Everything is filled out with each answer being correct. This would be all 5 questions answered
SWBAT read and understand the value of two digit numbers.
SWBAT compare two digit numbers, 1-100.
SWBAT to identify when to use the terms greater than, less than or equal to when comparing two
SWBAT compare two numbers that have the same digit in the tens and recognize that the digit in the
ones place is different and tells you that it is smaller or bigger.
Key vocabulary:
Greater than- is symbol used to compare two
Takis & Doritos
numbers, with the greater number given first.
White board
Stack of cards
Less than- is a symbol used to compare two numbers,
<,>, and = to cards
with the lesser number given first.
Exit ticket
Equal to-the same in number, amount, degree, rank,
or quality. : having the same mathematical value.
Introduction (11:15-11:25)
Students will take 5
Connection to past learning- Teacher will state, We have been learning about numbers 1-100,
yesterday we looked at two digit numbers and how we knew that if the number in the tens place was
bigger than it was greater.

Warm up: Teacher will have a problem on the board. Compare 28 & 47 (How did you know
Introduction to new content- Teacher will state- Today we will be learning something new. We will
look at two digit numbers and we will be able recognize what number is greater than and smaller by
looking at the ones place.
Mirror: Equal to, same as, greater than, more, bigger, equal to, same as, least than, smaller, fewer.
Objective- Teacher will echo friendly objective. IWBAT compare two digit numbers between 1-100
using greater than, less than, or equal to.
Activate students interest- Example of Takis and Doritos.
Importance of new content- Ask Is it fair that student A has more than Student B? give me a
puppet head?(Yes/No) NO it is not fair, it is very important that you know how to compare and that
you are able to tell what number has less, greater and an equal amount!
Modeled Instruction I do (11:25-11:40)
Teacher will:
Student Will:
TW have students practice the terms
SW say the terms when teacher shows cards.
greater than, less than, equal to.
TW state I will now model how to
SW will be engaged while the teacher is
compare numbers that have the same tens
but different ones
TW state Your job is to look, listen and
SW have the job to look, listen and think.
TW pick two numbers with the same tens
SW have the opportunity to get closer to
and different ones. Ex: 43 & 47
watch the model.
TW each card with alphie friends.
SW activity listen to teacher as she models
Have them get close so they can see.
TW think aloud and state I know for a
SW give a thumbs up if they agree with the
fact that they have the same tens, so that
teacher answer.
means I have to look at the ones to find
out if its bigger.
SW actively listen to three different models.
TW emphasize the ones place!!!
(grater than, less than, and equal to.)
TW state which one is bigger and which
one is smaller.
SW give a thumbs up if the agree with teacher
TW find the card the fits best.
TW will check for understanding by
saying Give me a thumbs up if you
SW mirror.
agree with my answer.
TW must model all using all three terms.
(greater than, less than and equal to.
TW will check for understanding three
Transition (Mirror)

Co-Teaching Strategy and Differentiation Strategies

Teacher Candidate Leads/Mentor Teacher Assists (MTA).
Parallel Teaching with Mentor teacher. (Differentiation for ELL students)
TW provide visuals, manupulatives, extra time and individual assistance.
Guided Practice We do (11:40-11:50)
TW state We are ready to do one
SW get picked on by teacher to model to
TW have lower students pick two digit
SW will state what two digit numbers were
number cards with the same tens and
different ones.
SW will all read the first two digit number,
TW will have the lower students stand up
the term and the two digit number.
in front of the class in whatever order
SW will do a puppet head yes/no if they agree
they want.
with what was just read.
Before picking a student TW have the
SW will cautiously pay close attention to the
whole class say what numbers they have.
ones place.
TW now pick a higher student to pick the
SW will repeat the process as many times as
correct term and stand up with the other
two students.
TW have the whole class read left to
SW will pay close attention to teacher as she
is stating what they will do next door.
TW have the students give a puppet head

SW will get called on to state some rules that

to see if they agree.
they must follow in order to play with the
TW emphasize to look at the ones place.
TW have the two lower students switch

Transition (Brain Break)

spots and higher student will have to
figure out what other term they have to
TW have the students agree/ disagree
with puppet head.
TW have to repeat this process as many
times as needed.
TW state We are ready to move next
door and practice this with your PB/J
TW will go over how to play. You will
have a stack of cards and you will mix
them up and just get half. Jelly will pick
the greater/less/ equal to card
TW ask some of the rules when we have
material. Call on kids
Transition (Brain break/Fluency Counting
decades/Doing Jumping Jacks)
Move next door and do mirror

Independent Practice You do (11:50-12:10)

TW will state whats expected. (Quiet
TW state I should see you getting the
cards out and mixing them up and getting
half, as soon as you have that you may
start playing, Jelly goes first.
TW walk around to coach and facilitate.
TW have the students clean up all the
way and get their privacy folder out,
pinwheel and pencil on nametag.
TW explain exit ticket and state if they
have any questions to raise hand and
once they are done to put exit ticket on
top of folder and may work on their
homework packet or read a book silently.

SW will actively listen as expectations are

SW mix up cards and each partner will get
about half.
SW will start playing with PB/J partner.
Jelly will go first when picking the correct
term for both two-digit numbers.
SW clean up, have pencil on the nametag and
privacy folder flat.
SW will listen for directions and expectations
on exit ticket.

Closing/Reflection (12:10-12:16)
Teacher will state the importance of looking at the tens and ones.
Teacher will do an example of what was learned. Ex: 67 ( ) 62
Teacher will say When you hear my pop I want you to tell me what term I need (Greater than)

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