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Date/Fecha 08/02/16 to/a 12/02/16


Day/dia 5

Day 6
oles 10/02/16

Day 1


Monday Morning Assembly

Music: Gr. 2Kahlert, K- Ureta Pablo, Gr. 5 Nieukerk, Gr. 1 Fuerderer,
Gr. 2Stamm, Gr.1Baez
Valentine-grams for charity sold during morning and lunch recess: 1
for 50 cents and 3 for a looney

Last day to buy Valentine-grams for charity.

Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast at 9:30am
Gym: E.S.III, Gr. 1Fuerderer, Gr. 3Perera, Gr. 2Kahlert
Music: Kinder am/Fericgla, Kinder Ureta-Pablo, Gr.3Blanchette

Valentine-grams delivered today.

Learning Commons: Kindergarten Ureta-Pablo, Gr.2/1Moir
Music: Gr. 6Nieukerk, Gr. 2Stamm, Gr.2 Kahlert, Gr.1Baez,
Kindergarten Fericgla, Gr. 3Blanchette
Ash Wednesday celebration in the classrooms @ 1:30pm.
Yearbook information going home today.

Teachers Convention NO CLASSES

Teachers Convention NO CLASSES



Feb. 16 Family Day School Closed
Feb. 17 Professional Day NO CLASSES
Feb. 18 School Science Fair. Everyone invited in the afternoon.
Feb. 19 Calendar committee meeting @ 9:30am. Grade 6 Retreat at Holy Spirit Parish
Feb. 25 Kindergarten and Grade One Open House @ 6:15pm

Important Information

Child care for P.D. Days is being offered by Sherpa, our before and after school care, for more
information call: 587-893-6775 or 597-893-6771
Parents wishing to be part of the calendar committee, please let Sra. Moran know via email:
School Council is undertaking the production of a school yearbook this year. Information on
how to order is going home this Wednesday.

Buses: Please advise the school if your child will not be taking the bus that day, you may do that by writing it on your childs
agenda, writing a note to the homeroom teacher or calling the office prior to 2:45pm to let us know.
Buses: Por favor avsenos si su hijo/hija no va a tomar el bus a la casa, lo puede hacer por escrito, en la agenda o
por medio de una nota a la profesora, o llamando a la escuela antes de las 2:45pm.
Communication: We communicate via ClassDojo, Twitter, email, SchoolConnect, notes, agenda and phone calls. If you
have any questions for the homeroom teacher, please contact them directly. Please go to our website and click on eBoard for homework etc.
Comunicacin: Nos comunicamos por medio de ClassDojo, Twitter, email, SchoolConnect, notas, agenda y por telfono. Si Ud.
tiene preguntas para los maestros comunquense con ellos directamente. Por favor vayan a nuestro sitio web y pulse en
eBoard para informacin acerca de los deberes etc.
Drop off and Pick up times: Parents whenever possible, students should not arrive at school prior to 8:30am and need to
be picked up by 3:15pm as these are times when supervision is provided by the school. Please adhere to these times; if this
is a concern, please speak to Ms. Moran for assistance with other arrangements. Before and after school care is provided
through Sherpa Kids 403-909-5117 or 587-893-6775 or through Schools Out at Southland Leisure Centre phone:
403-648-6545. When picking up your child after school please wait around the back or in the boot room area of the
school located in the back of the school. All students are dismissed through the back doors...these doors will be open for
your convenience at 2:55pm. We have a sitting area for you to wait there. Please do not accompany your children to their
lockers in the morning, leave them at their assigned line up if youre arriving late, in the main foyer. A teacher or
administrator will take your child to their classroom. PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK THE DISABLED DROP OFF OR PARK IN
*We have a drop off area in the parking lot, please follow the signs.

Dejar y Recoger a sus hijos: Padres les rogamos que no traigan a sus hijos a la escuela antes de las 8:30am, les
pedimos adems que los recojan a las 3:15pm a ms tardar debido a que no les podemos proveer supervisin antes.
Por favor les pedimos que se adhieran a este horario. Si esto es un problema comunquenselo a la Sra. Moran. Si
necesitan supervisin ahora tenemos un programa con Sherpa Kids 403-909-5117 o con Schools Out en el Southland
Leisure Centre 403-648-6545.

Cuando vengan a recoger a sus hijos por favor vayan a la puerta de atrs, ya que despedimos a todos los nios por las
puertas traseras La puerta de atrs se abre a las 2:55pm. Para su comodidad hemos puesto sillas para que esperen.
Por favor no vayan a los casilleros de los nios ni en la maana en la tarde. Dejenlos en la sala de botas o si llegan
tarde triganlos a la puerta principal donde sern recibidos por nuestro personal. POR FAVOR NO ESTACIONAR EN
*Tenemos una zona designada para dejar a sus nios en nuestro estacionamiento. Por favor siga los letreros.
Lunchtime Pick up: If you would like to take your child out for lunch for a special treat, please advise them before school to
come and wait for you at the front office. For their safety, it is extremely important that you come to the office to sign
them out of the building.
Recoger a sus hijos a la hora del almuerzo: Si Uds. Desean llevar a sus hijos a almorzar para celebrar una ocasin por
favor djennos saber y haremos que sus hijos los esperen en la oficina. Por su seguridad es extremadamente
importante que Ud. firme el libro de salida de los nios.

Permission to Leave the School and Emergencies: A student who is ill must first contact a parent and be picked up by the
designated adult before he/she is given permission to leave. Please write in your childs agenda whenever your child must
leave for an appointment. All students must be signed-out before being allowed to leave the school.
Permiso para salir de la escuela y emergencias: Cuando un estudiante se pone enfermo, a las primeras persona que
llamamos son a los padres, en caso de que no los podemos encontrar, llamaremos a las personas que Uds. han puesto
como contacto de emergencia. En caso de que Uds. deseen que otras personas vengan a buscar a sus hijos (en caso de
una cita mdica por ejemplo) les pedimos que lo escriban en la agenda de sus hijos indicando el nombre de la persona
que los viene a buscar. Es importante que firmen el libro de salidas en la oficina antes de sacar a los nios.

Current Information: Please inform the school if there are any changes to your contact numbers just in case we need to
contact you or a relative in case of an emergency. We need your current email so that we can send you our monthly
newsletter via School Connect.
Informacin Actualizada: Por favor infrmenos si ha habido cambios en la informacin que tenemos en la oficina
especialmente si han cambiado el nmero de telfono o el de las personas designadas como su contacto de emergencia.
Necesitamos su email actualizado para poder mandarles la circular mensual de la escuela.
Volunteers: Please make sure that you sign in at the front office and receive a Volunteer badge before you proceed to the
class where you will be volunteering. Please make sure that you have contacted the classroom teacher or the teacher has
contacted you to assign you a specific task before you come down to volunteer.
All volunteers need to have an updated orientation every year before they can volunteer in the classroom or field trips.

Voluntarios: Por favor paren por la oficina para que firmen el libro de visitas y reciban la carta identificacin como
voluntarios. Antes de venir a hacer voluntariado, pnganse en contacto con los profesores para que les indique en que
los van a ayudar. Todos los voluntarios tienen que renovar su orientacin antes de que puedan hacer voluntariado en la
clase o un paseo escolar.


God wants to live amidst his sons and daughters. Let us make space for him in our hearts.
Dios quiere habitar en medio de sus hijos. Abramos un espacio para l en nuestro corazn.

~Pope Francis I/Papa Francisco I

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