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“NUMBER: TRuablished ad the SINDELAR STUDIOS serreou SEVEN’ 2600 S HOOVER SF. Los ANcrit 236 pghight Sond Gormata Poca neunuks aro bcy Fave Pel 1eh e077 aa jigjlarer Germain 90 INVOCATION: ‘Thow Mighty Infinite Radiant One, whose “Mighty I AM Presence” we bow before! Thou Mi al-conquering Forest Weactepe fall fedeseg Beeson Woeal eo Ther se TAP Bromnee go before us everywhere, mastering conditions we contact and making ut channel, through which Thy Mighty Power flows. ‘We bring Love, Greetings and Blesings Americ ; THE DISCOURSE * an ‘Kindness is always the conquering power, ‘with human beings and animals as well. Gut of the fulness of patience and the application of the Presence of Divine Love in all affairs, comes the sure and certain reward. There is no activity, ‘where the consciousness or attention is held on the “Mighty I AM Presence, ment of Divine Love is not actives but this Natu- rral Activity may be greatly intensified, by adding ‘your consciousness of the Quality of Divine Love to it, This is a subtle point which very few, not Ascended, realize, ‘Some will say, how ‘we mortals may inten 1 Mi ied Aan st Goat, cheoogh the is Presence,” acts illSSf the individeal, ‘according to his accep- eee Fp ace oma lat es idacncd or? er toincrease and intensify anyone of the Natural Activities of God, upon which the consciousness termed AF he see dee wi mete aaa ore tem cam aie ceive much benefit. a ‘unwaveringly on the highest center, which is ie srl pn ed nd acy we Sees Se Body of his own “Mighty I AM Presence” and also ‘the assistance of the Mighty Advanced Indivi- ised ot Ascend See fa da See ‘This may be a shock to some, but as I have inti- ee Senin tany seat Coles artes er sea ein sere Ce roe ae mere waste te capes of the Radiant Currents and Who answer all Se aaa ‘The Messengers from the ‘Sun behind the Sun,” which is the Heart of the Christ Power as we know it to-day, are the Mighty Messengers, Who are pressing forward in conducting this et ae to humanity, in this radiant cycle, sake aes ‘In your Department Stores and Schools, there are heads of departments and teachers. This very parrot a Wiens aesvieiaeriral See eS e sdvanced are always being taught by the Higher. Even the Ascended Host as you know them, have Those, far in advance of Themselves, Who are their Instructors. ‘This goes on infinitely and is an important thing for the student to understand, Tassure you, that through the centuries, [have never changed in the mode of giving forth the fundamental principles. To do so would be to cross currents, which would bring disaster in- stead of the good that I, in My humble Way, have been able to do. ‘The most vital thing in human acti necessity of post on the activity of another human being. To con- demn, criticise, or feel curiosity in the another, except to wish them God-speed and that all is well, is not permissible for the real student for the one, who sincerely wishes to reach the iduals should always re- smember, that there is naughe to say them nay in whatever they wish to do, or persis in doing, for they have the right and free use of this Might Energy of God, which s the principle of Life an. mating them, ‘They may use this energy as they choose, until their'experience causes them ¢o face about and turn tothe Light of their own volition. "At this poine or conclusion, they may receive Great. Assistance from those Who are more advanced than themselves, which often-times frengthens and enables them to hold f Light, chat a this poine chey might not have been able of themselves todo. Thus, you can se how very important ie is, for the student to under- stand and fully accept the Presence and help of God's Messengers of Light. 3 In order that the students may not misunder- stand this, I wish here to assure you, that this has not the slightest thing to do with so-called spirit- ualiem, as outwardly understood to-day. The ‘Ascended Being, Who has attained to limitless Heights of understanding, through His own con- scious Effort, is at far in advance of the average individual, who through his lack of understand- ing has caitoff the physical body, a8 Light fa to mediums, instead of looking to the “Mighty I ‘AM Presence,” the all-wise God above, within and around themselves, Visiting mediums is not permissible to the; ‘means, that he is before me.” Whatever your attention is upon is your God, for there your energy is lowing and Your eneray is your Life. Saint Germain spoke to Donald direct and said: “Your Love is like a mantle of fragrance to me, and thae from each one of you has a different dor. ‘The embracing Presence to-day is very wonderful.” ‘THE LOVE RAY: Divine Loves the Mightiest Presence and Pow- ex in the Universe, and when one learns to pout Te ineo every condition Tess than Teelf, he will come to know that he is focusing the core of that Mighty Ray into Its invincible outer Activity. “This Ray of which T speak is che one, which has its own natural quality of impenetrability. 4 TO MAKE YOURSELF ABSOLUTELY INVINCIBLE: "Whenever there comes the idea of disturbance of any kind, no matter what the caus, ies your provinceas ."Seudent of che Light) eo take your Enyllding etand:: “There i only God acting ia that person, place or condition.” Thus, you are ror where it eraly belongs ands you flow the Full Inner Power of the Current of Dive Livete ow, To onsanly practice thi with joy and certain recognition of your Inner Fewer he ighny LAM Presence" will make you sbsalstaly inva ‘Seodeats ofeen eny in their application of the "Ob, i dida't work.” I sy to you thats Tes absolutly imponible for ie not to work, lea in tome manner you had given power to the outer appearance. "The unfortunate thing with students is some- tases, the failace to notte the amall manifesta= tons’ of that Great Presence. Ar we are ever oviag from the male Soe gener an wwe receive the greater, if we are not Biv cognition tothe sinaler? ‘Ta ‘ae ‘The more recognition we give to the small manifestations, the quicker will we receive the ‘greater. For instance in the outer world of edu- cation, if the child did not learn its letters and hhow to combine them, how would it ever in the world become able to form words? ‘There sa quality within the personal self, chat sometimes causes it to want to pass over tho smaller things as of no value, and to use a modern phrase, “grab of the greater.” However, there 5 is not che slightest difference in the activity of the Mighty Law, whether it be great or small in its accomplishment, if the student is sulficiently aware of the “Mighty I AM Presence” acting. student, who needs or thinks he does, some manifestation of the Presence to give him faith in accomplishing the greater, will ind great bene- fit in meditating upon this humble endeavor co make clear the way. ‘The moment a demand for 4 thing comes, it shows that ic is forth coming, RAISING THE BODY: ‘We first raise the body in consciousness. When swe become conscious, that it is possible for us to ‘alte the body, and take the determined stand to do it, that moment the Law of our Being is set neo motion, to produce the perfected accomplish- ‘assure you that the Mighty Law, when given chance through your outer volition, loses no ‘ime in utilizing the opportunity, unless at some time you change about and cease to recognize this, as a certain accomplishment. If you main- tain this determination, you will find at some fu- ‘ure time, that the force set in motion in the be- sinning for that purpose, never ceased for one ‘moment to work for that end. If we do not utilize the knowledge that God has already given, how can we expect to have more. This Instruction and Information is not given just to hear oneself talk, but is Ascended ‘Master LAW and Information placed at the dis- of the student, and if he will look to his ter self, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” for di- rection, he will be caused to use the right applica- tion at the right time, for the right thing re- quired. ‘ een lin areas cet time, there is much given, so the student may select that which he needs pas pee, time, for a specific purpose. If I al to look to ‘Me, the Instruction would defeat its own pur- Boots Bech a time when so much instruction and infor- reaches ees ee ee ee aoe geaiceriaene Se ees present helping the student who il 7 etapa lie ohms is the name of one of the Individualized Activities of the Great Central Sun. It is impossible not to receive, what comes from the “Mighty I AM Presence” as an idea, when you really know that ‘it is God sending or giving the idea. Me inp fr anying Fala tate eae ee a eee ee oe a “Mighty Presence” from yreat Cen- tral Sun! we give praise and thanks for Thy ee tae ee a Heo omen ace ‘esty holds Dominion—NOW—throughout ma eee ea oe ais ae 7 * DISCOURSE « Given to the Shrine Class—July 5, 1936 ELOVED students, who have gathered at this Great Assembly, please feel my deep Love and Gratitude, to you who are hhere and who have come so far, accord- ing to the human sense of distance, for your earn- et 8 endeavor is greatly rewarded. Your Life cea viene eater perenne ity of your higher mental body, which will make many things possible quickly. eee gies my humble efforts for mankind, to find the great, eee dom, which has been brought forth to you. Every aera aeerer mage aemee ss Be eaetoowete Tee eae att eed atone ‘The Freedom, the Joy, the Victory of every heart ee run oe anes ir id Majestic in Its Se eee Bae service rendered the Messengers. It means tre- eee eter ace ae thing in the outer world, which can longer pre- hence arenas made. ‘No longer can the things of the outer world, if you will believe this, inter- fere with you, Pr ager mt jeeereeaaies ee cae peereaecrerurintese Soe kate for the tremendous manner in which you have eer eee 6 eae 9 ees fee 1 eces ese Tie ae aloe Te will nce do for you, when applied wichout FEAR, DOUBT OR RESERVATION, ‘The Law of your Being the Law of Lites Eternal Expan- Son ETERNAL FORWARD PROGRESS. INo longer for the Seudent of Light—for the students of the “IAM Presence” —is growth cone ‘dered. Does that really mesa something t You! Ifyou wll real, what the Divine Director has fallce gos and cotmaand fer yore forward prog far—elmort with thogpeed ef thowght-—yon Know that only your feelings ean prevent ie plead with you, do not it your human sof limit you longer, Te has no power of elf and ts the Memengors have requerted this day, keep the atmosphere of your world clear from diem: fotdertten Iem sovet the meet vial puts artis ime, As you do this, you will ind a free- dom heretofore uoknow, “The atmosphere of earth i charged—illed— oie ioe heaven Cena ov oly fee yourselves, ut ive a srvce be Yond any wordsta expres inclesting your wot Ue eh cat al eae ca BieGeredel Gene as fn this manner, Wil you fel the fall import of ai Tn behalf ofthe Great Ascended Howt of Mas- ters and the Great Legion of Light, Who join Me in pouting ove Their Euroa, Tete Ever testing loci sod Amerasce oo ested yous coaror Th bing you, Henny They oe amplifying, ating and expunding’that Won dlerous Light of the Presence, anchored within your heare,. fe bue requires your joyous obedi nce 1 the Great Law of your Presence and the 10 ‘maintaining of harmony, for you to have the Ful- tess of this Blessing and Out-pouring, to remain continually active in and for you. "This has been a great home-coming. My fa is eruly being drawn together, for in those great on that have been, we have known exch ‘ther many times, Let us accept the fulness of all Perfection achieved during those times, and Gall the Vielet Consuming Flaine into actioa to ‘consume all chat is undesirable. ‘This enables the release from the Great Storehouse of Treasure to take pace and through ee clo your Presence ie will pour out every good thing you require Do you realize, my precious once, that just as a chest of jewels i placed before you in the physi- al world—available and at your service—so is the Treasurchouse of your Presence unlocked, through This Understanding, for you to accept the Jewels of Light, Freedan, Pectection, Leve, Harmony and all chat you require for use? Ie i all ready-—available—tnd jute as tangible as a hese ienl finerimablevaloe were here before you in physical form. again congratulate the Messengers and those who go forth to teach from the books —cspecially the 1AM Discourses, Remember all who wish co 4othis, chat you are serving your Presence and to the degree, that you follow witb accuracy the Insertion in the book, wil you Bnd yous re ward everywhere you move. I -with t0 say t0 those here, who may carry this Teaching for- wird, 1 you wil forth and each earaty nd slacercly, you will require no other author ity than yout “Mighty TAM Pretence.” The Mes scngers have asked al, to hold seeadfase to che Instruction within these bool. If they will do u sk tom races Sones tl cis er eee ae oe eee a eel necoa Joukave ind with This Simpl fanractons It, give It forth as It is, and your success is as- Pee ee wiatia Secwuk wena so Beat sorte the SIMPLICITY of Ths Inttucton fe ip Wan te Cooce Logie ot tte costae reat Legion ‘ight, an Mighty Angelic Host, enfold you forever, Oh beloved ones, unto the Fulness of your Victory and Achievement. As you give your attention to Shhoms H1 Caay coma Sach. fais Ml eiy RAdisacs Stee The Great Angelic Host, recently, because the Pest seo ly ag seein tay Samy emai ies leeet im es meee fakgencre eae oreGel nia dapeeition eles service to the earth, unknown heretofore. As you realize this and feel how tangible is the Blessing of the Ascended Host, you will know that It ac- Sina micmees meee Extruse eis te Glory and Light of peas higher mati ce Cincyend gue etyee Taree oe aaa Ae engine neyo sion and tall STAND BY condcting whatoree Meee econ eae eee pee Salonen Cake wi eales Een of your feelings? Come! join us in our Great Se oe ee Soe ca ce Aico eon or aps SN ee 2 GREAT COSMICEAW Lieut -/-AM- PERFECTION] ‘SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE GIVEN AT RATANA'S CLASS— PASADENA, CALIF. ees ‘June 21, 19: [ELOVED Students of the Light! how \greatly I appreciate your loyalty and rallying to the Cause of the “Mighty T AM? and Its Majestic Activity. The Glory of that Light which beats your hearts is the ‘Activity of your “Mighty T AM Presence.” With harmony in your feelings, your sincere call for Its Activity to take command of your world—your mind and body—will release che fulness of that Intelligent Energy into action to give you the re- lief, the supply of whatever is required, to bring ‘you happiness and comfort, Ie will cause you to feel your Glorious Victory in the acknowledg- ‘ment of your “Mighty I AM Presence.” "You cannot have the use of anything acknowledging and accepting it, even in your Outer world activity. Then, how much greater oes that same Mighty Law act, in the acknowl ‘edgment of your Presence—the Only Giver—of anything good that ever came into manifestation in human experience. nati Try to realize, as the Messenger just said to you, that the matter of undesirable activity and B ithout the action of Perfection are simply a matter of your qualification of this Mighty Energy. Te Eomes forth to serve you, wholly Pure and Per- fect, to bring only Perfection and harmony into your world. If your feelings are discordant, then it must be qualified by the quality with which you cloche it, and then you must experience thae in your word, Do you nat se the impera- tive need of governing your fealingy and holding them in perfect harmonious obedience to the Great Law of Life, your "Mighty TAM Presence”? ‘Do you realize, precious ones, that your “Mighty 1 AM Presence” which beats your hearts is your Chie Selt ever eanding ready to elese Tes magnificent, powerful energy to direct, to protect, wosupply you with every good thing that Your heare can posibly desire? It only asks one thing—your acknowledgment. Harmony in your feelings and your call to the Presence to RE- LEASE Ies Mighty Energy and flood your mind, body and world, produces health, harmony and Perfection, ‘Thus, the Presence fills your world with Its Giory, Its Mighty Healing Radiance, be- fore which no human discord can ever stand. As you train yourselves to turn wholly to. your "lighty | AM Presence,” I tall you beloved anes, there will not be a human being in the knowledge of the "T AM Presence,” thae will ever feel oF ex perience inharmony or disease ia his mind or body. “Through the great, great Asistance ofthe Cos- mic Law, which is cach day coming more and (Tes Power and Activity on the earth, Biven you assistance never before known in the histey of the earth, Tt makes possible the Setting aside of time and space for individuals, Te 14 the Mighey Violet Cenramiag Flame into actions te free bi world forever of every dacordant thing. "Think of ie, beloved oncs, not only inthis em- bodiment, but ail that has occurred throughout the ages, which has held you bound within is terrtte force. Today, that's all being cut away, for you are surely and steadily being st free, ‘Once again, know a fel he iy af tae Mighty Carrent of Energy, consciously flow in and through your mind and body, glorifying you with happines never before known and— Foferaile 0 fe Ree eocept tn grat call camcionsness of that Presence. $0 to-day, do 1 bleed with you, oh beloved ones, ot nowght iet- fate or disturb your feelings ne matter what che Provocation. Instantly, cal your Presence into eee i cee etree Bemition in your feelings your FEELINGS — dear hearts. The Glory of the “Mighty 1 AM Presence” will continue fo pour Ies Mighty Ener~ ay forth, to perform Its Majestic Service for you, hes reel ieee Reg feet reo eel al mu, You wil so, fy your world wi come ate Divine Order and be letsed by Its Eter- sal Perfection. thank you, one and all for your loyalty tothe STAM,” for your lovaley to. America, the Jewel in the Heart of God, the "Cup-Becrer of the LIGHT” of the future—My Sweetheart, My Love. You, who have gone through the period of sweetheart and lovers, know the intensity ofthat Kine. Then can you iagine ch Love tn shoe sand timesamplified for My Sweetheart, America? ‘Knowing, that Ie had to be the Bearer of the “Cup 15 ight” for the future of the world, I in My humble Efforts have never stopped, until that day when Tcould find those strong enough to forth and carry this Freedom—this Gift of Light, the “Mighty T AM Presence.” ‘As you love these Messengers, Oh dear hearts, ‘can you imagine the feeling in my heart, that they have weathered the storm and gone forth to Vic- tory, in the activity of carrying this Light to che Teis very wonderful, dear hearts, and many of you are and will be promoted to render trans- Sendent service. Already in your Group Work, You ARE rendering transcendent service, more than you could possibly know, until you have seen with the All-seeing-eye, or until you have reached the Axended state, oe Turge you, beloved ones, never cease toca Great Law into action for your Ascension, I tell ‘you, there is no human being in embodiment to- day, who has any conception of how close he sight be to that Freedom which his call for che ‘Ascension is. The Ascended Masters know those, ‘who are so near. Beloved ones, who of you Knows, but that you may be one oF more of those war, Therefore, urge you on and on and on, ‘until che fulness of thae Victory be attained. Oh, do you realize how insignificant are your human problems, although they seem so terrifying? Do You realize the magnificence of that Freedom, ph you are calling ino scion, wherein all wuman problems must dissolve sppear? That Great Law when called into action, dis- solves everything unlike Itself. ‘My Love enfolds you always, unto the fulness of your Perfection. 16 + SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE TO THE + + MESSENGERS AND STUDENTS AT THE + SHRINE CLASS—July 3, 1936 + [JOY [EFORE the Ascended Host and those assembled here, I confer upon these Mes jsengers a greater Joy, a greater Happi ae ee expansion of the Light within. I confer upon Sec Wee eee So cee eon momar each one, with a Power of attracting those stu- dents of the Light, who are seeking the Light— ‘those who come in harmony and perfect accord for the Light—that this work may continue to aioe dane ieee mohair ire cee eee are absent, through the “Tube of Light.” Tia Sanit READY HAREM a Sa aE aR Sia Sent are Ee eee aL aeeerncaneten ge CS oo ee 7 your Great Privilege and you ARE ready. I wish to use this opportunity to thank you, beloved ones of Los Angeles, for your loyalty, for your earnestness, for your determination to stand for your Freedom and the Light. You, in the Knowledge of the Presence which beats your hearts, are dauntless before all human creation. ‘You are Masters of your worlds in the acknowl edgment of your Presence, but call It into action. ‘Now that you have realized FULLY the NEED of harmonizing your FEELINGS, in order to al- ow the Presence to flow through, in order to per- form any given service, sincerely do I congratu~ late you. Remember, you are responsible for your worlds. You have the Light before you, use It, use It, use It for your Victory and Freedom. Can you imagine how great My Love is for you, who have been ready and willing to accept the Instruction which T have brought forth to you? ONE DAY YOU WILL KNOW THAT 1 AMNO. MYTH. ONE DAY I WILL STAND BEFORE YOU IN THE TANGIBLE, VISIBLE FORM AND THEN YOU SHALL SEE WHETHER T ‘AM REAL OR NOT. Can you imagine My Joy at having found those, and this good brother, before ‘whom I can flash at any time that which I wish to-convey, so your Ascension is assured? Does that sound ridiculous to you? Let me tell you Te isno dream. Ie isa Mighty Reality and My Good Brother, Jesus has seen fit to join Me in this Great ‘Activity at the present time for mankind. He left the example solong ago. Yet mankind turned away, because that knowledge was clothed with ' falschood, which made Jesus too Transcendent for anyone to reach or make effort to accomplish 20 == Vy ei ty aad en tunate indved, but to-day the Great Conic Law ie mode ie prnabley co again bring ths kneel: tage forth IN SUCH A PRACTICAL MANNER, oe oe ak rane roel eee cee a epeeeier inane serie socks che Lights That is why, lant you to rele EaMy graciende to theo Meswmper and. yom tx Seudenes of the Light, for the GLORY, THE COURAGE AND STRENGTH WHICH’ YOU HAVE DRAWN. FORTH. FROM YOUR {MIGHTY 1 AM PRESENGE;” TO GO FORTH VICTORIOUS UNTO YOUR ASCENSION AND ROTHING IN THE UNIVERSE CAN SToP YOU. Remember These Words and if you will accept them They are Our Decree to give you that TREMENDOUS ASSISTANCE, "My beloved nes, may the Folness of the Light of your Rteghey {AM Presence,” your Mighty Directing Intelligence, carry. you forward DAUNTLESS before the face of mankind FEARLESS in the Ecknowledgmont of your "Mighty IAM Prez thee" and ALL POWERFUL in your expression SFcarrying forth the Light, May your heart ever be HUMBLE before thove Great Majestic One,” DAUNTLESS. and FEARLESS ‘before unkind and human creation, REMEMBER in the knowiedge of your Presence, you have but to fay to all appearance and human creation: "You Keve no power” and it shall DISAPPEAR, T congratulate you on your achievement a ina hf amy expand wih ret tpeeds unto che fulness of Its Eternal Blessing to pacity a + SAINT GERMAIN’S EVENING + «DISCOURSE « Given to the Shrine Class—July 5, 1936 pe ‘ones, having sought so long and earnestly, and now having come to Know your “otighty T AD Presence,” you have arrived home after long, long ea fe fete vii eek a To-day you are being surely set free, and the Love that has ascended from this classi the fragrance of roses to Us. We amplify, charge and return that to earth to bless you eternally, and to spread Tes Radiance everywhere throushout mankind; that more, more and more individuals may feel the touch, the expansion of Its Light and be drawn as mighty magnet into Tts Radiance 0 become the Light. ‘You, to-day, have not yet fully become aware of the Freedom in whose door-way you stand. So to-night step through that door-way and begin to ‘experience with vividness, all We have been en- deavoring to convey, to you. My Joy and Grati- tude are boundless to you for your loyalty, your sincerity, your earnestness and determination to hhave the Light; to have the Freedom which the knowledge of your "Mighty Presence” brings to Pcs Mihara rio ews en Invincible Law, by ‘which’ you may free your- selves and your world from all the discordant cre ations that you have drawn about you through- ‘out the centuries. Thus you stand free, in the Mighty Glory of the Presence which beats your heart. Tovday, We, the Ascended Host of Masters, re- jeice exceedingly with you, for the expansion— the tremendous expansion of the Light—visible 23 to Ux, Ieis within and about you. Your old say- ing, “Earnest effort is never lost,” is a Mighty ‘Truth, and the great sincerity, which has filled four hearts, is nding its reward in freedom, in -appiness, in the consciousness that no longer, be- atte you have made mistakes, re you subject fo To-day, the Glory of that Light is filling the ‘earth, assisted by the Great Cosmic Law. Te has Salready——-by innumerable manifestations—been observed in the sky. You, who are the “I AM” students, be not deceived! These manifestations in the sky are Real, not just an ordinary atmos- pheric condition, and as you accept che REALITY Of these unusual manifestations, so will you find more and more of them appearing to the earth. eis no idle dream, that mankind is entering into its Freedom. Ie is a mighty REALITY, the Mighty Law of your Being, the Law of Life; for as your attention goes to the Source of all Perfee- tlon——That, which your attention is on, you be- come. Remember this simple Majestic Law, and at the Messengers have plead with you, allow nothing in the outer world to hold your attention away from your “Mighty IAM Presence.” Heed ‘Our earnest Appeal, that you may have the ful- ness of your Glory NOW. Remember, you do not have to wait! the “Mighty LAM Presence” acts instantly —accord= ing to the degree, that you remove your human creation from Tes pathway. Silence your human ‘consciousness! and then call the “Mighty Pres- fence” into action. There is no reason, why you ‘will not soon begin to have instantaneous mani- Testations; for they have occurred innumerable 24 _ 2 REE RRENEpENE ERR nee _— times, in the classes throughout the country. Try to feel that. Do not limit yourselves, Oh beloved! Do not let your human limit you, the power nor the speed, with which your Presence may answer your call, If you do, you alone are to blame, but it CAN ACT INSTANTLY. Keep on accept ‘until you have the manifestation of Instan- taneous Action at your call. How do you have gourage? How do you have strength in the ac- Knowledgment of your Presence? Do not let your human say to you: “I cannot do this or that.” The Presence is the Operator—you make the call to compel the human to be silent, KNOW the Presence is ALL-POWERFUL to act at your call, andyou willheve ay < T do rejoice to greatly with you, in the power and the release, through which so many hundreds and thousands throughout America are bris that Great Law into action. They are producing results, which a few months ago they could not have dreamed were possible. Yet they are ACT- JING day, hourly in the cates and with indi. dual To-night, I extend to you the Love and the Blessings of the entire Host of Ascended Masters, the Legion of Light and the Mighty Angelic Host, the Gods of the Mountais i ings, and remember the Mighty Divine Director; for He said co the students in India in the “Cave of Light”: “Now you have become a part of My Love.” Think what it means to you! to have the Attention, the Assistance of these Great Ones, ‘Who have attained their Ascension through Self- conscious application and knowledge of their "Mighty I AM Presence.” Their exact Applica- tion you have before you to-day. They stand as 25 4 Mighty Vanguard for humanity, asisting, help- ing EVERYWHERE IT 1S POSSIBLE to’ bring Freedom, from human selfishness upon the earth. Remember your great and mighty privilege in calling the "Mighty AM Presence” into action, in the mental and feeling world of mankind; to free them forever from all discord which has been drawn forth inco the atmosphere of the earch, Gan you, will you believe Me, when T tell you, that tremendous purification has already taken place even in one year? Oh, if there were only words in our vocabulary to convey to you, how [great har been the service rendered by the earnest Students of the "I AM,” everywhere throughout ‘America! Oh, that you might realize this! Some ‘of you, who’ feel so humble, wonder how you ‘ould make a call, which would release. such Gigantic Power inta action. No matter how frail your human form, no matter how humble you feelin the enenest call to the "Mighty 1 AN resence,” the Governor of the Universe—you release tremendous Power into action, to do Tes Perfect work among mankind, Realize, Oh beloved ones, the end of the cen- turies is at hand, the Glorifcation of the earth fand mankkind is at hand. You are so privileged to bbe one of the Vanguards in the calling forth of this Mighty Freedom. Think, what your privilege is to-day, Oh beloved Children of the Light! A privilege, can you believe me when I tell you, not Known for many hundreds of centuries? Then, may it give you courage and strength to straight fn your spines and say: “Mighty 1 AM Presence, no longer are there two of us, there is just You Your Mighty Power in action, charging the atmosphere of earth with the Glory of your Prese 26 a en ence; and silencing forever every, human, dis- ‘ordant thought and feling—allowing the Glory fof Your Mighty Presence to pour forth without limit, co bless the world and all mankind.” “Traly you are, in the knowledge of your Pres- ‘ence, Children of the Light with an Invincible Power beating your hearts, May Iremind you again, chat when you call your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action, Ie knows no reservation or interference, Te moves into action and performs theservice. Every human, discordant or seeming opposition, diwolves and disappears before the ‘Srush of his Mighty Energy from the Presence; raring into your world at your call to perform Eny given service. "Naughe in the Universe can say nay to this Mighty Presence. Try to feel chat Sominant feeling forever sustained within you. Your Presence could not fail—ever! Your call could not faill and if it seems to do so, ask your Presence to take out of you—INSTANTLY— ‘whatever seems to be the opposition, to the All- powerful Outilowing of Tes Energy to perform ItsPerfect Work, in, through and for you. There is nothing in the outer world that the Presence ‘cannot do. Your homes can be changed with the Presence and Power of such will silence every discord our homes into lovin, Eismayed, if your application doesnot yet seem to fulfill your requirement. Go serenely, earnestly fon. Then all of a sudden, you will see the seeming Wall go down, and before you will stand the Schievernent you req ike ‘Oh the Glory of this Mighty Light filling your minds, homes, bodies and world with Its Mighty Perfection, with Tes Mighty Commanding Pres- 27 ence; until no longer can a single human doubt or fear ever beset you. Know that you, the Light within you—-God, the “Mighty I AM Presence” is your Certain Victory in every achievement. Every desire that is constructive in you and your feeling is God, the “Mighty I AM Presence” in ac- tion, and Ie could not fail. ‘We meet the various beloved ones, who see and feel that one desire after another has been ful- filled. In the understanding of their Presence, their desires will be more and more rapidly fulfilled. ‘The knowledge of the Presence should fill every human heart with the Glory of Tes Light and Achievement. Know it is dauntless before any human appearance! Be unafraid! and with a great calm serenity, call Its Mighty Presence into Action to fill your world with Its Eternal Perfec- tion. Oh beloved ones, che Blessings of the Mighty Ascended Host, the Mighty Legion of Light and the Mighty Angelic Host, the Gods of the Moun tains, and the Great Cosmic Beings, hold you so close’ in Their Mighty Embrace of Light, chat ‘ever again will you lack for the courage, the strength and the joy, which is the release of the Mighty Energy flowing in and perfecting every- thing for you, We call the Fulness of these Bless- ings to enfold you. It is a Mighty Self-luminous Substance, which gives you courage and strength beyond your fondest imagination. Remember my words to-night—this shall be permanently sus- tained within you—a Mighty Power, acting more and more rapidly for you, filling your world with Itself. 28 Can you realize, can you FEEL the Joy of ‘Thote, Who have attained Their Freedom} when They see so many thousands rapidly approaching the time, when they too can step forth free from all human creation and limitation? Dear hearts, may these words I speak to you to-night be a Liv. ing Light, active within you, within your feelings and consciousness forever, charging you with the strength, the courage, the joy, the happiness ‘which now brings to you, in action, the Glory of your Freedom FOREVER. rejoice with you in your strength, your loyal- ty, your tireless service o the Light, and for your Freedom. I pour forth My Deepest Gratitude to you all, for the miraculous service which you have rendered in this class. May the joy with ‘which you have rendered it be a Living, Eternal Light always blazing forth before you—cleans- ing and purifying everything. As you g0 for- ‘ward, nota single obstruction isin your way, This is My Decree for you. ‘My Love without limit enfolds you and My Joy is beyond expression, for after two hundred years My humble Efforts are finding Great Frui Remember Saint Germain is no myth, One da ‘when I shall stond before you in the tangit body, will you know TAM REAL. I thank you. + AFFIRMATION + “Mighty TAM Presence”! charge me and my world forever with humble, reverent, grateful, Ioving, adoring obedience to you and the Ascended Masters forever. 29 ‘MR, BALLARD’S REMARKS DURING + - THE AFTEROOON SHRINE CLASS + July 5, 1936 JURING this nine day class, each day, a |certain Quality has been stamped, as it rere, within "your consciousness and Jactive use, but what do you suppote is Rappening to-day? Those Qualities are lifted into the use of the higher mental body, to become AUTHORITATIVE and ACTIVE in your world and activity. To me, this is one of the most Mag- nificent things yet done for che students. Think of it! to have these Qualities of the Ascended Masters STAMPED wi NESS and FEELIN a culminating activity of the class, into the use of the higher mental body. ‘This means that the higher mental body, which is the Constructive Activity of your world, takes fon the Quality of the Ascended Master Activity to give you the assistance DIRECT. Never, in the history of the earth before, have I known of such a ching being done; but it again goes to prove the Transcendent Things that are being made possible to-day, which have heretofore, never been done, ‘You certainly will see a Glory manifested in your lives and activities, dear hearts, that will ive you Eternal Joy. It is MARVELOUS BE~ YOND DESCRIPTION and I do want to thank you. Oh beloved ones, I thank every one—who Kas given assistance in this class. Only the As- cended Ones know how great Our Gratitude, ‘Thanks and Blessings are to you. 31 So, dear hearts let every one now take OUR FIRM DETERMINED STAND in the acceptance ‘of each one’s Presence; for this which has been brought forth. We are qualifying it eternally sustained and active for you. "Do not let any- thing else come in. Stand guard that the Fulness of this Power, which is now established for you, may act. Do not do anything that ean interfere with It, and when we see you again, you will see Transformation after transformat Te isa never-ending joy to see the transforma- tions which have already taken place within you. ‘The Happiness, the Light, the Joy that is ex- prewed through your faces is wonderful. So to-day, during the remainder of The service this afcernoon and to-night, with all the calm Serenity and Joy of your “Mighty T AM Presence,” ACCEPT and QUALIFY Te eternally sustained and active within you and your worlds. ‘There is no intelligence, no power, nothing in the outer world that can possibly touch the Abil- ity, the Authority and the Power of your “Mighty TAM Presence.” + AFFIRMATION ~ "Mighty IAM Presence”! Great Host of As- cended Masters, Mighty Legion of Light and Great ‘Angelic Host! come forth in Your Limitless Over- whelming Presence! take possession of every per- son and everyehing in America! charge forth Your Irresistible Dazzling Light in the coming election! see, that only individuals who serve the Light are lected and placed in all government offices and positions! see chat only Servers of the Light re- ‘ain in them in the future. 32 | crease in ‘numbers, be careful not to allow new students, who have not as yet learned the Affirmations, to enter the ‘old Study Groups who are doing work for the protection of America and the charging of the ‘energy in the Gas Belts. ‘The new students should be kept together, until they have had the Instruction long enough to have learned the Affirmations and until they Ihave practiced the visualizing of the Light Rays. ‘They should become accustomed to doing these things with the deep feeling of Love and happiness, which necessary to release the Power required for this work. “After the new students have become thorough- ly aceustomed to these activities and realized the need of pouring out Divine Love into every con- dition, person, place and thing, then they can join the larger, original groups. In this way the Power of the Light expands and the service the student can give isreater. Then their own Free- ‘dom comes more into their every outer activity. Te is imperative that. beginner's Groups be formed as soon atthe older students are able fo enter the original large groups. For service this kind, Saint Germain and the other Ascended ‘Masters are deeply grateful and it is the service all mankind needs to give, for the illumination ‘and Freedom of all humanity and the earth. ia ELOVED ones, as your Study Groups in- 33 |OURAGEOUS young people, who have [taken up the I AM work, we are depend- ing upon you ta help free your associates Jin educational business and social chan- nels wherever you move in the outer world. Every young person on the earth to-day needs all the help, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the As- ‘cended Masters, you and we can give to help them hhold firmly to ideals that will bring them protec tien, happnew end freedom now and in later ‘The younger people of the world need to have this Truth and Instruction from the standpoint of Eternal Invarable Law and nat rom che put or viewpoint of scientific theory which changes almost as often as the fashions—or be- lief, faich, philosophy or psychology. Until che Mighty TAM Presence” is under- stood by all mankind, as an Immutable Law which is the principle of Life and Its conscious application cere can be no pole permanent solving of humanity's problems or the freeing of mankind from Its chains and limitations. Tf you young people of America can realize, that the only door into the Ascended Master Oc- taye of Life is through Their Instruction and ap- plication of the “Mighty 1 AM Presence,” you ‘will know that nothing in human experience is of 4 any value to any human being, but the conscious effort he makes to gain his Ascension. Thea you will be able to give the greatest as- sistance possible to your asociates, your Instruc- tors, your parents and yourselves and in giving that assistance you will be releasing. yourselves tnd giving mankind God's greacert blowing for- “I AM” READING ROOMS OF THE + SAINT GERMAIN TEACHING LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, 7h and Olive Streets, ‘Tramameriea Building, Room 926, Phone: VAndike #826, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, 1325 Spruce ret ‘Ag the “Home of the TAM? in Philadelphia, the door wi slays be open with Love tothe students and their Fiend. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, 6ch and Broadway, Bank of Ameria Balding, Room 314. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, 613 Orpheum Building. PASADENA, CALIFORNIA, 301 Citizens Bank Building, Colorado and Marengo. Phone Wakefield 2753. GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA, Masonic Temple, 6th Flor. Phone Kenwood 0052, HOME OF THE VOICE oF THE I AM 2600 South Hoover Street Los Angele, California 33 + FUTURE APPEARANCES - + OF THE MESSENGERS - « KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Ivanhoe Masonic Temple, ‘Ave. September 21 to 27, incl ywreed and Park ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Alhambra Grotto, Grand Blvd. and Magnolia Street, October 5th to 11th, inclusive. During October and November, the Messengers will be in Cincinnati, Cleveland and Detroit. Dates and locations will be given later. 36 + PROTECTION - + OF OUR COPYRIGHTS - We hereby notify all readers and individuals everywhere, that everything in the books of the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES, the VOICE OF THE TAM,” OUR PUBLIC LECTURES, AFFIRMA- TIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved, including foreign trans- lations, This means, we will not allow this instruction and Information tobe deleted, distorted, adulter- ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and ‘we shall protect them fully. We are determined that chis GIFT OF LIGHT, TRUTH AND FREEDOM from the Ascended Masters to mankind SHALL BE PROTECTED and kept PURE, TRUE AND UNCHANGED— FOREVER—that mankind may receive is Eeer~ nal Freedom and the greatest potsible Blessing. Weshall se our Full Power and our Fall Right to maintain COMPLETE PROTECTION AT ALL TIMES. SAINT GERMAIN PRESS and MR. AND MRS. G. W. BALLARD 37 + SPECIAL NOTICE - Subscriptions to The Voice of the I AM are taken only ‘for the full current year beginning with the Special Number ‘of February, 1936, and ending with the February, 1937, umber, Notice as to when subscriptions willbe received for the fol= lowing year will be published later. a ‘Sizes below cam be purchased at the SINDELAR STUDIOS + 2600 South Hoover Street ‘Los Angeles, Caiforni Serhan clr {te Framed ge Si Jo He ‘TAX COLLECTED ONLY IN STATE OF CALIFORNIA e OSD >: + THE: + SAINT GERMAIN « + SERIES: UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume 1 By Godfré Rey ‘Cotsinng she rn group of thers experiences Pree $2.50. Puta ‘THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume By Godfré Ray Contig the med stop of eaters enero Pie 42.75. Petal » DISCOURSES, ‘By the Ascended, Master Saint Get Conan hrey-hem dacorantaplaining the Acended Master? pp SPRL Nae ear pate Pe 4225, aa ‘THE “I AM” ADORATIONS AND AFFIRMATIONS, Volume IV By Ch ‘Adacon oi porectel serton sad Sinton the "Mighty 1AM foto Poa ‘A PICTURE OF “THE MAGIC PRESENCE” ‘A solo char of "The Mage Prumce”beanlfllyehograped, site I a a in Raa A PICTURE OF THE MASTER, JESUS ‘A handled etching by Chari Sindelar, to vom Joes bad pr Append iotsuet then of Him so He snd a (Sermasndha Yall Mant Fr Von ot the Ree othe Royl ren "utp rs Be 08 rc a. oe Tint) ‘A NEW PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, SAINT GERMAIN RR-L204 FRAGMENTS OF PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS, No Iiieh—FUAcuants Or PaIvaTE INSTRUCTIONS No IRR-I244—ASCENDED MASTERS 4 ANGELIC HOST, No? Stele Rar §3.90—Twe or Mare Racrd, 42.30 Bah—Maing Cha SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, P. O. Box 1133, Chicago,

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