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Topic: Unit Two Lesson 2
Offers & Acceptance
Mr. O.D Emblau

Class/Date: Second lesson in a sequence of ten

Signal for Attention:
During Instructions: If you can hear me Clap
During Activties: Flicker of the Lights

Lesson Objectives:
Maintain concentration during exercises
Demonstrate the ability to accept, advance, offer or block thought and action, quickly and
Examine and express feelings.
Take risks
UDL Possible Alteratives:

Become comfortable with ensumble work.

Use play to engage in divergent thinking

Alternative Instruction:
Activities will generally be introduced orally, however, each is available in hard copy.
Materials/Equipment/Resources: Hard copy of plan & handouts attached.
This lesson is intended to be paired with a tablet. Videos shown will be persented on a tablet device,
this is intended to cut down on transition time.
If the instructor has access to students email then an email with the links: &
This is intended to have three effects:
1) control the use of cell phones in the classroom.
2) help integrate technology into students learning.
3) this also provides visual and auditory learners with instruction and examples that connect to their
Have I addressed auditory/kinesthetic/visual learning styles? [Y]
Introduction & Anticipatory Set/The Hook:
Check In Circle/ Attendance

__ - __

1) Read Quote
"Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to
face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where
we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to
be limited by the fear of it."
--Judy Blume

Ask Using ONE word: describe what quality you think this quote is talking about
Inquire around the circle let each student say their word (repeats are fine)
Direct student thought towards words associated with bravery.
Ask " Why is it important to think about bravery in Drama class? particuarrly now
that we are doing Improv"

Share the Purpose of the Lesson:

- Today we will be learning the first building blocks of Improvistion: making and
reciving offers. We will also be practicing proper ensemble and classroom behaviors
by concentrating and being present during activitie
Instruction/Activities: (point form; begin with a verb - for e.g., ask/discuss ; include
enough detail so that someone else would be able to teach this)
Build Me A( Annex A)
-Ask What was it like have your creation to life?
-Discuss what things were easy/hard to bulid & why
Making Offers:
-Show Video :CIG Making Offers -
- Discuss video as a class Or THINK/PAIR/SHARE if video were emailed.
- Facilitate Cogs in the Machine (Annex B)
Accepting Offers:
-Show Video CIG Accepting Offers -
- Discuss video as a class Or THINK/PAIR/SHARE if video were emailed.
-Facilitate Yes Lets (Annex C)
-Discuss Yes Lets!
-Ask Where there times when you wish you could have added anything to your partners
- Drop In Yes! AND (Annex C)

__ - __
Closure: (re-focus on lesson outcomes; should be student-centered)
- Today we added some key tool into our Improvisor toolbelt.
- Ask Can anyone tell me one of those tool
- Discuss answers related to offer, acceptance, concentration, & bravery.
- Next lesson we will be talking about Spontaeity

Student Evaluation/Checking for

Understanding by active means:

Other Notes/Reminders:

Jouranl response page Unit Two Lesson 2

This lesson can be adapted to include tech by

having students create a web blog where they
answer the daily journal questions and send MR.E
the URL

1) Where there any offers you made today
that went especially well/ badly? Why do
think it was so success/unsuccessful.
2) What kinds of offers lead to successful
3) Did you prefer to be giving or receiving
offers, why?

Journals can also be done in the form of a Video

jouranl. This is to accomadate for students with
writing problems
ANNEX A- Build ME A .

Activity: Build Me A...

Intended for use with

Unit Two lesson

Student will be split into group of 4-5
Instructor will use the phrase " Build me a _______"
the students will have 30 seconds to a minute to use
their group and create _______
Build me a an airplane!
Build me a blender
This activity can be scaffold so that it moves from teacher
generating suggestions
to student lead. This can be done by having a member of
each group give the offer for their group.
Each member of the group can have a chance to make
an offer.
This will give each student the chance to make and
receive offers in a low stakes environment.
This Activity was modified based on an Observation of
(Natalie Witte, Instructor, and Victoria School for the
Arts) as a part of EDSE 451 Winter 2016

Annex B Cogs of the Machine

-In a circle (full class or split in 2-3)
-One at a time
-Student enters and makes a sound and physical gesture
that could belong to a machine part
-As students enter they are trying to build on what is
already made
-The overall goal is to create a machine that has an
intake, a process, and some kind of product.

Annnex C- Yes LETS!

Activity: Yes LETS! /

Yes!! and...

Intended for use with

Unit Two Lesson 2

This activity forces students to accept offers. It builds to

allow for collaboration and scene advancement.
-Students will pair up.
-One student is A the other B
-The Instructor will give a jumping point to start from (lost
in the desert)
-A will make a verbal offer "Let's try go for a ride on this
-B will reply with "Yes LETS!!!
-A & B will then attempt the offer suggested by A
-When it Is time to move on or A's activity is completed B
will make an offer to move on
-A replies "Yes LETS!!"
This Cycle repeats as many times as required
Yes AND!!!
Same as above but the second person adds something
to the original offer.

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