Examples and Exercises For Sentence Pat..

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bbreviations for important components in a sentence. Subject (S) Complement (C) Indirect Object (do) sv svo sviov0 sve svoc Adverbial (A) Direct Object (00) Pe There are basically five sentence patterns in Verb (V) Object (0) English Grammar. They are Subject + Verb Subject + Verb + Object Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object Subject + Verb + Complement Subject + Verb + Object + Complement Note : Adjunct or Adverbial could be added to all these five patterns Subject Verb Object Examples - (SVO) SHV | / finished / the work 1/ like / puppies David / scolded / the boy We / received / the parcel She / sings / a song They / did / a lot of work He / resembles / her father Many students / witnessed / the play The police / arrested / the thief | want / one of these books / love / England Peter / secured / admission Avhuntsman / pursued / a wild animal Many critics / criticised / the play My mother / is teaching / French She / is / intelligent Subject Verb Adverbial Examples - (SVA) SHVHA, He / came / to the party They / came / suddenly It / is going / away ‘The train / arrived / late They / will come / later It / rained / last night She / worked / in a second-hand bookshop ‘They / went / to the market He / reads / slowly ‘The noise / feded / away Subject Verb Complement Examples - (SVC) SeVeC, They / are / players Her father / is / a doctor Iam / an Indian ‘The class / became / noisy Her eyes / are / beautiful Mother Teresa / is / India’s gift to the world ‘Our headmaster sideline / was / a lending library The leaves / turn / yellow Her dreams / have come / true They / worked / hard The tea / is getting / cold It / was / a very pleasant talk Adverbial Subject Verb Examples - (ASV) AsseV Soon / we / wake up Nicely / he / replied fondly / she / asked Yesterday / 1 / came Tomorrow / she / leaves Subject Verb Object Complement Examples - (SVOC) S#V404C They / made / him / captain They / named / him / Robert They / elected / him / president They / elected / him / speaker They / made / him / the Mayor They / made / David / Chairman of the Rotary club The news / made / his name / popular She / made / him / happy She / learnt / music / last year She / got / her shoes / wet She / recognised / him / asa genius He / panted / the wall / white England / declared / me / a jew He / made / his son / a doctor Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object Examples - (sviop0) S+V+10+D0, We / wish / you / Happy new year The principal / gave / him / the medal He / gave / her / a watch She / sold / him / her house Paul / gave / his wife / a gift The Headmaster / showed / her / the result He / sent / us / some foreign stamps The doctor / gave / her / medicine sarah / sent / Paul / a gift She / offered / me / a firm hand shake They / sold / him / pictures Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial Examples - (SVOCA) S+V+04C+A, She / made / her views / clear / at the outset The company / appointed / him / clerck / last week They / named / their baby / Sarah / in the church They / took / the child, / unconscious / to the hospital She / made / his intentions / clear / now She / had made / his life / a success / long back 1 lost / my purse / with money / in the bus The governor / has sworn / him / chief minister / yesterday Subject Verb Object Adverbial Examples - (SVOA) SeVs0%A The boy / kicks / the ball / with force She / made / a new dress / yesterday The kidnapper / locked / the child / in a lonely house He / threw / the chair / out She / invited / the guests / to get in They / played / the match / in broad daylight The thieves / broke open / the lockers / in the bank 11 shall meet / you / at the railway station You / will understand / the truth / one day She / lost / her father / last week She / shot / the tiger / at once You / will understand / the truth / one day He J wrote / a letter / from Paris They / want / money / immediately He / got / his shoes / wet They / had / their lunch / in the late hours He / felt / a hand / on his shoulder Subject Verb Object Adverbial Adverbial Examples - (SVOAA) SeV+OrAeA, 1/ met / Sarah / at the theatre / yesterday He / practised / pistol shooting / in the firing range / in London Everyone / relished / the dinner / in the hotel / yesterday She / enjoyed / the music recital immensly / yesterday They / pushed / the bus / from behind / to make it move 1 / will close / the shop / early / today The rider / brought / the news / typed / at night He / left / the book / on the table / at once Subject Verb Complement Adverbial Examples - (SVCA) SHVECHA The child / fell / asleep / soon You / seem / tried / to day It / is / dark / everywhere She / became / wise / thereafter They / reached / home / late The train / left / the station / on time She / got / well / soon He / became / popular / at once | / am / a programmer / in this company She / acts / well / at all times My father /is / an engineer / in India He / got / well / slowly 1/ am / the principal / here Dr.David/ is / famous / in his locality David / is / a doctor / at Paris, She / was made / the Mayor / last week Mr.Obama / was elected / the President / last month Adverbial Subject Verb Object Examples - (ASVO) ANS#V+0 Everyday / she / was / late In broad daylight, / she / fell / unconscious Often / Akbar / got / mad This year / she / is / the captain During day time / he / is / an honest man Adverbial Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object Examples - (ASVIODO) AsSeV+l04D0 Last night / She / gave / him / food Last week / he / gave / his son / new shirts Every day / she / teaches / them / science Everywhere / people / gave / the President / a welcome During lunch / 1 / served / him / ice-cream Adverbial Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial Examples - (ASVOCA) AsSHV+04C+A In the end, / the judge / declared / the culprit / innocent, / after the trial Yesterday / the man / murdered / a woman / in rags, / mercilessly in ancient times / people / shot / deer / dead / in the forest Last month / they / christened / the child, / John / in the Chruch Next Sunday / we / will paint / the car / red / in the meeting Every day / she / noticed / the poor, / half dead / in the street comers Adverbial Adverbial Subject Verb Complement Examples - (AASVC) AEAHSHVHC In the prayer hall, / during whorship / they / are / silent Every day, / in the hostel, / she / is / asleep Next month, / in Bombay, / they / have / a meeting Every week, / in her garden / she / is / at work Last week, / in Paris, / she / worked / as a professor Verb Object Examples - (VO) veo Perdon / me. Call / him, Try sit.

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