Young People Essay

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Young people/students, are considered by many as the future of

our society, although the most of the time seem to act against it,
even against their families and their teachers.
Researchers about psychological aspects of this behavior have
proved that it can actually be charaxterized as a normal one.
Furthermore this rebellion helps teenagers to explore the world
revolving around them and even prepare them for what they going
to confront when reach adulthood.
I firmly believe that the extend of freedom an adolescent have
available in order to explore and understand the different optionsmethods-paths can be used/utilized in their later life, plays an
important role in this endeavor. The more unrestraint is a young
person in this part of life, the better adult will become later.
We can attribute this behavior to the absence of fear that
characterizes adolescents. Young people are unaware of potential
dangers adults are facing everyday in our dog-eat-dog society. They
believe that adults are doing everything wrong and that their way
will be better (or their perspective on everyday affairs seems to be
on a different level/ contrary than the standpoint adults adopt
respectively). Thus they tend to choose one different and many
times worse solution for a problem just to oppose their elder.
For example, many middle aged politicians have started their
career as progressives proposing extreme reforms, just to object to
political system. Through their engagement with everyday problems
plaguing modern societies, they realize that the more radical
solutions they used to propose have no implementation in real life.
Hence they turned up to milder beliefs.
Nonetheless, this procedure, namely to rebel against rules adults
have set, is necessary if not inevitable for someone to grow up and
become a useful part of our community.
On the other hand, many support that choosing a more pathetic
stance as a youngster is a more suitable behavior for someone who
have not be shaped emotionally yet.
I believe that this opinion is false and even problematic, cause in
might produce self-indulgent and apathetic adults with catastrophic
results in a persons ability to realize and foresee potential dangers
in every day routine.
Taking all the above into account, I believe that promoting
adolescents to rebel and express a different more radical opinion
than the others, is legitimate and even an acceptable way to enter

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