List of Java, HTML5 and Flash Activities For Learning Physics

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List of Java, HTML5 and Flash activities

for learning Physics

Publicado por tonisoto el 1 de noviembre de 2014, a las 10:47
This is a short list of URL with links to tons of applets
in Java, HTML5 and flash to learn STEM subjects but
especially Physics. Most of these applications can be run online
through a web browser so its not needed to download and install.
Feel free to suggest more to complete the list.
PHET site (University of Colorado):
Simulations in

The whole list of

MyPhysicsLab site (Author: Erik

Flash animations for Physics (Author: David M. Harrison,

Dept. of Physics, Univ. of

Virtual Physics Laboratory (Maintained by: Fu-Kwun

Tracker: Video Analysis and Modelling Tool: Tracker is a
free video analysis and modeling tool built on the Open Source
Physics (OSP) Java framework. It is designed to be used in
physics education. Tracker video modeling is a powerful new
way to combine videos with computer

Scientix. The community for STEM education in Europe

Now a short list of other sites or web pages that show a list of links to
other similar resources. Their lists include some of my previous links
and many others but I couldnt check if theyre still available online.

Java Demonstrations

Although not all of them are under a fully unrestrictedCreative

Common license itd be unfair no to thanks the institutions and
authors who are sharing online their learning resources with all of us.
As a Scientix Deputy Ambassador let me tell you that you can find
more valuable resources to teach STEM subjects in 8 EU official
languages in the Resources sections at Scientix website.
Keep Sharing!

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