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Settling the Roadscape

And Fioletta inched

close to the walls.
the storm. the sea shell. the storm.
relentless scurrying, the norm,
erotic beast
forgive my toenails, my protruding erection
yr knowing a glint that
pierced the baroque skin
to myriads, discarded tidings
tyrannical slopes.

blue and bright red blood shot from his foot and formed prawn shell island. she shouldered
the picnic until ruined, moribund gestured, laughed Yugoslavic laugh, satisfied to the olive
jar, unsteadily shuffled
what sandstone pleading: a rabbinic scholar to hold close
blindly scaling the walled thought
still fledgling.
escape an indexical nod towards wall of sixes,
where latidunal offsprings
remain still.
he was satisfied. looked at her sideways.
she pointed at the wall
get me a wheelbarrow/shovel and lime
distracted thought thought
the tiny hairs covering her body

the beast on cascading mountain ridge, waits for the future to arrive. steps backwards,
paces for quest, hand on the barricade, the list unavelling in her listlessness, flat walling like
an endless hovel, to marinade

wash tub of wasted heat.

water furrows
optional, the candle
rag end tied stick end.
retains nutrient S lockjaw
hale bails internal
finds hay bales
ensconsed in the Confuscian spectrum
of executed paths
small colony of ants file prawn shell island, jacket absconsed, the people suddenly becoming
thin and bare
no floor amongst the moving tide
on battered asbestos advice.
molusc delights,
haze of the paunch
ever amicable
casing cracks, cream substance
black water feast in squatters tub

it was History of the rubicund, straddled by womanly fingers, folded napkin for closure.
beast confirmed the world is rotund with cigarettes of ideological ballast. Raised the bastard
during fruit chat
to squeeze
penny farthings hold knowledge
gratuitious colony shatters
self regulating wheel
invented the diving punishment
challenged child to keep confines of scull from leading wishing woman to foot rot. such
fallopian exuberance does not keep well in this catholic homestead,
wet years away from now

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