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Criminal Law 1
A. Objective
1. Who are punished in the crimes of felonies?
2. Who cannot avail of the indeterminate sentence law?

3. What is the difference between a PRINCIPAL BY INDISPENSABLE COOPERATION from an


4. Who are accessories?

5. What are subsidiary liabilities?

6. What are afflictive penalties?

7. What is a complex crime?
8. What are the kinds of complex crimes?

9. Distinguish between a CONTINUOUS CRIME from a CONTINUING CRIME.

10. When is destierro imposed?

11. Give examples of when it is imposed.


B. Situational

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1. A group of armed men took over a plane intending it to land in a specific place but they crashed the
plane and in the process injured 10 people. How many crimes were committed?
There is only one crime that is committed, and that is.
The revised penal code states that one of the means of criminal liability shall be incurred by any
person committing a felony, although the wrongful act is different from that which he intended.
In the problem, the group men, only intended to possibly hijack the plane, but in the process
managed to crash the plane and injure people. This would mean that they instead incurred
liability though their negligent and grossly imprudent acts. In finality, they have incurred
criminal liability not through their original

2. A planned to kill X. B gave the knife to A who stabbed X. C choked X. D and E held the hands of A to
stop him from struggling. F clapped and cheered. G told the police that he saw C, D, E and F run the
other way when in fact they ran in the opposite direction. Name the criminal liability of each.

3. X is the sister of A who kidnapped B. X gave A the money to escape the country. B was killed by A.
Is X (the sister) criminally exempted from liability? Why or why not?

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