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Assessment Task

Year: Year 9
Course: Photographic and Digital Media
Title: Still Life Photography
Date due: Term 1, Week 11 (Monday 4th April)
Weightin Making 20%

Critical & Historical Interpretations 10%

Outcomes Photographic and Digital Media

to be 5.1 Develops range and autonomy in selecting and applying
photographic and digital
conventions and procedures to

make digital works.

5.3 Makes photographic and digital works informed by an
understanding of how the frames affect meaning.
5.4 Investigates the world as a source of ideas, concepts and
subject matter for photographic and digital works.
5.7 Applies their understanding of aspects of practice to critically
and historically interpret photographic and digital works.
5.8. Applies understanding of the relationship between artist,
photograph, world and audience when studying artworks.
Descripti Making 20%
on of the Complete and submit the following IN CLASS tasks for marking:
task: 1. Pinhole camera image.
2. Photogram (negative) image using wet photography
3. Photogram image using digital scanning technology that
uses the Structural and Subjective Frame to combine images
that communicate a story about you.
4. a) Produce a series of three LOW KEY still life photographs of
the SAME subject in the style of Edward Weston.
b) Produce a series of three HIGH KEY still life photographs of
the SAME subject (different subject to previous series)
All photographs are to be Monochrome (black and white), printed
onto photographic paper, mounted for display and be presented
as a triptych.

Critical &
Research Task: Edward Weston
Critical & Historical Interpretations 10%
Complete and submit the following IN CLASS task for marking:
1. Choose ONE of the still life photographers in the
Powerpoint to researchch further.
2. Research the life and art practice of that photographer
3. Use the CONCEPTAL FRAMEWORK scaffolding on the
following page, to to analyse their STILL LIFE
4. Each component of the conceptual framework diagram
should contain at least 5 key points.
5. Include a comprehensive Bibliography.
6. Present your findings in the form of a PowerPoint


Submit your CLASS WORK along with your Photography Journal.
Your Journal should
include documentation of your inspiration from artists, your
thoughts and
ideas, and other images. It should also include an evaluation of
your own artwork.
Critical and Historical Interpretations
This Research Assignment is to be completed at home.
Final submission should take the form of a Powerpoint
presentation. Your Powerpoint presentation should be emailed
directly to your classroom teacher on or by the due date
labelled with your name and VA class on the FILE.
A printout of your Powerpoint with two slides per page must also
be submitted on due date.

Assessment guidelines: Rules

If a student is aware that he/she will be absent for any time
during the
Assessment period, they must notify the teacher.
If you are absent on the day of your assessment task you must
contact the school.
When you return to school you must submit a doctors certificate
to the Year Advisor.
Marking See attached sheet


Research Assignment
Name of photographer you will research
Requirements of this assessment




From your research, write
about the life and art of
Edward your chosen

Collect and present a
gallery of five (5) STILL LIFE
Identify the artwork

Structural Frame
Materials & Techniques
Visual Qualities

1 - 2 paragraphs
(A paragraph is
approximately 4 full


Where was the artist born?
Where do they live?
Where did they study art?
Why did the artist make
this artwork?
Why was he famous?
Find five (5) major points
about his career and how it
Why is each point relevant
and interesting?
Find and collect three
quotes by the photographer
that explain his intentions
and practice (ie how and
why he works)
Use these quotes to explain
what they look for in a
subject and WHY they love

A4 in size

Detailed and coloured

Label each artwork

Where is the artwork

2 paragraphs per
Your paragraphs should
flow, rather than simply
answer each question.

Analyse two (2) of your

What media (materials)
have been used to make
this artwork?
What methods (techniques)
have been used by the
List the steps involved to
make the artwork.
Describe the visual qualities of
the artwork.

How has line or shape been

How has colour been
How has texture been
Collect three quotes by the
photographer that explain
his intentions and practice,
how and why he works.
Use these quotes to explain
what Weston looks for in a


1 paragraph


1 paragraph



subject and why they loves

Who is the audience?
Where would you expect to
find this artwork?

What was the photographer

trying to communicate
about his world?
What has influenced the
artists art making practice?
Use the guidelines found on Please note, the top mark
pages 48-49 of your RHAC
on your marking grid for
Handbook to reference.
this section asks for a
range of sources.
Consider creative
presentation techniques.
Allow your slides to reflect
the topic and their
photographic style.

Pinhole Camera Image

Technical Skill
Demonstrates solid technical skills incorporating technical refinement
and varied tonal variety.
Demonstrates good technical skills incorporating technical refinement
and varied tonal variety.
Demonstrates competent technical skills incorporating technical
refinement and varied tonal variety.
Demonstrates basic technical skills incorporating technical refinement
and varied tonal variety.
Demonstrates very limited technical skills
Photogram - Wet Photography
Technical skill
Demonstrates solid technical skills incorporating technical refinement
and varied tonal variety.
Demonstrates good technical skills incorporating technical refinement
and varied tonal variety.
Demonstrates competent technical skills incorporating technical
refinement and varied tonal variety
Demonstrates basic technical skills incorporating technical refinement
and varied tonal variety
Demonstrates very limited technical skills
Photogram - digital scanning technology
Technical Skill and use of story
Demonstrates highly-developed technical skills incorporating refinement,
discrimination and moderation. Images are combined and developed to
communicate a clear story to the audience.
Demonstrates developed technical skills incorporating technical
sensitivity and moderation, although some aspects are refined while
others are overworked. Images are generally combined and developed to
communicate a clear story to the audience.
Demonstrates competent technical skills. Displays technical proficiency

Mark /5

Mark /5

Mark /10

yet inconsistent throughout the work. Some combining and developing of

images to create a story.
Demonstrates some basic technical skill, although there are frequent
inconsistencies in technical discrimination or moderation. Images and
symbols lack complexity but story is evident.
Demonstrates very limited technical skills. Little or no story
Low Key Photographic Series
Technical Skill
Mark /10
Demonstrates highly-developed technical skills incorporating technical
refinement, discrimination and moderation.
Varied tonal values and Composition are used in a sophisticated way to
create mood.
Demonstrates developed technical skills incorporating technical
sensitivity and moderation, although some aspects are refined while
others are overworked.
Varied tonal values and Composition are used in a thoughtful way to
create mood
Demonstrates competent technical skills. Displays technical proficiency
yet inconsistent throughout the work.
Varied tonal values and Composition are used in a competent way to
create mood
Demonstrates some basic technical skill, although there are frequent
inconsistencies in technical discrimination or moderation.
Some use of varied tonal values and Composition to create mood
Demonstrates very limited technical skills
Photograph does not display qualities of LOW KEY photography
High Key Photographic Series
Technical skill
Mark /10
Demonstrates highly-developed technical skills incorporating technical
refinement, discrimination and moderation.
Varied tonal values and Composition are used in a sophisticated way to
create mood.
Demonstrates developed technical skills incorporating technical
sensitivity and moderation, although some aspects are refined while
others are overworked.
Varied tonal values and Composition are used in a thoughtful way to
create mood
Demonstrates competent technical skills. Displays technical proficiency
yet inconsistent throughout the work.
Varied tonal values and Composition are used in a competent way to
create mood
Demonstrates some basic technical skill, although there are frequent
inconsistencies in technical discrimination or moderation.
Some use of varied tonal values and Composition to create mood
Demonstrates very limited technical skills
Photograph does not display qualities of HIGH KEY photography
Mark /10
Demonstrates highly-developed ability to research and analyse chosen
artworks using the Frames and Conceptual Framework. Content is
insightful, relevant, clearly written and meets the minimum length
Demonstrates developed ability to research and analyse chosen artworks
using the Frames and Conceptual Framework. Content is relevant, clearly
written and meets the minimum length requirements.
Demonstrates competent ability to research and analyse chosen artworks
using the Frames and Conceptual Framework. Content is mostly relevant
and mostly meets the minimum length requirements.
Demonstrates basic ability to research and analyse chosen artworks using
the Frames and Conceptual Framework. At times responses lack
significance to the question, or do not meet the minimum length

Demonstrates limited ability to research and analyse chosen artworks

using the Frames and Conceptual Framework. Responses lack significance
to the question, do not meet the minimum length requirements or are
Presentation and Bibliography
Demonstrates sophisticated and informative presentation of material
that creatively reflects the task set. Assignment is neat and information is
structured clearly. Evidence of extensive research of task through factual
and informative content and inclusion of a detailed bibliography showing
research from a range of sources.
Demonstrates developed presentation techniques of material that reflects
the task set. Assignment is neat and information is structured clearly.
Evidence of developed research of task through factual and informative
content and inclusion of a bibliography showing research from a range of
Demonstrates competent and presentation techniques of material that
more generally reflects the task set. Assignment is generally neat and
writing is clear but lack refinement in some areas. Evidence of research of
task through content and inclusion of a bibliography.
Demonstrates basic presentation techniques that at times reflect the task
set. Assignment is generally complete but little consideration of
presentation evident. Evidence of research of task through content but
incomplete or minimal bibliography.
Demonstrates very limited presentation techniques that does not reflect
the task set. Assignment is not complete or little consideration of
presentation evident. No bibliography included.

Mark /5


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