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Zeljko DEMO Bjelobrdski privjesci u Jugoslaviji (u povodu nalaza s lokaliteta Delekovec - Gornji Batijan |) Na sjevernoj odnosno sjeverozapadnoj strani ulice Mirka Viriusa u Delekoveu nalazi se krivudav breZul- kast teren dug oko 500 m — mjestani ga zovu Gornji Ba- tijan ili Rebra, Ondje su u jesen 1981. g. iza kué. br. 61 prilikom rekognosciranja terena struénjaci Muzeja gra- da Koprivnice, arheolog 2. Markovic i akad. kipar i kon- zervator J. Fluksi, na pooranoj njivi naisli na ostatke an- tigke i srednjovjekovne keramike oznadivai lokalitet imenom Gornji Batijan I. Tom prilikom pronasao je J. Fluksi mali ukraseni metalni predmet, zapravo donji dio dvodijelnog privjeska bjelobrdske kulturne pripad- nosti (Tab. 1:8).! Po kazivanju mjestana, nesto dalje iza kué. br. 103 na polozaju oznatenom Gornji Batijan Tl nailazilo se na ostatke skeleta, navodno popracene na- lazima bronéanih nausnica (zagubljene) sto bi uz vec spomenut nalaz. donjeg dijela dvodijelnog privjeska in- diciralo postojanje jos jedne, druge po redu, srednjovie- kovne nekropole na podruéju sela Delekovca Naime, ha polotaja Seapovor na suprotnom kraju Delekovea, 1930. g, otkriveni su ostaci skeletnih ukopa da bi arheo: loskim istrazivanjima 1975, 1976. i 1979. g. bili regist rani j istrazeni ostaci srednjovjekovne nekropole bj lobrdske kulturne pripadnosti ito njenog, tin se, kasni- jeg razdoblja, tj. 12. prve pol. ako je privjesak s lokaliteta Delekovec- Gornji Ba- tijan I saguvao samo jedan dio svoje izvorne forme, bje- lobrdski dvodijelni privjesci, opéenito govoresi, sastoje se od dva dijela: gornjeg u obliku okruglog gumba i do- neg dijela u obliku lista ii srca (Tab. 1:4). Ovako obliko- vani dvodijelni privjesci koristeni su kao ukrasni porub odjeée,’ najéesée na vratu (sl. 5:2) rjede na prsima,’ a svakako najrjede na nogama kao ukrasni porub tiza mat Jednako znaéajnu, iako kvantitativno manje broj- nu, skupinu éine dvodjelni privjesci koristeni kao ukras ogrlice saginjene od staklenih perli? ili pak kao samo- stalni elementi ogrlice nagiveni na konéanu ili nesto siru tekstilnu podlogu.! Primjerci ove vrste nakita nisu poznati u ranosrednjovjekovnoj ostavstini zapadni tognih Slavena. Nalazimo ih, naprotiv, daleko najée: ée bas u Karpatskoj kotlini gdje su u okviru bjelobrd- skog kulturnog kompleksa registrirani poglavito kao grobni prilozi u Zenskim grobovima'' na nekropolama 10. 11. st. ili preciznije druge pol. 10.i prve treéine 11. st. U perifernim dijelovima ili izvan matiénog podru- Gja zapazamo ih u vecem ili manjem broju kod alpskih Slavena, u nizinskoj sjevernoj Bosni i Bosanskoj krajini, te dalmatinskoj Hrvatskoj, dok pojedinaéni, istina osa- mljeni, primjerci dopiru éak do Mati¢ana na Kosovu, U veéem ili manjem broju kao sluéajni ili grobni na. lazi dvodijelni privjesci registrirani su u Jugoslaviji na tukupno 26 (+3) lokaliteta (sl. 1):! 1.* Banatsko Arandelovo (-Oroszlémos), opé. Nov Knezevac, SAP Vojvodina. Grobni nalaz (unisteni grobovi): 1 dvodijelni priviesak i 3 staromadarska jednodijelna privjeska (sl. 8:3,5;6:1-3). Mora Fe- renz Mtizeum, Szeged, ~ J. Reizner, AE XVII, 1898, 190 ff; Hampel 1905, 2, 655 raf, 430 C:1-2, Hampel 1907, 126, Taf. 21 D:8, 22.; Vaiha, 1954, Fehér 1962, 23 Nr. 55. 2, Jazovo - Proleterska ulica, opé. Coka, SAP Vojvo- ‘dina. Grobni nalaz (grob §}: 12 dvodijelnih privje- ssaka (sl. 8:4) Narodni muzej, Kikinda. ~ G. Marjanovié - Vujovié ~G, Tomié, Nakit na tlu Srbije iz srednjevekovnih nekropola IX-XV veka (Katalog izlozbe), Beograd 1982, 40. 3.* VeSac (. (4) brary, okrag Tanta" sivsni naa komad) —Uhupno:t Koma ‘rch Insti, Nira. ~ Toctk 1968, 26, 23, Ta. LVI; Fehr 1962, 38, Nr 2s 1", (44-46) Rovinska, okrug Bratislava - Vidiek.~ Grobni nal: grob 4 (Gomads).- Ukupao:3 komeda ‘arch Inst, Nita” V. Nemejeord~ Pavukovd, ARozhl XIV 5, 1962, 638,603, sh 237 3-46, (47-88) Dobra, okrug Trebisov.~ Grobai ‘Ukupno: 9 komada. Hampel 1905, 2 640 f; Tal 424 A35-36; Feher 1962, 32 Nr. 2325 Giesler 1981, 22, Abb 22 az: grob 2 (2 komade). e289 Madarska 12, (49) Resenysatig = Homorsntig, up. Scolnok. —Groboi alas (1 ko ‘mad).—Ukupoort komad dots ape Mazen Gy — Hampel 1905, 2,534; Ta 372 BS 13, (50°81) Hodmesivasichely ~Kopéncs, 3p, Csongrid ~ Grobni na. laa grob 19 (@ komada).= Ukupoo:® Komada Mors Ferena Mazcusn, Soeged,~ M. Parducs, DolgSeeged XIX, 1943, BSE, 192 Ta EXILE I-22 ener 1962, 40 Ne 387 14, (52) Yanna = Somogyi. Baranya. = Grob nla: gro 118 (1 ko Sanus Pannonias Mzeur, Pécs ~Dombay 1961, 76, Tae I8; Fchér {e261 Ne 3. 15, (58) Pusntafadva (Arad Fold) 2up. Bees. — Groban (1 ko mad).~ Ukupoo: 1 komad Magyar Nemzti Muzeur, Budapest. —L_ Rethy. AE XVII 1898, 128, SLATE Hampel 1903, 506 s1.C°7Fehér 1962, 68 Nr 839. 16, (84.89) Szskestehervar ~ Demkohegy,2up. Fel. ~ Grobanala p22 komad) gob 25 (Koma ob 5 Romada—Ukupeo. Fomads. Istvan Kialy Mizeum, Sotkesfchervar.~ Bakay 196,50, Tat. XXIV: SSTL XXIX"28-28: Foher 1962 700 Ne 972 17, (60) Szchesicharvie~Maroshegy, Dum. Fee-~Grobni nals unit. Blarob (1 komad). - Ukapno:I komad {own Kiraly Mzcum, Suckosfehervar Q) ~ Hanmpel 190, 2, $87; 3 Taf 398 Bed Peher 962,71 Ne 97s 18, (61) S20b ~ Koltba, 2up, Pest, ~ Grobal nalaz:grob 25 (1 komad). ‘Ukupno’ 1 komad, _ BLK Mikes FolArch VI, 1956, Me Tat XaxvietFeher 602-73 Ne ios? 19, (63) Tazabercel, up: Scabolcs Komad 2) Ukupho:! komad! ‘Hosa Andee Muzcum, Nvlrogyhdea.~ Kiss 1957, 246, Taf. XXIES; Fe br 1963, 78 Nr 1108 20, (63) Madarska. the: provenijench ~ Slucajnl nalaz (1 Lomad) Ukupno: | komad. Magy Nemset) Mizeum, Budapest. ‘Sestmér Grobn malas: grb 13 (L Hampel 1905 1,766 Fig. 2389, Tip 14115 (61. 8114-15; 13; Tab, 1:8) Ove dvije tipoloske grupe treba ubrojiti u posve osebujne primjere dvodijelnih privjesaka. Kod tipa 14 listolika ili srcolika forma u cfjelosti je pokrivena dubo- kim reljefnim ornamentom u opisima dozivljenim kao vegetabilni ukras, dok je ormamentalno pole tipa 15 iz: vedeno u pligem reljefu moguée dozivjeti kao zanimbjiv pleterni ukras. Donji dio privjeska zavrSava vegetabil: nim trodijelnim dodatkom koji je kod tipa 14 Siri i izra- eniji. U gornjem dijelu privjeska nalazi se izdignuta za- kacka, Oba privjeska tipa 14 nadena su kao slu¢ajni nalazi bez gornjih dijelova. Bez gornjih dijelova nadena su i 2 privjeska tipa 15: jedan na prsima pokojnika (Mlynarce rob 5), a drugiu kompletu s jos 6 privjesaka tipa 6 (Go: mjenica: grob 129). 4 privjeska tipa 15 s dobro otuva- nim gornjim dijelovima u kompletu s 4 privjeska tipa 10 datirana su novcem ugarskog kralja Stjepana I (1000-1037). g. u prvu treéinu 11. st. (Csongrad ~ Mama: rob 5) Dosadasnji nalazi tipa 14 geografski obubvacaju je dino podruéje Jugoslavije, dok je tip 15 nesto brojnifi (6 komada) i zastupljen u Bosanskoj krajini, srednjem Po- stisju i jugozapadnoj Slovacko} Tip14 Jugoslavija 1. (2) Delekovee Gorn}! Batjan 1 op. Koprivnca, SR Hrvatska,—Sh Ehlert komad) Chuo Eom Grab 1, Mise} grads Ko privnie, Koprivnien.- Nepublicrane. 2. B) Dalmacifa tors provenency SR Hrvatska ~ Slats mala (1 o> tad). Ukupaol Komad Moe) hrvatekth arheolotkih spomentks, Spit ~ Lj. Karaman, Rad {ATU 268, 1940 31,3129 (goresdrugls des) 290 Tip 1s Jugoslavija 1. () Gomfenica~Polje/Batine bare, op¢ Pred, SR Dosa Here: {vine Goenfoal gre 09 (1 Koad). Ukupnot komad oma ‘Eline Sarees Mili 1968/1969, 131, Ta KARE Madarska 2. (2-8) Csongrsd - Mama, 2up. Consrad. Grobni nalaz: arab 5 (8 ko- ‘ada).- Unpno:4 komad. Srentesi Muteum, Seentes— K. Poll Marking, AB XLVI, 1932-1933, (1904) 67 teak 1 Sal 1981, 171, Tal NNXIX 32; Fehr 1962, 29 Cehoslovacka 3. (6) Nitra Atlyndree (-Molnos),okrag Nitra, ~ Grobni alse rob 52 (komad). “Ukapaer komad ‘rch ste, ra A Toe, SA VI, 1 1960276, sL:8; Feber 192, Sines, e Tips | TIP 16 SI, 13 - Karta rasprostranjenosti privjesaka tipa 14, IS116 Tip 16 (s1. 8:16; 13; Tab. 2:4-5) Ukrasno polje sa stiliziranim biljnim ornamentom (palmetom?) sadinjenim od dvije zadebljale trake, gore 08 i zaobljene, tako da motivu daju izgled srca, obiikuju osnovni sadrdaj privjesaka tipa 16. U nalazima iz Jugo- slavije zastupljeni su s 25 primjeraka u 2 grobna nalaza (Koéiéevo: unisteni grob, Ptuj: grob 208) i jednom slu- Vidieh) u juinol "Slovadboj: "V. Nemejeova = Pavakova a, Mebtoall State ea 28, Uvmutkim grobovime ijelobrdsktdvodijlntprvjscl predsta Wale jedak nals: Ondje ge au prisua! radi sejpeeensiyeno © ratnlchim grobovime kofima hao primjer navadiano grobove in Dobra grob 2) jutno) Slovacko} omjke lale,2 nataeice, 2 alepootnitarke, 2 siremenn nod) | Saekerfehtrvar= Demks hegy (erob 38) u Madarskoy (mae pa »Se's brontanim vehom Korica; Konjke fvale,3traperotdng sremens, pjasna kopea ‘strelice) Hampel 190s, 2 640; 3, Tal 424 a, 1b-19, 2027 ‘S35, Tal 425 BA, Tal $25 0°59 (Dobra). = Bakay 1965 14 Nr. 8, Abb. 163 Bakay 1966, 51 Abb. 31-12: A Miller-Wille Oia 35, 1972.81, Abb. 26 {.53.~_Raslltloblictbroncanth pry dois kalturnem tug blo da at ant ani ha optice od ikrast element na ‘edjeu grobnom inventar 10 oblikovanih poput polusferieath gu Ljubenovo,Ablaniem Miskov) Kojima: ‘lem aalazima bjelobriskog kultura {ihTormt privjesak egzistiraju kao zankmijiv obi privjecl au zakackor ra esanfe obieno na ogi Efenit perl. Gy. Tordk, Die Bewohner von Halk Jahrhundert, ArchHung XXXIX, 1962. 82 fl, 153, Tal ‘XXIV (Hallmba).~Z. Vadarova ~V. Cueva, Acheolosla X, 196, 32 fl: 2. VAzareva, Slayjene 1 Prabulgart po dann kropolite ot VIEXI sna tervorjata na Bulgar), Sulja 1976, sore 14, PopisIokaltetasnalazima dvodifelath prisjesaka dao Je eda 109. Glesler (ia lokalitea). Kako bi se stekao sto celovtujuvid ov grups materjeine ostavstine bjelobrdskog Kullurnos tompleefmatrall smo potrebaim da apomenl popis post time dopuaimo novim fir nepublicirantn materfaiom. U as Fem popisa oxi smo zijesdicom one nalaist ko) spomt je 15: Gleslr Pople mjestnl opelan odreden Je prema: fri 296 restau Jugoslvi(grupa autora), Beograd 1973. ~ Broncant prt ‘eset Koll se spominju kao malar na ranosrednjovjekovno) ne ropoll u Batajnicl nlsu poblite oplaamt pa je nihov karakter asada neodrediv: 1. Kovasevle ~D. Dimttrijevi, ArhPregied 1, 1939, 131. 15, Podatak naveden prema Fehéru (1962, 84). Hampel, naprotiv, fovorl da wu nalazt fz Vréea nabavljont za Narodai muse} w Bu: ‘impede 1905, 2,852). 16, Nala potjece iz unlstenog Zenskog groba nekropole djelomigno vee devastirane (cee 80 grobova). Pred privjesaka wgrobu au pronadenl torkves, narukvice, ukvasnt gumbi, Sve podatke fo. fograli predmeta stavio nam jena raspolganje luretno urgen tno 1 Koliko Je moguce cjeloviije Kalega Radovan Bunardse Kiatos Muzeja Petrovaradina, Podatke prenosimo prema pisa ‘hom saepcenju Kolege R. Bunardatca od dae 15.07.1983. (pe. ‘aunt ar pisea).~ Kologt R-Bunardaiéal ovog puta nafliepse xahvaljujemo. 17, Onalazima I nekropolt u Bogojevu poblize:Gy,Czlrdkl, AE XX, 1900, 257 Hf: Ia, AE XXt, 1901, 422 I: Isl, AB XU, 1903, 33 ff; Hampel 1908, 2, 762 It 3, Tal. 449; Hampel 1907, 167, Tal. S738, 18. AMZ inv, br; 1061-1064, 1069, - U popisu bjelobrdskth nalaza Kofi je prijedosta vremena sastavila 8 Ercegovie (SHP 6, 1988, {51d Gocdijelal privjscl ic Novih Baaovace nisusponsemut, 19. 2dvodielna privisks 20. Li dvodijelnfprisjerska 2 todvedeath prifertka 22 Kavodijelath prvjesaka 25. 15dvodieat privesaka +1 gor dio dvodijelnog prsjeska. 24 Tavodijeinth prisjesaka 25. 1 gornfdio dvodljenog prvjeska. 6 vodijelnth privfesaka +1 gornj dio dvodijelnog pevtesk 2. $doaiflihpifeake gor ato dadisiog peck 2K. @dvodijlathprnjeeska +2 donje jes dvodieiik pricesaka 2. {dong io dvedipineg privjerks 3B | goraj dio dvodijelaay pritjesk. BL Idavodijenihprivjeraka +1 pornt do dvodijelnog privjeska 32. Sdvodijelnih privet 32 Tavodijlathprivjeaaka +1 don lo dvodijelnag prvjen, 34. [1 vodijelaitpricjesakae 435. U Informativnom élanku s iskopavanja u Petodevcime nije na ‘eden bro} pronadenth dvodijelnth privjesaka nll grobme cll. ne kojime su zastupljen!. Da se dolste radi 0 bjelobrdskim sijlnien prisjeacima potvrdila nam Je kologtea N. Miletie ‘om nadeg boratka u Sarajevu u apritu 1985. g. Stoga Jo) ‘vom prilikom naljepte zahvaljujemo, 3: 7068(81-~ Broncant vodijelnt privjest bill su na {ent grupiranl oko vrata, Za podatke jo¥ Jedamput zahvaljue: ‘mo kolegictN. Milerie.-O Iskopavanfima a Bayofau: N. Milete, ‘AchPregled 16,1974, 120{f 87, AME 88 (start nv. br 29247). prvjeska), 2418 (5 donh dijel '46 (11 gorniih dijlova dvodijel- ik prvesaka Regine beeSiat¢qogieng peta. AMZ Inv be 2744 (f don dio dvodieino piveska “i roa AMZ tov. br: 2768 (6 gornithdijelova dvodijelnih privjesaks), AMZ inv. be.:2773 12178 (2 gornja dijela dvodijelnth privjesaka). Ugrobovime 271, 417 1 425 nadeno je nekoliko primjeraka lukfasnih polusferitath gumbs. 446, AMZ Inv br 1069 (start inv br 8988) ~$ dvodiflath petjesaka Sine ogrlicn. aa}edno a [AMZ tov, br 1036 (aia inv: br8988) 1 donjt dio dvodijelnog prises. BGK inv. be. 23245. ‘Ac Horvat, publlcirafudl bjelobrdske nalaze lz Medimurja, nav: ae 4 prema resurnom sje Ladislova Kronskae da su pre ‘aden prlzonsskopavanja uv. Helen og. 1924epa bl sabato faa neke druge podatke kojlma se autoriea shuaila (0.¢, 21), i okoce Dong Vidovea (0-6, 33). fe nalaze medu njima 11 dvodijeint privje hu Cakover, dodajucl wz to da su nepublicirant (G.c, 181), Kao nalar 2 Senkovea epominge tstek 2 tomleie 2369, sebrmom lancu (sv 30, I donjt dio dvodifelnog privjeska kako V. Skrabar kate alitan ‘onima na ogrlil Ie klosira Podravskog (Brunsmald 1903/4, 73, SESEL}.—Koroscey opis | slika ne osavlla sumnju W analog iz Puja! nalaza privjesaka s nekropole Vukovs pa gn kao nat tp 13 opredjljajemo fu tp. ‘om opie, Haier Pu Kovouec 18,20 S51, Tgorn|ldie dvodilelnog privjesks, 432. 1 fornildlo dvodijelnog petjeake (). 88, Lf dvodijelnth privjesaka +1 gorait dio dvodijelnog peivjeska. 3. @ 19 dvodijelnth privjesaka +1 gornji dio dvodijelnog privjeska (a omplett vjerojatwo 20 Koma). Tgomiidio dvodijelnog privjeska AMZ Inv. br 21220 (star ev. be 6 9162) {jikcaraman bill ds se u KnineKomn rouzelu (danas: Muze) br ‘alih arheoloskth spomenika) euva 7 dvedifelnth prisjesaka. depo lt taventaru srednjovjekownog odjela AMZ niamo zate- A spoment ene ako" pe Brn tariho. navodi | ‘opredieliaje kno tdentican malar tr Dalla, dakle mas Up 10 (olester tip 9a). S. Ereegovie ne spominge ova) primjerake vom popist bjelobrdskih nalaza’o.e-(a. 18), 181 Peimjerct su nadend w sondi B 03.03 1971 ga) 26% 19 mm 4b) ts mm,~ Dosvolu de steknemo usld w ove malaze dugujemo ijubaznostl dr Duane Jelovine koft nam Je podatke sfologratt. jom dostavio pottom (via V. Dragovie)u pista od 29.09.1982, E(privatntarkiv placa), Kolegams Dr D. JeloviniV. Dragovie Sm petikom nara sahvaemo. pra AME inv, br: 8222 = (nar inv. be: 9861), J. Brundmaid lelfekom ‘in bi ivodifeinth Drivjesaka naseg tipa 16 AMZ Inv. br. 3298-3299). B'obsirom na provenijeneijy zbirke Solltra J. Brungmid s pra- pgp Preemie da molt potecat tr okoice Siac, AME tn. be: 3297, AMZ Inv, br: 3295-3296, Hampel 1905, 759,819. m Feligr 1988, 314, Taf. XXXIX. ‘Stoke 1962, 734f, Tab, V:8-10, 12-13. P.Korotee 1942, 29 fé kao invent fkljucivo madarskih gro bbova, Vidi th:D: Mint, Starinar XIX. 1968, 171 Mllete 1963, 164 I'Korobee, Uvod » materialno kulluro Slovanov egodniegsredieen tek Ljubljana 1982. 308 . Vinski-Gauparin, Peri 1983, 126. ikov, Altungarn an der Kama und im Ural (Dus Graberfeld von Bolachie Tigaml), Rips 11/2), Bude Giesler 1981, 904, Tab. 53. Supra n.74 E:Dabrowsks, ActaArchifung XXX, 34,1979, 343 Sapran-86, Hampel 1905, 2,510; Taf, 351 B:8a. Feher 1962, 64 Nr. 863, Wi Skraban, 28 VIM, 3-4 1910, 122, Tat 1128. 1M. Tomeic-Jevremov, Baicanoslavica 4, 1975, 81 ff 101 LeFodor, AE 100, 1, 1973.38, Fig. 36. Mi Dusek, SA, 1988, 353, 265s. 70-71: Fehr 1962, 27 Nr. 147; ‘Tottk 1968, 31,85, Tal XIX: 20-21 1LVE29, N’Fetichy Die Metalikunst der Landachmenden Ungarn Arch- lung XXU, 1997, 88, Tal LX: 11-12: Feher 1962 66 Nr 898, Hampel 1905, 2, 48 £3, Tat, 4956-8; N. Fettieh oc (a. 84), TACERXLI-4; Peher 1962, 36 N30 1. Melaner, AE XVII, 1898, 190 f. 430€:8; Hampel 1907, 126, Ta. 21:4 ‘AX Bordesony, AE XXII, 1903, 67 £; Hampel 1908 2 86 ff 3, Tal si3ect-4sL. Husa, ActadrchHung V, 1-2, 1984, 78 Giesler 1981, 138. E-Dabrowaka, oc (a.77), 384. PKorotee, zcodnisredoveshaarheolosa slika karantanskih Siva oy, Dela SAZU 22/1, Ljubljana 1977, 189 Hampel 1907, 164, a 1-2- Supra. 74. 1’ Fetlc oc (n.84), 219.2, Kadir, Slavica 1.1961, 194. ‘Supra. 1, -Cleslor 1981, 2, Abb.2:2.- Radi seo 2 dvodljelna Privjeska nado) shem! obuhwacena Upoloskom grupom 13. amped 1905, 685 Tal. Bupran.s7. Privjerak je naden kao slucajat nalaz zaedno sperlama koje su ‘nile oprdicu. Nat privjesaksjerojatno je blo centralat ukracal ‘lement ovake komponirane cleline, A. Toei, SA XIX, 1, 197 1 260, Tal XLVI. K- Saat, FoIArch VIE, 1985, 124, Tal. XXX: 7-11; D.Caallény, ‘Acta ArchHung XXIF, 1970, Tal XXXVE 7-11; Pehér 1962, 46NE Po Hampel 1905, 1,765, Fig, 2538; Fehér 1962, 69 Ne 981 Hampel 1907, 204, Tab. 65:6; Bukay 1966, $3, Tal XXIX:23, Hampel 1903, 203, Tab, 88:3-4: Bakay 1966, 83, Taf. XXIX: BE . Csallany, ActaArchHung X, 3-4, 1989, 291, Abb. $:25-29, Fe. heriden saNeso ne aes .Ceallany, 0.64291, Abb. 5:30-3, Bakay 1978, $8, Tal, XXIX:18-19, 1. Caallany, AE XXV, 1905, 381. a. Vi Pa Beker i962, 79 Ne. 999 105, 4 Hampel, AE XXL, 1902, 308 a, 4-5. Hampel 1905, 2 688: 3 Tate aah E'S Hampel 1907, 1305 Feher 1962, 88 Ne 1237 Casanya) 106. Bakay 1966, 47, Taf, XIX:10.~ Bakayev grob $ =Hlampeov grob 3. Hampel 190s, 1, 766, Fig 2548;2, 882; 5, Tal. 394:190-b 107, 3 Relener: AEX. i891, 107, Tab 20,22; Hampel 1908, 2,578; 23:Tal Sono, 22: Peher 1962, 69 Nr 981. 108, A. Kralovanseky NyiregyhssiME Tl, 1560, 27 fh 109, D.Csallany, ove fn: 91), 377 Ne-S4,296, Tal XXXIV: 1-18 Ho. A’ Searaz AE XM, 1093, 147; Hampel 1908, 888, Fehr 1962, $8 Nene 111, Toetk 1968, 10.68, Abb, 8:3, Ta T:1-20 HIE, Soke 1962 28 Nr 9,81 Nr. 3: Bakay 1965, 10 42,43, sh 135K. Baas, Aetrehiang RIX, 167, 19 Ne 42; ear 1962, 8 Nr = 113, Usiehnict na proboje radena J, kako Je to veé 1 J. Hampel Todto (90s 1,257), chavs shal vallkihsrebrnih vod Drivjeska popot onih w blagu i Tokafe (13 komada),grobu Ss Eelropole Ssdkesichervar~ Demkahegy 4 komad), grobu 3 tz Buj Gyeptcleha (3 komada), te unlstenog grobe te Budapest Penioagalit “Hampel igs tert Fi oi 152814 fte Suckesichervar= Demkohegy, Sxeged-Boferhalo clipes, Tat. 3251 (Sueged = Holarbalom)- Cull Gh. 9), 398 f. Tal. XL ta-16 (Buj ~ Gyeptclek).; Hampel 1907, 153 412-3 (Badapeat~ Rakospatots) 5-10. 114, Supean 112g arodne navodimo prueahs igre 45 ne Kcrapole Gyle ~Teplagyvtr (2up. Pest) u Madarsko} Bakay 1978, 180, Taf LXV: 2,5, Feber 1987, 31 ‘Hampel 1907, 210, Tab. 88:5-6:Felée 1962, 56 Ne. 727. BP. Kovosee (542,278 80, 13: Mlle 1983, 164 9,9, Mk J, Werner, KolebVFrahGesch 1, 1988, 47, Taf. 813-16; Z. Vin HEL VAD UX, 1967/28 0, Tal RVIEXIX (1-9 119.1 Oldenstetn, BRGK 57,1976, 1271, Tal, 31-33 120: Gva tendencija lzrazena fet kod upotrebe kapliigaath dodata Ea" ako onih jednostavnihtako't onih slozenifih(strodjel- fils), Kerlatenih obilno tna renocarskim privjeseima te grape tay, earcollkih privlesnka + dugmetastim dodatkome datiranth Wists oc, uit, Fal 2950, 121, Siete 1966/1967 130. 122. Brunbmid 1903/48 meskért 1953, 264, 128, Br Rover, AE XVM 1997, 336s 151-3, Hampel 1905, 2,490, sl 13; 2. Kiar, Slavica 1961, 194, Tai- TA. 125. Hampel 1905, 3, Tal 393-19. 126. BeSroke, FA ITV, 1941, 224, Tab, HIE. Kxviis, 127, Hampel 1905, 3, Taf. 394:20-21 (grob 3)s Bakay 1966, 47, Taf xix. = Totik 1968, 37, Tat 128, Dombay 1961.77, Tab: X:4 129. D.Ceallny,o-e (0.101), 304, sh 1031-8. 130, Hampel 1905, 3, Tal 396:41(grob 6); Bakay 1966, Tat. XVI, 13t Hampel 1903, 3, Tal 386:2-5¢ Bakay 1966, 96, Tal XXXV:I—t 132, Hampel 1905, 3, Taf 38536. 13 oe, Fal 37 9 135. G Nagy, AE XXXIN, 1913,272. 136; Posve reductrano 1 stoga zanlmllivo koristenJe pseudogranl Fens nairim na prinjrcinedvodleoth prnfsaba te g08 fog nelaza u Rakamaz ~ Gyepi{Gld (up. Szaboles ~ Szatmar). = Ceallany, oe (a 101,291, ABD. S:25-81 137, 1 donil do privjeska, lot se, nije reproduciran Jer autoriea w teksts larieito navod! 11 dvodijelnth prijesaka (4 7 komada). Salle 1999, 188 138. Supran'10. 139, Supra n.38. 140; Supra n. 58 141, Kiss 1957, 242, 246, Taf. XXIL2. 142, Supra 1131176, 143; 6, Coallany, FolAtch MI-TV, 1941, 183, 185, Tab. IL; Szoke 1962, {73 Ne lay Fehr 1962, 78 Nr. 1003.~3 primjerka lz groba 2 ne Krapoie Fape-Malajdok B nece bili prikladan usporedal mate: fijal nalasiia Ix grobe 4'u Szentes'~ Derdkegshazold. Ovi su {nogo biti primjerka tz nalaza u grobu 16 lz Milanovea (okeug tra) u jutno} Slovatko}, koji wzto w donjem dijela ima tv Neoglanie 1h vegetable dodatak. = Sze 1943, 176, 179, Taf LVI (Tape Malajdok 8). Kolalk, Limes romanus Ken- ferent Nitra, Bratislava 1989, 37,1 9(Mllanovee) 144, Hampel 1905, 61903, Tal sate-13 148, See 1943, 16h, Tal IX:A2-49, 45, 49-51: SzOke 1962, 74 Nr. 4s Feber 1962, 70'Nr. 966 146. Supra. 18. 147. Supra. 17 148: Supra. 16 149. Supra n.16i 150. Hampel 1903, 2,539, 297 2. is 136. sit. Sk: . Nina Je srodan : Suell 1943, 16, Tab, LVINE: 43. Szdke 1962, 74 Nr ‘Brundinid 1903/4, 82 (.- U novijo ugoslavensko) Iteraturt ov tran! blll monty Ill kao moty stl Hampel 1908.3, Taf 391 Bi occ at 37 A Prldan pore material prutae | i diciov! dvodijelns privjesaka poput onih + grobl Regyhéss Feleopants np: Pee) il gab #8 nekrepee Gyula plagyvar (tup, Pest) Bakay 1968, 11 Ne- 43, 43,01 13 (Not. regyhera - FelsGparsit), Bakay 1978, 180, Tal. XV:4-8 (Gyu eelagyvar).~ Kuo veoma zankmiv treba itacl privjesa acu probutenu u gornjem dije « nadenu na nekropolt ‘esfehervat ~ Kanlzsalyut (up, Feler) donekle 3 iu s ranoarednjovjckovnog grobljaw Cluj ~ Mandsturu dat ul 10. at Bakay 1967-68, 60, 9 f, Tal XIVi6 (Seekesfeher var Kanizeaiyat): P-Iambor ~'St. Matel, ActaMN XVI, 1979, 601,615, PL V8 (Cluj Manastan), imjerak tz grobnog (Gulp. Csongrad).~ Hampel 1903, 2, Htnmpel 900,207 sk. 137. Hampel 1908, 3, Ta. 3743 ‘Tal si8 E12. Sapran- 135. Hatpel 1905 9 Tal 748 rises Bhasa. Supra. 135.— Ov feta tnad area ichervie = Sok Supra. 35. ise 1937, Taf. xxrEt2 162, 6 Nr. 170. Ovima fe sllean privjerak oprice srobu Ie na nekropolt Milanovce Guin Slovaek Sre(o. 14a) 39 Ab Supra n128 a): 7 Koln, pov! privjesaka nade ‘stale, u prvom red ene u grobu 13 gdje autor govorl 0 postojanju éak 3tpoloske ue. 4-13: 2el}ko Demo foto Radovan Bunard3ié 298 Usp. npe. gorne dijelove privie Juno} Slovacko} kao 1 one ts Nagytske = Jamborhlom (ip. Csongrad), ‘Tabereela (up. Szaboles ~ Seatrnar, tenakog ropole Kecskemei ~ Cedulohaza (tup. Bace-ki sbnog nalaza te Kaba (2up. Hajdu-Bihar) Madarsko} | grobnog nalaza iz Lopadea Ungaresca (Magyarlo: Dad) w Rummunjsko}.” Toeik 1968, 36117, Tal Liss (Vo Bohs Feher 1987, 314, Tal. XXXIX:#10 (NagstOke ~ Jambor Toms Kiss 1937, 242, 246, Tal. XXUL-2 (Tiszabercel). Hampel 1908, 2,548 1; 3, Tal. 378 F'1-2 (Kecakemet ~Cedulohtza) Ham: ‘pel 196s, 2, $38; 5, Tal. 378:3 (Kaba) G. Nagy. 0. ( {Lopadea Ungaresca).- Ovakav ornament porat ‘arsklm pojesulm garalturama w Zit Tr V. Budinsky ~ Kericka, SA TV, 1, 1962, 26, 116, Taf. XXII ‘F510 (Zitavaka Ton) L. Kraskovak, SA°X,2, 1963, 433 1 363, Fal, Vitae 40 (Hemnolikovo) Parducy 1. tary. Folarch 11,1989, 191,193, Tab AME, ih dv cn prifesakn fez donjih dijelova) nantzanth wu ukrasn gar Dituru 1 Joa 16 ukrasnth gamba idemtienih gornjin dij ‘Tvodijeoh privjeraka. T-Kolnik, ArRozhl 1X, 6 1987, 827; It, fe (a 143) 37, #9: Fehr 1962, 33 Nr. 668 180), 239, aL 2:33; Toetk 1968, 34, 89, Tal Tal LES Ailetie 1966/1967, 131 Korosec 1980, 165. P-Korosec 1942,278 Supran. 36, T Kovacs, ActaArchHung XXXII, 1981, 840, 3:3, Sapena Se VAMEZ1V,"i970, 45. 43. fal 3. Bijelobrdo Two-Part Pendants in Yugoslavia (in relation to the tinds trom the site Djelekovee-Gornji Barijan 1) Bijlobrdo twopart pendants are wsualy so called du to their seps- rate bul atached segments an upper one nthe orm ofa round baton, 4nd he lower neither aleatora hesr shape (Tab) ‘Such shaped tworpart pendants are used as ormamentaion on the border of edges of clothes, most commonly onthe colar (Fig 56) rarely fn the breast" and most rare on th legs asa decoration on the cdge of boots Equally 'signiicant although quantitatively less numerous ae th- 2e two part pendants used 98 decoration on & necklace formed partly Of Flass beads" or asthe sole element of 4 necklace sewn on or threaded stom Slava On the contrary, we find them further avay, mos commonly actly inthe Cerpathian Basin a «port of the Bitlobrdo cultural comm: les, noted mainly as grave goods inmate graves'" i cemeteries ofthe Toth and Il th centuries or, more precisely, n the 2nd bal of the 10h 8nd st third ofthe 11th. in peripheral areas or otaie the homeland Feeion. we obaerve them invariable numbers among the sine Slavs, ‘helowlands of northern Bosnia andthe Bosnian Krajna and amone the Aalmatian Croats while sole example reached even to Maticane in Ko “rworpart pendant, found invariable numbers as chance or grave find are registered from 2 (+3) sts in Yusostavia (Pie 1h his ‘umber, aswell a two part pendants we have inehuded the sites of 8 O18 Hong singlepar pendants ig 4° in Yugoslavia these types of Single part pendants are recorded in finds from Banatsko Arandelovo" and Rusk Krstar™ inthe estern part tthe Yugoslav Banat (Pg. s:-s), while the third find o thistype comes from grave 18 ofthe Pra) Puujskl grad exmetery whichis characterized ‘be marked mixing of material oon the Ketiach and Bijelobrda groupe" ‘The find from grave 13 in PU) isa silver chain with three lea ike or ‘hearshapedl pendant all three more or less damaged) which have good {halogen to fnds in Old Hungarian Braves, particularly grave 30 in the Scmetery of Soskartyan-Hoseateto bn Hungary (chain wth three pen {Sons} and grave 500 from Chotina in touthern Slovakia (a chan wth two pendans of which the third slot nd also one smalls chain witha Single pendant, while n the same prow pendants from Solt™ can be noted Unfortunaicly without s preserved chin and from Guo tn Hane {an along withthe already noted finds ftom Banatako Arandelove tn Yugoslavia For our theme, the find from grave 47 at Oyor In Hungary i Particularly importand, where next toa alver chain andthe remains of theetmetal leatahaped pendants were found coins of Lothar 1 045-380 hich laces he rave the caret themida the 1 Cm {nthe Pra find (grave 13) this type of component un found with typical rans Kae Bend aid age wit teoed soe whic allow Sting ithe grave to the period around the middle ofthe 10dh > Here als) Important to draw sitenion tothe ind of pendant fom Esstergom ia Hungary where forthe hist time, the lefabaped pendants bang rm ro sa per pars in other word, they now hall the charactors ‘Spica for Bielobrdo eworpart pendants (Fg 7-1) ‘Bclobrdo tworpart pendants, without doubt arose from the basis of the already noted Okt Hungarian pendants ung on a wie chain and hee «(aha meaty mnplemented thle foal mode However the {ecoration present om the nngle-part Old Hungarian pendants ein many Stans enriched by a scres of sualy sliced more or ess ccogniesbe ¥e- ‘lor. 2oomorphic or even anthropomorphic forms. The leaf or heart ‘Shapes of the pendants are further reained and we most olen ind short Grlonger Beaded additions onthe lower segment on some examples sr Sing fom vegtform or recognizable mooxnorphic decoration. The signs Sai sd: however: the troduction o the appearace ot «new Clement the upper segment ofthe two-part pendant. Forte appearance and farther existance of the two-part pendants it s neceaary to considera conten not nthe mile then at any rate second half ofthe 10th Cap after all we are squad with the find ‘om the horse rider grave at Dobra (grave 2in Southeater Slovakia, Strom minted Arabic coin 1 913/914-942/988 A.D. The already no. {ed example of @ single part Old Hungarian leatshaped pendant from {rave 43 at GYOrin Hungary” and the earlest dated examples (2 plece) {rworpart pendants in grave 2 at Dobra mark respectively the end snd < beginning ofthe two related jewellery forms ln realty its entirely ‘carthat a the appearance ofthe two-part pendants the Old Honea ‘le part pendants be ofthe fh they had Blase bain he eck coll nd thence again on necklaces of {ast beads oF in combined set ac the single element, come the Wo part ‘crdams added o female costumes in the second half ofthe Lot and the st decades ofthe Ith centuries ain fectone quantitalively new ich te dle out. and that already in the second hal een superseded Although twospart pendants ate found as single examples or in small sets of°5 examples, moat commonly they area pact of sts or compos: ‘ons of 614 pieces and sometimes, butt is rather rare, asx complete Set of 15 examples (SzentesDerekepyhavold: grave 4), 18 (Tisaaselar~ Vordsmarti-ut grave 3), and largest 19 oF 20 examples (Banov: grave 6, ‘Pau grave 208) With cleence to the decorative composition of thesct Seis of pendants and thir structure, they can Be separsted int three ba SSaroupe [x Fiworpert pendants ina set with circular, hemispherie,shombotd, gue ‘trangular. Sod similarly shaped button example Pap Rozadom: eave I, TlszacslarVordamart at pave 3, hlanovee” prove Te, Pees ‘Vasa: grave 3, Seentes Derckegyhatold grave 4 JarovoProletersia engrave andothers BB Fwocpart pendants in a composition with glass beads (examples: Klo- ar Pods: detoyed pave fad: Kerpust’ graves 62295 and 68a Scab Rolibn: grave 3 Mafovn- graves 568 ad 75 and others) €'rworpart pendants in a nructure without decorated buttons or glass paste butions (examples Bano grave Kran Brave 65, Gomjenice Brat wigs rds from Yugoslavia. the sets of types B and C are dominant, whilethe onl reliabelfind ofa type A sct which ean be noted ithat fom rave 3 at dazovo in the southcesem part of the Yoyostay Banat. Inthe YYagonlay tins of Bijelobrdo cultural material, oa {8 pen of two. Dar pendants hate rule informing the pendant stor compositions "Fre most numerous group of swopart pendant type 6 found in ‘Yugoslavia represented by those with markedly deep Tele nthe lo eee A Seon nm ors hated hap wth wo “Concerti crees in the upper part the lower generally having abundant Spreudogramolare decoration. To the present thete ae 2 examples rom ites (ple one example which ea hance find um Slavonia the bresipin Slovenian repon, Podraving snd Bosnian Posavna Bosancks, Krsiina, and sporadically in northern and central Dalmatia, In Hung gether hand, examples thie gop are weakly represent onlin regions across the Dravs orn nealy counties (Som thus its Lnown asda type plus rares™. In percentage fgeres sare further explained (Fi 9) percentage Pendant type 6 most commonly occurs in large set (as described above) composed of 7 (Goemjenics: grave 129 and 102), 8 (Mahowlant pro Ye 78 Gomjenica grave 100,10 (Gomjenia” grave 69, Kockevo: destro: ed grave) I (Mahovliani: destroyed grave and grave 68", Gomjentes [Brave 4), 2 (Pua grave 81), 13 (Kran: grave 68), or 1 pies Q) (Come hie: grave 125) Its rately uscd asthe ony orhamental clement i'a Composition of 8 (Mahorljani: grave 78) oF 11 pendants (Gomjentea: gra eH) and every often ted in combination with pendant type 10 (Go. Injenica: grave 69 and 125, Puj grave TS), and sith types 10 and I] (Krany- grave 63), or with types 10 and 13 (Gomenica: grave 100, Oaly ‘once Is Tound in combination with pendant type 12 (Comjenies rave 15) and with type 18 (Gomjeniea: grave 129, an probably moat rare in combination with iypes 13 and 16 (Kosicevo: destroyed grave). Aa txtimple, and that without a preserved upper part wae found ona necks ‘ee composed of 62 heads and three pierced Roman coin in prave 3 at Mahotijani, Another also without the upper segment was found slong sith pendant of ype ona necklace compo 1 ead in grave ota of the Fag-Kerpuszia cemetery, In grave 192 at Gonjenica pet ‘ants seemingly were sewn onto fabrig ‘One af the most common and truly widespread decorative elements of the lower segment ofthe Bijelobrdo pendants in Yugoslavia is that of the stylized bird head as designated by Hampel™, or owt head, Sgt ested by 1 Brunton the same period type 10 (i. 10, ‘The largest under oye 0 pendants (sles fe 9) osieinate in ‘Yogoslavia om 10 sites there ate 39 examples (plus 2 move without provenience but most likely from northeastern Croatia gr rem): thes {es ae located inthe prealpine Slovenian reson (Pt, Kran), norte ‘ern Croatia (Senkovec, Klostar Podravski) Slavonta (Dal and Srem {Novi Banoved, then in Bosnian Possvina and the Bosnian Krajna (ho hola, Gomjenica, and from there spread to central Dalmatie(Gardun. ‘Kun Brde Spas) In Hungary, they are found on three ste with 23 exam: ples, som which 2 sles are in the counties of Somogy Pad Kerpuszta ‘and Baranja (Vasas Somogy which ae onthe other bank ofthe Drava At the nearest find to us the peadant from eta Detta) in the Rournanian Banat should be noted, while the third Hungarian find was located in Central Pots atthe cemetery of Csongrad-Mama (County Csongrad). ‘rom hete, most hkely pendants of type TO were widely distouted to astern Transylvania he way fo the cemetery of Maldavensst (Vas fate. Pendants of type 10, which are overwhelmingly represented inthe southern and southeastern part ofthe Bijelabrd cultural crc, can Be ‘deted from finds in grave sa the cemetery of Csongrad’ Mama of coins of ‘he Hungarian King Stephan 000-1087 AD) tothe it desade ofthe seentary Tar the only decorative element our type 10 occurs relatively fee emp mal eo 2 Pad rps grave 3, 4 (ha erusat rave 385) (Klotar Podraveki: grave find) snd & examples (Gomenics {rave 16H), while in Rourmants and Hungary they occur in larger sets compased of It (Maldovenstl) and 12 (asus Sommogy) pendants fn nde from Yagoslava, type 10 usually occurs combined with pendant type 6 ae ‘rule with small numbers of examples in sets composed of a total of 8 {Gomjenica: grave 100, Csongrad-Mama: grave 8), 10 (Gomenicas grave 299 w 69), 11 (Mahovtant: grave 68) or even 14 ( 25), Combined with type 15 (Cuongrad Marna grave 8) or wth types 6 oF 11 (ran grave 63) they rarely form setsof pendants. As wells pendants forming sos with slass beads (Fad-Kerpusst: grave 62 and 285. Kostar Podravsk grave finds, Mahovliant grave 68), in one case besige pendants of ype I were found wit cela cored buttons (Vases Somory gavel, reno pe th acd kd ip ed entree cate ta ie dt cease inci neta an Seapets rie rt a Ee sary aint ads w renin Samal Wage gemini ecard Soe ara te ena Epaiirante Sasson ose Pendants of type 13, if looked at geographically, are the most wides pread afl typological groups of Bijelobrdo two-part pendants, They oc- uF on 17 ates one unknawe location sm Hungary) on sites in Yugo. 13 es in fower Ast aes in autor an other Sloe ‘and 8 sites in northern, northeasersand casera Hungary. Hence i ‘otal hat shh pndans ne characte ice che bode reas ofthe Bijlobrdo cata region: and fom the horse dergrave @) Dobrtin foutheauern Slovakia where Arahc cole we found {@13/914-942/985 AD, we can dae the beginning ofthe ene group to before the endo theirs ha ofthe 1th entury™ (ig 12) Probably more than other typological groups, pendant type 13 oc ccursava single ind (Pr grave 80, Vukovar Leva bara: grave 526, Be. ‘Sonove grave 1, Soekesteherhvar~ Demlohegy: graves 22 and 28 Sackes Ichervar-Marosheqy grave By Srob-Koliba grave 25, Vasae Somogy: gra. ve TIB) or insmallsts composed of2 pendants (Gars Thun: destroyed Biave, Dunas quase 4 Rocker prave tl UVa Lien hana de Stayed grave and grave 28) or even 8 examples (Vukovar ~ Lieve ‘bara destroyed gravel In finds of combined sets in Hungary and Rago ia: further those composed of diferent tepes of pendants they most ftten are comprised ol { (Purtalldvar. stave lin Gomjenea” grave 100) or (Hodmesovasarhely-Kopanes: rave 1, Tisabercel grave 13°) ‘exarples of pendant type 13 In finds from Yugoslavia type 13 is comb hed insets with types and 16 (Kocicevo" destroyed grave), ype & td To (Gomjenie: grave 100) while in finds from gravestin lower Austria ‘ccs in large sets (10 and 11 examples) and ar the only decorative cle tment (Katlach, Langenschonbickel) Pendant type 16 consists ofa decorated field with a stylized oral o- ramentation (pmette?) The fil isle composed of wo fa bands on the upper part which are rounded, such thatthe motive plves the look of sahear shape ig 13). In Yogosl finds the pendant is represented with 28 examples from 2 rave finds (Koticevo: destroyed grave ru grave 208) and ane chance {ind fom Dalmatian Hungary only one example ls registered (Sookest Iharvsr grave 3) Ils interesting to Observe thatthe wpper parts Of the ‘two-part pendants ofthis typological group show considerable dvetity which stars wth the, by Yugoslav measures, most numerous era {orms with a central convex boss and banded edge through the socalled gunranglr fore Roigevo detuned re ammonite pon "Hungary and southern Slovakia, to the decorated form with s pal- met or Ret omamenaton, del ft decoration on the ‘Wer part of the two-part pendants (Székesfehérvde-Dembahes): grave 5.1m typolopieal compariton ofthe lower par ofthe pendant, we nd ce le ani nave 29 athe cemetery of Cag febehalom (Co. Ceongrad) in Hungary where jn the lower segment of the pendant we note considerable lengthening inthe forms of some hcarvegiorm additions ‘The following examplesare also related, bu they are without the afo rementioned addition on the lower cement of the pendant: ind fom the grave of the cemetery of Pliny Sirmany (Co, Nograd)"™ and grave 0 fof te cemetery Vasas-Somoxy (Co. Fer) in Hungary, also grave Tat Marcelova (distict Komarno}"™ and grave Ie rom Milanovee (district tra) in southern Slovakia. One farther pendant must e noted 32 rela. {ted which basa simple beaded addition on the lower segment, ound with the afore-mentioned 2 pieces in grave tat Mareclorat™ and sean inter. sing find, the greatly lengthened ornamental element used on 6 per ‘dant from grave 4at Vojice (district Komirno)m southern Slovakia ‘We note ony in passing single examples of pendant type 16 found in sets of 10 (Kotizve: desiruyed grave) and 19 pleces (Pa prave 208) in Combination with pendant types and 13, respectively the sng decors tiveclement of sch sets (Of more than 70 types or two-part pendantsknown from the whole of the Bijelobrdo cultural comples inthe 2nd half of the 10th C-and it halt Of the 1th G, i Yogoslavas there ae 18 typological groupe from 236 ‘ckamples ofthese tworpart pendanis (this number includes only comple {chy preserved pendants of those in which the lower and typologealiy ‘Signicant pats preserved). A considerable numberof these ate from the Baska and Banat regions types 3, 4,7, and 8 and ace cither finds from asingl location (Ie exarples: 680%) or from two sites (8 examples: 5.3900) fora total of 24 pendants (10.17% of the Yoal for Yugosavial, The Same situation could be sad to exist in relation to pendants (2.19%) of 300 aren ehh ing indo ete Bie Se et te eh ia eg nln enero, te eompate e le earn Bs ewes, Twa ota og rest eae hp oe ers a cae Senay el ob of cu ol datos prane Baan nae of ace Hee aspe aoe ie tar manic et art, there agai ped ial cs mance eet ieee sete ey eva ee nee ee FE en een Sete tained deckiaion teeee EN a eae a sagt tered eon a (cue Sed tae ils Ee eae eh Pa ee eres ee tegtbcae eats pas Bree opie eae a ve a rae eg et ahaa ne ages all iced cael ame: kere er es ooo ere coat ig a bees ee ees ther forms couid result fom the partilpation of the workshops fr early ar ate a a at geet beat Me adr tenes of pnd pee ed 1 ae coe hari Koes nse nate os nea aL rien tal nts gwen cee Cae eee ae fee Seamer tn co ke ach en Har tage merle hn ne rad bree sea wal es Sage heh a Pee ae ar eee te one Ezpaticeec ae ss pS ae shanti ge ca aa eae shar crate G18 Oe ele ged eter a ri ul rec Spieomerecteaes ae ea eee ere ihe cer euler ab et pore oe See a ier nee eee ENer ante th age eae are heey stan ST Seen hi satin pe a aL ese ha ena anap igs ihe acon Sree akar oe ears eee cel uae spat aden corner ch cs pete ae reget ce ent Mee ce pt mara tata ny ee ceara at Cee ee ee yeaa lee ape ae Hopeless tne aie etter une ane Fresher hag de pete ora ies de em teas St nd ln ae me eae Ser vaemnta come ge List of Figures: Fig:1~ Finds of Bijelobrdo two-part pendants in Yugosavia [Rg.2~ Bijelobrdo jewellery from the destroyed grave at Rumenka near Novl Sad . Fig. 3~ Chance find of two-part pendants (found outside graves in trench Bin 1971) from the cemetery Kein-Bedo Spas. Fig. 4~ Large single part Old Hungarian leaf shaped pondants 23) lg 5~ The development and uses of Olé Hungarian singlo-par pendants tnd th swapart pendant of the ijlabrde cultural eowplen Fig 6~ Singlepart pendant from the grave sites of Banatsko Arandelovo Free Sd Rsk Krstur Fig. 7~ A selection of two-part pendants found in Hungary, Roumania Sod routhern Slovakia. le {8 Table of Blelobrdo ewo-part pendant typologies for those found sn Yugoslavia. Fig.9~ Distribution map pendant type 6 "ig 10~ Distribution map~pendant types & 9and 10 Fig 11 Distribution map~pendant types 1 and 12 Fig.12- Distributionmap- pendant ype 13 Fig 13~ Distribution map- pendant types 14, Sand 16 Table 1-3 Now Banovel AMZ —Arheoloth mej Zagreb ny. no, 1601-1602, 1603-1604, 1609) vase 4+ Dal ( 855) 5-7~ Klostar Podravshi ANZ.inv. no 10361804 and 1037, 1038) 8 Delekovec ~ Gomi Bain (Muze grada Koprvnic 3245) 9 Kompolje 1220) Table? 1-2,4~ Dalmatia unknown site AMZ inv. no. 3222) 3-5~ Dalmatia, unknown site (AMZ in, n0.3298 and 3299) {68 ~ $R Croatia, unknown site, Slavonia oF Srem (AMZ iny. no. 3297, 205-3296) 9:12 Vukow Lijeva Bara: grave 23 (AMZ ‘Translated by Barbara Smith 301 PODRAVSKI ZBORNIK oe

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