Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction)

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Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction)

Katie Barton

Reading Comprehension

With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text (K.RI.2)
Objective (Explicit):

SWBAT identify the WH questions based on the article.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
100% of the students will identify the WH questions based on the article with 80% accuracy.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

SWBAT follow along with instructor led reading.

SWBAT identify meaning from pictures.
SWBAT highlight or mark key points.
Key vocabulary:
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real
-Show video on shooting stars to give the students the visual of what we will be reading about.
-Today before we read News-2-You we are going to watch a short video on shooting stars and
how pretty the stars are at night.
-Pass out the printed news article to have students follow along.

Teacher Will:
-Prepare students to follow along and
highlight or mark the WH questions.
-Read the title of the News-2-You.
-Read the story while pointing to the
-Pause to let the students fill in the

Student Will:
-Repeat the title back to teacher.
-Follow along with the teacher on the printed
student copy.
-Fill in the missing word when teacher pauses.

Co-Teaching Strategy: Para educators and mentors will be sitting with the students
helping to redirect and foster learning.
Differentiation Strategies:
-Slade will need the questions to be written down, not spoke.
-Kendra is monitored throughout the day for behavior. Depending on the previous and
current behavior she may participate via her desk rather than walking up to the
Guid Teacher Will:
Student Will:
ed -Read WH questions and ask students to -Talk with their teacher if they need help figuring
Prac find the correct answers.
out the correct answers to the WH questions.
Co-Teaching Strategy: Para educators and mentors will be sitting with the students
helping to redirect and foster learning.

Differentiation Strategies:
-Slade will need the questions to be written down, not spoke.
-Kendra is monitored throughout the day for behavior. Depending on the previous and
current behavior she may participate via her desk rather than walking up to the

Teacher Will:
Student Will:
-Teacher will walk around to check in with -Work on completing the worksheets with a para
each student to answer questions while or peer mentor.
they fill out their questions.
Co-Teaching Strategy: Para educators and mentors will be sitting with the students
helping to answer the article questions.
Differentiation Strategies
-Danielle and Slade will get the higher worksheets.
- Camilla, Joseph, Gunhee, Austin, and Kendra will get the standard worksheet and receive
much more help.
-Camilla, Brittany, and Kendra need help writing hand over hand.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

-When you are finished answering your questions, I would like you to share with your teacher
something you enjoyed learning today. When you are finished sharing please raise your hand so I
can come pick it up from you.


Attach or describe evaluative criteria for the lesson
(submit examples with lesson plan, if available). If
examples of student work are not available, provide a
description of the work/outcomes expected in each
Description of student work
that exceeds the standard
(attach student work sample from
Student will answer all WH
this category and label it
questions correctly and have
highlighting on their article.
Description of student work
that meets the standard
(attach one student work sample
from this category and label it Student will answer all WH
questions correctly.

Analysis of Student Work/

Achievement Data
Complete this section after
the lesson is complete.
Number of Students who Exceed:
Percent of Total Class:
Number of Students who Meet:
Percent of Total Class:

Description of student work Number of Students Who

that approaches the
(attach one student work sample
Percent of Total Class:
from this category and label it
Student will pick some but not all Students:
topics that were talked about.
Description of student work Number of Students who Fall Far
Falls Far Below
that falls far below the
Percent of Total Class:
(attach one student work sample
from this category and label it Student cannot recall any of the Students:
information or topics talked
about in this week lesson.
Reflection: Describe how you will use data collected and analyzed for this lesson to
inform future instructional decisions for each group of students (i.e., those who exceed,
meet, approach AND fall far below the standard for meeting the objective of the lesson.
This lesson is taught on Monday, we read the News-2-You each day during 4th period to
ensure students get multiple exposures to the news articles. With the information from
my lesson I will accurately be able to identify the activities that should be completed
Tuesday-Friday with the article. If most students cannot meet the expectation the first
lesson I will tailor Tuesdays lesson to look at the information again before moving onto
the vocabulary of the lesson.

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