Samantha-Rae Adamson

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Miles Macdonell Collegiate

757RochSt. Winnipeg, MB R2K2R1 Tel: 204. 667. 1103 Fax: 204.654. 3803
Principal: Mr. M. Bruce Vice-principal: Mr. R. Campbell Vice-principal: Mr. K. Jacob
Email: miles@retsd. mb. ca

Web: www. miles. retsd. mb. ca

7 January 2016

Reference Letter on behalfof Samantha-RaeAdamson

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great pleasurethat I write this letter of recommendation for Samantha-Rae

Adamson, who was my student teacher at Miles Macdonell Collegiate during the 2014-2015
school year. During this period she very capably taught computer science.
Ms Adamson is to be commended for her professionalism concern for her students, and
quality of instruction. She plans well and works diligently at being organised. Her
preparation, each day, is thorough and the results are evident. Her assignments, projects,
and tests are well conceived, quickly corrected, and promptly returned. I have found Ms
Adamson to be uniquely resourceful and adaptive.

Student respect is obvious in her classroom. She deeply cares about her students and they
look to her for approval and guidance. Her approach to teaching is student centred that
generated a warm and close rapport with her classes as well as our faculty. As an educator
for 35 years and one who is profoundly interested in developing high quality teachers, I
strongly endorse Ms Adamson.

Ms Adamson has the intellect, passion, and communicative skills to be an outstanding

teacher, and I recommend her without reservation.

Brian W. Dentry

creating student success

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