Annotated Biblio Edl 251

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Marco D. Meduranda EDL 251 Prof. L.



1. Chapelle, C., & Douglas D. (2006). Assessing language through computer technology.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Mc Kay, P. (2006). Assessing young language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University
3. Lynch, B. (2004). Language assessment and programme evaluation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press.
4. Bachman, L. & Palmer, A. (1996). Language testing in practice: Designing and developing
useful language tests. USA: Oxford University Press.
5. Bailey, K. (1998). Learning about language assessment: Dilemmas, decisions and directions.
Pacific Grove, California: Heinle & Heinle.
6. Lynch, B. (1996). Language program evaluation: Theory and practice. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
7. Kiety, R. and Rea-Dickins P. (2005). Program evaluation in language education. New York:
Palgrave-Mac Millan.
8. Alderson, J.C. (1995). Language test construction and evaluation. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
9. Weir, C. (1994). Understanding and developing language tests. New York: Prentice Hall
10. Harp, B. (1993). Assessment and evaluation in whole language programs. Norwood,
Massachusetts: Christopher –Gordon Publishers
11. Luoma, S. (2004). Assessing speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
12. Brown, J. & Hudson, T. (2002). Criterion-referenced language testing. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
13. Mc Namara, T. & Widdowson, H.G. (2000). Language testing. USA: Oxford University
14. Mc Namara, T. (1996). Measuring second language performance. New York: Longman
15. Hurley, S., & Villamil Tinajero, J. (2001) Literacy assessment of second language learners.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
16. Brown, J. D. (2005).Testing in language programs : a comprehensive guide to English
language assessment. New York: McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT
17. Cooper, J. D. & Kieger, N. (2001). Literacy assessment : helping teachers plan
instruction. Boston : Houghton Mifflin.

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