Fracture Toughness

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Fracture Toughness and Related Characteristics of the Cryogenic Nickel Steels Inco Fopsned rom Welding Researen Counc Buln 205, May 1975, Fracture Toughness and Related Characteristics of the Cryogenic Nickel Steels by A. W. Pense and R. D. Stout Abstract Introduction... Historical Development .. Effects of Nickel Recent Trends Purpose and Scope Metallurgical Characteristics........ ‘Transformations Practical Heat Treat Effeets of Weld Evaluation Methods and Criteria Properties of Interest . Static Tension Tests, Fracture Toughness Tests - ‘The Charpy Test : ‘The Drop-Wé Linear Elastic Fracture Tough Grack-Opening Displ Curve Tests Fatigue Tests .... Significant Criteria for Crvox Evaluation ‘The Low-Nickel Steels .........6600000005 Specifications .. ‘Tensile Properties Effect of Temperature Effect of Heat Treatment and Plate ‘Thickness ....-. aoe Bifect of Cold Deformation and ‘Aging Effect of Welding Notch Toughness Charpy Test Results Drop-Weight Test Results Fracture Toughness Test Results Effect of Strain Aging CONTENTS 2 Fatigue Strength. 18 ‘Summary. 19 2 ‘The Higher Nickel Steels . 19 2 Specitcations 8 3 Tensile Properiies 2 2 Bifect of Heat Treatment and Thickness... 20 Effect of Temperature . .... we B 3 Bffect of Cold Deformation and Aging ..... 24 A Effect of Welding 24 5 Notch and Fracture Toughsiess . Charpy Test Results .. 6 Drop:Weight and Dynamic Tear Test A Results . é Fracture Toughness Test Results 6 Dynamic Fracture Toughness a Effect of Strain Aging 7 Effect of Welding ..... Q Fatigue Strength. 3 Summary. {2 Assessment of the Cryogenic Nickel Steels o Rationale of the Assessment. un ‘Tensile Properties ...... 7 Fatigue Properties Notch Toughness an B Fracture Toughness Sap Survey of the Fracture Toughness Data........ 35 12 Flaw Size Allowable Stress Relations IF ‘The 9% Nickel Steels .......0.cccceceeee 37 Be A645 Steel cectettetevenrtereees 81 M ‘A203 Steels ss. SD gr 5 Summary. 38 Suggested Research ...... 38 12 Acknowledgments . 39 17 References ........ 39 17 Table A—Conversion Factors for 18 Property Values =... 2 Effect of Welding Cryogenic Nickel Steels 1 Abstract. A large volume of data concerning the 2%, 34 5 and 9% nickel stels, corresponding to ASTM specifications ‘A203 Grades A and D, A353, A553 Type I, and A645, has been collected from the open literature and private sources ‘The mechanical-property data collected include tensile- test properties at ambient and cryogenic temperatures, notch toughness, fracture toughness and fatigue strength, A brief description of each of the testing methods used and ‘their significance to cryogenic service are included. Tables and figures summarizing the data are presented. The strengths and toughnesses required by the respective ASTM steel specifications and ASTM specification A593, are normally met or exceeded by the steels. For the lower nickel steels, gains in toughness can be obtained by ‘quenching and tempering rather than normalizing. "The effects of fabrication operations such as cold wo hheat treatment and welding on the mechanical properties are considered. In general the effects of cold work and welding on the tensile properties of the cryogenic nickel steels are small. In the case of 2% and 3% nickel steels, the notch toughness is adversely affected by cold forming and aging but little influenced by welding operations. Subs {quent thermal stress-relief treatments will restore the orig inal toughness. Conversely, the notch and fracture tough- ness of the higher nickel steels are relatively insensitive to ‘cold forming, but are reduced in weld heat-affected zones produced by high heat inputs. The fatigue properties of the eryogenic steels appear to fit the typical scatter band ob- tained for structural steels, and cryogenic crack-growth rates are not significantly different from those at room temperature “An attempt has been made to evaluate the critical flaw at design-stross levels for the steels as a function of ‘temperature and stress concentration. For the lower nickel steels it was concluded that A203 Grade A steel should be ited to service temperatures above ~75° F (~58° C) and ‘A203 Grade D should be limited to service temperatures above ~110° F (~73° C), When quenched and tempered, the service temperature for these steels can be reduced by about 25° F (14° C). For the higher nickel steels, leak-be- fore-break behavior may he predicted for most expected cryogenic applications. For example, the A353 and A553 ‘Type I steels will meet this criterion at ~320° F in 1.5 in (88 mm) plate for a design stress of 25 ksi (172 MPa) and a stress concentration of K, = 2. The A645 steel will meet ‘these same requirements at a service temperature of ~275° F (170°) Introduction Historical Development ‘The benefits of nickel as an alloying element in low-carbon steel to enhance low-temperature notch toughness have been recognized since the turn of the century.! The use of low temperatures for processing, and handling materials such as petroleum products and liquified gases has increased markedly in the past 25 years, and the cryogenic field (generally de- fined as temperature below ~150° F or ~100° C) has. spurred interest in the capabilities of the nickel steels. An early systematic study was conducted by Serge- son? on the low-temperature properties of 2, 314, and 5% nickel steels. By 1936, the 214% Ni steel was standardized by ASTM as A203 Grade A for use as a Netatorg and R, 8, Souk Dean a the Seplate thor Uchigh Unensy. Behihem: be ioe ofthe Welding Research Counell constructional steel in applications to ~50° F (—45° ©). The 34% Ni steel was adopted later as A203 Grade D for temperatures down to ~150° F (~100° ©). In 1942 the International Nickel Company devel- oped a 9% Ni steel? with useful notch toughness down to liquid-nitrogen temperatures, and in 1960 “Opera- tion Cryogenics” * served as a public demonstration that this steel provided a tough welded pressure ves- sel at —320° F (~196° C) without the need for post- weld heat treatment. Since then, investigations of cryogenic nickel steels have been intensified, most re- cently in connection with the storage and transport- ing of liquified natural gas. Effects of Nickel ‘The ability of nickel to improve the low-tempera ture properties of low-carbon steels has been associ ated with several observed effects. Essentially these effects involve the ferrite grain size, carbide distribu- tion, generation of dislocations, and with higher Ni content, the retention of austenite. Since ferrite is the predominant phase in low-car- bon steel, its grain size has an important effect on the notch toughness of the steel. Nickel has been found® to exert a refining effect on the ferrite grain size. By hardenability effect, nickel suppresses procutec- toid ferrite and favors bainitic and martensitic struc tures of higher notch toughness. Also in solid solu tion, nickel is reported? to facilitate dislocation gen- eration at low temperatures and thus lower flow stresses relative to the cohesive strength level with resultant gain in toughness. At higher nickel levels, the transformation temperature range is lowered and considerable retained austenite may be present to en- hance noteh toughness, Recent Trends Design requirements of recent applications impose more rigorous levels of performance of cryogenic steels both in fracture toughness and in fatigue resis- tance. These are being met by improved impurity control, fabrication procedures and inspection, and techniques of heat treatment. In addition, moditfica- tions of the basic nickel-steel compositions have been proposed, such as the addition of manganese, rare earths, and mieroalloys. Purpose and Seope Purpose ‘This report is intended to summarize the available information published in the last 15 years about the mechanical properties of steels containing 2%4 to 9% Ni designed for low-temperature and eryogenic appli- cations. Further, this information is evaluated criti cally to put a current view of the range of usefulness of these steels at the disposal of practitioners in the field ‘The mechanical properties considered in this re port include static strength, notch toughness, frac: ture toughness, and fatigue strength as affected by 2 WRE Bulletin 205, ‘composition, thickness, heat treatment, and fabrica- tion operations such as cold forming and welding. ‘Special emphasis is put upon the fracture toughness characteristics of the steels, this property that determines the limitations of design stresses and of temperatures of service more than any other. Reli able information is essential for the safe application of the steels at cryogenic temperatures. Scope ‘The succeeding sections of the report encompass the following material: 1. The nickel steels considered: ASTM, A202 Grade A (2% Ni), A203 Grade D (345% Ni), A645 (6.5% Ni, 0.25 Mo), A353, and A553 Grades A and B (9% Ni). 2. The physical metallurgy of the nickel steels rel- ative to their microstructures and resulting low-tem- perature properties. The effects of composition and heat treatments on microstructure. 3. The effects of processing, including melting practice, cold forming, and welding on microstructure and properties. 4. The testing methods and performance criteria used to evaluate the nickel steels, weld metals, and welded joints. 5. Presentation and critical analysis of the me- chanical property data in tables and charts. Relation of test properties to service limitations. Suggested re- search, Metallurgical Characteristics ‘Transformations ‘The effects of nickel as an alloying element in low- carbon steels are more readily understood by exami nation of the Fe-Ni binary equilibrium diagram. Figure 1 shows the relevant portion of the diagram, from which it is evident that additions of nickel to iron progressively lower the transformation tempera. ture of gamma to alpha iron until it eventually is sup- pressed completely. ‘The As temperature widens to a ange of temperatures as nickel is increased, so that, above 7% Ni the alloys do not become completely fe ritic at any temperature. The presence of 0.10-0.15% carbon alters phase relationships primarily by the formation of carbides in those temperature-composi- tion domains where ferrite is a component phase. It is important to realize that the phase transformations become extremely sluggish at lower temperatures and thus equilibrium conditions are not ordinarily at- tained. ‘A more specific method of describing the behavior of the series of nickel steels is by way of isothermal (IT) or continuous cooling (CCT) transformation di- agrams. Representative diagrams for 2%, 3%, 5, and 9% Ni steels are shown in Figs. 2 to 6. It is evident that the 2%% Ni steel (A203A) behaves much as a low-carbon steel except for a moderate slowing of transformation reactions, ie., some increase in har- Fe-Ni_ Iron-t 20304090 60798030 Wi Fig, 1—The iron-icke equlrium ckagram denability. The 314% Ni steel (A203) exhibits a low- ering of transformation temperatures and further slowing of reaction’ rates. Neither of these low-Ni steels can be fully hardened in plate-gage thickness- es, as will be shown later. At 5% Ni plus 1% Mo the ‘transformations are noticeably altered. Martensite is formed at relatively slow cooling rates and complete ferrite-carbide formation needs extended exposure to 800-900* F (425-475° C). The 9% Ni steel falls into a separate category because of its tendency to retain some austenite at room temperature following the cooling in air from heat treatment temperatures of even thick plate sections. ‘The IT or CCT diagrams may be used to obtain a general picture of the metallurgical structures pro- duced by normalizing or quenching plates of various, thicknesses in each of the grades of nickel steel. The cooling rates to be expected at the mid-thicknesses of various plate thicknesses have previously been deter- mined® for both normalizing and spray-quenching treatments. Table 1 lists the rates for 'h, 1, 2, and 4- in, (13, 25, 61, and 102-mm) plates. When these rates are fitted to the diagrams, the microstructures that should form for each combination of steel composi- tion, plate thickness, and cooling method may be ap- proximated. Table 1 also contains the results of this, analysis. The constituents are listed in each case in the order of predominance to be expected. Naturally, heat variations may cause considerable departures from the structures projected in Table 1. It is evident from the table that A203 Grade A steel consists of ferrite-pearlite aggregates except for regions near the surface of quenched plates. The Cryogenic Nickel Steels 3 i Ltt ‘Time in Seconds 1 vanstrmation éagram fr 2% nickel ste! _F2—The isothermal transformation diagram for 31% nickel steal (estimated) “ft ~}=FF | | HT] me TET Tt so . TOTL Wt LLU * LT hel Te CTT hada Las Lac Eig Lali Lye wo Fg, 4—Thenthermal vanstormaton diagram or ASAS sae! ‘Fig. 5—The thermal vantematon dram for 9% ick sol ‘Table 1—Cooling Rates and Microstructures at Plate Midthickness of Normalized and Spray-Quenched Nickel Steels ——conling Rates for Normalized or Quenched Thickness, © F see ‘Thicknoss Vein, (18 mm) in, (25 mm) Zin, (61 mm) 60 (83°C) 20 11° C) 74°C) 20°C) 10.5) 0.50.30) Microstructures Produced in Ni-Steel Plates at Midthickness Stel— Plate ‘Treatment "A2034 A203 Main Norm, rep FeP 8a. MFP MFP Lin, Norm, Fee PRP SQ FP, (Mt?) E,M,P 2 in, Norm, Fee Fes 8a REP PEP tin, Norm. Fee Fee 8Q. FEP FEP Note: F = proeutectoid ferrite, P = pearlite, M artensite, B = bainite, A 4 WRC Bulletin 205 ‘A203 Grade D steel behaves similarly except that a hardening effect is exerted slightly deeper into the plate. For practical purposes, both steels can be con- sidered non-hardening and derive their properties from the characteristics of the ferrite-carbide micro- constituents. Ifthe A645 Grade were used in the nor- malized condition, it too would consist essentially of ferrite and carbide aggregates. However, a special se- ‘quence of heat treatments has been developed to pro- duce microstructures more effective in attaining de- irable cryogenic properties, as will be described later. The 9% nickel grades develop martensite over the full range of cooling rates with at least traces of retained austenite and with bainite volumes increas- ing as the cooling rate is reduced. These microstruc- tures are modified by further heat treatment for ser- vice applications Practical Heat Treatments ‘The specified heat treatment for the A203 grades is, normalizing, usually from 1650° F (900° C) for the 2496 Ni steels and from 1600° F (870° C) for the 314% Ni grade. Stress relieving is optional. It follows that, the properties of these steels are congruent with the properties of a fine-grained ferrite + pearlite aggre- gate. Nickel improves the notch toughness largely by its influence on the ferrite phase (fine grain size and dislocation generation). Quenching and tempering has been applied to these steels to produce finer ag- gregates of ferrite and carbide and raise both the strength and notch toughness. ‘A multiple-step heat treatment procedure has been developed? to optimize the low-temperature proper- ties of A645 steel. The steel is first water-quenched from 1600° F (870° C) to obtain martensite (+ ferrite in thicker plates). The steel is then “‘temperized” by heating to 1325-1400" F (720-760° C), resulting in partial reaustenitizing and, upon quenching, a char- acteristic interleaved pattern of acicular martensite and ferrite. Finally a “reversion anneal” at 1150- 1225° F (620-665° C) produces 5-10% austenite, tempers the remaining martensite, and upon water ‘quenching develops a ferrite-carbide-austenite struc- ture of maximum toughness. The small volume of au- stenite is thought to assist in raising notch toughness by acting as a sink for carbon and nitrogen that oth- ‘erwise would be distributed in the ferrite as carbides and nitrides. ‘As A353 grade, the 99% Ni steel is given a double normalizing treatment and tempered. The first nor- malizing at 1650° F (900° C) produces martensite and bainite. The second normalizing at 1450° F (790° ©) produces a fine-grained austenite that transforms to martensite and bainite. Tempering at 1050-1125° F (665-610° C) causes reversion to 10-15% austenite which is retained upon air or water cooling. It is this retained austenite which has been shown"? to be es- sential for high notch toughness down to liquid-nitro- gen temperatures. Under the A553 specification, the 9% Ni steel is water-quenched from 1475° F (800° C) and tempered at 1050-1125° F (565-610° C). A high- er yield strength results (85 ksi vs. 75 ksi) and Charpy-test impact values at ~310° F (-196° C) are also greater than those of double-normalized steel All these nickel steels are subject to a form of tem- per embrittlement if exposed to temperatures be- ‘tween 700 and 1000° F (370 and 540° C) for extended periods."! Excessive holding times during tempering of 9% Ni steel are also undesirable because of an un- stabilizing effect on the austenite that induces de- composition to fresh martensite upon cooling and lowers notch toughness. Effects of Welding In the fabrication of structures for cryogenic appli- cations by welding, a number of difficulties may be encountered. Stress-raisers may be introduced by im- proper design or by low-quality execution of the welding, producing undercut, lack of fusion, lack of penetration, porosity, or trapped inclusions. Cracking of the weld metal or of the base-metal heat-affected zone (HAZ) may be induced by hydrogen, sulfur, or other impurities or by excessive constraint upon the joint during welding. ‘The mechanical properties of the weld metal or of the HAZ may not match those of the base metal. Any of these shortcomings may result in a product that does not meet the service require- ments. ‘The metallurgical aspects of welding the nickel cryogenic steels are primarily concerned with the avoidance of cracking in the welded joint and with the maintenance of acceptable properties in the weld ‘metal and HAZ. In the past, hot cracking of nickel- containing weld metals was @ recurring problem; now it is well understood that restriction of impurities, such as sulfur and phosphorous, to low levels (<0.01%) is essential to sound welds. Since the nickel steels have enough carbon and hardenability to be susceptible to hydrogen-induced cracking, they must. be welded with low-hydrogen-potential processes. Preheating to 200-300° F (100-150° C) is helpful in avoiding hydrogen or restraint cracking. ‘The thermal cycle imposed on the base metal vici- nal to the weld disturbs the heat-treated microstruc- ture and raises a question whether the mechanical properties are locally impaired. Next to the fusion line, the metal is heated to peak temperatures caus- ing grain growth, and the cooling that follows, slow or fast depending on the heat input and the section thickness, induces transformation products that may differ from the original condition. Fortunately, in the nickel steels these changes are not generally serious when recommended welding procedures are followed. In particular, good practice calls for limiting the level of heat input and the use of multiple-pass welding. At moderate heat inputs, dwell time at peak temper- atures is short, so that grain growth is restricted both in degree and in the volume of metal affected. The cooling rate is rapid enough to produce fine ferrite- carbide structures or martensite, depending on the Cryogenic Nickel Steels 5 steel composition. The reheating cycles accompa- nying multiple-pass deposits partially refine the coarsened structure and temper hardened regions. ‘Thus the properties of the HAZ may not be altered significantly by welding. Tn the low-nickel steels (A203 grades), the HAZ will contain appreciable proeutectoid ferrite and lit- tle or no martensite. If the carbon content is on the high side of the specification, high hardness areas ‘may be produced, however. In this case postweld heat treatment at 1100-1150° F (590-625° C) may be de- sirable to obtain a tempering effect. In the 5% and 9% Ni steels, the HAZ will become essentially mattensitic, tempered in some parts by the multiple passes. At the low carbon level charac- teristic of these steels, the martensite retains a high degree of toughness and postweld heat treatment is not necessary. Evaluation Methods and Criteria Properties of Interest A perennial problem not yet entirely resolved is that of deciding what, mechanical properties are sig- nificant to the service conditions to be imposed on the steel, and at what level they should be specified in order to assure satisfactory service performance. For service below room temperatures, tests are com- monly specified to measure static tensile properties, be informative, test conditions must be representa- tive of the anticipated service temperatures, stress pattern, loading rates and of the material section size, metallurgical condition, and variability. Some of these requirements are met by the specimen design and testing technique; others are met by multiple specimens subjected to controlled variations of tem- perature, loading, pretreatment, or sampling loca- tion In this section the intention is to describe briefly tthe testing methods used to measure the mechanical properties of interest in cryogenic steels, their capa- bilities and limitations, and the approaches that have been used to interpret test results, Static Tension Tests ‘The testing procedures and specimen dimensions for static tension testing are so long established and clearly defined by specifications such as ASTM E8 and A370 that they need not be reproduced here. For cryogenic steels it is relevant to obtain information ‘on the tensile properties at temperatures expected in service. ‘The yield and tensile strengths are used to limit design stresses if brittle fracture is not a con- trolling factor, while elongation and reduction of ares are specified primarily to assure uniform steel quali- ty, ‘As will be evident in a following section, knowledge of the yield strength as a function of temperature and of strain rate is helpful in the analysis of relations ‘among toughness, critical flaw size, and stress limits. Strain measurements during testing require more elaborate techniques if they are to be accurate under conditions of very low temperatures or of high strain rates. Useful techniques have been described else- where.!? Fracture Toughness Tests ‘The problems associated with brittle fracture have received massive attention with the result that the mechanisms and controlling factors have been exp cated satisfactorily in general terms. What is still lacking is the ability to translate test results quanti- tatively to the prediction of the service performance of a particular structure subjected to particular ser- vice conditions. This situation applies especially to materials that behave in an elastic-plastic mode at locations in the structure involving stress concentra- ions (flaws, fillets, connections, etc.). The nickel cryogenic steels fall into this category. Since the goal of test specimen design is to approximate the most severe stress pattern and loading conditions that are anticipated in the service structure, the trend has been toward full-section specimens containing flaws with fatigue-sharpened roots and dynamic loading. For the low-nickel steels, at least, the determination of quantitative fracture-toughness values is probably less significant than the temperature range in which transition from high to low values takes place be- ‘cause of the abruptness of the transition. ‘The Charpy Test (ASTM E23 and A370) Despite the objections that have been leveled at the Charpy test because of its small size and inade- quate notch severity, it has persisted as the most, commonly used test for notch toughness, mainly be- ‘cause it is economical, convenient, and familiar to en- sgineers. ‘The limitation of the standard V-notch Charpy test lies in the failure of the Charpy transition tem- perature range of a given steel to correlate exactly with the temperature below which a service structure of the same steel becomes unreliable in resisting brit- tle fracture. This shortcoming is shared more or less, however, by other notch-toughness tests. It can be used to estimate fracture toughness parameters of limited shear-energy absorption. Consequently the Charpy test is often used as a check of material quali- ty and uniformity after the toughness requirements of the application and the suitability of the type of steel have been established by other testing methods. Attempts have been made to extend the utility of the Charpy test by enhancing the acuity of the notch,!* by constraining plasticity at the specimen sides! and by instrumenting the machine! to pro- duce load-deflection data from the test. Both cold pressing and fatigue cracking have been investigated for sharpening the notch, with mixed success depend- ing on what was being sought. The effect of notch 6 WRC Bulletin 205 sharpening is most noticeable on the Charpy curve at the low end of the transition range, thus tending to produce a steeper transition curve and higher transi- tion temperatures as indexed by energy levels below one-half of the values on the shear plateau. Fracture toughness values have been estimated on the basis of energy or load-deflection curves obtained from fa tigue-cracked instrumented Charpy tests. ‘At this stage in the development of fracture me- chanics based design, sole reliance is no longer placed on conventional Charpy values for assessing the suit- ability of materials for critical applications. The cryogenic nickel steels must therefore meet require- ‘ments that are defined by more sophisticated tests, but it eannot be assumed that procedures are so firm- ly established that all uncertainties have been r moved. The Charpy test is by no means defunct, and it will be used in conventional or modified form for some time to come especially for quality control, ‘The Drop-Weight Test (ASTM E208) If the Charpy test can be considered a crack-initis tion test since most of the energy absorption occurs up to the crack-growth stage, the drop-weight test is essentially a crack-propagation test in which a run- ning crack is imposed on the steel by the brittle hard- facing weld bead and the resistance of the steel to the propagation of the crack determines the go—no go result. With this basic difference in test conditions recognized, it should not be surprising that the two tests do not exhibit a 1 to I correlation of transition temperatures. Approximate relationships can be es- tablished between the two tests for clearly defined grades of steel. In the drop-weight test, a standard specimen of the material is subjected to dynamic loading with erack- ing emanating from a flaw (hard-facing bead) roughly Yin, (6-mm) deep and '4-in, (13-mm) wide at a stress level above yield strength. The loading is abruptly ended by a stop after about 2% deformation in the outer fibers. If the notch ductility of the steel is sufficient to restrict crack growth from reaching the specimen edges during the loading period, the test temperature is above the NDT (Nil Ductility Transition). Although nil ductility behavior is described as @ material parameter, it has been shown'® to be sensi- tive to specimen dimensions. Specimen thickness, width, and span length all exert an influence on NDT. An interesting relation has been demonstrated between NDT and section thickness: a linear varia- tion of NDT with the reciprocal of the square root of thickness. Parallel behavior has been shown by other transition temperature tests such as Charpy, van der Veen, Kinzel, compact tension, and wide-plate tests. ‘Thus itis clear that greater inherent toughness is re- quired of the material if it is to exhibit sufficiently low transition temperatures as the section thickness is increased whether in test or in service. An analo- fracture toughness tests in the following sections. Linear Blastie Fracture Toughness Tests The linear-elastic fracture mechanies approach to the design against fracture is basically one in which a critical “stress intensity” is determined that will cause fracture instability due to the presence of a crack. The elastic stress field in the vicinity of a crack tip can be described by a single term parameter des- ignated as the “stress intensity factor.” It is a fune- tion of the flaw geometry and the nominal stress act in the region in which the flaw resides. Therefore, if the relationship between the stress intensity factor and the pertinent external variables (applied stress and flaw size) are known for a given structural geom- ‘etry containing a particular defect, the stress intensi- ty in the region of the crack-tip can be established from knowledge of the applied stress and flaw size alone. A critical value of the stress intensity factor, con- ventionally designated K., can be used to define the critical crack-tip stress condition for failure. For the ‘opening mode of loading (tension stresses perpendic- ular to the major plane of the flaw) under plane- strain conditions (strain under constraint that pre- vents any strain in the direction parallel to the crack front) the critical stress intensity factor for fracture instability is designated as Kr. For steels that can develop @ region of plastic de formation at the crack tip, the instability event is ba. sically related to a plastic strain limit (ductility) of ‘the metal crystals located in the plastic zone when stored energy is present. Unstable crack movement, ‘occurs when the plastic zone reaches a critical size; the larger the plastic zone size attained ahead of the fracture, the more energy is consumed in propagating the fracture and the tougher the material. If sp. men dimensions are such that the plastic zone size is very small compared to the flaw size, the fracture toughness measured is the lowest possible value, Krc, that will be exhibited by the metal. It is on this basis, that Ki is considered a fundamental material pa- rameter. ‘Analysis by linear elastic fracture mechanics is ac- ‘curate provided that the plastie zone at the tip of the ‘erack is small compared with the general specimen dimensions. As the ratio of plastic zone size to speci- ‘men size increases, linear elastic fracture mechanies methods become inapplicable. For constructional steels of heavy section thickness, plastic constraint, due to thickness may produce plane-strain conditions even in normally high plasticity materials. Measure- ments of Ki. in these materials would then be a po- tentially useful tool in fracture control, since it is a minimum level of toughness that could be expected under the most adverse stress states. Linear elastic fracture toughness tests have been designed to restrict the plasticity allowed during the test. A typical specimen, normally fatigue-cracked and loaded in tension to failure, is seen in Fig. 6. This, Cryogenic Nickel Steels 7 R20.25 ‘O © | = w 1.26w be ke + Sigey Y= 29.61% 1017.0¢ = 198,209 6 88.70% ee Saati Soe Fe + Lood ot Fracture @ = crack Lengin erro lve ~ Zepty sate t Teste E = Young's Modutue * Be = con et Mex Loss Me + Mor Lood Gage Opening Displace Syas Yield Strength Y's Const., about 2.34 for %y = 0.5 Fig. 6 Compact tension specimen and displacement gage specimen, called the Compact Tension specimen, is accepted under the ASTM designation E3991" and is normally used to measure fracture toughness of steel when limited plastic straining occurs prior to frac- ture. ‘An alternate specimen under the same specitica- tion, the bend specimen, is seen in Fig. 7. In some re- spects, particularly when dynamic rather than static tests are to be undertaken, the bend specimen is somewhat easier to test (dynamic test results—Kip— are relatively scant), ‘The Ki. derived from the testis calculated as indi- cated in Figs. 6 and 7. The erack length, a, duced by mechanically notching the speci then extending the notch by fatigue loading to the specified limit. The load conditions under which the notch is extended are strictly controlled. Tests are normally run at the temperature of service, but may be run over a range of temperatures. The derived Ky. value is then used in analytical expressions relating service flaws and geometries to the allowable stresses. ‘The validity requirements applicable to the linear clastic fracture mechanics test data as established by ASTM standard E399 are as follows:* a > 25(Kj./9,, a) BE WK Joy @ a = (0.45 to 0.55)W @) = Oahar tai are alo null applied othe shape ofthe nd dela iment carve andthe specimen crac Conguration 4 era eo: —— wi re crcl Rsidonce Cipn apiccerent Gove kes BEay Yor 29(%ye 46 Oy + 21.8 Gy = sre Gk + 387 yh Ws Specimen Wisin B= Specimen Thickness Pe * Load at Frosture $2 Soon Ss ee Cee + cop at Max Loe E+ Young's Mogulus Me + Mo Loca Goga Opening Displacement 1S Viele’ Strength 154 tor YW + 0.8 Fig. 7—Bend specimen and displacement gage Here, a jis crack length, B, specimen thickness, W, specimen depth, and oy, the 0.2% offset yield strength of the steel. ‘As may be seen from the above, the specimen thickness required for a valid Kie test result is related to the actual value of fracture toughness measured. ‘Thus, if for a given test a high value of Kj. in relation to the oye is achieved, it may mean that the test can- not be considered valid. It is therefore quite possible to run a series of fracture toughness tests and on evaluating the data discover that none of the tests is valid by linear elastic standards. The results of these tests measure K. rather than Kiz, If service imposes, conditions of higher restraint, a lower value, perhaps approaching a valid Kr., may hold, and calculations based on the erroneously high K. value might not avoid fracture failures. On the other hand, there are some materials, cer- tain eryogenic steels being good examples, for which either toughness is so high or section sizes normally sufficiently thin that Ke values will never be ob- tained. The fact that full plane strain conditions cai not be achieved does not, in practice, have to elimi nate the results of such tests from consideration. Pro- vvided the application of such steels is known and de- sign considerations taken into account, Ke values ob- tained on the heaviest thickness of the material to be used can serve, with appropriate safeguards, as a use- ful fracture criteria. The only real requirement is that the K- value obtained realistically reflects the thick- ind stress state to be expected in service, and that the plasticity produced in the failure not be such that excessive yielding of the specimen violates the basis for the linear elastic characterization. Exactly when this point is reached is still a matter of some debate, e WRC Bulletin 205 ‘ te é twostnun $02 3 teed) DISPLACEMENT = v, CLIP GAGE Fig, @—Typical tracture toughness ost curves Crack Opening Displacement Tests (COD) One of the tests which has been developed to mea- sure toughness under conditions of high plasticity is the Crack Opening Displacement Test. In this test, specimens which do not meet the requirements for linear elastic fracture toughness can still be used to measure crack toughness under conditions which may be more characteristic of many structural appli- cations. ‘The specimen used for these tests need not be different in configuration or size from that seen in Figs. 6 and 7 but may merely utilize different tough- ness criteria than those normally applied to the test. data. For example, when making tests of fracture ‘toughness using the Kj. approach, the load on the specimen is plotted against the specimen clip-gage opening displacement as seen in Fig. 8. Under condi- tions of little plastic deformation the specimen pro- duces a brittle fracture and the maximum load is used with the crack length for determination of frac- ture toughness. The clip gage opening displacement information is used only to determine that plastic yielding has not occurred in the specimen prior to Fracture. In COD tests, the clip gage opening at onset of fracture is measured and used to calculate the crack opening displacement at the crack tip, 5. The eal value of & at fracture, known as 6, is critical strain parameter analogous to the critical stress tensity parameter, Kj.. It should be noted that in both these types of tests the fracture toughness spec- imen has a fatigue-crack sharpened notch to serve as the sharp-ended flaw required by the analysis. ‘The value of é, is a calculated one. The most accu- rate formula to make such a calculation, derived from the work of Wells, is listed in Figs. 6 and 7. The crack ‘opening displacement concept supposes that prior to fracture, the material at the crack tip plastically strains to a very blunt crack, with almost a vertical wall at its tip. In reality, not all materials will behave this way, although many do. Thus the 6, is a measure of crack toughness in terms of the amount of plastic strain that a material will tolerate at a crack tip be- fore failure. Like K., the 6: can be related to stress and flaw size, and thus provide a quantitative mea- sure of allowable stress for each flaw size. The details of this test are found in B.S.I. DD19:1972.!° R-Curve Tests As a result of the need to develop tests for thin- section ductile materials, additional techniques mea- suring the resistance of a material to continued crack growth while the crack is slowly extending under stress have also been developed. Usually referred to as “R-curve” or crack-growth resistance curves, they are intended to take into account the fact that, as a cracked ction plate is loaded, a plastic zone develops in front of the crack that is proportional to the crack length. Thus, as a specimen is loaded, slow crack growth produces an increasing plastic zone size ‘and greater and greater resistance to fracture. The growth of the plastic zone, and hence crack growth resistance is dependent on specimen geometry. The resistance of the specimen to further crack growth is expressed as Ke (or in terms of fracture mechanics, stress intensity calculated as in Figs. 6 and 7) for each crack length produced by slow growth during the test. The data are expressed not by a single pa- rameter Ky. (for a thick section) or Ke (for a thin sec- tion) but by a curve of Kr vs. Aa, i.., the resistance of a crack to further growth at each crack extension. ‘The instrumentation for the test is somewhat differ ent than used for normal Ky. testing, in that a stiff loading system (ic., loading by wedging) is employed and testing is generally restricted to compact tension (Fig. 1) type specimens. Portions of the R-curve may bbe obtained in normal Ke tests if the test material is thin and ductile enough. Applications of R-curve tests are limited at the present time. The details of testing procedures and examples of R-curve applica- tion techniques are found in ASTM STP 527.1" Integral Tests The “J Integral” approach to fracture toughness testing is a third method of determining information about the fracture behavior of materials without going to the (sometimes) large size specimens re- quired to measure valid Kj. data by the methods of ASTM specification E399. In order to make such a determination, a new analytical procedure to de- seribe the crack tip region has been developed. This procedure results in a parameter, J, which has been described as the potential energy difference betwe two identically loaded bodies having similar but not identical crack sizes. This difference may therefore be interpreted as the energy available for crack ex- tension, J integral tests are generally made on speci- ‘mens similar or identical to those seen in Figs. 6 and 7, although in this case small specimens may be used (ie., the size of a Charpy impact specimen) ‘The value of the J integral lies in the fact that itis, believed to be directly relatable to Kre. ‘Thus, all of the information normally obtained from Kj. tests could be obtained from small specimens. Although Cryogenic Nickel Steels 9 erate weidrtgen SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS a [a] a] s lav 3 [5 | 3 | 26 | 67 ee a [us | 5 [os] is Fig, 8—The dynamic tear specimen the original method of J integral determination re- quired “several specimens and sophisticated test methods, approximation methods to measure J using single specimen (as in Fig. 7) have been developed. JTmay be estimated as follows: 2A J BX where J is as defined above, A is the ares under the load-deflection curve (Fig. 8) to maximum load, B is ‘the specimen thickness and L is the remaining un- cracked specimen ligament. The measured value of J may then be used to calculate Ki. by the relationship: pore 7= KF Here Kj. is the “fracture toughness” as defined ear- lier, E is Young’s modulus, and v is Poisson’s ratio. ‘Once again, there has not been extended application of the J integral as yet in the cryogenic field. Further details on the analytical aspects of the test and on test methods are found in ASTM STP 514 Part IL? ‘The Dynamic Tear Test ‘The Dynamic Tear or DT test is one that has evolved from a series of tests developed at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D. C. The pur: pose of this test is to develop @ transition in fracture behavior between brittle and ductile over a range of temperatures. In this sense, the test is not unlike the Charpy impact test, but is different in that the speci- men is larger (usually % in. thick); the crack run is longer (usually 1% in.) and the specimen has a sharp- fer notch (fatigue or weld cracked, or pressed). The ‘specimens used in this test are seen in Fig. 9. This, test differs from previous ones in that, whereas they are usually static, this testis always dynamic. Details of the test are given in NRL Report No. 7159, “Stan- Fig, 10—A typical DT curve dard Method for the S-inch Dynamic Tear Test.” ‘The transition in behavior can be characterized by fracture appearance or by impact energy; in recent work impact energy has been the preferred criterion Using impact energy has the advantage that the re- sults of the test can then be directly correlated to fracture toughness concepts. This is done through a series of semi-empirical relationships developed from data or plates for which Kip, DT impact energy, and Kye data were available. The procedure, although complicated, can be simply stated. The basic premise is that the test data, an example of which is seen in Fig. 10, takes the form of a sigmoidal energy vs tem- perature curve much like Charpy test data. The mid- point in energy of this curve occurs at a condition where a through-thickness crack in the section size tested would have to reach dynamic yield point stresses to propagate. This is interpreted to mean that the following condition is fulfilled where B is the section thickness and Kip and 0, are the dynamic fracture toughness and dynamic yield point, respectively. The dynamic yield point is esti- mated by adding 30 ksi to the static yield point. The energy mid-point provides a temperature, Y., at which Kip may be estimated. The procedures devel- ‘oped with the test also permit several other methods for determining (Ki./Y.) from either DT specimen fracture appearance or dynamic load-time measure- ‘ments made during the test. Recent publications suggest that a dynamic R-curve can be developed by using this test with specimens of different crack length,” and that Kz may be estimated from DT en- ergy/specimen area. A similar but less widely used dynamic behavior evaluation test is the Battelle Drop Weight Tear ‘Test. This test uses a full thickness specimen that is 10 WRC Bulletin 205 imilar to the dynamic tear except that it has fixed dimensions 3 X 12 in. (76 X 305 mm) and employs @ pressed notch as a crack starter. The specimen per- formance is judged on the basis of the fracture ap- pearance (¥ shear) and tear energy. Fatigue Tests Fatigue tests of the classical rotated smooth bar type are not covered in any ASTM specification. The commonly used specimen of this type, however, is a 34 in, (88 mm) long cylindrical bar with a diameter tapered from about 0.5 in. (12 mm) at the ends to a test section of about 0.3 in. (8 mm) at the bar center. This specimen is normally tested in a rotating test machine held between two flexible chucks so that a load may be applied to cause specimen deflection during the test. When the specimen is deflected any point on the specimen surface is brought first into tension and then into compression as the specimet rotated. Because the fatigue behavior of steels is quite dependent on the geometry of the specimen and, in practice, the stress system, the fabrication de- tails and the surface finish of the engineering compo- nent the specimen is to represent, a great number of fatigue tests are also run on specimens representing specific types of engineering applications. ‘The cyclic life of cryogenic steels, like other mate- rials, increases as the cyclic stress decreases until a stress is reached where the cyclic life becomes indefi- nitely large. This level is the “fatigue limit.” In typi- cal eryogenie fatigue design, the expected cyclic expe- rience of the engineering component is ascertained and the cyclic stress level set on the basis of the an- ticipated fatigue life requirement. When the cyclic stress history is uncertain, the stresses must be set at or below the fatigue limit. Because cryogenic temper- atures change fatigue behavior it is usually desirable to perform tests in the service temperature range. Since room temperature tests usually produce endur- ‘ance limits that are lower rather than higher than ‘those obtained at cryogenic temperatures, room tem- perature fatigue tests give conservative values, With the increasing interest in characterizing steels by fracture mechanies concepts, emphasis in fatigue testing of cryogenic steels has shifted to crack growth behavior. The reasoning behind this shift is two-fold. First, since most engineering components, contain some kind of flaw or discontinuity it is the crack growth, not the crack initiation, portion of the fatigue life that is of interest. Endurance limit tests summate both. Secondly, a fracture mechanics analy- sis of a component requires a knowledge of flaw sizes, at all points in the service life of the material. Since initial flaws grow by fatigue during this life, the rate of flaw growth, or erack propagation rate, must be mown to assess the flaw size at the end of life and censure that it does not exceed the critical fast-frac- ture flaw size for the material Fatigue erack growth rate tests usually are made using the fracture mechanics parameter, K, as the means of characterizing growth rate behavior. The variations in K, the AK, caused by variations in stress acting upon the flaw size, are correlated to the rate of crack growth by an expression of the type: 7 = AK" where a is crack length, N is the number of cycles, AK is the stress intensity factor range, and A and m are constants reflecting such variables as mean stress, material properties, and environment. Test spe ‘mens used in studies of this type can be similar to the cone shown in Fig. 6, or can be center-notched or cen- ter-cracked panels wide enough for a fatigue crack to grow through the specimen thickness and then later- ally toward the specimen edges. In the ease of speci- mens like those of Fig. 6, growth rates over a wide ange of AK can be determined. The total life of the component is determined by knowing or assuming an initial flaw size and, using the measured growth rate, integrating to find the total life. The center-cracked ide-plate specimen has an added advantage in that. an initial flaw of the size typical of fabrication defects ccan be placed in the specimen and the growth of the flaw to a critical size producing fast fracture can be observed. In this way not only crack growth informa- tion but also crack shape and final fast fracture infor- ‘mation may be obtained on the same specimen. Slenificant Criteria for Cryogente Materials Of the many design criteria and parameters that have been discussed in this report, not all are equally applicable to establishing the fracture behavior of cryogenic nickel steels. While the static mechanical properties such as tensile strength, or in some cases yield strength, are the conventional parameters used to determine what the maximum allowable stresses ray be, fracture toughness is the additional limiting factor that now becomes most critical. Strength and toughness requirements are interdependent since higher allowable stress levels in. these steels, achieved, for example, by increasing the static tensile strength, produce greater amounts of stored energy in the fabricated structure. This energy represents a greater potential driving force for fracture, and thus must be accompanied by increased fracture resis- tance. The static strength of steels increases as the temperature of service decreases. If these higher strength levels are employed to increase allowable stress levels in the cryogenic service temperature ange, the specified toughness levels must be compat- ible with the higher stresses. Relating notch toughness to the expectable service performance of a material is a most difficult engi neering task. Classical transition temperature behav- ior, in terms of Charpy V-notch or Drop-weight NDT values, isa suitable guide to determine if a given heat. of material is tougher or more frangible compared to other heats of the same material. While these tests, Cryogenic Nickel Steels n ‘Table 2—Compositional Requirements and Heat Treatment of ASTM AZ03 Steels Grae Thickness s A upto Zin. GL mm) 0.17 0.70 0.085 0.04 over 2-4 in. (61-102 mm) 020 0.80 0.035004 lover 4.6 in. (102-152 mm) 0:23 080 0.085 .04 B up to2 in. G1 mm) 021 0.700.035 04 over 2-4 in. (51-102 mm) 024 01800103504 lover 46 in. (102-152 mm) 025 0.80 0.035 0.04 Dpto 2 in. (1 mm) 017 0.700.035 004 over 24 in, (51-102 ohm) 0:20 0.80 0.08504 Eup to2 in. (Imm) 02 © 0.700.035 04 over 2-4 in, (51-102 mm) 023 © 08 = 0.085 Ook “A203 Chemical requirements: (ladle analysis) c Mn P ‘ All compositions are maximum unless range is stated. ‘Heat Treatment: All plates are to be treated to produce grain refinement by arm. ing, ‘Temperature for hot forming shall be equivalent to and not significantly in excess of normalizing temperature, Suitable normalizing temperature: A203 Grades A and B: 1650° F (900° C); A203 Grades D and B: 1600° F (870° C). usually fixed by a ductility criterion (i.e, Charpy lat- eral expansion or drop-weight nil ductility transi- tions) may assist in avoiding brittle behavior, they cannot predict quantitatively the behavior of a mate- rial in a service structure under conditions of measur- able but restricted ductility. Both laboratory testing and service fracture analy- sis have made it clear that design criteria must be employed that set allowable stress levels on the basis of appropriate fracture toughness test results. The fracture toughness tests described previously have been devised to enable the selection of safe design stresses and simultaneously provide a means by which fatigue behavior can be evaluated. Having fo- cussed attention on these tests, however, itis also im- portant to note that Krc tests do not seem wholly propriate. These are predicated on linear elastic be- havior (at least in theory) and thus do not accurately characterize the available toughness in materials at elastic-plastic range service temperatures. In most cases, the nickel steels are sufficiently tough to ren- der measurements of Kic values impossible except indirectly. Consequently tests measuring COD, K, J, or R-curve behavior should be the most fruitful for these steels. However, not all of these tests are well developed at this time, nor are they correlated closely with service behavior. The dynamic tear test could ‘also be used, but this provides fracture toughness in- formation only indirectly when compared to the frac- ture mechanics tests. The few data available from these tests for the nickel steels are gathered in this report ‘As will be shown later in this report, Ke or COD values curves will not, in themselves, be the end re sult of our analysis, That end result must be the specification either of maximum allowable crack or flaw sizes at a given design stress level or of a maxi- mum allowable stress level for a known flaw size. If this flaw size is based on an elastic-plastic criterion such as one of those mentioned above, critical flaw sizes or stress levels will be established on realistic material behavior 2 ‘The Low-Nickel Steels Specifications ‘The 2% and 314% nickel steels are covered by the ASTM A203 grades. In Table 2 are listed the compo- sition limits, thickness range and recommended heat treatments specified. Table 3 contains a summary of the mechanical properties required by the specifica- tions, and, for comparison, typical ranges of proper- ties®® to be expected in these steels. Notch-toughness supplementary requirements for these steels are set forth in ASTM Specification A593, ‘Tensile Properties Since the room temperature tensile properties of the 2% and 314% Ni steels are prescribed by specifica- tions, the items of interest in this survey are the changes in properties induced by test (service) tem- peratures, heat treatments, section size, cold defor- tion, and welding. Statistical data are unavailable for any of these factors, so that trends must be i ferred from tests on a limited number of heats. Data are more plentiful for the 3449 Ni grade than for the 2449 Ni grade. Effect of Temperature. In a study of the frac- ture toughness of the A203 grades, the tensile proper- ties of 1.65-in, (42-mm) A203 Grade A and 2-in. (51- mm) Grade D in the normalized and in the quenched and tempered conditions were determined over the temperature range from 75° F (25° C) to -250° F (=156° C). The results are shown in Figs. 11 and 12. "The increase in yield and tensile strengths is cons tently about 30 ksi (205 MPa) as temperature is low- ered from ambient to =250° F (~150° C), most of the rise occurring below ~150° F (—100° C). The invest gators found that the elongation rose about 159% and the reduction of area decreased about 10% with re- duced temperature. Effect of Heat Treatment and Plate Thickness. Although the A203 grades are specified to be heat, treated by normalizing, considerable attention has ‘been devoted to the properties that can be obtained bby use of water quenching and tempering, especi WRC Bulletin 205 ‘Table 3-Mechanical Property Requirements of ASTM A203 Steels, Tons requireme Grades A and D Grades B and E ‘Tensile strength 65 to 77 ksi (450-530 MPa) 10 to 85 ksi (480-585 MPa) Yield point, min 37 ksi (255 MPa) 40 ksi (273 MPa) Elongation in 8 in., min 19% 11% Elongation in 2in., min 23% 21% Notch toughness requirements (A599) —VelNotch Charpy Test Performance ‘Energy Requirement ——— 0 — Test Temperatures for Plates———— Sweet Grade "Aug. 8 spe. Minimum Tin, max (25 mm) Bin max (1 mm) Over 2 in. (61 mm) GradeA 13 felbf (17.53) 1OfeIbE 13.65) 90°F (-70°C) 90" F (70°C) = 75° F (60° C) Grade B 15 felbf 20:33) 12felbe 46.25) 90°F (70°C) 90 (70°C) = 75° F (—60° C) GradeD, 13 felbf 7.5) 10 felbe (13.65) —150°F (—100° C) —150° F (—100° C)_ —195° F (—85° C) Grade B15 feibf 20.33) 12 felbr (16.25) —150°F (—100°C) = 150° F (100°C) —195° F (—85° C) = ‘Typical ranges of mechanical properties Normalized */1-2 in. plates (18-102 mm) 208A ond B A203D and E ‘Tense strength 70-76 ksi (480-520 MPa) 72-80 lei (495-550 MPa) Yield point AT-S5 ksi (320-370 MPa) 50-68 lei (345-990 MPa) Elongation in 2 in, 30-37% 28-26% V-Notch Charpy test values 18-35 ftlb at —75° F (25-48 J at 60° C) 22-40 feb at ~ 150° F (30-54 J at —100° C) of "NORMALIZED A203 GRA j1ef QUENCHED & TEMPERED - A203. GR A PN ons. 4 ors au es _ ~ ove "a en “7 Ney =a siowsmonsL 10 RD. toncmvonaL_ 10 Ro | “BS B55 Eo 00s 8 80 50S 6S oo 85 TEMPERATURE °F TEMPERATURE! - Fe, 11A—cttec of omperature on oie data of nomatzed A208 Fg. 11B—Efct of temperate on tense data of quenched and (Shoo Aatoal feipered AZ0® Gace atl nf NORMALIZED A203 GRO val GENCHED & TEMPERED”- A GRD 2 ors aS ers el rh a f i E i oe So Be SE Ba cashing sce etm tar to Se eee Cryogenic Nickel Steels 18 Refer- Yield str, Tensile str. Red. ence % Cin. Km) Heat treatment si (MPa) hai (MP2) % Elong. area 24/49 Ni Steel 24 0.14 1,65 (42) Norm. 1650° F(900° ©) 48 (90) 70.6 (485) 96 in 1 in. (25 mm) 65, Wai6s0(900) 26 0.14 1.65 (42) Temp. 1150(620) 61.9 (420) 80 (850) 3Bin Lin. (25) 77 0.15 1 (25) Norm. 1550(840) 58° (400) 74 (S10) 28 in 8 in. (203) 34/.% Ni Stool 26° 0.15 4 (402) _N1650° F(900)T1150° F(620) 62.4 (490) 78.5 (540) 32 in Tin, (5 mm) 70.5 0.15 4 (102) Wqi650(000)T1150(620) 68.4 (470) 84.6 (G80) 30in in. (25) 4 52 0.12%, 8) WQ1660(905)T1175(625) 84” (580) 92° (635) 1d in 8 8 O12 3, G3) WQn600(87O)T1175(635) 88 (575) 94 (650) 15 in 8 7 012 1), (82) WAL600(B70)T1150(620) 1 (525) 88 (610) 23 in 8 68 53 0.15%, 6) _N17000925) ST (895) 80 (G50) 36 int 0 015 +, 6) WAQ1650(900)T11501620) 73 (605) 86 (600) u 52 O14, (22) N1650(900)T1150(620) 68 470) 80 (550) 6 0114 97, 22) WQxI650,900)T1150(620) 89 (615) 96 (665) 70 012 1° @5) —_N1B50(900)T1150(620) 64 (445) 75 (520) BR 0112 1 25) War6s0(900)T1160;620) 80 (550) 88 (615) B 010 1 5) _—_NrBs0(800)T1150,620) 59 410) 71 (490) B 0:10 1 (25) WaQu6s0(800)"T1150,620) 86 (460) 79 (545) 8 0.10%, G9) Wa1600(870)"71150;620) 72 (600) 82 (870) nD 0.18 1° (25) Wai600(870)71150;620) 78 (540) 92 (635) B a8 0-11 2 (61) 1650900) 538 (870) 73 (605) a O11 2 (1) WQX650.900)T1150(620) 63 (435) 80 (550) 8 015 1 (5) N1650,900) 51 1 (40) 012 1 5) WaXE50.900)T1150(620) 65, 82 (510) 29 in 2 in, "4 032 1 (25) —_N1650(900) 82 71 (490) 23 in 8 in. 520.18 1 (25) WQIS50(840)T1250°680) 55 90 (620) 26 in Zin. ra 0113 17 (37) WQ1550(840)T1250(680) 53 87 (605), 8 0:13 1/0 45) WQ1550(840)T1250(680) 53 88 (610) 6s 0.13 2/5 (62) WQ1550(840)T1250(680) 54 89 (615), 6s 0113 2i/. (68) WQ1550(840)71250,680) 2 84 (580), 0 0.15%." U6) Warés0(@00) WQISIO(TIO) 68 88 (610) WaQil10(600) 0.11 2 1) WQrl10600) 6 80 (650) 36 in 2 in. G1) O11 2 (1) WAL650,900)"71150(620) 65 82 (670) 82 in Zin. G1) Deformation and Aging on Room Temperature Tensile Properties of 3/9 Nickel Steet % Elong. % Refer- Gage, % Yield str, Tensile tr. in Tin. Red. ence % Cin. (mm) Heat treatment Strain Postheat ksi (MPa) si (MPa)" (25) area 26 0.15 4 (102) N41650 (900) T1150 (620) 0 62490) 79645) 82 11650 (800) T1150 (620) 5 Rt ‘T1(540) 851695) 270 N1650 (800) T1150 (620) 5500 (260) «83(GTO) —8T(605) 2669 N1650 (990) T1150 (620) 51150 (620) 67460) 82(570) 38 TL 26 0.154 (102) WQI650 (800) T1150 (620) 0 75 (610) 91625) BTS 'WQ1650 (800) T1150 (620) 5 RE 94650) 991680) B73 'WQ1650 (900) T1150 (620) 5 500260) 103710) L038 (710) «20 TL 'WQX65O (900) T1150 (620) 5 «1150 (620) 71530) 92635) 294 Notes: 1. Behavior of 4-in. plate near surface simulated by cooling */-in, (13-mm) sections in stil oil or in Al fil lined box, See reference, 2.N'= normalized, T = tempered for thicker plates. Table 4 lists the tensile property data that are available for the low-nickel steels. ‘Those for the 24% Ni grades are notably scant. It is evident from a scan of the data that « significant gain strength ensures from quenching and tempering without impairment of ductility. This gain is illus- trated in Fig. 18 for the yield strength of 314% nickel steel. Figure 18 also indicates that the effect of plate thicknesses between % and 2 in. (13 to 51 mm) on 4 yield strength is not great. As one would expect, the effect is more evident for quenched and tempered steel than for normalized steel. The thermal stress re- lief or temper treatment after normalizing seems to produce a useful rise in the yield strength. Effect of Cold Deformation and Aging. Table 5 contains some data on the changes in tensile proper- ties produced in 34% Ni steel by cold straining and by subsequent aging. Although the information is scant, itis consonant with observations of the behav WRC Bulletin 205 rature Tensile Properties of W 14 31/.% Nickel Steel ‘Transverse weld teats Yield Tensile ity ar % Refer- Gage, fest hl Red, fence in. (mm) Heat treatment Passes Postheat (MPa) (MPa) % Elong. area 38 125) N1650(800) 2 no 52 ($60) 71 (490) 22 in 8 in. (204) 63 1 (25) N1650(900) 2 1150 (620) 50 (945) 63 (435) 27 68 15) _N1650(900) 10 "no 52 (860) 71 (490) 28 83 15) _N1650(900) 31, NESAW 10 1150620) 49 (340) 68 (470) 24 87 54 125) WQ1650(900)T1100(595) E-NiCrFe-2 20 no. 61 (420) 81 (560) 43 in 2 in. (51) 15) WQ1B50(900)T1 1001595) 20 1100(895) 64 (440) 79 (545) 41 125) WQiB50(900)T1 1004595) 10 no” 61 (420) 81 (560) 99 15) WQi650(900)T1100(595) E-NiCrFe-2 10 1100695) 62 (480) 79 (545) 44 Note: All failures were in base metal Weld metal tests Refer- Gage, Filler Yield str., Tensile str, Red. fence in. (mm) Passes Process metal Postheat si (MPa) hsi (MPa) % Elong. area AWSPad SMA 31/.% Ni no 75(620) 86 (595) in Zin. G1) TL AWSPad SMA 31/.% Ni Bo. 75 (G20) 82 (570) Bin Zin. G1) TL 38185) 2 SAW 31/08 Ni no. 64 (440) 76,525) Bin Zin. G1) 4 15) 2 SAW 314% Ni 1100595) 571395) 70485) 8, 19 1025) 10 SAW SI% Ni 0. 75 (520) 92635) 12 2 1025) 10 SAW BAG Ni 1100 (695) 68 (455) 84 (580) 19 37 534/508) 9 GMA no 86(455) 87600) Tin Tin. (25) 73 408) SMA E.NiCHFe-2 1100(695) 65 (450) 86 (595) Tin in. (25) 75 ior of other low-alloy steels similarly processed. The ‘5% prestrain raises the yield strength markedly but the tensile strength less than half as much. Elonga- tion is lowered about equal to the amount of pre train, Aging at 500° F (260° C) further increases the yield strength and to a lesser degree the tensile strength. Treatment at 1150° F (620° C) restores al- most completely the properties to those of unstrained material. Effect of Welding. ‘The limited information about the tensile properties of the welded low-nickel steels, suggests that 100% joint efficiency is readily attained, as shown in Table 6 for the 34% Ni grade. All failures transverse weld joint tests were located in the un- affected base metal. The reason for this behavior is, ‘easily found in the all-weld metal tensile test results. ‘The weld metals tend to overmatch the base plate ‘and frequently exceed the specification limits for the A203 grades. High heat-input submerged-arc depos- its may not quite match quenched and tempered base plates in strength if the 2-pass welds in 1-in, (25-mm) plates are representative, Notch Toughness Prior to 1955, the evaluation of the notch tough- ness of low-nickel steels for low-temperature service was conducted mostly with the keyhole-notch Char- py specimen. While the V-notch has been adopted, the Charpy test is still the principal means of mea- suring toughness and, of course, is specified in A593, While interest in various fracture-toughness tests has recently increased, their use is largely confined to laboratory studies and has not been extended to quality control or material specifications for the A203 steels. Cryogenic Nickel Steels Charpy Test Results. The Charpy V-notch test data tabulated in Table 7 were obtained generally from the same sources providing the tensile data of Table 4. With one exception, a %-in. (22-mm) nor- malized 34% Ni plate, all of the heats reported meet A593 requirements. The performance of the steels ac- ‘cording to more rigorous criteria (higher energy re- quirement or fracture appearance) is also indicated in Table 7 ‘The consequence of quenching and tempering in place of normalizing is clearly evident from the test results. The advantage is shown graphically in Fig. 14, which also suggests the extent of the thickness ef- fect. Tt may be noted that the quenched and tem- pered steels meet the temperature requirements of ‘A593 at a 30 ft-Ib (40 J) level as well Drop-Weight Test Results. For some of the steels nm 50 No . 1600 a XL awe : >}. TBR. 3 BENS € ma NY {500 cons 5 fe |g 2% 0 8 mam L400 =p -p-- 7-3 o 8s 10 1s to Plote Thicknessin inches Fig, 13elfect of heat treatment and section thickness onthe vie strength of 33% nickel too! 6 “posodauoy = 1, ‘poyouion seve = BAL ‘pestTEuLAON = NE MON (o9-) og~ (os-) oet— (ovt-) sae (sor) oot — (oL-) 06~ (str-) out (09-) o8— (ort~) oze— (o9=) su- (s6-) oF— (os=) o9— a (se=) szr— (o9-) s1— (srt) out (ort) sez (09-) 08~ (201) o9t— (s0r-) 091 — (oer) o1— (oct) oar 06 (or1—) o02— (eat) osz— ov— os (er=) ext (oet—) 002 — o- (ert) out 0 osr= os z1~) 061— oor- (ocr) o¢— au (ert) sea eo ost= ovr= (Get) oot (oet~) o0¢— (ort) sor— (ert) sut— 2 ROIS (HOI BSH os our (og-) o1t- 1 ss ozt~ (t=) sor 1 09 oar~ (t=) oot 8 os oat~ (t=) oot oe on (08-) og ve aL oor (sor) set— oot os (oot) sy1— (os-) srt (0060891 <9'T % POIs HON ic (© 02) ard sr uoun90) :ooH ur id “ope 21S 1ON2IN-HOT 10) e}6q SsOUYENOA-YOION nL WRC Bulletin 205 16 8 Cchorpy' “oe TronsTemp. °F 8 19 20. 30 40 lote Thickness in inches Fig, Charpy test notch-toughness of 31,% nickel stools of Tables 4 and 7, drop-weight test data were also available. The NDT temperatures average some 60° F (33° C) higher than the 15 ft-lb Charpy tempera- ‘tures for 314% Ni steels and about 30° F (17° C) er for the 21% Ni steels. The implications of these differences to service applications will be considered later. Fracture Toughness Test Results. A single re- port was available containing information on the fracture-toughness of the low-nickel steels, as deter- mined by compact tension and notched slow-bend specimens. Both static and dynamic strain rates were incorporated in the tests, and several methods of an- alyzing the test data were used to calculate the values of fracture toughness. Tests were conducted on 1.65- in, (42-mm) thick A203 Grade A steel and 2-in. (51- mm) thick A203 Grade D steel each in the normal- ized or in the quenched and tempered condition. Stress intensity factors, (K,) were calculated and an- alyzed according to ASTM specification E-399 rec- ‘ommendations to determine whether each Ky was a valid plane-strain fracture toughness number, Kic. ‘The results are displayed in Figs. 15 to 18. ‘The figures indicate that both steels exceeded the fracture toughness level below which plane-strain fracture can occur under static loading at their re- spective temperatures specified in A593. This was true for both normalized and quenched-and-tem- pered plates; it did not prove to be so, however, for the dynamic loading of A203 Grade D steel. These re- sults are corroborated by the NDT temperatures ob- tained, inasmuch as the drop-weight testis also a dy- namic loading test with a sharp flaw provided by brittle hard-facing weld metal. Effect of Strain Aging. Very few data were dis. covered regarding the effect of strain aging on the notch toughness of low-nickel steels. As Table 8 indi cates, strain aging raises the Charpy transition tem- perature of the steels significantly, to a considerably ‘greater degree in the case of A203 Grade A than for ‘A203 Grade D. Restoration of toughness is gained by “RORGRADE A NORMALIZED T645INCH PLATE RW SPEOMEN 20 Bird 25 QR evauo kee Test o > 8 ° zo sua 2x ‘DATA 73 a BO ane E Fo, 15—The sic of temperate on he sic race toughness rermatzos A208 Grade marl ‘AZO3GRADE A QUENCHED TEMPERED 1645NCH PLATE RW SPECMEN ° ALO Kic TEST 88 197, ad TEMPERATURE — °F 5 g g F 2 18—The otfect of temperature on the static fracture toughness "quenched and tempored A203 Grade A material 8. ‘A203 GRADE D NORMALIZED 2iNCH PLATE We SPECIMEN 2 VALD Ke o = ye 1% ainwins crreRon 2° Biegler sine Nor eo 5 we / 3 og yey q nuh 5 A eeraare ° Fa, Th tec of pare on a aa lo copmas orem 2 as me “2203 GRADE D GUENCHEDATEMPERED 2NICH PLATE, oh wr see EN G Neekig atthe NOT 5 0 ‘09 8. 888 me TEMPERATURE =" Fig 18—Tho effect of temperature onthe static and dynamic frac ‘ure toughnass of qonched and tempered A208 Grade O material g STRESS INTENSITY FACTOR Cryogenic Nickel Steels " Refer- Gage, Heat % fence in. (mm) treatment ‘Strain Postheat 24/48 Nickel steel S915) N1550 (845) 0 no 125) N1550(45) 5 no 1(25) __N4550 (845) «51350 (620) Nickel sel 4 (102)" 1650 (900), 0 T1150 (620) 4 (402) -N1650(90, 5 RT ‘T1150 (620) 4(102)N1650 (800), 5 500 (260) ‘T1150 (620) 4 (402) 1650 (9 5 1150 (620) T1150 (620) 4 (002) WQIB5O (900), 0 ‘T1150 (620) 4 (002) WQX650 (900), 5 RT, ‘T1150 (620) 4 (002) WQXE50 (900), 5 500 (260) ‘T1150 (620) 4 (402) WQIG5O (900), 5 1150 (620) T1160 (620) ble 8—Efect of Cold Deformation and Aging on the Notch Toughness of Low-Nickel Steels Charpy Transition Temperatures, ° F 15 eb 90 fb 15 mil (cod) (4d) (0.04 mm) =110 (80) -70( 60) —110 (80) 5) =75(=60) —23(—3) 75 235 (30 =40(=40) 410(=10) as $15 (10) =120 (90) 130 (—90) 105 (—75) 100 (15) 105 (75) =95 (10) = 120 (85) —180 (90) ~ 205 (180) 180 (~120) = 200 (= 180) 110 (115) = 185 (120) =165 (=110) 200 (130) — 190 (125) subsequent thermal stress relief at 1150° F (620° C). ‘The data are too scant to do more than indicate @ trend. Effect of Welding. ‘The presence of welded joints in steel structures is relevant to the notch toughness of the structure because of possible stress-raising flaws, inadequate weld metal properties, or distur- Dances of the original characteristics of the steel in the HAZ produced by welding. If as often is the prac- tice, it is assumed that all welded joints contain flaws, itis the task of the fabricator to keep the flaw size small enough to assure safe performance by suit- able inspection and quality control methods. The problem of matching the strength and notch toughness of weld metals to that of the low-nickel base plates has been satisfactorily met for the pro- duction welding processes. The 24% Ni steels are welded with 24-3144 Ni electrodes under moderate heat inputs, e.g., E8016-C2 or E8018-C2. The 33% Ni steels are welded variously with nickel-base Cr-Fe al- loys, austenitic Cr-Ni steels, and Mn-Mo-Al-modi fied 314% Ni steel.®° Despite many efforts, the evaluation of the notch toughness of the weld heat-affected zone has not, bbeen reduced to a standard procedure. The difficulty is that the HAZ is narrow, irregular in shape,.and non-uniform in microstructure because of the sharp temperature gradient across it and the partial reheat- ing effects in multiple-pass welds. Tests on entire weld joints are logical, but they become expensive and require high loads or special equipment. Most ‘commonly, Charpy tests with the notch located in the zone of interest, explosion bulge tests, or wide plate tests have been applied to the evaluation. Table 9 is a compilation of the notch toughness data available for welded low nickel steels. With one 18 exception, Charpy tests taken from the HAZ showed toughness equal or superior to that of the unwelded 2496 Ni plate. Similarly, drop-weight tests conducted ‘on welded joints of 34% Ni steel plates with the crack starter bead along the weld edge or transverse to the ‘weld joint displayed NDT temperatures the same as in unwelded plates. Kinzel tests produced transition temperatures in the same range as those to be expect ed from drop-weight tests. Generally, the low-nickel steels show a low sensi tivity to welding in notch-toughness tests. This be- havior is probably due to a combination of the low carbon content of these steels and the ability of nick- el to confer toughness on the mixed microstructures formed in the weld heat-affected zone. Fatigue Strength ‘A search of the literature did not yield any data on the fatigue properties of the low-nickel cryogenic steels. Investigations on other steels have shown that the fatigue limit tends to rise as the testing temper ture is lowered below room temperature. This is in keeping with the facts that tensile strength increases at lower temperatures and high-cycle fatigue strength varies in concert with tensile strength in the absence of sharp stress raisers. In an investigation®® of a nickel-containing pres- sure vessel steel, A533, it was reported that the fa- tigue crack-growth rate was slightly lower at 0° F (18° C) than at 75° F (23° C). See Fig. 19. It is in- teresting to note that the Charpy test notch tough- ness was much lower at 0° F (—18° C) than at room temperature (15 ft-lb vs. 50 ft-lb, or 20 J vs. 68 J). From these data it can be inferred that fatigue crack growth rates are not adversely affected by low tem- peratures and concomitant low notch toughness. If WRC Bulletin 205 ‘Table S—Notch Toughness of Welded Low-Nickel Ste Charpy test results ‘Trans. temp, Refer- Gage, Wel Notch TRC C fence Steel_— in. (mm) process —_-Postheat location 15 ftlb (20 }) Notes 38 2'/6% Ni ¥/2(13) None Base metal 11600 (870) SMAW No Fusion line SMAW No HAZAine gr. SMAW No HAZ-outer edge 38 21% Ni 1025) None Base metal 1600 (870), T1150 (620) 15) SMAW No Fusion line 15) SMAW No HAZefine gr 1@5) SMAW No HAZ-outer edge Dropuweight test results NDT,° FCO) 38 346% Ni 218) None ‘Base metal =140 (95) N1650 (900), ‘T1050 (565) Yeas) SAW No Fusion line 130 (80) Longit. to weld eds) SAW 1050 (565) Fusion line 160 (105) Long. to weld 3a) SAW No BP.fracture — —150(—100) Transv. to weld 203) SAW 1050 (565) BP .fracture — —140(—95)”‘Tranev. to weld 1%), (40) None ‘Base metal =140 (—95) 1650 (900), T1050 (565) 1/440) SAW 1050 (565) Fusion line =130 (=90) P/n 0) SAW 1050 (565) W.M. fracture ~130(—90) Kinseltest results 1% Lat, contr, °F OO) 38 BYA% Ni 7/4 (22) E8016. No fansv. to weld ~120(—85) 1650 (900) ¥/5(22) —BBOIG-C2 1100 (595) ‘Transv. to weld —150(— 100) _Ni650 (900) 75122) BBOIE-C2 1100 (595) Trans. to weld —160(—105) _ W@1650 (900), T1150 (620) 7.122) BBOIE-C2 1100 (595) Tranev. to weld —165(—110) — W@Qi650 (900) T1150 (620) the designer is aware that low fracture toughness in- dicates a small critical flaw size for unstable fracture, hhe must also have some information on the fatigue crack growth rates at low service temperatures, since they determine how fast a suberitical-size flaw will grow to the critical size. Summary The low-nickel steels covered by the ASTM speci- fication A203 can meet the notch toughness require ments of A593 in the prescribed normalized condi- tion. Proper notice should be taken that valuable gains in toughness can be obtained by quenching and tempering rather than normalizing. Since there is some doubt that the 15 ft-lb (21 J) specification pro- vides assurance of safe service performance, the extra margin of toughness available by heat treatment may extend the usefulness of these steels. Cold forming may raise the Charpy test transition temperature above that permitted, but thermal stress relief restores most of the toughness. Available data gave no indication that welding induces a serious loss of notch toughness in the region of the weld. ‘The Higher Nickel Steels Specifications ‘The higher nickel steels include grades that range between 5 and 9% and which do not contain major amounts of such alloy elements as Cr, V, Mo, etc. (ie., not over about 0.5%). These grades are covered by ASTM Specifications A353, A553, and AG45, The composition limits, thickness range and recommend- ed heat treatments for these grades are listed in Table 10. The mechanical properties expected of these grades are listed in Table 11. The toughness re- quirements listed in this table are found both in the respective ASTM grade specification and also in ASTM Specification A593. Tt should be noted here that the A353 specification has the same chemical analysis as the A553 ‘Type I, 4 4 # | s | it i x * ei pe : i] 3 ee Fg 12-ntecn ofp en te ds, ton (ST WOL specimens) Cryogenic Nickel Steels 19 ‘Table 10-ASTM Specifications Applicable to the Higher Nickel Steels A. Composition Requirements Specifica- ——Chemical composition ————— tion | € Mn P 5 ‘Si Ni N asa 0.13 0,90 0.035 0.040 0.15-0.90 8.59.5, ‘A863 ‘Typel 0.18 0.80 0.035 0.040 0.15-0.30 8.5-9.5, Typel 0.18 0.80 0.035. 0.040 0:15-0:80, A645, 0113 0180-0,60 0.025 0.025 0.20-0.85 4.75-5.25 0.20-0.95 0.05-0.12 0.020, B. Heat Treatment and Thickness Requirements Specification Thickness A363 ins Double normalized and tempered: 1) 1650 -+ 25° F 1 hin, thieknoss, air cool; 2) 1450 -t 25° F'1 h/in. thickness, air cool; 3) 1050-1125 1 h/in. thickness, air cool or water quench at rate not less than 800° F/h. ‘As59 ‘Type I 2int Quenched and tempered: 1) 1475 -t 25" F 1 h/in. thickness, water quench; ‘or IT 2) 1050-1125" F' h/in. thickness, air cool or water quench at rate not less than 300° F/b, A645 1/rin’ Hardened, temperized and reversion annealed: 1) 1575-1675" F, 1 hin. thick- ness, water quench to below 300° F; 2) 1275 to 1400" F, 1 hin. thickness, water quench to below 900° F; 3)'1150-1225° F 1 h/in, thickness, water ‘quench oF air cool to below 300° F. + Hat analysis, check analysis has broader limits. Max. except whore range is indicated. “Normal limit due to processing facilities required. ‘There is no maximum thickness limit if property specifieations can be met. ‘Table 11—Mechanical Property Requirements for the Higher Nickel Steels: ‘Transverse specimen lateral Yield strength, Tensile strength, _Elong. in 2 in. ‘expansion (mils) Specification ks ‘st % at 275" Fat ~320" F A353. 6 100-120 20.0 15 ‘A553 ‘Type 1 85 100-120 20.0 1 ‘Type IT 85 100-120, 20.0 i cas. 6 95-115 20.0 6 + Minimum requirement unless range is indicated. but the A558 specification also contains a lower nick- el (nominal 8%) Type II analysis. In addition to the grades listed here, there are some other proprietary materials, not under current ASTM specifications, which would fall into this category on the basis of their general chemistry and intended service applica- tions. These grades are not considered in this general discussion of the ASTM grade materials. ‘Tensile Properties ‘The mechanical properties listed for these grades in Table 11 show them to be substantially stronger than the lower nickel grades and without loss of ten- sile ductility. This increased strength makes them more attractive than the A203 grades, and leads to their application in some structures where other grades would provide adequate toughness but at sub- stantially increased section thicknesses because of the lower strength of the steel. It should be noted in this regard that A645 is nominally lower in yield strength than the other grades, although not substan- tially so (10 ksi lower than A353 and 20 ksi less than A553). As with the lower nickel steels, the effect on specific types of service and fabrication conditions on 20 properties will be considered. Included in these are the effects of heat treatment and thickness, service ‘temperature and fabrication operations, such as cold forming and welding. Effect of Heat Treatment and Thickness. Of the four grades considered in this section, A353 (double normalized and tempered 9% Ni steel) was historical- ly the earliest to be developed, and is still used today, although more so in Europe than on the American continent. The mechanical properties will normally exceed the specification, with yield points in the range of 90 ksi (620 MPa) and tensile strengths in the range of 110 ksi (760 Mpa). The normal variations in yield and tensile strength around these values does not appear to be due to section size effects. The spread in yield and tensile strengths at room temper- ature for this grade are also seen in Fig. 20. The 9% nickel steel is more commonly used quenched and tempered to the A553 Type I specifica- tion which has a yield strength about 10 ksi (69 MPa) higher than A353 but much the same tensile strength. This can be seen both in the data of Table 12 and for the selected heats reported in Table 13. ‘These heats were given heat treatment to either A353 WRC Bulletin 205 ae a 8 3 30-0 OCD Testing Temperature = °C Fig, 20—Rango of yield strengths and tense strange raported for ouble normalized and tempered 956 Nistea! (A353) or A563 Type I specifications and the properties in the two conditions determined for comparison, In every case but one, the yield strengths of the A353 double normalized and tempered specimens are at least 10 ksi (69 MPa) less than the A553 Type I quenched and tempered specimens. The tensile strengths of the two grades are almost identical, ‘The normal spread of tensile properties for A553 ‘Type I steel is seen in Fig. 21 and in Table 12, The expected yield point will be a little over 100 ksi (690 ‘MPa) and the expected tensile strength is somewhat over 110 ksi (760 MPa) (essentially the same as A353). The properties of the A553 Type II (8% Ni steel) are not nearly so well established. The two heats reported here (Table 12) appear to have yield strengths slightly less than the other two grades. The AG45 material (5% Ni + 1% Mo steel) does not have quite so high yield strength as the other steels, nor- mally around 85 ksi (585 MPa), while the tensile strength is around 105 ksi (720 MPa). Comparison of the data for A645 in Table 12 with the specific in Table 11 shows that they are above the req) strength level by a good margin, The expected spread in the room temperature tensile properties for AG45 is also shown in Fig. 22. As was true for the A353, nei: ther of these two steels seems to be sensitive to sec- tion sizes as far as strength is concerned. Comparison of the heat treatments for the three grades considered here, i.e., A353, A553, and A645, reveals that the heat treatments applied are increas- ingly more complex. While this may result in some 09} ‘Yield ond Tensile Sirenghh -MPo Fig, 21—Rango of yield strengths and tense strong reported for ‘quenched and tempered 89% Ni ste! (AS5S Type). - 120 209 so Neo g g 7 so i 40 5 exo} 5 i202 2 809 ; 0) 100 “200 -i0--00«—-50=~=C*«SSC Testing Temperature = ig, 22—Range of yield strengths and tense song reported for 15% N15 Mo stool (A645). Cryogenic Nickel Steels a 2 40 a 2 a “ 40 43 2 30 ee g a ‘Table 12—Typical Room Temperature Tens Yield strength, Grade A353 Aas A358 A353, A353, A363 ‘A353 ‘A363 As5s1 A553 ‘A551 ‘A5531 A551 As6a1 AS5SI ‘AS531 ssa Ass AS5SIT ‘ssa Gage, in. (mm) 1.0 (26) 12 @o) 12 @o) 163 16) 63 (16) 75 (19) 3 (33) 6 (65) 38 (10) 0 (25) 31 '@) 159.45) 95 (24) 75.19) 75.18) 38 (10) 75.19) 0 (25) 076) 75 (19) 75 (18) 50 (13) 63.16) 90 (23) 90 (23) 90 (23) 95 (24) 0 (25) 19 (80) 38 (38) 38 (35) 75.70) 0 (75) 80 (20) 90 (23) 90 (23) 90 (23) 90 (23) 90 (28) 90 (23) 90 (23) 90 (23) '95 (24) 0 (25) 0 5) © 5) 0 (25) 19 (90) 19 (30) 19 (90) 19 (90) 88 (85) 38 (35) 57 (40) 63 16) 63 (16) 75 (19) 35 6) 0 (26) 0. (28) ‘9 (30) 49 (30) 0 (5) 0 (25) 0 (1) © (76) 38 (10) 75 (19) 50 13) 150 13) 50 13) 50 13) 75.9) st 72. 106 103 90) o a. 5. 9 89) 89, 92 94 88 or 95 108 105 86 104 92 98 15 110 102 108, 108, 101 9 107 103, 100 nna 4 ot 110 106 un 103, 104 105, 104 102 9 99 103 102 108 102 108 102 104 96 107 102 108 103, 110 4 107 94 97 108 ua 107 104 7 a 97. 99 9 107 108 no 102 WRC Bulletin 205 (Ps) 2 (498) (734) (07) 7 (625) 2 (648) 2 (673) 1 (607) 6 (686) 5 (617), 0 (613) 0 (634) 4 (650), 7611) (627) (655) a) (723) 1 (583) m7) 3 (638) (675) (792) (755) (700) (720) (720) (685) (85) (735) (10) (690) (780) (650) (630) (760) (730) (770) 10) (720) (725) 715) (705) (80) (680) m0) (705) 15) (705) a5) (705) 15) (660) G40) 00) 15) (710) (758) (eas) 37) 4 (651) (669) (149) (785) (137) (715) (70 (600) 2 (670) 3 (684) 8 (54) (40) a7) (760) (700) si (MPa) 103 us 2 i us 3 m2) (793) (40) (785) (792) (778) 98,9 (681) 108 109 i 107 105 107 ut 1 16 um no un 104 107 119 116 109 uz mm 109 108 na ne m1 109 18 14 ut m1 ny ng nt 14 mm no 108 105 m2 ia 15 0 0 108 m2 106 us nL ne 12 a7 in 4 103 108 us 120 us 19 109 no 40T 106 no a no 18 un ra) (rs) (772) 31) (723) 737) (765) (835) (799) 785) (758) (785) a7) (735) (820) (800) (750) (770) 765) (750) 725) (788) (770) (785) (750) (610) (785) (805) (765) (810) 775) (70) (790) (785) (760) (35) (725) (775) (785) 790) (760) (760) (755) 775) (735) (795) (785) (770) (710) (806) (785) (785) a0) (720) (734) (620) (795) (520) (750) (735) (731) (730) (760) (780) (20) 15) (768) Properties of the Higher Nickel Steels Tensile strength, long. in 2 ina, % SBBSE S88he aL SBSSRBLERSRE SSS: BREEN BENBSS Red. of area, % 22888 6 a8 is 6 R 8 B 66.8 65.2 n 58 2 56 Tab 12 (continued) Refer Gage, Yield strength, Tensile strength, Blong. in 2 in., Red. of ence Grade in (mm) dei (Pa) ‘at (MPa) % area, % 2 eas 0.18 6) 89 (610) 101 (65) 23 035 (6) © (415) 10a (715) 2 0:38 (6) 25 (655) 105 (725) 2 0:38 10) 87 (635) Io (695), 36 6:50 13) 20 (620) 05 (735) 38 0:63.48) 50 (620) 106 (730) 4 6:68 (16) 88 (690) 102 (700) 0°65 (18) 20 (620) 105 (735) ~ w 9:63 (16) 83 (610) 104 (115) 50 % 0:75.19) 72 G95) 110 (760) 36 2 0:75 G9) 75 G15) 103, (710) 2 n 1.0 G5) 87 (625) 110 (760) a % 10 (5) 84 (580) 408 (730) 2 10 G3) 81 (655) 02 (700) 30 a 1.0 (5) 85. (585) ios (740) x 2 10 Gs) &% (615) 103 (710) 3 u 20 GI) 7 (615) 110 (760) 2 6 35 65 10 G5) (430) 100 (690) ba 7 15 (3) 70 (85) 101 (695) 35 a 1 in. gage length 15-Strength and Toughness of 9% Nickel Stool Treated to both A353 and ASS3 Type | Specifications» Drop-ueight tear test energy Stel and gos, Host Yield strength, Tensile sirength, at 196" C, ins (mm) treatment "st (MPa) si (MPa) Zine % fel (dy fe) 1» 10 26) NNT 72.2498) 108 (712) 21 (31) Qn 94-4 (651) 103 07) 72197) 2) 1.2 (0 NNT 106" 734) 118.83) 50 (67) Qr, 10s 4h 115 (34) 88 (5) 3) 1.2 (0 NNT 103 Gon 122 (840) 456), Qr 114 (185) 120 830) 36 49) 4) 0.65.16) NNT 90.7 (625) 111 65) 35 38 49) 1379 41875) ar 103" (710) 112 (772) 2 80,68) 2004 (2848) 5) 0.68.46) NNT 94.2 (649) 115 792) a 38.55) 300 1088) Qn, 110" (758) 117 (806) BA 29 (39) 991 (1348) 6) 0.75.9) NNT 85.4 (675) 113 779) 28 38.45) 649 (885) ar 4 (648) 111 65) 28 34.09) 2894 174) 7) 0.38 40) NNT 89.5617) 109 (751) Qr 105" (723) 111 765) 8) 0.75.18) NNT roa (17) 118 (13) a x@n 800 1086) ar 115 (792) 118 (820) 25 36 48) 2534 (3446) “ Data from Refs. 30, 40, and 44, "Longitudinal properties. increase in strength properties, for example, A553 ‘Type I compared to A353, the primary purpose of the complex heat treatments is not related to strength but rather to toughness. As described earlier in this report, such treatments develop the austenite-fe carbide structures that are optimum from the tough- ness viewpoint. Effect of Temperature. Although these steels may be widely applied, itis evident from the temper- atures at which toughness tests are specified for the steels that intended service is down to as low as ~320° F (—196° C). While this is a convenient test temperature because liquid nitrogen ean be used as a test medium, in fact the majority of the present ap- plications appear to be in the LNG storage and trans- port fields, where temperatures do not reach much below -270° F (168° C). The fracture toughness Cryogenic Nickel Steels test temperature of -275° F (—170° C) for A645 and ‘A553 Type II is therefore appropriate to service. As with the lower nickel materials, the strengths of the steels increase with decreasing temperature. The cryogenic temperature properties of the steels are shown in Table 14 and changes in mechanical proper- ties of A353, A553 Type I, and AG45 with decreasing temperature are shown on Figs. 20-22. As can be seen from these figures, both the yield and tensile strengths of the steels increase modestly down to 100° F (73° C) and then more rapidly down to —820° F (-196° C). In general, the yield strength at, =320° F is about 40% greater than that at room tem- perature for A353 and A553 Type I, while the tensile strength is 50% greater. The increase in yield and tensile strength for A645 is about 50% and 60% re- spectively. The total elongation and reduction of area 2B Table 14—Typical Refer- Gage, Temperature, ence Grade in. (mm) oreo 40 A858 0,38 10) = 320 (~ 196) 050.3) = 320 (— 186) 1.0 G5) = 320 (186) 39 AS 10 (6) 220 (= 196) 10. (5) 320 (= 196) 119 (0) 320 (— 196), 1119 (20) 320 (— 198), 20 ASS8° 083 (16) 320 (= 198), 0163 (16) 530 (= 198) 0.75 9) 520 (= 198) 40 A858 0.38.40) 0:75.19) 1.0 (5) 3.0 (76) 35 ABST 2.0 (1) 3.0 (76) 39 ASST 10 (5) 10 (@5) 12 @o) 12 a0) 30 ASST 0.63 (16) = 320 (198) 0.63.16) 320 (196) 083.18) 215 (—170) 0:75.19) 320 (196) 27 AB5aE 3.0 (75) 20 (196) 40 ASSSIT 0.88 (10) = 320 (-196) 0:75 (19) = 320 (= 196) 23 AAS 0.63 16) —320 (—196) 0.75 (19) 20 (196) 215 (=170) 0.75.19) 320 (— 196) 215 (= 170) 1.9 (25) 320 (198) 35 Aas 19 (25) = 320 (196) 115 (8) = 320 (=196) ryogenic-Temperature Tensile Properties of the Higher Nickel Steels Vila strongth, Tensile strength, Elong. in C. Energy, 4st (MPa) fei (MPa) Zing % feb) 123 (847) 169 (1164) 425 (361) 10 (1171) 133 (816) 169 (1164) 115 (795) 158 (1087) 21 (an 148 (1022), 180 (1239), 40 (54) ut (972) ¥70 1170), 50 (67) 143. (959) 17 1220) 45 (61) ut (971) 171 G78) 2 2 6) war (971) ¥15 (1206) 2 39 3) 136 (937) ¥72 (1185) 2 «33 3) 141 71) 468 (1157) 124 (8) 168 (1157) 153 (1054) 163 41123) 125 (861) 435 (930) 125 (61) 166 (144) 134. (923) 169 (1164) 2 49 ry 122 84%) 164 (1130) a B10) 137 (947) 454 (1060) 141 (970) 155 (1067) 152 (1050) 167 (1150) 160 (1100) 170 4170) 139 (858) 174 (1199) 29 50° (68) 158 (1088) ATL C78) Py 2 (39) 140 (965) 150 (1038) % 43 GB) 129 (89), 175 (1206) 2% Ba (74) 130, (596) 478 (1226) 2 86 (117) 138 (951) 161 (1109) 149 027), 159 (1096) 132 (909) 164 (1130) 344 (60) 14 (785) 166 (1144) 2 37 (50) 93 (641) 2 48 (65) 106 (730), 4360 (1102) 31438) 99 (682) sat @71) 2 BT 8) 126 (368) 163 (1123) aL 36 (49) 308 (744) 163 (1123), at 4 87) 306 (720) 165 (1137) 30 21 (29) «Longitudinal properties are little changed as temperature decreases. In most materials, even cryogenic materials, the cryogenic temperature tensile properties have not ‘been until recently of particular interest as the em- phasis has been on impact toughness at low tempera- tures and design from the strength viewpoint has been based on ambient properties. With this class of steels, however, the cryogenic strength levels are sig- nificant, First, the steels are substantially stronger at, low temperatures without loss of ductility, and for LNG service at least, are not loaded to any extent until they are at the service temperature. A proposed ASME Code Case recognizes the increased cryogenic strength of A353, A553, and A645 in terms of higher allowable stresses. Secondly, in order to characterize their toughness, fracture mechanies parameters rath- er than simple impact tests are increasingly em- ployed. In application of these parameters, the cryo- genic yield strength must often be known in order to assess allowable and critical flaw sizes. Effect of Cold Deformation and Aging. Data on the effect of straining or aging at subcritical tempera- tures on the tensile properties of the steels are mea- ger. Although some surveys of strain aging have been undertaken 2728 the emphasis has been on toughness rather than strength. One study of A353 has shown that extended aging in the 700-1000° F (371-538° C) ange may produce some increases in yield and ten- sile strength, but the aging times involved are beyond those normally employed in treatment of the steel ‘The A353 and A553 specifications require that mate- rial heated for forming be heat treated after forming, ‘thus eliminating the concern about strain aging. A study of the A645 material®® has shown that aging for as long as 8 hr at 550-1100" F (288-538° C) produces no strength changes. A strain of 5% will crease the yield point of this material 35% and the tensile strength 7%, with a modest decrease in tensile elongation (to 25%). Stress relief at 1100° F recovers original properties. Effect of Welding. ‘The more important concern from the fabrication viewpoint is the behavior of weldments. In terms of strength, the weld consum- ables normally employed tend to undermatch the base metal, producing weld metal failures in weld- ment tensile tests. The welding processes and con- sumables are generally selected to provide good weld metal and heat-affected zone toughness, and thus the m4 WRC Bulletin 205 weld metals are usually austenitic instead of ferrtic. ‘The yield and tensile strengths of these deposits are usually less than A353 or A553 and may be less than ‘A645, Typical weld metal and process combinations for the steels are gas metal-arc welds made with Inco- nel 82, 92, 182, or 625 and shielded metal-arc welds ‘made with Inco-weld A and B or Inconel 112. There are a number of other proprietary electrodes of simi lar composition which may also be used. On a much more limited scale, submerged arc welds or welds made with ferritic electrodes have been employed. ‘A survey of the properties of these weldments found in Table 15. As may be readily seen, the AG45 weldments fail in the base metal a fair proportion of the time, indicating that the weld metal sometimes overmatches the plate. On the other hand, the A553 ‘Type I weldments almost never fail in the base plate, indicating that the weld metal undermatches the plate. In spite of this undermatch, however, only on rare occasions does the tensile strength of the weld- ment fall below the minimum specified for the plate (85 ksi for AG45 and 100 ksi for A353 or A553 Type D. Notch and Fracture Toughness ‘The higher nickel steels, like the lower nickel steels, have been evaluated by Charpy impact tests for many years, and impact specifications for these steels are covered both in their own 5 and, as indicated in Table 11, in ASTM specification ‘A593. In addition to this test, a number of different, types of fracture mechanics tests have also been ap- plied to these steels. Current design procedures favor the use of these more sophisticated tests, but Charpy impact tests are still the basis for material purchase. Charpy Test Results. ‘The Charpy impact tough- ness of these steels is normally quite good, and the criteria applied to them are relatively severe. Where- as the A203 Grade D is required to produce a Charpy impact toughness of 13 ft-lb (17.6 J) at the lowest service temperature, -150° F (101° C), the higher nickel steels must provide 15 mils (0.38 mm) lateral expansion at either ~275 or ~320° F (—170 or ~196° ©), about equivalent to 25 ft-lb (38.9 J) impact ener- gy 278 The specification of lateral expansion as a toughness criterion for the steels rather than impact energy reflects a concern for notch ductility as well as notch strength, and is set at a severe level for this material because the yield strengths, tensile strengths, and thus allowable stress levels employed are higher than those used for the lower nickel steels. In spite of the severity of the requirement, however, ‘almost all of the A553 Type I and A645 used today will show toughnesses well above this level. Normal lateral expansions at -320° F (—196° C) for A553 ‘Type I range from 25 mils (0.64 mm) to 80 mils (2.03, mm) or an equivalent of about 50 ft-lbs (67.8 J) to 140 ft-lb (190 J). Toughnesses for AG45 at ~275° F (-170° C) will normally be between 20 mils (0.51 mm) and 40 mils (1.02 mm) which is approximately ‘equivalent to a range between 30 ft-Ib (40.6 J) and 60 ft-lb (81.3 J). In general neither A553 Type I nor ‘A645 shows much sensitivity to section size as far as Charpy impact toughness is concerned; however, when A553 Type I sections exceed 2 in. (51 mm) and ‘AG45 sections exceed 1.5 in, (12.7 mm), toughnesses tend to approach the specification limit. The impact toughness distribution for a number of heats of A353 and A553 Type I at ~320° F (—196? C) is shown in Fig. 23 and for A645 at -275° F (-170° C) and ~320° F (~196° C) in Fig. 24. It should be noted that ‘AG45 specifications establish —275° F (—170° C) to be the appropriate test temperature for this steel Because it competes with A353 or A553 Type I in some applications, however, tests are sometimes also run at 820° F (196° C). At this temperature, nor- mal lateral expansions range between 10 and 30 mils (0.25 and 0.76 mm), equivalent to 15-45 ft-lb (20-61 J). Thus many heats of A645 also meet the Charpy impact specification for A353 and A553 Type I. ‘An interesting aspect of the Charpy impact tough- ness behavior of A353 and A553 Type I material is seen in Fig. 25 which includes data for three of the steels in Table 13. In this study, the impact tough- ness at ~320° F (—196° C) was found to be related to the amount of retained austenite present in the steel, illustrating a point mentioned earlier in this report. Moreover, the Charpy toughness differences between heats and heat treatment appear to be related to the retained austenite content more than to any other single factor. Thus both the toughest and least tough materials were A553 Type I, and for the least tough heat of A553 Type I (No. 5 on Table 13), the A353 hheat treatment produced better toughness apparent- ly because it produced an increased amount of re- tained austenite. The dynamic tear toughness data seen here follow the same trend, and are discussed in the next section. Drop-Weight and Dynamic Tear Test Results. Drop-weight test data for A353, A553 Type I, and ‘AG45 are more limited than for the lower nickel steels, because NDT temperatures are normally below the minimum specified service temperature. In practice the test: becomes a confirmation that no-break per- formance occurs at ~320° F (~196° C) for A353 and A553 Type I, and at -275° F (—170° C) for A645. ‘Test data for a number of heats have not only estab- lished this to be generally true but explosion bulge tests on three heats of A553*" have also estab- lished that the FTE temperature is at or below ~320° F (196° C), Welded plates generally show an FTE temperature at or below ~320° F (—196° C) as wel ‘Tests on A645 show that NDT is below —275° F (-170° ©). ‘Tear behavior in the drop weight tear test has been obtained™ to a limited extent for both A353, A553 ‘Type I, and A645 steels. The data for A353 and A553, ‘Type I are seen in Table 13 and Fig. 25. In general, tear energies for the A553 Type I are somewhat above those for A353, but there are other factors, such as Cryogenic Nickel Steels 25 ‘Table 15—Typical Room-Temperature Transverse Tensile Properties of the Higher Nickel Weldments Reference Gage, Heat input, Welding “Failure ‘Tensile strength ‘and grade in. (mm) Electrode and process ‘eJicm.' position ‘location i (MPa) “ 1.6 (33) Inconel 82, GMA, 100 (689) 2'6 (6) Inconel 112, GMA 401 (696) o 038 (10) Inco-Weld A, SMA 404 (717) 0.38 (10), Inconel 82, GMA 401 (696) 40 0.38 (10) Inco-Weld A, SMA. 106.730) 0:75 (19) Inco. Weld A? SMA 108 (744) 0:38 (10) Inconel 92, GMA 108 (730) 0:75 (19) Inconel 92, GMA 108 (744) 0.25 (6) Tneonel 113, SMA 108 (748) Tneone! 112 119 (820), 0.88 (10) Inconel 112 408 (748) 0.5 3) Inconel 112 115 (792) Tpeonel 112. 115 (792), 1.0 (28) Inconel 112 115 (792), 2 0:9 @3) Inco-Weld A, SMA. so-iz Fist we 401 (700), Y-Weld B, SMA 819 Flat we 110 (760), ‘¥-Weld B; SMA 17-36 Vert. WM 108 (750) Y-Weld B'(M), SMA 19 Flat wM 114 (785) Y¥-Weld B (M); SMA 11-36 Vert. WM 12 (778) Nic-70, SMA 919 Flat wM 111 (765) Nie-To, SMA. 11-36 Vert. wM 107 (739) Nie-50, SMA. 9.19 Flat wM 108 (745) Ni50, SMA. 17-36 Vert. wM 108 (745) Nis-37, SMA at Flat wM 4106 (730) Nin-37, SMA. 30-39 Vert. WM 402 (705) 12'Niis Cr, SMA ‘9-19 Flat WM 108 (745), 12. Nits Cr, SMA 11-36 Vert. WM 408 (710), ” 0.9 (23) ‘Yawata 92, GMA 1348 Flat we ‘99 (685) ‘Yawata 92, GMA 1216 Horiz. WM 105 (725), ‘Yavata 82, GMA is Flat wm 408 (745), Yawata 82, GMA ira Horie wM 402 (705) 0.9 G3) Inconel 025, GMA 1318 Flat WM 116 (800) Inconel 025, GMA 145 Horie BM 115 (795), MGS-70NCb, GMA 1318 Flat wM 99 (685) MGS-70NCb, GMA 32-37 Vert wM 88 (610) 0.95 (24) NIA-7, GMA rr Flat wM 99 (680) NIAST, GMA 8 Horie. wM 103 (710) 0.78 20) ‘Avtred 31, GMA. 116 Flat wM 103 (710) ‘Avtrod 37; GMA 59-63, Horie, wm 109 (750) 0.75 09) Nitietsu Filer 196, Flux 40 Flat WM 109 (750) 10, 5A Nittetau Filer 196, Flux us Horie, wh 112 (770) 10, SA 8 0.25 6) Inconel 92, GMA Flat wM 4104 (720) Tnco-Weld B, SMA Vert. WM 404 (720), a 0.63.16) Ni2o Cr-4 Mn-C, GMA ip) Flat WM 104 (720), Ni2oCr4Mn-C,GMA (globular) Flat wM 119 (820), Ni-20 Crt Mn-C, GMA. (spray) Flat wM 10 (760) Ni.20 Crt Mn) GMA. (pulsed) Flat wM 102 (705) Ey 2 oD Inco-weld B, SMA 30 Flat wM 407 (735) Inco 82, GMA 5 Flat wM 80 (355) 28 0.25 ©) Inconel 92, GMA Vert. we 109 (750), Inconel 92, GMA 67 Vert Flaw 96 (660) Inconel 92, GMA 16 Vert WM 97 (670) Inconel 92, GMA 05 Hors BM 110 (760), 0.63.16) Inconel 92, GMA 15.4 Horie wM 102 (700), Inconel 82, GMA 18.7 Vert. wM 100 (690), Inconel 92, GMA a1 Vert wM 108 (730), 0.75 (19) Inconel 82, GMA 19.7 Vert. BM 404 (715), 312 Vert. BM. 101 (695) Inconel 82, GMA 68 Vert. wM 101 (695) 1 @) Teonel 82, GMA. n Horie wM 100 (690) Teonel 82, GMA 228 Vert. wM 98 (675) Theonel $2, GMA. aia Vert. BM 304 (715) 1.5. (8) Teonel 82, GMA, 18 Vert: BM 101 (695) 0.25 '6) Treonel 625, GMA na Hori BM 113 (780) 1 @) Theonel 625, GMA 26 Horiz. BM 107 (740) Tneonel 625, GMA a8 4 Vert. BM. 104 (715), 0.25 6) Ineo-Weld A, SMA 918 Vert WM 192 (635) 0-63 (16) ineo.Weld A, SMA 98 Vert. we 98 675) 0.75.19) Inconel 35 Vert. we 85 (585) 182, SMA, 92 (635) 26 WRC Bulletin 205 Table 15 (continued) Reference ‘and grade Gage, in. (mm 0.63 (16) 0125. (6) 063 16) 0763 (16) 1 (5) 0.25 6) 0:63.16) 0:68.16) 1 @5) Electrode and process MeKay 9 Ni, SMA. CryoeTherm, SMA Heat input, Welding “Failure Tensile strength, ‘ed om position location si (MPa) 218 Vert. BM 110 (760) Vert. WM 96 (660) Horiz BM 107 (740), ca Vert. we 98 (675) 51 Vert wM 100 (690), Vert wM 103 (710), Vert wM 108 (745), a Flat wM 99 (680) 19.2 Flat BM,WM 107 (740) + Preheat to 100° F (40° ©), retained austenite content, that may be more signifi- cant. If these specimens can be considered roughly equivalent to a % in. (19 mm) thick dynamic tear specimen, comparison with a ratio analysis diagram would place these plates in the elastic-plastic or plas- tic fracture region in every case but one. On the basis, of these tests, the Y. point for the plates tested should be about ~200° F (-129° C) for A353, and about —300° F (~184° C) for A553 Type 1. ‘The drop weight tear test data for AG45 transverse specimens show full shear fractures for thin, 0.19 in. (49 mm) and 0.25 in. (6 mm), specimens and 50% shear for heavier, 0.62 in. (16 mm) and 0.75 in (19 mm) specimens at ~250° F (~157° C). In the dynam- ic tear test, the Ye point for 0.62m (16 mm) and 0.75 CChorpy Lateral Expansion «mm in, (19 mm) specimens was below ~250° F and shelf energies were equivalent to 8000-12000 ft-lb (10,800-16320 J) in 1.0 in, (25 mm) specimens. Fracture Toughness Test Results. As a result of the widespread use of the higher nickel steels in cryo- genic service, an increasing amount of fracture tough- ness data have been produced on these grades over the past five years or so. Most of the data fall into two categories, the K. or Ki. data produced by com- pact tension or bend specimens made to satisfy the requirements of ASTM E399-72, or COD specimens made to meet the requirements of BSI DD19-72. In addition, a number of specimens not specifically de- signed to meet these standards but producing K. or COD data, have also been tested. A compilation of fio 0 2 40 6 80 100 120 !40_160 BS CChorpy Lateral Exponsion =m 10 Lo 08 o8| A553 Type! os| a ° “196% Loo. 20 19676 oa] oat af parted é o2 to oais 10 °, ° ° ‘020 40 6 © 100 12 140 160 160 200 ‘Chorpy lmpoct Energy-J Fig, 23—-Relaton between Charpy V-notch test energy absorption and lateral expansion In 'ASSS Type | steel tostod at —320° F (198° 0) © 2 4 © © KO 120 4 160 aD CChorby Impact Energy J Fig. 24—Relaion between Charpy V-notch test energy absorption ‘and lateral expansion in AB4S slel tested at ~275 and 920° F (70 ane ~196° c) Cryogenic Nickel Steels 2 ‘Table 16—Fracture Toughness Properties of the Higher Nickel Steels K values ‘Mean Min, Refer- Gage, Test Test temp., Bsivin, bavi ence Steet in. (nm) mete ° RCC) Criterion (MPaym) (MPa) EI A359, 13 (33) Bend —312 (—181) 124 4136) 122 (134) = 280 (15) 168 (185) 1685 (185) 260 (=162) 160 (176) 14 (170) 1.6 a) wide 260 (= 162) 300 (330), 274 (201) plate 2.6 (5) Bend 308 (—187) 104 (213) = 260 (162) 200 (320) 199 (219), 3 Asa 1.0 @) Bend = 820 (=196) 114 (125) = 280 (=175) 1683 (179) = 238 (—150) vig (197) 1.2 (@0) Bend = 820 (=196) 362 (178) = 260 (162) 169 (186) 8 A559, 1.0 (26) Bend 320 (—198) 169 1186) = 280 (=175) 157 0173), = 260 (162) 154 (169), 1.0 6) Bend 320 (=196) 169 (186) 162 0178), = 280 (=175) 160 (176) 158 (174) = 260 (= 162) 160 (178), = 238 (150) 128 (141) 1.2 @0) Bend =820 (—198) 140 (154) 260 (= 162) 175 4193), = 238 (= 150) 170 187) 2” AB5SE 1.0 (5) cr 320 (—198) K 168 1185) 238 (150) K 182 (200), 1.6 40) cr 320 (— 198) K 206 (227) 238 (150) K 216 (208) 3.0 (75) Bend $20 (= 198) Ke 207 (228) 194 (213) 32 A553T 0163.06) cn 520 (= 196) K 719(307) 216 (304) = 256 (160) K 211 (298) 10 @) cn =820(-196) Ky 206 (227) =256(—160) 20 (353) 226 (249) 0.63.08) oN = 820 (196) K-27 261) 229 (252) = 301 (= 185) K 257 (283) 229 (253) =256 (—160) K 288 (295), 265 (292) 1.0 @5) oN K 235 258) 189 (208), 255 (281) 249 (274) = 282 (180) Ke 244 (268) 223 (245) = 280 (=175) K 277 G05) 229 (252) = 256 (— 160) K. 264 (290), 24 (268) 1.4 (5) GN = 320 (198) K-27 250) 491 (210) = 202 (180) K 220(082) 205 (228) = 256 (160) K.—273(00) 245 (270) 2.8 (70) cn =820 (= 196) Keen) 213 (234) Tose (=160) Ke 254 (279) 49 ‘Asso 3.0 76) cr Ke 107s) 101011) 48 ‘A551 1.0 23) cr K 165.183) 136 (150) K, 190 (208) 185 (204) as AS5SI 0.25 (6) CLWL. K 490 (539) 35 ‘55ST 206) cr = 820 (= 196) K, 150 (165) 142 156) 3.0 G8) cr = 320 (196) Ko 145.058) 127 140), 20) eT = 320 (196) KU) 168 (185) 215 (=170) K 207 (28) 206 (227) 3.0. (76) Bend = 820 (=198) Ke 158078) 153 (168), 8 A645, 0.25.6) = CLWL. 235 (—170) Ki 385 (424) 2355 (381) 0:63.16) cLWL 215 (=170) Ke 304 33a) ‘300 (330) 1.25 (32) CLWE 25 (= 170) Ki 206 227) 206 (227) 15 (38) CLNL. 275 (—¥10) K 197 217) 1 (188) 46 A6H5 10 5) cr 820 (198) Ks 78. (86) 18. (56) = 260 (162) Ke 10082) 80 (55) 1.0 (5) Bend 260 (— 162) K 73 (60) 65. (12) 35 Aas 10 (5) cr 330 (136) K. 105.16), 95 (105) Bend 215 (170) 145 460) 134 (147) 1.5 (38) cr — 320 (196) K 96 (105) 86 (04) Bend =215 (—170) Ke 2st) 121 432), + Ko used, not Kase Specimen thickness 1 in. (25 mm). «© Not production material, pilot heats only. WRC Bulletin 205 ‘Table 17—-COD Toughness Values f the Higher Nickel Steels 00D talue— Refer- Gage, Test ‘Test temp., ‘Mean ‘Min. fence Steel =n. Om) method °F CC) Criterion Mils (mm) Mis (mm) A363 14 @3) Bend =312(-191) Max. load 7.50.19) =283 (=175) Max. load 918 (0.25) =260 (162) Max load 10.2 (0 26) A353 «2.6 (65) Bend B04 (187) Max load 1718 (0.48) 260 (—162) Max load 418 (1.05) 43 A353 0.8 @O) Bend 263 (16H) Max load =—«12.2 (0.81) 12.00.31) 3 A883 10 @8) Bend 820 (=198) Max. Toad 2:9 (0.10), 292 (180) Max. load 3/9 (0.10), 215 (170) Max. load 6.70.17 A353 1.0 @5) Bend 320 (=198) Max. load 5.10.13) =283 (=175) Max. load 9:4 (0.2) 260 (162) Max load 15.90.39) 14.9 (0.38) A353 1.2 (90) Bend 320 (=198) Max. load 9:00.23) A353 12 G0) Bend =320 (=198) Max. load 8.60.22) =260(=162) Max. load 18.0 (0.33) 43° Asal 0.7 (a9) 163 (—164) Max. load 11.80.90) 11.1 0.28) 5 ASS.) 320 (196) Max load 22100156) 212 (0.54) oT ABST 1.0. 3) 283 (—175) Max. load 220(—140) Max Toad «61.9 (1.56) 96.1 (0.92) AS5sI 1.0 (3) —320(-196) Max Jond = 44.4(2.13) 42.11.07) (center — 283 (—175) Toad 59.7152) 59.7 (152) oteh) = 260 (— 162) load 63.7162) 61'3.(1.56) 220 (= 140) Jad 74.7190) 70.7180) ASST 3.0 (75) Bend = 820 (= 198) load 24.00.61) 20.4 (0.52), = 260 (= 162), load = 55-41-41) 47.2. 20), 39 ASST = «1.0 (25) Bend =820 (= 136) load 11.00.28), 215 (= 170) load 145 0.37) 260 (= 162) lead 14:9 (0.38), Ass 1.0 (26) Bend 820 (— 136) load 9.00.23) 8.30.21) =283(-175) Max load 11.0 (0.28) 10.6 (0:21) =260(=162) Max. load ——11.0(0.28) 10.6 (0.27) AsssI 1.2 (80) Bend =320 (= 196) Toad 5.5 (0.14) 260 (162) load 11.0 (0.28) Asal 1.2 (a0) 320 (= 196) oad 710.18) 260 (= 162) load 12.20.31) a5 ASST 1.0 (25) =320 (= 196) Toad 7.5(0.19) 7110.18) 10 G5) =320 (= 196) Toad 8300.2) 8.5 (0.14) 2.0 (1) =320 (= 196) Toad 6400.16) —_3.7(0.09) =215 (= 170) load «18.1 (0.46) 15.8 (0.40) 3.0 (76) = 820 (=196) Toad 780.20) 6.9(0.17) 2 Aes 0.75 19) load 6.70.17) AGS, 0-63 6) Max. load 5.60.14) 35 ABMS 1.0 (5) Max. load 8.1.08) 1.8 (0.05) Max load 21.80.55) Ao, 1.5 (8) r Max. load 2.60.01) 1.4 (0.08) =215 (=170) Max. ond 3.20.34) 12.5 (0.82) + Not production material, pilot heats only test results are found in Tables 16 and 17 and are summarized in Figs. 26-28. It may be seen that data which have been ob- tained, include both K. and COD values for A353, ‘A563 Type I, and A645 and that they cover a wide range of product thicknesses; from thin section, 0.25 in, (6 mm), up to as thick as 2.6 in. (65 mm) for A353, 3 in. (76 mm) for A553 Type I, and 1.5 in. (38 mm) for A645. Some of the heavier section data, namely the 26 in. (65 mm) for A363 are for forging material, as is some of the KMN Commission data! but the rest of the data are from plates. The toughness prop- erties of the steels given in Table 16 are in terms of the fracture toughness based on maximum load, and thus could be classified as Ke data. Because of the wide variety of data sources, itis not possible to as- sess in every case which data might be actual Kie values, i, fully plane strain toughness. Although some of the data may fall in that category, the steels generally do not display the classical linear elastic load-deflection trace ina fracture toughness test even ‘when specimen thicknesses are great enough to meet ASTM E399-72 specifications for plane strain behav- ior. Thus the data are not valid plane strain values in ‘most eases. On the other hand, the range of thick- nesses shown on Table 16 do span those used in most applications, and are thus useful in assessing the available fracture toughness. One of the most difficult factors to assess is th fluence of the loading system applied in service on Cryogenic Nickel Steels 2» TOF Crary tmoae Enersy 7 este os 73 SS53r¢0 24 Mf orcowegh Teor Ener 5 3536 &% 4 os 33% me Be “ SF ao] P aS 45 BB sd in Fe et BE od 5 os Be a & 9 10 10 14 7 2 4 6 8 0 Retoined Austente -% Fig. 25 Relation of etaned gustonte in 9% Ni stools to their notch toughness st 820° F (108°C) eee i a 8 aia 8 2080 1820018016008 Tesing Temperoure Fig, 26—Minimum and avorage values of fracture toughness maa- sured by Ke and COD for A383 sto! plats and weld heat-afoctod = oe 230-250 aco 50 asesnpet or . MAS asap a ae me os Ena id Eos . leo E 5 04 & 3 é i . ar | 8 ho | lo 8 02 F on ° é | =e {300 8 ° x | 5 § 8 ‘00 20 a a 5 et : of § 2 a ? ok 7 ’ \2 a) - 1100 it 2 le 7 ° 4 ° onan ea co "250 1 “200-180 —160 40 Tesing Temperate =" Fig. 27—Minimum and average values of fracture toughness mea- ‘uted by Ke and COD lor A553 Type | stel plates and weld haat fected zones. Teting Temperate = Fig. 28—Minimum and average values of fracture toughness moa- ‘sured by K and COD for AGAS stoo plates and weld heatatfocted 30 WRC Bulletin 205 the apparent K- of the material. That is, will a speci- men that displays pop-in (small sudden crack ad- vance followed by arrest) behavior in a small speci men test, with a subsequent load increase to a maxi mum load, actually fully fracture at the pop-in load in service. At the present time the only way in which such a question can be approached is through wide plate tests, few of which have been run. In those cases where the tests have been run, for A353 and A553 ‘Type I for example, the Ke values produced are not lower than those produced in other tests. Another form of data that can be obtained from these tests but are not listed in the tables (except in a few cases) are K, or conditional K;. values based on the inter- section of the 5% secant modulus line on the experi- mental load-deflection trace. In less ductile materi- als, this represents the initiation of slow erack growth prior to fracture, and thus isa significant point in the test. In these materials, it does not represent crack initiation and therefore does not have the same frac- ture significance. For this reason, a K based on max- imum load is favored by most investigators rather than K,. Again, the Ke calculated from the tests, could be modified to include the effect of the plasti zone at the crack tip as well as the actual physical crack. This is theoretically more accurate, perhaps, but from the practical standpoint is less helpful be- ‘cause it would give a K- that overestimates the allow- able physical (measurable) crack size in the structure unless it can be caleulated and added to the physical crack. This is often hard to do, and therefore Ke based on the physical crack size in the specimen should be a suitable parameter for comparison with crack sizes found in structures by nondestructive ex- amination techniques. The data in Table 16 are ap- parently derived without plastic zone size correc- tions. ‘An examination of Figs. 26-28 establishes the spread of the data for the three steels in the eryogen- ic temperature range. At ~320° F (~196° C) the frac- ture toughness at A353 varies from a minimum of about 115 ksi Vin, (127 MPa Vm) for K. to an upper level of about 160 ksi Vin, (176 MPa Vm). The cor- responding COD range is about 4 mils (0.10 mm) to nearly 10 mils (0.25 mm). It should be noted that the minimum toughness is not necessarily related to sec- tion size, in that the thickest material, a 2.6 in. (65 mm) forging had a higher toughness than some of the thinner plates. It would normally be expected that the heavier plates would have lower toughness for several rea- sons. First because of hardenability considerations, the heavier plate should have less tough microstruc- ture, and secondly because larger scale specimens could be tested and thus lower K- values measured because of specimen thickness effects. For the A353 and A553 Type I materials, however, their hardena- bility is quite adequate for the sections involved and, ‘as has been demonstrated, factors such as retained austenite content may be more important than sim- ple hardenability considerations. Again, work? on the influence of section size on measured K, illus- trated in Fig. 29, shows that Ke is not very sensitive to specimen thickness either. Thus K- toughness varies from heat-to-heat and heat treatment to heat treatment more than it does because of section size or The limited effect of heat treatment on the 9% nickel composition is illustrated by the fact that the K- data scatter band from Fig. 26 (A353) can be su- perimposed on that on Fig. 27 (A553 Type I) with lit- tle adjustment of the bounding lines for either heat treatment or specimen size. ‘While the fracture toughness data for A645 is more limited in scope than for the other two steels, it ap- pears to have about the same toughness at ~275° F (-170° C) as A553 has at 320° F (~196? C), having a K. range from about 120 ksi Vif. (138 MPa Vim) to about 350 ksi Vin. (385 MPa Vm). The COD values range from about 12 mils (0.30 mm) to about 25 mils (0.63 mm) at ~275° F (~170° C), higher than A553. At ~320° F, A645 toughness is lower than A553, hav- aK range of 85 ksi Vin. to 110 ksi Vin. Dynamic Fracture Toughness. ‘The higher nickel steels differ from most other structural steels in that, dynamic fracture toughness values equal or exceed the static values. This is true partially because almost all of the toughness tests reported here are on or near the upper shelf in toughness. One evidence of this is the fact that in the Ke, COD and dynamic tear tests little toughness change is seen for most heats down to the testing temperature limit, ~320° F (—196° C). As was demonstrated for a number of steels when test- ed on their upper shelf (ie.,at elevated temperatures for normal structural steels) dynamic toughness is Pte Tcanese= 70mm 50 tqgh 2 0 0 2% 4% 50 60 7 80 90 Specimen Thickness = mm Fig, 29—Ettect of specimen thickness on the observed Ke tough= ness values of ASS9 Type! stot at ~320° F (~196° C) Cryogenic Nickel Steels Et 480] A553 Tet “od. \ 35mm, “162°C. Ta Kd em ‘ — x0) 25mm “196% ‘Sky om co Nay 100! weg 0 2 4 6 Bose Met Brote Aver09 — Dstonce RomFisionLine Aver Fig. 90—Fracture toughness Kz vals in ASS3 Type | steel as a function of locaton ata welded jin andthe woking heat input used frequently better than the static, and that is the case for these steels. Direct confirmation of this behavior was obtained in tests A353, A553," and A645.*° ‘Thus the static fracture toughness tests are adequate for design purposes. Effect of Strain Aging. Both A553 Type I and AG45 show moderate sensitivity to mechanical strain- ing in terms of impact toughness. Specimens of A553, ‘Type I that were strained in tension at room temper- ature 3% or 5% decreased in toughness at 320° F (=196° C) from 144 ft-Ib (196 J) to 119 and 50 ft-1b (162 and 68 J), respectively, as a result of the strain. For A645 the same strain levels caused a reduction in }) from 76 ft-lb to 61 toughness at ~275° F (—170° ©) and 60 ft-Ib (83 and 68 J), res ing of the A645 restored e toughness properties. The as-strained properties are still quite good, well above the spe mum for the steel. Moreover, cold forming strains may not exceed 3% without subsequent stress reliev- ing operations if practice is based on Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Tests on A353 and A553 Type 1 have shown®™"° that they can be somewhat sensitive to holding in the 600-1000° F (315-538° C) tempera- ture range. Such heat treatments should be avoided as they can result in a substantial toughness loss, par- ticularly for aging times beyond 1 hr. Reheating to 8 Ke MPO 8 8 8 Heat Affected Zone [a © 10 203540506070 ° Coating Time from 800-500°C see Fig, 31—Etlect of cooling rate Inthe HAZ on fracture toughness Ke values measured at ~260" F (~162° C)inthe HAZ of 996 Ni stow! tial above 1050° F (566° C) for 1 hr restores th toughness of the steel. Effect of Welding. ‘The notch toughness of weld- ed joints of the higher nickel steels in terms of Char- py impact energy and fracture toughness parameters are found in Tables 18-20 and on Figs. 26-28. In gen- eral, it may be stated that these steels have a tenden- cy for reduced toughness in the weld heat-affected zone, especially at high heat inputs. In some cases this appears to occur close to or at the fusion line and sometimes several millimeters from it. This sensitivi- ty can best be seen in terms of Charpy impact tough- ness in Table 18 for A645, for which extensive data have been developed. In terms of Ke values, this point is illustrated for A553 Type I in Fig. 30 where ‘two investigations"®*® of HAZ toughness in this steel ‘are summarized. In spite of this tendency for reduced toughness, however, minimum Ke values listed for ‘welded joints in Tables 19 and 20 and on Figs. 26-28 are not significantly lower than minimum K. values for the plates themselves. Moreover, this toughness can be controlled by careful selection of welding pa- rameters as Fig. 31 shows. These data®® permit the selection of appropriate welding combinations to control the toughness of the heat-affected zone in these welds. Weld metal properties, listed on Tables 19 and 20, are generally good when austenitic weld metals are employed. Minimum K- values for these materials, as seen on Table 19, are often misleading, however, because the maximum loads recorded in the test are low due to the lower yield strength of the weld metal. In order to get a clearer picture of their 32 WRC Bulletin 205 (09) 62 (a6) 02 Coen) 68 (orn) sor zeruooy = g'st (HD VIN er 38 [ouoouy (oy 99 (6s) 6 (o 2) xnyoouy a @ vw 3 jouoouy 120 06 (98) © (ey) 99 (088 tou mvs I BIemE A. a9 sy (2) 0H) 98 (09 wei -0415, 1 ‘09 weroyf-o815) 9 oF (2) oF (a) or (68) 6 (09 wut, -0610, 6 % 8 se 9% Gon ome us ve rss a £29 fouoouy se 26 [ewoouy ie 6 fououy tt 26 ouoouy 8 (6) 12) oF (eo) oF (OD a 26 fouoouy ee 26 reuoouy we (@ 6 fowoouy, ver 26 teuoouy rer 6 lowooay, te 0 en rar a Gen prt (9D ear (ons. (ozt) 68 vor (OD ve eye 1s 06 @ oz se cd Cxgsu0p (oy) 90 er (osiasuen) (6). 89 (9) 8 er (oo) 6 er cron se es) 19 ert ay 19 oF 59-68 ort 8e-08 oe-ut oe-ut GM) aPePMA —9e-LT APPMA — 9E-LT (trey ow (ee) 99 2a001N ecey ay wa uw ¢ uw ¢ uw g uuu usp sponge w/e pg aoe ansy oss ‘onde o0p7 pun senoau py ee 9 «96T— 28 S120¥5 19}IN 20U5IH popIoM uo SynsoU 1504 YoeduH] Y>ION-A KdseUDt Cryogenic Nickel Steels 19—Fracture Toughness Properties of Higher ickel Stee! Weldments “K values ‘Mean ain. Refer- Gage, Test ‘Test temp., isivin. Asivin. ence Steet ine mm) method “FC C) — Criterion (MPaym) — (MPaym) HAZ properties 4 ASSO 1.8 (3) Bend =901(-185) Ky 96 (108) =280(=178) KS 122 (134) =260(=162) Kaas (ise) 11425), ‘asa 25 (65) =n08(=189) KS 104 14) =260(=162) K; 190 (209) 185 (208) ‘AasaL 16 «a plate =260(—162)-K; 144.58) 143.57), 100 (35) Wide plate = —260(—162) Ky 144 (158) 27 ASSST 1.0 @5) CT =320(-198)K, 4188 (207), =220(-140) 226 (249) 20 6) CT =320(=198) Ks (ies) 131 (444) = 298 (=150) Ke 472 (190), 32 ABSA oeran cr =260(=162) 172 (490) 125 (188) 10 (5) cr =260 (= 162) K: 255 (280) 125 (188) 45 ABSA 025 = CLWL. =210(=168) Ke 309 (240) 0.25(16) CLWE 270 (—168) Ks 4402 (442) 35 SSSI 206) cr =320(—198) Kase (75) 153 (168) ‘A5531 20) CT =820(=198) —K, 109150) 106 (143) 48 Aas 0.25 (6) «= CLWE. =215(-170) KK, 488(610) 485 (512) 06316) CLWE, =215(=170) Ke 410 (451) 15 (38) CLWE =25(-17) Ke 196 (216) Ass 0256) CLWE. =215(-170) KK, 825 (358) 325 (858) 35 ‘Aas 1 @s) oT =820(=1968) K-87 (88) 82 (00) Weld metal properties 3 Inconel 82 1.3 (33) Bend =205(-187) K,a9. 458) aan aay =260(=162) 13650) 129.4142), Inconel 1121.8 (83) Bend 806 (=188) Ky 158 (174) =260(=162) K-78) 164 180) Inconel 625 «1.6 (41) Wide plate —260(—162) Ky 705 (776) 1 Yawata B 20) CT 20 (—1868) Ky 230 (258) =220(-140) KS 210 (231) Yawata B 1.0 @5) cr 320 (198) 4s (174) 238 (150) 150 (165) 45 Inconel 92 0.25 6) CLWL 210 (—1683) 375 (413) Inco-weldB 0.25 (6) CLWE 210 (1683) 414 (455), 85 Inenweld B20 (G1), OT. 320 (198), s7Ui51) 136 (150) Teonel 82. 2.0 (1) CT 320 (= 198) 20452) 117 (129) TncoweldB 1.0 5) OT. 320 (198) K-42 (156) 130 (143) 45 ‘Tneonel 92 025°) CLWE. Som (=170) K-15 (412) 75 (412) Tnooweld Bo. 0.25 (6) CLWL =215(=170) K-14 (455) 414 (455) generally ductile behavior, the COD toughness data ‘of Table 20 need to be examined. Toughnesses of ‘weld metal as measured in this test are well above the minima for the base plates or heat-affected zones. Fatigue Strength ‘The available fatigue data on the higher nickel steels, both in terms of full life tests and crack growth rate tests are listed in Table 21. This table covers a wide variety of tests, both notched and unnotched, welded and unwelded, ambient and eryogenic. In summary, it must be said that the higher nickel steels. do not show any particularly unique aspects in their Dehavior. ‘The fatigue lives for the plain plate, notched plate, and welded plate specimens appear to be about normal for a structural steel. Typical stress levels for 10" cycle life are about one-half of the ten- sile strength or a little above, and welding reduces this to about one-quarter of the tensile strength due to its geometry. Grinding of the weld toe in such a specimen restores much of its fatigue resistance. Testing at cryogenic temperatures serves to raise the fatigue level. The da/AN vs. AK curves also appear to fit the typical scatter band for structural steels, and eryogenie crack growth rates are not significantly dif- ferent from ambient one Summary ‘The higher nickel steels meeting ASTM specifica tions A853, A553 Types I and II, and A645 readily ‘meet and exceed the Charpy toughness levels set in ASTM specification A593 and exhibit good Ke and COD toughness in the cryogenic range. Welding does not significantly limit their usefulness, nor does any other potential cause for concern, such as cryogenic fatigue resistance, or dynamic fracture toughness be- havior. Their application in the cryogenic range will depend primarily on their fracture toughness and tensile properties at service temperatures 34 WRC Bulletin 205 ‘Table 20-COD Toughness Valuos for Higher Nickel Stee! Weldments ~COD values Refer- Test Test temp., ‘Mean Min. ence Steel ‘method CRC) Criterion Mile (mm) Mile (mm) “Heat-ofected zone properties 34 AS5SI Bend 301 (—185) Max.load 8,950.21) 280(—175) Max.load “14.1 (0.36) =260 (162) Max load 25.2 (0.64) ‘A353I 2.6 (65) Bend 308 (= 189) Max.load 5:9 (0.15) =260(=162) Max. 2838 (20.86) Asal 20) 264 (—164) Max 17.9 (0.43) 11.80.30) ‘ABsar Gs) 264 (168) Max 118 (0.90) 11.0 (0:28) ‘AssaL 0.7 8) =820 (198) Max 118 0.30) 4°7 (0.12) ‘A631 20 (I) 320 (196) Max. 52 (0.19) 3:30.08) ‘A631 20 (I) 320 (196) Max 42 10) 3°86 (0-09) 35 AGa5 10 (5) 320 (=198) Max. 2.0 (0.05) 1.7 (0:08) Weld metal properties 34 Inconel 821.6 (25) Bend 304 (187) Max. load >93.0 (>0.84) =260 (=162) Max. load 33412(50.87) Inconel 122.6 (65) Bend =806 (=188) Max. load “12:6 (0.82) 260 (162) Max load 18.5 (0.47) 43 Blectrode A 0.68(20) Bend 264 (164) Max. load = 9.1 (0.23) 6.7 (0.17), Electrode B 0.68 49) Bend 264 (164) Max load 10.6 (0.27) 9.9 (0.25) Electrode A 0.63 (20) Wide plate —264(—168) Max load 46.5 (1118) 13.3 (0.84) Electrode B (19) Wide plate 264 (164) Max. load 86.6 22) a8 Inconel 822.0 (51) CT $20 (7198) Max load 7.6 (0.19) 7.5 (0.19) TncoweldB 2.0 (61) CT 520 (196) Max. load 1418 (0.38) 114 (0.29), Incoweld B 1.0 (25) CT. =520(=198) Max.load 16.5 (0.42), 9.8 (0.25), Assessment of the Cryogenic Nickel Steels Rationale of the Assessment Tensile Properties. ‘The extensive data accumu lated for the nickel steels (Tables 4-6, 12, and 13 and Figs. 11-15, 20-22) show that each of the steels readi- ly. meets the tensile property requirements of the ASTM specification, Also it appears that with appro- priate welding procedures, welded joints of these Steels exhibit transverse tensile strengths that exceed the minima specified for the base metal. Thus the tensile properties of the steels are suitable forthe in tended purposes. Fatigue Properties. Examination of the fatigue data reveals that (1) smooth specimen tests produce fatigue limits roughly 50% ofthe tensile strengths, (2) the reductions in fatigue strength induced by notch- es, weld reinforcements, or structural details are di- rectly comparable to those observed in other struc- tral steels, and (3) the crack-growth rates vs. AK relations reported for these steels fall squarely in the scatter band that has been found to be characteristic of carbon and low alloy steels as a group.** Conse- ‘quently, no anomalies have been observed in the tigue performance of the nickel steels to prevent rea- sonable prediction of service behavior by the accept- ed methods of analysis, Notch Toughness, While the V-notch Charpy test is a useful indicator of material uniformity for quality control purposes, Charpy test results cannot serve as a basis for estimating the suitability of the steels for particular applications with defined parameters of stress love, flaw sizes, structural constraints, and op- Cryogenic Nickel Steels crating temperature. This is not to say that specifica- tion such as ASTM A593 have no value, it means rather that more elaborate mechanical testing meth- ods are required to evaluate such suitability, and even these methods have recognized limitations that should not be minimized. The drop-weight test is in ‘much the same category as the Charpy test, in that it ‘measures a transition temperature under prescribed conditions that is not easily translatable to the ser- ice performance of specific structures. One approach is to add a chosen temperature differential to the NDT or Charpy transition temperature to arrive at a lower limit of safe operating temperature, but thi procedure may be over conservative or risky depend- ing on the differential selected. Fracture Toughness. ‘The upshot of this discus- sion is that the range of usefulness of the nickel steels for eryogenic applications must be gaged by fracture toughness analyses. An attempt will therefore be made to set the combinations of stress level, flaw size, and operating temperature that are permissible in the design of a safe cryogenic structure. For the high- er nickel steels, the static and dynamic fracture toughness values are essentially the same, and there- fore no adjustment in calculation is necessary for strain rate effects. ‘The low Ni steels are strain-rate sensitive and must be treated accordingly. Survey of the Fracture Toughness Data ‘The accumulated data on fracture toughness of the nickel steels were presented in Tables 16-20 and Figs. 26-28. For the purpose of deriving allowable stress-flaw size combinations, the lower-bound values (95% confidence limit) of K. and COD were extracted 35 syonso winongy 18a, yup ye 20 ot 2S6 9 aes som, “yous meuyor pmo, 903 98 panos ‘oureg sjuoumososuges qi ros 39mg Ses9AStIEA, aH aH (wor) o1z~ =u =u Lu =u uojsua =u wpqourron9g, bee = 200K 9% = y AI00N wenn S100 S'z = "30000 00 ra (6r-) oze - 8 ee raw 59 (@6t~) oe re 9 cu = ty omar rea or N oyeyd uorsuy (ees 1H eyo 1o190, poy wou) (en at ws ou "yprou- 10H 09 uu uosusy ding. u oe uosuay ding. o=u (ese) 18 1a wou} diag a uoysuoy ding. ce ruojsuay ding, o=u (oun ot uoqsaas yaediog, @rper toa) aed, 8% oor "eer worsuD) Gee Gon 86 (out) oz wpyou-soujang yoo) wor (ier (oon) 06 (out) oxz— prowaoening. (ouz) 68 (Out) oxe— gz = 19 S200 6 (out) oz 2100 as og = 19 21008 ca S100 = ene (6) 28 wu ym 2018 121499, (oe) ee (eon) 092 % “oe Prom wopeua, er a) (eot—)ox— ——_“Paypyort worstog, c= (ea) ve

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