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The inferno

Dante Alight

1. How old is Dante?

In the novel, Dante is That means he is 35 years old.
Quote: Midway in our lifes journey.(3).

2. Where is Dante?
He is in the Dark Wood Error
Quote: the true way in to the Dark Wood of Error.3

3.Why/How did he arrived there?

He nd himself in there aIer he woke up.
Quote: I went astray from the straight road and woke to nd myself
alone in a dark wood.413

4.How did he feel?

Dante felt massive fear.
Quote: I never saw so drear, so rank, so arduous a wilderness(4

5.Why he is writing this book?

Because Dante was regarded as a Glory and light of poets and the
true master and rst author. And he do this for his soul salvaRon.

6.What are the three animals that Dante

The leopard of malice and Fraud, the lion of violence and AmbiRon,
The she-wolf of inconRnence.(3)

7. How does Dante already know Virgil?

Dante was a poet before and he sang for Anchises noble son.(6

8. What advice does Virgil give to Dante?

Virgil said If Dante sRll wish to climb, a worthier spirit shall be sent
to guide you.(7115--117)

9. What is the animal Virgil mentions? What

purpose will the coming of this animal fulfill?
The animal Virgil is the She-wolf. This animal means inconRnente.

10. Why must Virgil entrust Dante to

someone else for the third part of the

Because Virgil needs to leave Dante for the King of Time, and Virgil
refuse to against his law. 7115-120

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