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Acacitli Espinoza


Homework # 2
Partial 3. Unit 7
1. Witch intelligence do you think Will Hunting has?
He has mathematical, linguistic and intrapersonal intelligences.
2. Do you think he is a genius?
Fallowing the definition of the book, yes I consider Will a genius.
3. Do you think Cuckie is dumb?
No, but he is not a cultivated person
4. Witch intelligences do you think Sean has?
He has interpersonal, visual an spatial intelligences
5. Why do you think Lambeau wants to help Will?
Because he wanted to help Will reach their highest potential, but he didnt consider
what Will wanted.
6. Why do you think Wills relationship with Sean is better that with other
Because Sean was the only one who could stand the arrogance of Will and see
through it.
7. What do you think is the reason for Wills behavior?
I think he is a lonely child who has been through a lot and he doesnt know how to
deal with his problems of abandonment and abuse

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