HESI V2 2015 Exit Exam

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HESI V2 2015 Exit Exam

1.Compart SyndromeAnswer: Click on toes

2. Defibulator patchesAnswer: Under the left breast and on
top of the right breast
3. Video of Incentive Spirometer
Answer: Encourage her to continue inhaling slowly
4. Video lung SoundsAnswer: Wheezing
5. Hypomagnesaemia
Answer: Roasted Almonds
6. Soft dietAnswer:
Scrambled Eggs with potato
RicePasta with cream sauce
7. Math Answer: (1000,14,0.33, 1.9 and 0.75)
8. Hot Spot, which exit chronic hypoxia
Answer: After the nail bed there is a hump on the person
skin 1
10. Older client complain of erectile dysfunction for eight
Answer: Uncontrolled diabetes
11. Video a lady cleaning pubic area with a Foley she was
using the same hand she used to clean the labia to clean the
Answer: the way she clean the catheter was wrong

12. Patient had?

UAP tell the nurse
13. Hypoglycemia what should the nurse do
Answer: Check Blood glucose (note there where 3 question
like this)
14. There was a question
Answer: Low Calcium
15. Pregnant women come in postpartum fundus is firm
Answer: Bladder Distension
16. Women has just been raped night beforeAnswer: has
she taken a bath?
17. A lady questions comes to the hospital with Gastric
Answer: Low sugar and fat
18. Pancreatitis
Answer: Without oral fluids
19. Son is upset about the care his mom care receiving and
he wants to know where to get the information
Answer: Speak to charge nurse supervisor
20. Nurse observe UAP changes nurse patient bedpan with
her gloves and inserted two fingers to remove one of the
Answer: Tell UAP that action leads to hand contamination
21. Daughter comes to visit mother she was upset because

the furniture has been changed

Answer: She can speak with someone about it
22. Nine month old verify growth development Answer: Is the
child sitting up right?
23. Hypothyroidism mother said child is very quit Answer: Is
the child always sleepy and tired
24. Methergine lady presented to the hospital postpartum
what would alert the doctor ...hypertension
25. A client has an elevated temp Answer: Notify the
healthcare provider
26. A patient presented to hospital with Hyperkalemia (peak
tall wave) with AKI whats the highest concern
Answer: Monitor EKG or cardiac rhythm
27. Hepatic encephalopathy and giving lactulose what lab to
monitorAnswer: Ammonia
28. Liver transplantAnswer: elevated temperature
30. A couple trying to have a baby for one yearAnswer: Ask
about there current sexual practice
31. Pt on PCA pumps morphine and showing respiratory
depressionAnswer: Check pump for amount and dose
32. Pt. Presented with slurred speechAnswer: Notify stroke
33. Patient has H1N1Answer: Put in private room
34. Post partum women with lociaAnswer: Check for bladder

35. Patient is taking diclofe ena (zopsor) which sides affect

will you watch forAnswer: Rash
36. Pregnant women having contraction, fetal heart on the
right upper quadrant (breech) Answer: Notify doctor
37. Patient have an IV site is tender and edematous. What
info would make you remove the tube?
Answer: Drainage from the site
38. A child admitted is being assessed for injury. What would
the nurse do to make the child comfortable to do the
Answer: Let child blow into a pen light while the nurse turn it
39. A question on HypoparathyroidismAnswer: Positive
Chevoskys Sign
40. Teaching a group of 18 adults diabetes
Answer: Show a video and demonstrate
41. You assess apt. Has fluid volume excess, edema,
crackles, what will you do as a nurse
Answer: Administer diuretics
42. Renauds diseaseAnswer: Set room temperature at 80
43. When will you do an intimate abuse assessment?
Answer: Routine on all clients
44. Lochia Ruba was moderate uterus firmAnswer: Check
for urine retention
45. Patient cant have salt, so what else can you recommend

them Answer: Fresh horseradish

46. Meds has to do with BPAnswer: Clonidine
47. Secondary PreventionAnswer: eyes and hearing test
48. Question on bowl tie knot to the side rails
Answer: Make sure restrain are quick release
49. Child have a disease wants to swim Answer: Let them
50. Rash as silvery on elbow
Answer: Psoriasis
51. UAP caring for and Alzheimer pt. UAP would change
topic as patient speaks: yes that is fine, it reduces anxiety
52. Pt. to ER feeling depressed and lost weight 10 Lbs,
hardly eating, what should be your highest nursing diagnosis
Answer: Imbalanced nutrition
53. Pt. confusedAnswer: Put call light
54. Patient gains 4 lbs in... days a. Listen to lung sounds
55. Advice for a mom with a cystic fibrosis child
a. Do CPT twice a day before meals
56. During a NGT tube insertion why do you have the patient
flex his head down?
a. To close epiglottis and prevent entry into trachea or
esophagus (either)
57. Couple with some issues- husband accusing wife of
always crying, she has been undergoing treatment for breast

cancer (question 35 in screen shot)

a. Refer for counseling to help with coping strategies
58. Question about COPD and oxygen at 1.5 liters a. Purse
lip breathing
59. Patient with scabies
a. Initiate contact precautions
60. Patient unable to take oral meds- unable to swallow
a. Contact pharmacist to change to liquid form
61. Select all that apply question there were like three or 4
a. Avoid prolonged standing or sitting
b. Recommend
c. Compression stocking
62. Patients were given a sublingual nitro with unstable
angina. Complains of Cushing chest pain. 5 minutes later BP
dropped to 60/40
a. I selected second nitro but I think the correct Answer was
bolus IV fluids
63. Patient sodium level was 125 (hyponatremia) - u r given
different saline solutions- which one do you administer
a. Normal saline 0.9
64. Patients with breast cancer she is refusing clinical trials.
Her family wants you to speak to her
a. Evaluate her reason why she is against clinical trial and

support her
65. Infusion reaction drag and drop questiona. Stop IVb. Get
c. Notify doctor
d. Document reaction
e. Complete incident report
66. Question about cataract extraction removal
a. The Answer: I selected was avoiding straining, lifting
anything heavy
67. Nurse arrives on the scene of a motorcycle accident,
patient is face down, her phone is 50 yards away, what is the
first thing she does
a. Stabilize the neck, roll patient over and evaluate patient
status, had selected clear/ open airway and do resuscitation
measures, which was wrong.
68. Drag and drop question
a. Place catheter in between patient b. Apply sterile glovesc.
Clean the meatusd. Lube the catheter and insert
69. Addressing emotional status of someone with Parkinson
disease Answer: Crying
70. Pt seen firstAnswer: Patient with Photophobia, rigidity
and headache
71. How to develop osteomyelitisAnswer: Infection
72. Questions about assessing lower extremities of a bun
patient what is important Answer: Pules

73. Chest tube that is discounted and connected to sterile

water what next will you do Answer: Select all that apply
74. Blood Type A negative patient, which blood
contraindicatedAnswer: Ab and RH positive
75. College student gets vaccination having chills, fever what
do you tell them Answer: Get rest that is normal
76. Mottled skin UAP places a heating pad on her what do
you tell UAPAnswer: do not apply heating pad
78. Abdominal aortaAnswer: Rupture of aorta
79. Consumption of too much saltAnswer: I said retain fluid
in kidneys (not Sure)
80. Uncontrolled facial movements patient with
schizophrenia - what should the nurse do
81. Any question you see about check glucose the Answer:
is right its about 3 of them
82. Pt had blood in urine a prostatectomy what should you
report to the doctor Answer: Dark clots (not sure if right)
83. Nurse has floated to the ICU what patient should the
charge nurse assign to her Answer: Recently intubated
84. MODS
85 child with sickle sell anemia what discharge teaching
Answer: Fluids and water per day
86. Bulging Fontanels for an infant
Answer: Sitting upright
87. Patient Vfb

Answer: Defibrillate
88. Give patient acetaminophen but the correct Answer was
contact the provider
89. Peritoneal dialysis
Answer: Cloudy dialysate
90. Polystic kidney disease
91. Triaging after tornado patient wandering around
Answer: Assign to UAP
92.Patient voluntarily admitted to psych facility police officer
come to the group therapy and want to arrest the patient
Answer: Advice the police officer to unable to release patient
93. Anxious about surgery high respiratory normal BP what
should you do Answer: encourage family to stay with him
94. Patient in waiting room area and nurse was about to give
pre-op meds
Answer: hold pre op meds
95. DNR eventually died
Answer: Notify the doctor
96. Patient has Advanced directive and physician order for
life support he was then transferred to another state that
dont recognized physician for life support,
Answer: Acknowledge the patient original advance directive
(not sure if right)

97. Condylomata genital wartsAnswer: HIV screening \pap

98. Emergency situation
Answer: Respirations
99. DVT Select all that applyAnswer: Avoid standing a long
time, encourage recliner, wear elastic stocking
100. Daughter instilling eye drops in mother eyeAnswer:
close the eye without blinking
101. Naloxone questions (narcon)
103. Pressure ulcerAnswer: use a ruler to measure the
pressure ulcer
104. Know Hypo And Hyperthyroidism105. Scopolamine for
vomitingAnswer: Contact doctor
106. D dimerAnswer: something to deal with a clot
107. Increase TSH and Decrease t3 and t4

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